About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Gambell Airport (GAM), Gambell, Alaska, United States and Guayaramerín Airport (GYA), Guayaramerín, Bolivia would travel a Great Circle distance of 7,387 miles (or 11,888 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Gambell Airport and Guayaramerín Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Gambell Airport and Guayaramerín Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Gambell Airport
  2. (former Gambell Army Airfield)
Location: Gambell, Alaska, United States
GPS Coordinates: 63°46'0"N by 171°43'58"W
Area Served: Gambell, Alaska
Operator/Owner: State of Alaska DOT&PF - Northern Region
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 27 feet (8 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from GAM
More Information: GAM Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Name: Guayaramerín Airport
Location: Guayaramerín, Bolivia
GPS Coordinates: 10°49'18"S by 65°20'44"W
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 557 feet (170 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from GYA
More Information: GYA Maps & Info

Facts about Gambell Airport (GAM):

  • Gambell Airport (GAM) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The furthest airport from Gambell Airport (GAM) is Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport (TNM), which is located 10,421 miles (16,771 kilometers) away in Villa Las Estrellas, Antarctica.
  • On 27 February 1974, a Soviet Union An-24LR carrying a crew of 3 and 10 scientists on an ice-reconnaissance mission landed at Gambell due to fuel exhaustion in bad weather, causing a minor Cold War incident.
  • In addition to being known as "Gambell Airport", another name for GAM is "(former Gambell Army Airfield)".
  • The closest airport to Gambell Airport (GAM) is Savoonga Airport (SVA), which is located 38 miles (62 kilometers) E of GAM.
  • Because of Gambell Airport's relatively low elevation of 27 feet, planes can take off or land at Gambell Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.

Facts about Guayaramerín Airport (GYA):

  • Because of Guayaramerín Airport's relatively low elevation of 557 feet, planes can take off or land at Guayaramerín Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The closest airport to Guayaramerín Airport (GYA) is Riberalta Airport (RIB), which is located 54 miles (87 kilometers) WSW of GYA.
  • The furthest airport from Guayaramerín Airport (GYA) is Puerto Princesa International Airport (PPS), which is nearly antipodal to Guayaramerín Airport (meaning Guayaramerín Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Puerto Princesa International Airport), and is located 12,148 miles (19,550 kilometers) away in Puerto Princesa City, Philippines.
  • Guayaramerín Airport (GYA) currently has only 1 runway.

Map of Nearest Airports to Gambell Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Gambell Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
138.34 miles (61.70 km) ESavoonga Airport (SVA)Savoonga, Alaska, United StatesView Savoonga Airport on a map Set SVA as origin Airport Set SVA as destination Airport Get more information about Savoonga Airport
262.19 miles (100.09 km) NWProvideniya Bay Airport (PVS)Provideniya, Chukotka, RussiaView Provideniya Bay Airport on a map Set PVS as origin Airport Set PVS as destination Airport Get more information about Provideniya Bay Airport
3160.12 miles (257.69 km) NNEDiomede Heliport (FAA: DM2) (DIO)Diomede, Alaska, United StatesView Diomede Heliport (FAA: DM2) on a map Set DIO as origin Airport Set DIO as destination Airport Get more information about Diomede Heliport (FAA: DM2)
4167.23 miles (269.13 km) NEWales Airport (WAA)Wales, Alaska, United StatesView Wales Airport on a map Set WAA as origin Airport Set WAA as destination Airport Get more information about Wales Airport
5167.58 miles (269.69 km) NETin City LRRS Airport (TNC)Tin City, Alaska, United StatesView Tin City LRRS Airport on a map Set TNC as origin Airport Set TNC as destination Airport Get more information about Tin City LRRS Airport
6176.11 miles (283.43 km) NELost River 1 Airport (LSR)Lost River, Alaska, United StatesView Lost River 1 Airport on a map Set LSR as origin Airport Set LSR as destination Airport Get more information about Lost River 1 Airport
7177.57 miles (285.78 km) NEPort Clarence Coast Guard Station (KPC)Port Clarence, Alaska, United StatesView Port Clarence Coast Guard Station on a map Set KPC as origin Airport Set KPC as destination Airport Get more information about Port Clarence Coast Guard Station
8189.90 miles (305.61 km) NETeller Airport (TLA)Teller, Alaska, United StatesView Teller Airport on a map Set TLA as origin Airport Set TLA as destination Airport Get more information about Teller Airport
9190.02 miles (305.81 km) NEBrevig Mission Airport (KTS)Brevig Mission, Alaska, United StatesView Brevig Mission Airport on a map Set KTS as origin Airport Set KTS as destination Airport Get more information about Brevig Mission Airport
10196.27 miles (315.87 km) ENENome Airport (OME)Nome, Alaska, United StatesView Nome Airport on a map Set OME as origin Airport Set OME as destination Airport Get more information about Nome Airport
11227.73 miles (366.50 km) SECape Romanzof Air Force Station Cape Romanzof Long Range Radar Site    (CZF)Cape Romanzof, Alaska, United StatesView Cape Romanzof Air Force Station Cape Romanzof Long Range Radar Site    on a map Set CZF as origin Airport Set CZF as destination Airport Get more information about Cape Romanzof Air Force Station Cape Romanzof Long Range Radar Site   
12231.36 miles (372.34 km) ESESheldon Point Airport (SXP)Sheldon Point, Alaska, United StatesView Sheldon Point Airport on a map Set SXP as origin Airport Set SXP as destination Airport Get more information about Sheldon Point Airport
13232.46 miles (374.11 km) ESEAlakanuk Airport (AUK)Alakanuk, Alaska, United StatesView Alakanuk Airport on a map Set AUK as origin Airport Set AUK as destination Airport Get more information about Alakanuk Airport
14234.84 miles (377.94 km) ESEEmmonak Airport (EMK)Emmonak, Alaska, United StatesView Emmonak Airport on a map Set EMK as origin Airport Set EMK as destination Airport Get more information about Emmonak Airport
15235.37 miles (378.78 km) SEHooper Bay Airport (HPB)Hooper Bay, Alaska, United StatesView Hooper Bay Airport on a map Set HPB as origin Airport Set HPB as destination Airport Get more information about Hooper Bay Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Gambell Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Gambell Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
110,421.04 miles (16,771.00 km) ESETeniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport (TNM)Villa Las Estrellas, AntarcticaView Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport on a map Set TNM as origin Airport Set TNM as destination Airport Get more information about Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport
210,331.16 miles (16,626.34 km) SSWCape Town International Airport (CPT)Cape Town, South AfricaView Cape Town International Airport on a map Set CPT as origin Airport Set CPT as destination Airport Get more information about Cape Town International Airport
310,294.01 miles (16,566.57 km) SSWGeorge Airport (GRJ)George, South AfricaView George Airport on a map Set GRJ as origin Airport Set GRJ as destination Airport Get more information about George Airport
410,249.91 miles (16,495.60 km) SSWPort Elizabeth International Airport (PLZ)Port Elizabeth, South AfricaView Port Elizabeth International Airport on a map Set PLZ as origin Airport Set PLZ as destination Airport Get more information about Port Elizabeth International Airport
510,202.40 miles (16,419.12 km) SSWPort Alfred Airport (AFD)Port Alfred, South AfricaView Port Alfred Airport on a map Set AFD as origin Airport Set AFD as destination Airport Get more information about Port Alfred Airport
610,153.28 miles (16,340.08 km) SSWEast London Airport (ELS)East London, South AfricaView East London Airport on a map Set ELS as origin Airport Set ELS as destination Airport Get more information about East London Airport
710,049.93 miles (16,173.76 km) SSWKleinsee Airport (KLZ)Kleinzee, South AfricaView Kleinsee Airport on a map Set KLZ as origin Airport Set KLZ as destination Airport Get more information about Kleinsee Airport
810,040.76 miles (16,159.00 km) SSWMthatha Airport (UTT)Mthatha, South AfricaView Mthatha Airport on a map Set UTT as origin Airport Set UTT as destination Airport Get more information about Mthatha Airport
910,008.95 miles (16,107.80 km) SSWAggeneys Airport (AGZ)Aggeneys, South AfricaView Aggeneys Airport on a map Set AGZ as origin Airport Set AGZ as destination Airport Get more information about Aggeneys Airport
1010,008.95 miles (16,107.80 km) SSWWild Coast Sun Airport (MZF)Mzamba, South AfricaView Wild Coast Sun Airport on a map Set MZF as origin Airport Set MZF as destination Airport Get more information about Wild Coast Sun Airport
119,990.53 miles (16,078.17 km) ESEPort Stanley Airport (PSY)Stanley, Falkland Islands, United KingdomView Port Stanley Airport on a map Set PSY as origin Airport Set PSY as destination Airport Get more information about Port Stanley Airport
129,977.60 miles (16,057.35 km) SSWAlexander Bay Airport (ALJ)Alexander Bay, South AfricaView Alexander Bay Airport on a map Set ALJ as origin Airport Set ALJ as destination Airport Get more information about Alexander Bay Airport
139,977.35 miles (16,056.95 km) ESERAF Mount Pleasant (MPN)Falkland IslandsView RAF Mount Pleasant on a map Set MPN as origin Airport Set MPN as destination Airport Get more information about RAF Mount Pleasant
149,967.79 miles (16,041.56 km) SSWMargate Airport (MGH)Margate, KwaZulu-Natal, South AfricaView Margate Airport on a map Set MGH as origin Airport Set MGH as destination Airport Get more information about Margate Airport
159,946.13 miles (16,006.70 km) SSWMafeteng Airport (MFC)Mafeteng, LesothoView Mafeteng Airport on a map Set MFC as origin Airport Set MFC as destination Airport Get more information about Mafeteng Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Guayaramerín Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Guayaramerín Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
154.00 miles (86.91 km) WSWRiberalta Airport (RIB)Riberalta, BoliviaView Riberalta Airport on a map Set RIB as destination Airport Set RIB as destination Airport Get more information about Riberalta Airport
2175.69 miles (282.75 km) NEPorto Velho-Governador Jorge Teixeira de Oliveira International Airport (Belmonte) (PVH)Porto Velho, BrazilView Porto Velho-Governador Jorge Teixeira de Oliveira International Airport (Belmonte) on a map Set PVH as destination Airport Set PVH as destination Airport Get more information about Porto Velho-Governador Jorge Teixeira de Oliveira International Airport (Belmonte)
3185.54 miles (298.60 km) WNWRio Branco-Plácido de Castro International Airport (RBR)Rio Branco, Acre, BrazilView Rio Branco-Plácido de Castro International Airport on a map Set RBR as destination Airport Set RBR as destination Airport Get more information about Rio Branco-Plácido de Castro International Airport
4190.25 miles (306.18 km) SSEMagdalena Airport (MGD)Magdalena, BoliviaView Magdalena Airport on a map Set MGD as destination Airport Set MGD as destination Airport Get more information about Magdalena Airport
5203.26 miles (327.12 km) SSanta Ana del Yacuma Airport (SBL)Santa Ana del Yacuma, BoliviaView Santa Ana del Yacuma Airport on a map Set SBL as destination Airport Set SBL as destination Airport Get more information about Santa Ana del Yacuma Airport
6216.43 miles (348.31 km) SSEHuacaraje Airport (BVK)Huacaraje, BoliviaView Huacaraje Airport on a map Set BVK as destination Airport Set BVK as destination Airport Get more information about Huacaraje Airport
7233.65 miles (376.02 km) WCaptain Aníbal Arab Airport (CIJ)Cobija, BoliviaView Captain Aníbal Arab Airport on a map Set CIJ as destination Airport Set CIJ as destination Airport Get more information about Captain Aníbal Arab Airport
8237.47 miles (382.17 km) EJosé Coleto Airport (JPR)Ji-Paraná, Rondônia, BrazilView José Coleto Airport on a map Set JPR as destination Airport Set JPR as destination Airport Get more information about José Coleto Airport
9248.66 miles (400.17 km) SLa Esperanza Airport (LEZ)La Esperanza, HondurasView La Esperanza Airport on a map Set LEZ as destination Airport Set LEZ as destination Airport Get more information about La Esperanza Airport
10249.72 miles (401.88 km) NLábrea Airport (LBR)Lábrea, Amazonas, BrazilView Lábrea Airport on a map Set LBR as destination Airport Set LBR as destination Airport Get more information about Lábrea Airport
11276.66 miles (445.24 km) WSWAlerta Airport (ALD)Alerta, PeruView Alerta Airport on a map Set ALD as destination Airport Set ALD as destination Airport Get more information about Alerta Airport
12277.66 miles (446.85 km) STeniente Jorge Henrich Arauz Airport (TDD)Trinidad, BoliviaView Teniente Jorge Henrich Arauz Airport on a map Set TDD as destination Airport Set TDD as destination Airport Get more information about Teniente Jorge Henrich Arauz Airport
13283.83 miles (456.77 km) WIberia Airport (IBP)Iberia, PeruView Iberia Airport on a map Set IBP as destination Airport Set IBP as destination Airport Get more information about Iberia Airport
14288.30 miles (463.98 km) SSWRurrenabaque Airport (RBQ)Rurrenabaque, BoliviaView Rurrenabaque Airport on a map Set RBQ as destination Airport Set RBQ as destination Airport Get more information about Rurrenabaque Airport
15290.39 miles (467.33 km) WSWPadre Aldamiz International Airport (PEM)Puerto Maldonado, PeruView Padre Aldamiz International Airport on a map Set PEM as destination Airport Set PEM as destination Airport Get more information about Padre Aldamiz International Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Guayaramerín Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Guayaramerín Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,147.97 miles (19,550.22 km) WNWPuerto Princesa International Airport (PPS)Puerto Princesa City, PhilippinesView Puerto Princesa International Airport on a map Set PPS as destination Airport Set PPS as destination Airport Get more information about Puerto Princesa International Airport
212,129.25 miles (19,520.08 km) NNWKudat Airport (KUD)Kudat, Sabah, MalaysiaView Kudat Airport on a map Set KUD as destination Airport Set KUD as destination Airport Get more information about Kudat Airport
312,112.77 miles (19,493.57 km) WEl Nido Airport (ENI)El Nido, Palawan, PhilippinesView El Nido Airport on a map Set ENI as destination Airport Set ENI as destination Airport Get more information about El Nido Airport
412,086.43 miles (19,451.18 km) NNWKota Kinabalu International Airport (BKI)Kota Kinabalu, MalaysiaView Kota Kinabalu International Airport on a map Set BKI as destination Airport Set BKI as destination Airport Get more information about Kota Kinabalu International Airport
512,059.86 miles (19,408.42 km) ENECam Ranh International Airport (CXR)Cam Ranh, Khánh Hòa, VietnamView Cam Ranh International Airport on a map Set CXR as destination Airport Set CXR as destination Airport Get more information about Cam Ranh International Airport
612,057.28 miles (19,404.26 km) WNWFrancisco B. Reyes Airport (USU)Coron, Palawan, PhilippinesView Francisco B. Reyes Airport on a map Set USU as destination Airport Set USU as destination Airport Get more information about Francisco B. Reyes Airport
712,053.25 miles (19,397.77 km) NLabuan Airport (LBU)Labuan, Sabah, MalaysiaView Labuan Airport on a map Set LBU as destination Airport Set LBU as destination Airport Get more information about Labuan Airport
812,045.23 miles (19,384.88 km) NNWLapangan Terbang Keningau Keningau Airport (KGU)Keningau, Sabah, MalaysiaView Lapangan Terbang Keningau Keningau Airport on a map Set KGU as destination Airport Set KGU as destination Airport Get more information about Lapangan Terbang Keningau Keningau Airport
912,030.27 miles (19,360.79 km) NBrunei International Airport (BWN)Bandar Seri Begawan, BruneiView Brunei International Airport on a map Set BWN as destination Airport Set BWN as destination Airport Get more information about Brunei International Airport
1012,025.26 miles (19,352.73 km) NWSandakan Airport (SDK)Sandakan, MalaysiaView Sandakan Airport on a map Set SDK as destination Airport Set SDK as destination Airport Get more information about Sandakan Airport
1112,020.97 miles (19,345.83 km) NLawas Airport (LWY)Lawas, Sarawak, MalaysiaView Lawas Airport on a map Set LWY as destination Airport Set LWY as destination Airport Get more information about Lawas Airport
1212,020.58 miles (19,345.21 km) NLimbang Airport (LMN)Limbang, Sarawak, MalaysiaView Limbang Airport on a map Set LMN as destination Airport Set LMN as destination Airport Get more information about Limbang Airport
1312,013.16 miles (19,333.26 km) WNWLubang Airport (LBX)Lubang, Occidental Mindoro, PhilippinesView Lubang Airport on a map Set LBX as destination Airport Set LBX as destination Airport Get more information about Lubang Airport
1412,006.45 miles (19,322.45 km) ELien Khuong Airport (DLI)Da Lat, Lam Dong, VietnamView Lien Khuong Airport on a map Set DLI as destination Airport Set DLI as destination Airport Get more information about Lien Khuong Airport
1512,002.17 miles (19,315.58 km) WNWMamburao Airport (MBO)Mamburao, Occidental Mindoro, PhilippinesView Mamburao Airport on a map Set MBO as destination Airport Set MBO as destination Airport Get more information about Mamburao Airport