About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Kalamata International Airport (KLX), Kalamata, Greece and Karumba Airport (KRB), Karumba, Queensland, Australia would travel a Great Circle distance of 8,512 miles (or 13,699 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Kalamata International Airport and Karumba Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Kalamata International Airport and Karumba Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Kalamata International Airport
  2. Κρατικός Αερολιμένας Καλαμάτας
Location: Kalamata, Greece
GPS Coordinates: 37°4'6"N by 22°1'32"E
Operator/Owner: Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 26 feet (8 meters)
# of Runways: 2
View all routes: Routes from KLX
More Information: KLX Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Name: Karumba Airport
Location: Karumba, Queensland, Australia
GPS Coordinates: 17°27'17"S by 140°49'54"E
Operator/Owner: Shire of Carpentaria
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 18 feet (5 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from KRB
More Information: KRB Maps & Info

Facts about Kalamata International Airport (KLX):

  • The closest airport to Kalamata International Airport (KLX) is Sparti Airport (SPJ), which is located 28 miles (46 kilometers) ESE of KLX.
  • Kalamata International Airport handled 75,800 passengers last year.
  • Because of Kalamata International Airport's relatively low elevation of 26 feet, planes can take off or land at Kalamata International Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • In addition to being known as "Kalamata International Airport", another name for KLX is "Κρατικός Αερολιμένας Καλαμάτας".
  • There is a military base of the Hellenic Air Force and an air-training department to the west of the runway.
  • The furthest airport from Kalamata International Airport (KLX) is Mangaia Island Airport (MGS), which is located 11,388 miles (18,328 kilometers) away in Mangaia Island, Cook Islands.
  • On November 2001, fourteen plane spotters were arrested by the police after being observed taking photos of the air base.
  • The airport is located between Kalamata and Messini on GR-82 and west of the train tracks on the Pamisos River plain.
  • Kalamata International Airport (KLX) has 2 runways.

Facts about Karumba Airport (KRB):

  • The furthest airport from Karumba Airport (KRB) is Agostinho Neto Airport (NTO), which is located 11,508 miles (18,521 kilometers) away in Ponta do Sol, Santo Antão, Cape Verde.
  • Because of Karumba Airport's relatively low elevation of 18 feet, planes can take off or land at Karumba Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Karumba Airport (KRB) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The closest airport to Karumba Airport (KRB) is Burketown Airport (BUC), which is located 88 miles (141 kilometers) WSW of KRB.

Map of Nearest Airports to Kalamata International Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Kalamata International Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
128.37 miles (45.66 km) ESESparti Airport (SPJ)Sparti, Laconia, GreeceView Sparti Airport on a map Set SPJ as origin Airport Set SPJ as destination Airport Get more information about Sparti Airport
263.85 miles (102.76 km) ENEPorto Kheli Airport (PKH)Porto Cheli, Argolis, GreeceView Porto Kheli Airport on a map Set PKH as origin Airport Set PKH as destination Airport Get more information about Porto Kheli Airport
377.64 miles (124.96 km) SEKythira National Airport "Alexandros Aristotelous Onassis" (KIT)Kithira, GreeceView Kythira National Airport Alexandros Aristotelous Onassis on a map Set KIT as origin Airport Set KIT as destination Airport Get more information about Kythira National Airport Alexandros Aristotelous Onassis
478.41 miles (126.18 km) NWZakynthos International Airport, "Dionysios Solomos" (ZTH)Zakynthos, GreeceView Zakynthos International Airport, Dionysios Solomos on a map Set ZTH as origin Airport Set ZTH as destination Airport Get more information about Zakynthos International Airport, Dionysios Solomos
581.70 miles (131.49 km) NNWAraxos Airport (GPA)Araxos / Patras, GreeceView Araxos Airport on a map Set GPA as origin Airport Set GPA as destination Airport Get more information about Araxos Airport
6112.17 miles (180.52 km) NNWAgrinio Airport (AGQ)Agrinion, GreeceView Agrinio Airport on a map Set AGQ as origin Airport Set AGQ as destination Airport Get more information about Agrinio Airport
7121.20 miles (195.06 km) ENEAthens International Airport "Eleftherios Venizelos" (ATH)Athens, GreeceView Athens International Airport Eleftherios Venizelos on a map Set ATH as origin Airport Set ATH as destination Airport Get more information about Athens International Airport Eleftherios Venizelos
8137.88 miles (221.89 km) EMilos Island National Airport (MLO)Milos, GreeceView Milos Island National Airport on a map Set MLO as origin Airport Set MLO as destination Airport Get more information about Milos Island National Airport
9145.61 miles (234.34 km) NNWPreveza National Airport (PVK)Preveza, GreeceView Preveza National Airport on a map Set PVK as origin Airport Set PVK as destination Airport Get more information about Preveza National Airport
10154.38 miles (248.45 km) NNENea Anchialos National Airport (VOL)Volos, GreeceView Nea Anchialos National Airport on a map Set VOL as origin Airport Set VOL as destination Airport Get more information about Nea Anchialos National Airport
11158.94 miles (255.78 km) SEChania International Airport, "Daskalogiannis" (CHQ)Chania, GreeceView Chania International Airport, Daskalogiannis on a map Set CHQ as origin Airport Set CHQ as destination Airport Get more information about Chania International Airport, Daskalogiannis
12162.74 miles (261.90 km) ESyros National Airport "Demetrius Vikelas" (JSY)Syros Island, GreeceView Syros National Airport Demetrius Vikelas on a map Set JSY as origin Airport Set JSY as destination Airport Get more information about Syros National Airport Demetrius Vikelas
13166.40 miles (267.79 km) NNESkiathos Airport ‘Alexandros Papadiamantis’ (JSI)Skiathos Island, GreeceView Skiathos Airport ‘Alexandros Papadiamantis’ on a map Set JSI as origin Airport Set JSI as destination Airport Get more information about Skiathos Airport ‘Alexandros Papadiamantis’
14171.14 miles (275.42 km) EParos National Airport (PAS)Paros, GreeceView Paros National Airport on a map Set PAS as origin Airport Set PAS as destination Airport Get more information about Paros National Airport
15179.89 miles (289.51 km) NLarissa State Airport “Thessaly” (LRA)Larisa, GreeceView Larissa State Airport “Thessaly” on a map Set LRA as origin Airport Set LRA as destination Airport Get more information about Larissa State Airport “Thessaly”

Map of Furthest Airports from Kalamata International Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Kalamata International Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,388.47 miles (18,327.92 km) SMangaia Island Airport (MGS)Mangaia Island, Cook IslandsView Mangaia Island Airport on a map Set MGS as origin Airport Set MGS as destination Airport Get more information about Mangaia Island Airport
211,362.22 miles (18,285.67 km) ESEChatham Islands (CHT)Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New ZealandView Chatham Islands on a map Set CHT as origin Airport Set CHT as destination Airport Get more information about Chatham Islands
311,351.40 miles (18,268.26 km) SSWRurutu Airport (RUR)Rurutu, French PolynesiaView Rurutu Airport on a map Set RUR as origin Airport Set RUR as destination Airport Get more information about Rurutu Airport
411,335.10 miles (18,242.03 km) SRarotonga International Airport (RAR)Avarua, Cook IslandsView Rarotonga International Airport on a map Set RAR as origin Airport Set RAR as destination Airport Get more information about Rarotonga International Airport
511,266.32 miles (18,131.33 km) SAkatoka Manava Airport (Mauke Airport) (MUK)Mauke Island, Cook IslandsView Akatoka Manava Airport (Mauke Airport) on a map Set MUK as origin Airport Set MUK as destination Airport Get more information about Akatoka Manava Airport (Mauke Airport)
611,246.50 miles (18,099.45 km) SMitiaro Island Airport (MOI)Mitiaro Island, Cook IslandsView Mitiaro Island Airport on a map Set MOI as origin Airport Set MOI as destination Airport Get more information about Mitiaro Island Airport
711,124.27 miles (17,902.73 km) ESEGisborne Airport (GIS)Gisborne, New ZealandView Gisborne Airport on a map Set GIS as origin Airport Set GIS as destination Airport Get more information about Gisborne Airport
811,066.75 miles (17,810.16 km) ESEHawke's Bay Airport (NPE)Napier, New ZealandView Hawke's Bay Airport on a map Set NPE as origin Airport Set NPE as destination Airport Get more information about Hawke's Bay Airport
911,063.10 miles (17,804.29 km) EWhakatane Airport (WHK)Whakatane, New ZealandView Whakatane Airport on a map Set WHK as origin Airport Set WHK as destination Airport Get more information about Whakatane Airport
1011,031.92 miles (17,754.10 km) ERotorua International Airport (ROT)Rotorua, New ZealandView Rotorua International Airport on a map Set ROT as origin Airport Set ROT as destination Airport Get more information about Rotorua International Airport
1111,022.58 miles (17,739.08 km) ESETaupo AirportTe Papa Waka Rererangi o Taupō (TUO)Taupo, New ZealandView Taupo AirportTe Papa Waka Rererangi o Taupō on a map Set TUO as origin Airport Set TUO as destination Airport Get more information about Taupo AirportTe Papa Waka Rererangi o Taupō
1211,022.44 miles (17,738.85 km) ETauranga Airport (TRG)Tauranga, New ZealandView Tauranga Airport on a map Set TRG as origin Airport Set TRG as destination Airport Get more information about Tauranga Airport
1311,000.53 miles (17,703.59 km) ESEPalmerston North Airport (PMR)Palmerston North, New ZealandView Palmerston North Airport on a map Set PMR as origin Airport Set PMR as destination Airport Get more information about Palmerston North Airport
1411,000.34 miles (17,703.28 km) ESEHood Aerodrome (MRO)Masterton, New ZealandView Hood Aerodrome on a map Set MRO as origin Airport Set MRO as destination Airport Get more information about Hood Aerodrome
1510,999.08 miles (17,701.26 km) SSENiue International Airport (IUE)Alofi, NiueView Niue International Airport on a map Set IUE as origin Airport Set IUE as destination Airport Get more information about Niue International Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Karumba Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Karumba Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
187.81 miles (141.31 km) WSWBurketown Airport (BUC)Burketown, Queensland, AustraliaView Burketown Airport on a map Set BUC as destination Airport Set BUC as destination Airport Get more information about Burketown Airport
2136.48 miles (219.65 km) WSWDoomadgee Airport (DMD)Doomadgee Mission, Queensland, AustraliaView Doomadgee Airport on a map Set DMD as destination Airport Set DMD as destination Airport Get more information about Doomadgee Airport
3149.10 miles (239.95 km) NNEKowanyama Airport (KWM)Kowanyama, Queensland, AustraliaView Kowanyama Airport on a map Set KWM as destination Airport Set KWM as destination Airport Get more information about Kowanyama Airport
4155.31 miles (249.95 km) EAbingdon Airport (ABG)Abingdon, Queensland, AustraliaView Abingdon Airport on a map Set ABG as destination Airport Set ABG as destination Airport Get more information about Abingdon Airport
5184.14 miles (296.35 km) NNEEdward River Airport (EDR)Edward River, Queensland, AustraliaView Edward River Airport on a map Set EDR as destination Airport Set EDR as destination Airport Get more information about Edward River Airport
6223.06 miles (358.99 km) SCloncurry Airport (CNJ)Cloncurry, Queensland, AustraliaView Cloncurry Airport on a map Set CNJ as destination Airport Set CNJ as destination Airport Get more information about Cloncurry Airport
7229.51 miles (369.36 km) SSEJulia Creek Airport (JCK)Julia Creek, Queensland, AustraliaView Julia Creek Airport on a map Set JCK as destination Airport Set JCK as destination Airport Get more information about Julia Creek Airport
8238.43 miles (383.71 km) SSWMount Isa Airport (ISA)Mount Isa, Queensland, AustraliaView Mount Isa Airport on a map Set ISA as destination Airport Set ISA as destination Airport Get more information about Mount Isa Airport
9243.55 miles (391.96 km) SElrose Mine Airport (ERQ)Eloise Copper Mine, Queensland, AustraliaView Elrose Mine Airport on a map Set ERQ as destination Airport Set ERQ as destination Airport Get more information about Elrose Mine Airport
10244.85 miles (394.04 km) EChillagoe Airport (LLG)Chillagoe, Queensland, AustraliaView Chillagoe Airport on a map Set LLG as destination Airport Set LLG as destination Airport Get more information about Chillagoe Airport
11245.34 miles (394.83 km) SWCamooweal Airport (CML)Camooweal, Queensland, AustraliaView Camooweal Airport on a map Set CML as destination Airport Set CML as destination Airport Get more information about Camooweal Airport
12269.34 miles (433.46 km) SSERichmond Airport (RCM)Richmond, Queensland, AustraliaView Richmond Airport on a map Set RCM as destination Airport Set RCM as destination Airport Get more information about Richmond Airport
13289.48 miles (465.87 km) NNEAurukun Airport (AUU)Aurukun, Queensland, AustraliaView Aurukun Airport on a map Set AUU as destination Airport Set AUU as destination Airport Get more information about Aurukun Airport
14297.02 miles (478.01 km) NNECoen Airport (CUQ)Coen, Queensland, AustraliaView Coen Airport on a map Set CUQ as destination Airport Set CUQ as destination Airport Get more information about Coen Airport
15302.65 miles (487.07 km) STrepell Airport (TQP)Trapell, Queensland, AustraliaView Trepell Airport on a map Set TQP as destination Airport Set TQP as destination Airport Get more information about Trepell Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Karumba Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Karumba Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,508.34 miles (18,520.82 km) WAgostinho Neto Airport (NTO)Ponta do Sol, Santo Antão, Cape VerdeView Agostinho Neto Airport on a map Set NTO as destination Airport Set NTO as destination Airport Get more information about Agostinho Neto Airport
211,504.34 miles (18,514.39 km) WCesária Évora International Airport (VXE)São Vicente, Cape VerdeView Cesária Évora International Airport on a map Set VXE as destination Airport Set VXE as destination Airport Get more information about Cesária Évora International Airport
311,451.86 miles (18,429.93 km) WPreguiça Airport (SNE)São Nicolau, Cape VerdeView Preguiça Airport on a map Set SNE as destination Airport Set SNE as destination Airport Get more information about Preguiça Airport
411,446.32 miles (18,421.01 km) WSão Filipe Airport (SFL)Fogo, Cape VerdeView São Filipe Airport on a map Set SFL as destination Airport Set SFL as destination Airport Get more information about São Filipe Airport
511,439.50 miles (18,410.04 km) WMosteiros Airport (MTI)Mosteiros, Cape VerdeView Mosteiros Airport on a map Set MTI as destination Airport Set MTI as destination Airport Get more information about Mosteiros Airport
611,382.50 miles (18,318.32 km) WPraia International Airport (RAI)Praia, Cape VerdeView Praia International Airport on a map Set RAI as destination Airport Set RAI as destination Airport Get more information about Praia International Airport
711,367.29 miles (18,293.83 km) WMaio Airport (MMO)Maio, Cape VerdeView Maio Airport on a map Set MMO as destination Airport Set MMO as destination Airport Get more information about Maio Airport
811,364.81 miles (18,289.85 km) WAmílcar Cabral International Airport (SID)Sal Island, Cape VerdeView Amílcar Cabral International Airport on a map Set SID as destination Airport Set SID as destination Airport Get more information about Amílcar Cabral International Airport
911,356.51 miles (18,276.49 km) WAristides Pereira International Airport (BVC)Boa Vista, Cape VerdeView Aristides Pereira International Airport on a map Set BVC as destination Airport Set BVC as destination Airport Get more information about Aristides Pereira International Airport
1011,188.45 miles (18,006.01 km) NECayenne – Félix Eboué Airport (CAY)Cayenne, French GuianaView Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport on a map Set CAY as destination Airport Set CAY as destination Airport Get more information about Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport
1111,136.29 miles (17,922.08 km) NEAlbina Airstrip (ABN)Albina, SurinameView Albina Airstrip on a map Set ABN as destination Airport Set ABN as destination Airport Get more information about Albina Airstrip
1211,088.49 miles (17,845.15 km) NEZorg en Hoop Airport (ORG)Paramaribo, SurinameView Zorg en Hoop Airport on a map Set ORG as destination Airport Set ORG as destination Airport Get more information about Zorg en Hoop Airport
1311,088.24 miles (17,844.75 km) NESaül Airport (XAU)Saül, French GuianaView Saül Airport on a map Set XAU as destination Airport Set XAU as destination Airport Get more information about Saül Airport
1411,073.23 miles (17,820.59 km) NEJohan Adolf Pengel International Airport (PBM)Zanderij (near Paramaribo), SurinameView Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport on a map Set PBM as destination Airport Set PBM as destination Airport Get more information about Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport
1511,063.95 miles (17,805.65 km) NEStoelmans Eiland Airstrip (SMZ)Stoelmans Eiland, SurinameView Stoelmans Eiland Airstrip on a map Set SMZ as destination Airport Set SMZ as destination Airport Get more information about Stoelmans Eiland Airstrip