About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Pattani Airport (PAN), Pattani, Thailand and Puerto Deseado Airport (PUD), Puerto Deseado, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina would travel a Great Circle distance of 9,506 miles (or 15,299 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Pattani Airport and Puerto Deseado Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Pattani Airport and Puerto Deseado Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Pattani Airport
Location: Pattani, Thailand
GPS Coordinates: 6°47'7"N by 101°9'12"E
Elevation: 0 feet (0 meters)
View all routes: Routes from PAN
More Information: PAN Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Name: Puerto Deseado Airport
Location: Puerto Deseado, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina
GPS Coordinates: 47°44'8"S by 65°54'15"W
Area Served: Puerto Deseado
Airport Type: Civil
Elevation: 266 feet (81 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from PUD
More Information: PUD Maps & Info

Facts about Pattani Airport (PAN):

  • Because of Pattani Airport's relatively low elevation of 0 feet, planes can take off or land at Pattani Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The closest airport to Pattani Airport (PAN) is Hat Yai International Airport (HDY), which is located 53 miles (86 kilometers) W of PAN.
  • The furthest airport from Pattani Airport (PAN) is Mayor General FAP Armando Revoredo Iglesias (CJA), which is nearly antipodal to Pattani Airport (meaning Pattani Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Mayor General FAP Armando Revoredo Iglesias), and is located 12,402 miles (19,959 kilometers) away in Cajamarca, Peru.

Facts about Puerto Deseado Airport (PUD):

  • Puerto Deseado Airport (PUD) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The closest airport to Puerto Deseado Airport (PUD) is General Enrique Mosconi International Airport (CRD), which is located 154 miles (247 kilometers) NNW of PUD.
  • Because of Puerto Deseado Airport's relatively low elevation of 266 feet, planes can take off or land at Puerto Deseado Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The furthest airport from Puerto Deseado Airport (PUD) is Choibalsan Airport (COQ), which is nearly antipodal to Puerto Deseado Airport (meaning Puerto Deseado Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Choibalsan Airport), and is located 12,399 miles (19,955 kilometers) away in Choibalsan, Mongolia.

Map of Nearest Airports to Pattani Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Pattani Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
153.18 miles (85.58 km) WHat Yai International Airport (HDY)Hat Yai, Songkhla Province, ThailandView Hat Yai International Airport on a map Set HDY as origin Airport Set HDY as destination Airport Get more information about Hat Yai International Airport
265.86 miles (106.00 km) SWSultan Abdul Halim Airport (AOR)Alor Star, Kedah, MalaysiaView Sultan Abdul Halim Airport on a map Set AOR as origin Airport Set AOR as destination Airport Get more information about Sultan Abdul Halim Airport
389.13 miles (143.45 km) ESESultan Ismail Petra Airport (KBR)Kota Bharu, Kelantan, MalaysiaView Sultan Ismail Petra Airport on a map Set KBR as origin Airport Set KBR as destination Airport Get more information about Sultan Ismail Petra Airport
4102.37 miles (164.75 km) WSWLangkawi International Airport (LGK)Langkawi, Kedah, MalaysiaView Langkawi International Airport on a map Set LGK as origin Airport Set LGK as destination Airport Get more information about Langkawi International Airport
5105.13 miles (169.20 km) SSWRMAF Butterworth (BWH)Butterworth, Penang, MalaysiaView RMAF Butterworth on a map Set BWH as origin Airport Set BWH as destination Airport Get more information about RMAF Butterworth
6105.13 miles (169.20 km) SSWRMAF Butterworth (UTE)Butterworth, South AfricaView RMAF Butterworth on a map Set UTE as origin Airport Set UTE as destination Airport Get more information about RMAF Butterworth
7116.62 miles (187.68 km) WNWTrang Airport (TST)Trang, ThailandView Trang Airport on a map Set TST as origin Airport Set TST as destination Airport Get more information about Trang Airport
8119.18 miles (191.80 km) SSWPenang International Airport (PEN)Penang, MalaysiaView Penang International Airport on a map Set PEN as origin Airport Set PEN as destination Airport Get more information about Penang International Airport
9153.19 miles (246.53 km) SSultan Azlan Shah Airport (IPH)Ipoh, Perak, MalaysiaView Sultan Azlan Shah Airport on a map Set IPH as origin Airport Set IPH as destination Airport Get more information about Sultan Azlan Shah Airport
10174.18 miles (280.31 km) WNWKrabi International Airport (KBV)Krabi, ThailandView Krabi International Airport on a map Set KBV as origin Airport Set KBV as destination Airport Get more information about Krabi International Airport
11180.24 miles (290.07 km) SSitiawan Airport (SWY)Perak, MalaysiaView Sitiawan Airport on a map Set SWY as origin Airport Set SWY as destination Airport Get more information about Sitiawan Airport
12204.93 miles (329.80 km) NNWSamui International Airport (USM)Ko Samui, Surat Thani, ThailandView Samui International Airport on a map Set USM as origin Airport Set USM as destination Airport Get more information about Samui International Airport
13212.99 miles (342.77 km) NWSurat Thani International Airport (URT)Surat Thani, ThailandView Surat Thani International Airport on a map Set URT as origin Airport Set URT as destination Airport Get more information about Surat Thani International Airport
14214.91 miles (345.86 km) WNWPhuket International Airport (HKT)Phuket, ThailandView Phuket International Airport on a map Set HKT as origin Airport Set HKT as destination Airport Get more information about Phuket International Airport
15228.60 miles (367.90 km) SEKerteh Airport (KTE)Kerteh, Terengganu, MalaysiaView Kerteh Airport on a map Set KTE as origin Airport Set KTE as destination Airport Get more information about Kerteh Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Pattani Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Pattani Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,402.19 miles (19,959.34 km) SWMayor General FAP Armando Revoredo Iglesias (CJA)Cajamarca, PeruView Mayor General FAP Armando Revoredo Iglesias on a map Set CJA as origin Airport Set CJA as destination Airport Get more information about Mayor General FAP Armando Revoredo Iglesias
212,369.45 miles (19,906.65 km) ECap. FAP José A. Quiñones González International Airport (CIX)Chiclayo, PeruView Cap. FAP José A. Quiñones González International Airport on a map Set CIX as origin Airport Set CIX as destination Airport Get more information about Cap. FAP José A. Quiñones González International Airport
312,357.75 miles (19,887.82 km) WSWChachapoyas Airport (CHH)Chachapoyas, PeruView Chachapoyas Airport on a map Set CHH as origin Airport Set CHH as destination Airport Get more information about Chachapoyas Airport
412,345.47 miles (19,868.07 km) SSECapitán FAP Carlos Martínez de Pinillos International Airport (TRU)Trujillo, PeruView Capitán FAP Carlos Martínez de Pinillos International Airport on a map Set TRU as origin Airport Set TRU as destination Airport Get more information about Capitán FAP Carlos Martínez de Pinillos International Airport
512,289.19 miles (19,777.48 km) WJuanjuí Airport (JJI)Juanjuí, PeruView Juanjuí Airport on a map Set JJI as origin Airport Set JJI as destination Airport Get more information about Juanjuí Airport
612,273.10 miles (19,751.60 km) SECap. FAP Guillermo Concha Iberico International Airport (PIU)Piura, PeruView Cap. FAP Guillermo Concha Iberico International Airport on a map Set PIU as origin Airport Set PIU as destination Airport Get more information about Cap. FAP Guillermo Concha Iberico International Airport
712,271.96 miles (19,749.76 km) STeniente FAP Jaime Montreuil Morales Airport (CHM)Chimbote, Ancash Region, PeruView Teniente FAP Jaime Montreuil Morales Airport on a map Set CHM as origin Airport Set CHM as destination Airport Get more information about Teniente FAP Jaime Montreuil Morales Airport
812,254.23 miles (19,721.23 km) SSEJosé María Velasco Ibarra Airport (MRR)Macará, EcuadorView José María Velasco Ibarra Airport on a map Set MRR as origin Airport Set MRR as destination Airport Get more information about José María Velasco Ibarra Airport
912,240.69 miles (19,699.44 km) SCamilo Ponce Enriquez Airport (LOH)Loja, EcuadorView Camilo Ponce Enriquez Airport on a map Set LOH as origin Airport Set LOH as destination Airport Get more information about Camilo Ponce Enriquez Airport
1012,240.28 miles (19,698.78 km) SSWComandante FAP Germán Arias Graziani Airport (ATA)Huaraz, PeruView Comandante FAP Germán Arias Graziani Airport on a map Set ATA as origin Airport Set ATA as destination Airport Get more information about Comandante FAP Germán Arias Graziani Airport
1112,239.57 miles (19,697.63 km) WSWMoisés Benzaquén Rengifo Airport (YMS)Yurimaguas, PeruView Moisés Benzaquén Rengifo Airport on a map Set YMS as origin Airport Set YMS as destination Airport Get more information about Moisés Benzaquén Rengifo Airport
1212,211.65 miles (19,652.70 km) SECap. FAP Victor Montes Arias Airport (TYL)Talara, PeruView Cap. FAP Victor Montes Arias Airport on a map Set TYL as origin Airport Set TYL as destination Airport Get more information about Cap. FAP Victor Montes Arias Airport
1312,192.58 miles (19,622.01 km) SSESanta Rosa International Airport (ETR)Santa Rosa, El Oro, EcuadorView Santa Rosa International Airport on a map Set ETR as origin Airport Set ETR as destination Airport Get more information about Santa Rosa International Airport
1412,189.72 miles (19,617.41 km) SSECap. FAP Pedro Canga Rodríguez Airport (TBP)Tumbes, PeruView Cap. FAP Pedro Canga Rodríguez Airport on a map Set TBP as origin Airport Set TBP as destination Airport Get more information about Cap. FAP Pedro Canga Rodríguez Airport
1512,176.68 miles (19,596.41 km) SWTingo María Airport (TGI)Tingo María, PeruView Tingo María Airport on a map Set TGI as origin Airport Set TGI as destination Airport Get more information about Tingo María Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Puerto Deseado Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Puerto Deseado Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
1153.68 miles (247.32 km) NNWGeneral Enrique Mosconi International Airport (CRD)Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut, ArgentinaView General Enrique Mosconi International Airport on a map Set CRD as destination Airport Set CRD as destination Airport Get more information about General Enrique Mosconi International Airport
2208.21 miles (335.08 km) WSWGobernador Gregores Airport (GGS)Gobernador Gregores, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Gobernador Gregores Airport on a map Set GGS as destination Airport Set GGS as destination Airport Get more information about Gobernador Gregores Airport
3252.39 miles (406.18 km) WNWPerito Moreno Airport (PMQ)Perito Moreno, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Perito Moreno Airport on a map Set PMQ as destination Airport Set PMQ as destination Airport Get more information about Perito Moreno Airport
4283.02 miles (455.48 km) WNWChile Chico Airfield (CCH)Chile Chico, Aisén Region, ChileView Chile Chico Airfield on a map Set CCH as destination Airport Set CCH as destination Airport Get more information about Chile Chico Airfield
5300.11 miles (482.98 km) NWAlto Río Senguer Airport (ARR)Alto Río Senguer, Chubut, ArgentinaView Alto Río Senguer Airport on a map Set ARR as destination Airport Set ARR as destination Airport Get more information about Alto Río Senguer Airport
6300.90 miles (484.26 km) WNWBalmaceda Airport (BBA)Balmaceda, ChileView Balmaceda Airport on a map Set BBA as destination Airport Set BBA as destination Airport Get more information about Balmaceda Airport
7307.88 miles (495.48 km) SSWPiloto Civil Norberto Fernández International Airport (RGL)Río Gallegos, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Piloto Civil Norberto Fernández International Airport on a map Set RGL as destination Airport Set RGL as destination Airport Get more information about Piloto Civil Norberto Fernández International Airport
8313.79 miles (504.99 km) WCochrane Airfield (LGR)Cochrane, ChileView Cochrane Airfield on a map Set LGR as destination Airport Set LGR as destination Airport Get more information about Cochrane Airfield
9314.14 miles (505.56 km) NAlmirante Marcos A. Zar Airport (REL)Trelew, Chubut, ArgentinaView Almirante Marcos A. Zar Airport on a map Set REL as destination Airport Set REL as destination Airport Get more information about Almirante Marcos A. Zar Airport
10329.06 miles (529.57 km) WNWTeniente Vidal Airfield (GXQ)Coyhaique, ChileView Teniente Vidal Airfield on a map Set GXQ as destination Airport Set GXQ as destination Airport Get more information about Teniente Vidal Airfield
11329.35 miles (530.04 km) SWComandante Armando Tola International Airport (FTE)El Calafate, Santa Cruz Province, ArgentinaView Comandante Armando Tola International Airport on a map Set FTE as destination Airport Set FTE as destination Airport Get more information about Comandante Armando Tola International Airport
12340.63 miles (548.20 km) SWLago Argentino Airport (ING)El Calafate, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Lago Argentino Airport on a map Set ING as destination Airport Set ING as destination Airport Get more information about Lago Argentino Airport
13346.08 miles (556.97 km) NEl Tehuelche Airport (PMY)Puerto Madryn, ArgentinaView El Tehuelche Airport on a map Set PMY as destination Airport Set PMY as destination Airport Get more information about El Tehuelche Airport
14401.64 miles (646.37 km) SWTeniente Julio Gallardo Airfield (PNT)Puerto Natales, ChileView Teniente Julio Gallardo Airfield on a map Set PNT as destination Airport Set PNT as destination Airport Get more information about Teniente Julio Gallardo Airfield
15419.53 miles (675.16 km) NWEsquel Airport (EQS)Esquel, Chubut Province, ArgentinaView Esquel Airport on a map Set EQS as destination Airport Set EQS as destination Airport Get more information about Esquel Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Puerto Deseado Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Puerto Deseado Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,399.21 miles (19,954.55 km) NWChoibalsan Airport (COQ)Choibalsan, MongoliaView Choibalsan Airport on a map Set COQ as destination Airport Set COQ as destination Airport Get more information about Choibalsan Airport
212,163.91 miles (19,575.87 km) WArxan Yi'ershi Airport (YIE)Arxan, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Arxan Yi'ershi Airport on a map Set YIE as destination Airport Set YIE as destination Airport Get more information about Arxan Yi'ershi Airport
312,158.05 miles (19,566.44 km) NNWXilinhot Airport (XIL)Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Xilinhot Airport on a map Set XIL as destination Airport Set XIL as destination Airport Get more information about Xilinhot Airport
412,155.48 miles (19,562.31 km) WNWHulunbuir Hailar Airport (HLD)Hailar, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Hulunbuir Hailar Airport on a map Set HLD as destination Airport Set HLD as destination Airport Get more information about Hulunbuir Hailar Airport
512,138.23 miles (19,534.54 km) NChita Kadala (HTA)Chita, RussiaView Chita Kadala on a map Set HTA as destination Airport Set HTA as destination Airport Get more information about Chita Kadala
612,123.83 miles (19,511.37 km) NNEErenhot Saiwusu International Airport (ERL)Erenhot, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Erenhot Saiwusu International Airport on a map Set ERL as destination Airport Set ERL as destination Airport Get more information about Erenhot Saiwusu International Airport
712,096.61 miles (19,467.55 km) EChinggis Khaan International Airport (ULN)Ulan Bator, MongoliaView Chinggis Khaan International Airport on a map Set ULN as destination Airport Set ULN as destination Airport Get more information about Chinggis Khaan International Airport
812,049.03 miles (19,390.98 km) WNWUlanhot Airport (HLH)Ulanhot, ChinaView Ulanhot Airport on a map Set HLH as destination Airport Set HLH as destination Airport Get more information about Ulanhot Airport
912,042.94 miles (19,381.19 km) ENEMandalgovi Airport (MXW)Mandalgovi, Dundgovi, MongoliaView Mandalgovi Airport on a map Set MXW as destination Airport Set MXW as destination Airport Get more information about Mandalgovi Airport
1012,027.92 miles (19,357.01 km) NEBaikal International Airport (UUD)Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia, RussiaView Baikal International Airport on a map Set UUD as destination Airport Set UUD as destination Airport Get more information about Baikal International Airport
1111,990.07 miles (19,296.10 km) NNWChifeng Airport (CIF)Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Chifeng Airport on a map Set CIF as destination Airport Set CIF as destination Airport Get more information about Chifeng Airport
1211,951.60 miles (19,234.19 km) NZhangjiakou Ningyuan Airport (ZQZ)Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, ChinaView Zhangjiakou Ningyuan Airport on a map Set ZQZ as destination Airport Set ZQZ as destination Airport Get more information about Zhangjiakou Ningyuan Airport
1311,948.12 miles (19,228.59 km) NNEHohhot Baita International Airport (HET)Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Hohhot Baita International Airport on a map Set HET as destination Airport Set HET as destination Airport Get more information about Hohhot Baita International Airport
1411,943.34 miles (19,220.90 km) ENEBulgan Airport (UGA)Bulgan, MongoliaView Bulgan Airport on a map Set UGA as destination Airport Set UGA as destination Airport Get more information about Bulgan Airport
1511,924.39 miles (19,190.40 km) NWMohe Gulian Airport (OHE)Mohe, Heilongjiang, ChinaView Mohe Gulian Airport on a map Set OHE as destination Airport Set OHE as destination Airport Get more information about Mohe Gulian Airport