About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Djibo Airport (XDJ), Djibo, Burkina Faso and Arctic Village Airport (ARC), Arctic Village, Alaska, United States would travel a Great Circle distance of 6,479 miles (or 10,427 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Djibo Airport and Arctic Village Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Djibo Airport and Arctic Village Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Djibo Airport
Location: Djibo, Burkina Faso
GPS Coordinates: 14°7'30"N by 1°37'28"W
Area Served: Djibo, Soum Province, Sahel Region, Burkina Faso
Elevation: 1001 feet (305 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from XDJ
More Information: XDJ Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Name: Arctic Village Airport
Location: Arctic Village, Alaska, United States
GPS Coordinates: 68°6'52"N by 145°34'45"W
Area Served: Arctic Village, Alaska
Operator/Owner: Venetie Tribal Government
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 2092 feet (638 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from ARC
More Information: ARC Maps & Info

Facts about Djibo Airport (XDJ):

  • The furthest airport from Djibo Airport (XDJ) is Labasa Airport (LBS), which is nearly antipodal to Djibo Airport (meaning Djibo Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Labasa Airport), and is located 12,263 miles (19,735 kilometers) away in Labasa, Fiji.
  • Djibo Airport (XDJ) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The closest airport to Djibo Airport (XDJ) is Aribinda Airport (XAR), which is located 49 miles (79 kilometers) E of XDJ.

Facts about Arctic Village Airport (ARC):

  • The furthest airport from Arctic Village Airport (ARC) is Port Elizabeth International Airport (PLZ), which is located 10,053 miles (16,179 kilometers) away in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
  • The closest airport to Arctic Village Airport (ARC) is Venetie Airport (VEE), which is located 79 miles (127 kilometers) SSW of ARC.
  • Arctic Village Airport (ARC) currently has only 1 runway.

Map of Nearest Airports to Djibo Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Djibo Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
149.24 miles (79.25 km) EAribinda Airport (XAR)Aribinda, Burkina FasoView Aribinda Airport on a map Set XAR as origin Airport Set XAR as destination Airport Get more information about Aribinda Airport
266.16 miles (106.47 km) SWOuahigouya Airport (OUG)Ouahigouya, Burkina FasoView Ouahigouya Airport on a map Set OUG as origin Airport Set OUG as destination Airport Get more information about Ouahigouya Airport
380.50 miles (129.55 km) SSEKaya Airport (XKY)Kaya, Burkina FasoView Kaya Airport on a map Set XKY as origin Airport Set XKY as destination Airport Get more information about Kaya Airport
496.93 miles (156.00 km) ENEGorom Gorom Airport (XGG)Gorom Gorom, Burkina FasoView Gorom Gorom Airport on a map Set XGG as origin Airport Set XGG as destination Airport Get more information about Gorom Gorom Airport
5104.74 miles (168.56 km) EDori Airport (DOR)Dori, Burkina FasoView Dori Airport on a map Set DOR as origin Airport Set DOR as destination Airport Get more information about Dori Airport
6120.57 miles (194.04 km) ENETambao Airport (TMQ)Tambao, Burkina FasoView Tambao Airport on a map Set TMQ as origin Airport Set TMQ as destination Airport Get more information about Tambao Airport
7122.23 miles (196.71 km) SWTougan Airport (TUQ)Tougan, Burkina FasoView Tougan Airport on a map Set TUQ as origin Airport Set TUQ as destination Airport Get more information about Tougan Airport
8122.66 miles (197.41 km) SOuagadougou Airport (OUA)Ouagadougou, Burkina FasoView Ouagadougou Airport on a map Set OUA as origin Airport Set OUA as destination Airport Get more information about Ouagadougou Airport
9123.74 miles (199.14 km) SEBoulsa Airport (XBO)Boulsa, Burkina FasoView Boulsa Airport on a map Set XBO as origin Airport Set XBO as destination Airport Get more information about Boulsa Airport
10126.05 miles (202.85 km) SEBogandé Airport (XBG)Bogande, Burkina FasoView Bogandé Airport on a map Set XBG as origin Airport Set XBG as destination Airport Get more information about Bogandé Airport
11150.07 miles (241.52 km) ESESebba Airport (XSE)Sebba, Burkina FasoView Sebba Airport on a map Set XSE as origin Airport Set XSE as destination Airport Get more information about Sebba Airport
12166.50 miles (267.96 km) WMopti Airport Ambodedjo Airport (MZI)Mopti, MaliView Mopti Airport Ambodedjo Airport on a map Set MZI as origin Airport Set MZI as destination Airport Get more information about Mopti Airport Ambodedjo Airport
13170.08 miles (273.72 km) SWDédougou Airport (DGU)Dédougou, Burkina FasoView Dédougou Airport on a map Set DGU as origin Airport Set DGU as destination Airport Get more information about Dédougou Airport
14178.15 miles (286.70 km) WSWNouna Airport (XNU)Nouna, Burkina FasoView Nouna Airport on a map Set XNU as origin Airport Set XNU as destination Airport Get more information about Nouna Airport
15181.31 miles (291.79 km) SSETenkodogo Airport (TEG)Tenkodogo, Burkina FasoView Tenkodogo Airport on a map Set TEG as origin Airport Set TEG as destination Airport Get more information about Tenkodogo Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Djibo Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Djibo Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,262.71 miles (19,734.86 km) SSWLabasa Airport (LBS)Labasa, FijiView Labasa Airport on a map Set LBS as origin Airport Set LBS as destination Airport Get more information about Labasa Airport
212,246.61 miles (19,708.96 km) SSEYasawa Island Airport (YAS)Yasawa Island, FijiView Yasawa Island Airport on a map Set YAS as origin Airport Set YAS as destination Airport Get more information about Yasawa Island Airport
312,203.63 miles (19,639.79 km) SSWKoro Airport (KXF)Koro Island, FijiView Koro Airport on a map Set KXF as origin Airport Set KXF as destination Airport Get more information about Koro Airport
412,198.11 miles (19,630.90 km) WAéroport de Futuna - Pointe-Vele Pointe Vele Airport (FUT)Futuna Island, Wallis and Futuna IslandsView Aéroport de Futuna - Pointe-Vele Pointe Vele Airport on a map Set FUT as origin Airport Set FUT as destination Airport Get more information about Aéroport de Futuna - Pointe-Vele Pointe Vele Airport
512,187.72 miles (19,614.18 km) SLevuka Airfield (LEV)Bureta, Ovalau Island, FijiView Levuka Airfield on a map Set LEV as origin Airport Set LEV as destination Airport Get more information about Levuka Airfield
612,178.44 miles (19,599.26 km) SSENadi International Airport (NAN)Nadi, FijiView Nadi International Airport on a map Set NAN as origin Airport Set NAN as destination Airport Get more information about Nadi International Airport
712,177.39 miles (19,597.56 km) SSEMana Island Airport (MNF)Mana Island, FijiView Mana Island Airport on a map Set MNF as origin Airport Set MNF as destination Airport Get more information about Mana Island Airport
812,165.79 miles (19,578.90 km) SSuva International Airport (SUV)Suva / Nausori, Viti Levu, FijiView Suva International Airport on a map Set SUV as origin Airport Set SUV as destination Airport Get more information about Suva International Airport
912,144.42 miles (19,544.50 km) SSWCicia Airport (ICI)Cicia, FijiView Cicia Airport on a map Set ICI as origin Airport Set ICI as destination Airport Get more information about Cicia Airport
1012,112.60 miles (19,493.30 km) SSWMoala Airport (MFJ)Moala, Moala Islands, FijiView Moala Airport on a map Set MFJ as origin Airport Set MFJ as destination Airport Get more information about Moala Airport
1112,095.65 miles (19,466.01 km) SVunisea Airport (KDV)Vunisea, Kadavu Island, FijiView Vunisea Airport on a map Set KDV as origin Airport Set KDV as destination Airport Get more information about Vunisea Airport
1212,067.86 miles (19,421.29 km) WWallis Island (WLS)Wallis and Futuna IslandsView Wallis Island on a map Set WLS as origin Airport Set WLS as destination Airport Get more information about Wallis Island
1312,045.90 miles (19,385.95 km) SFunafuti International Airport (FUN)Funafuti, TuvaluView Funafuti International Airport on a map Set FUN as origin Airport Set FUN as destination Airport Get more information about Funafuti International Airport
1412,024.23 miles (19,351.08 km) WSWMata'aho Airport (NFO)Niuafo'ou, TongaView Mata'aho Airport on a map Set NFO as origin Airport Set NFO as destination Airport Get more information about Mata'aho Airport
1511,831.67 miles (19,041.18 km) WAsau Airport (AAU)Asau, SamoaView Asau Airport on a map Set AAU as origin Airport Set AAU as destination Airport Get more information about Asau Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Arctic Village Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Arctic Village Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
179.19 miles (127.45 km) SSWVenetie Airport (VEE)Venetie, Alaska, United StatesView Venetie Airport on a map Set VEE as destination Airport Set VEE as destination Airport Get more information about Venetie Airport
286.70 miles (139.53 km) WSWChandalar Lake Airport (WCR)Chandalar Lake, Alaska, United StatesView Chandalar Lake Airport on a map Set WCR as destination Airport Set WCR as destination Airport Get more information about Chandalar Lake Airport
3103.03 miles (165.81 km) WNWGalbraith Lake Airport (GBH)Galbraith Lake, Alaska, United StatesView Galbraith Lake Airport on a map Set GBH as destination Airport Set GBH as destination Airport Get more information about Galbraith Lake Airport
4106.92 miles (172.08 km) SFort Yukon Airport (FYU)Fort Yukon, Alaska, United StatesView Fort Yukon Airport on a map Set FYU as destination Airport Set FYU as destination Airport Get more information about Fort Yukon Airport
5112.69 miles (181.36 km) SSEChalkyitsik Airport (CIK)Chalkyitsik, Alaska, United StatesView Chalkyitsik Airport on a map Set CIK as destination Airport Set CIK as destination Airport Get more information about Chalkyitsik Airport
6127.36 miles (204.96 km) SBirch Creek Airport (KBC)Birch Creek, Alaska, United StatesView Birch Creek Airport on a map Set KBC as destination Airport Set KBC as destination Airport Get more information about Birch Creek Airport
7130.55 miles (210.10 km) SSWBeaver Airport (WBQ)Beaver, Alaska, United StatesView Beaver Airport on a map Set WBQ as destination Airport Set WBQ as destination Airport Get more information about Beaver Airport
8135.13 miles (217.47 km) WSWColdfoot Airport (CXF)Coldfoot, Alaska, United StatesView Coldfoot Airport on a map Set CXF as destination Airport Set CXF as destination Airport Get more information about Coldfoot Airport
9147.91 miles (238.03 km) NNEBarter Island LRRS Airport (BTI)Barter Island, Alaska, United StatesView Barter Island LRRS Airport on a map Set BTI as destination Airport Set BTI as destination Airport Get more information about Barter Island LRRS Airport
10154.16 miles (248.10 km) ESEOld Crow Airport (YOC)Old Crow, Yukon, CanadaView Old Crow Airport on a map Set YOC as destination Airport Set YOC as destination Airport Get more information about Old Crow Airport
11158.62 miles (255.28 km) WAnaktuvuk Pass Airport (AKP)Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska, United StatesView Anaktuvuk Pass Airport on a map Set AKP as destination Airport Set AKP as destination Airport Get more information about Anaktuvuk Pass Airport
12160.23 miles (257.87 km) NNWDeadhorse Airport (SCC)Deadhorse, Alaska, United StatesView Deadhorse Airport on a map Set SCC as destination Airport Set SCC as destination Airport Get more information about Deadhorse Airport
13161.35 miles (259.67 km) WSWProspect Creek Airport (PPC)Prospect Creek, Alaska, United StatesView Prospect Creek Airport on a map Set PPC as destination Airport Set PPC as destination Airport Get more information about Prospect Creek Airport
14163.14 miles (262.55 km) SSECircle City Airport (IRC)Circle, Alaska, United StatesView Circle City Airport on a map Set IRC as destination Airport Set IRC as destination Airport Get more information about Circle City Airport
15172.46 miles (277.55 km) SWStevens Village Airport (SVS)Stevens Village, Alaska, United StatesView Stevens Village Airport on a map Set SVS as destination Airport Set SVS as destination Airport Get more information about Stevens Village Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Arctic Village Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Arctic Village Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
110,053.03 miles (16,178.75 km) SSEPort Elizabeth International Airport (PLZ)Port Elizabeth, South AfricaView Port Elizabeth International Airport on a map Set PLZ as destination Airport Set PLZ as destination Airport Get more information about Port Elizabeth International Airport
210,032.60 miles (16,145.86 km) SSEGeorge Airport (GRJ)George, South AfricaView George Airport on a map Set GRJ as destination Airport Set GRJ as destination Airport Get more information about George Airport
310,030.21 miles (16,142.02 km) SPort Alfred Airport (AFD)Port Alfred, South AfricaView Port Alfred Airport on a map Set AFD as destination Airport Set AFD as destination Airport Get more information about Port Alfred Airport
49,998.80 miles (16,091.47 km) SEast London Airport (ELS)East London, South AfricaView East London Airport on a map Set ELS as destination Airport Set ELS as destination Airport Get more information about East London Airport
59,996.20 miles (16,087.28 km) SSECape Town International Airport (CPT)Cape Town, South AfricaView Cape Town International Airport on a map Set CPT as destination Airport Set CPT as destination Airport Get more information about Cape Town International Airport
69,958.97 miles (16,027.37 km) SETeniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport (TNM)Villa Las Estrellas, AntarcticaView Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport on a map Set TNM as destination Airport Set TNM as destination Airport Get more information about Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport
79,899.59 miles (15,931.80 km) SMthatha Airport (UTT)Mthatha, South AfricaView Mthatha Airport on a map Set UTT as destination Airport Set UTT as destination Airport Get more information about Mthatha Airport
89,857.42 miles (15,863.93 km) SMargate Airport (MGH)Margate, KwaZulu-Natal, South AfricaView Margate Airport on a map Set MGH as destination Airport Set MGH as destination Airport Get more information about Margate Airport
99,785.34 miles (15,747.94 km) SLebakeng Airport (LEF)Lebakeng, LesothoView Lebakeng Airport on a map Set LEF as destination Airport Set LEF as destination Airport Get more information about Lebakeng Airport
109,779.46 miles (15,738.48 km) SSemonkong Airport (SOK)Semonkong, LesothoView Semonkong Airport on a map Set SOK as destination Airport Set SOK as destination Airport Get more information about Semonkong Airport
119,774.91 miles (15,731.15 km) SLesobeng Airport (LES)Lesobeng, LesothoView Lesobeng Airport on a map Set LES as destination Airport Set LES as destination Airport Get more information about Lesobeng Airport
129,773.84 miles (15,729.43 km) SPietermaritzburg Airport (PZB)Pietermaritzburg, South AfricaView Pietermaritzburg Airport on a map Set PZB as destination Airport Set PZB as destination Airport Get more information about Pietermaritzburg Airport
139,773.42 miles (15,728.76 km) SMafeteng Airport (MFC)Mafeteng, LesothoView Mafeteng Airport on a map Set MFC as destination Airport Set MFC as destination Airport Get more information about Mafeteng Airport
149,773.40 miles (15,728.73 km) SKing Shaka International (DUR)Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South AfricaView King Shaka International on a map Set DUR as destination Airport Set DUR as destination Airport Get more information about King Shaka International
159,751.44 miles (15,693.39 km) SMoshoeshoe I International Airport (MSU)Maseru, LesothoView Moshoeshoe I International Airport on a map Set MSU as destination Airport Set MSU as destination Airport Get more information about Moshoeshoe I International Airport