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ADK Airport Information:

Airport Name: Adak Airport
Location: Adak Island, Alaska, United States
GPS Coordinates: 51°52'41"N by 176°38'45"W
Area Served: Adak Island, Alaska
Operator/Owner: Alaska DOT&PF - Central Region
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 18 feet (5 meters)
# of Runways: 2
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Facts about Adak Airport (ADK):

  • Adak Airport (ADK) has 2 runways.
  • The furthest airport from Adak Airport (ADK) is Cape Town International Airport (CPT), which is located 10,985 miles (17,679 kilometers) away in Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Because of Adak Airport's relatively low elevation of 18 feet, planes can take off or land at Adak Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The closest airport to Adak Airport (ADK) is Atka Airport (AKB), which is located 106 miles (171 kilometers) ENE of ADK.
  • Adak's airport is one of the largest and most sophisticated airports in the Aleutian Islands.

Map of Nearest Airports from Adak Airport:

List of Nearest Airports from Adak Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
1106.34 miles (171.14 km) ENEAtka Airport (AKB)Atka, Alaska, United StatesView Atka Airport on a map Set AKB as destination Airport Get more information about Atka Airport
2336.57 miles (541.65 km) ENENikolski Air Station (IKO)Nikolski, Alaska, United StatesView Nikolski Air Station on a map Set IKO as destination Airport Get more information about Nikolski Air Station
3394.42 miles (634.75 km) WNWEareckson Air Station (SYA)Shemya, Alaska, United StatesView Eareckson Air Station on a map Set SYA as destination Airport Get more information about Eareckson Air Station
4429.63 miles (691.43 km) NESt. George Airport (STG)St. George, Alaska, United StatesView St. George Airport on a map Set STG as destination Airport Get more information about St. George Airport
5434.18 miles (698.74 km) WNWCasco Cove Coast Guard Station (ATU)Attu Island, Alaska, United StatesView Casco Cove Coast Guard Station on a map Set ATU as destination Airport Get more information about Casco Cove Coast Guard Station
6443.19 miles (713.24 km) ENEUnalaska Airport (DUT)Unalaska, Alaska, United StatesView Unalaska Airport on a map Set DUT as destination Airport Get more information about Unalaska Airport
7446.73 miles (718.95 km) NNESt. Paul Island Airport (SNP)St. Paul Island, Alaska, United StatesView St. Paul Island Airport on a map Set SNP as destination Airport Get more information about St. Paul Island Airport
8477.38 miles (768.27 km) ENEAkutan Seaplane Base (KQA)Akutan, Alaska, United StatesView Akutan Seaplane Base on a map Set KQA as destination Airport Get more information about Akutan Seaplane Base
9581.92 miles (936.51 km) ENEFalse Pass Airport (KFP)False Pass, Alaska, United StatesView False Pass Airport on a map Set KFP as destination Airport Get more information about False Pass Airport
10603.62 miles (971.42 km) ENEPauloff Harbor Seaplane Base (KPH)Sanak Island, Alaska, United StatesView Pauloff Harbor Seaplane Base on a map Set KPH as destination Airport Get more information about Pauloff Harbor Seaplane Base
11614.76 miles (989.36 km) ENECold Bay Airport (CDB)Cold Bay, Alaska, United StatesView Cold Bay Airport on a map Set CDB as destination Airport Get more information about Cold Bay Airport
12630.55 miles (1,014.77 km) ENEKing Cove Airport (KVC)King Cove, Alaska, United StatesView King Cove Airport on a map Set KVC as destination Airport Get more information about King Cove Airport
13689.42 miles (1,109.51 km) ENENelson Lagoon Airport (NLG)Nelson Lagoon, Alaska, United StatesView Nelson Lagoon Airport on a map Set NLG as destination Airport Get more information about Nelson Lagoon Airport
14700.58 miles (1,127.47 km) ENESand Point Airport (SDP)Sand Point, Alaska, United StatesView Sand Point Airport on a map Set SDP as destination Airport Get more information about Sand Point Airport
15708.16 miles (1,139.68 km) NNEMekoryuk Airport (MYU)Mekoryuk, Alaska, United StatesView Mekoryuk Airport on a map Set MYU as destination Airport Get more information about Mekoryuk Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Adak Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Adak Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
110,985.34 miles (17,679.15 km) SWCape Town International Airport (CPT)Cape Town, South AfricaView Cape Town International Airport on a map Set CPT as destination Airport Get more information about Cape Town International Airport
210,881.25 miles (17,511.64 km) SWGeorge Airport (GRJ)George, South AfricaView George Airport on a map Set GRJ as destination Airport Get more information about George Airport
310,778.05 miles (17,345.55 km) SWPort Elizabeth International Airport (PLZ)Port Elizabeth, South AfricaView Port Elizabeth International Airport on a map Set PLZ as destination Airport Get more information about Port Elizabeth International Airport
410,749.72 miles (17,299.96 km) SSWKleinsee Airport (KLZ)Kleinzee, South AfricaView Kleinsee Airport on a map Set KLZ as destination Airport Get more information about Kleinsee Airport
510,711.57 miles (17,238.55 km) SWPort Alfred Airport (AFD)Port Alfred, South AfricaView Port Alfred Airport on a map Set AFD as destination Airport Get more information about Port Alfred Airport
610,689.19 miles (17,202.54 km) SSWAlexander Bay Airport (ALJ)Alexander Bay, South AfricaView Alexander Bay Airport on a map Set ALJ as destination Airport Get more information about Alexander Bay Airport
710,685.68 miles (17,196.89 km) SSWAggeneys Airport (AGZ)Aggeneys, South AfricaView Aggeneys Airport on a map Set AGZ as destination Airport Get more information about Aggeneys Airport
810,685.67 miles (17,196.88 km) SSWWild Coast Sun Airport (MZF)Mzamba, South AfricaView Wild Coast Sun Airport on a map Set MZF as destination Airport Get more information about Wild Coast Sun Airport
910,650.66 miles (17,140.53 km) SWEast London Airport (ELS)East London, South AfricaView East London Airport on a map Set ELS as destination Airport Get more information about East London Airport
1010,607.58 miles (17,071.20 km) SSWKarasburg Airport (KAS)Karasburg, NamibiaView Karasburg Airport on a map Set KAS as destination Airport Get more information about Karasburg Airport
1110,589.31 miles (17,041.80 km) SSWLüderitz Airport (LUD)Luderitz, NamibiaView Lüderitz Airport on a map Set LUD as destination Airport Get more information about Lüderitz Airport
1210,570.50 miles (17,011.53 km) SWUpington Airport (UTN)Upington, South AfricaView Upington Airport on a map Set UTN as destination Airport Get more information about Upington Airport
1310,537.93 miles (16,959.11 km) SWMthatha Airport (UTT)Mthatha, South AfricaView Mthatha Airport on a map Set UTT as destination Airport Get more information about Mthatha Airport
1410,524.48 miles (16,937.47 km) SSWKeetmanshoop Airport (KMP)Keetmanshoop, NamibiaView Keetmanshoop Airport on a map Set KMP as destination Airport Get more information about Keetmanshoop Airport
1510,499.70 miles (16,897.59 km) SWKimberley Airport (KIM)Kimberley, South AfricaView Kimberley Airport on a map Set KIM as destination Airport Get more information about Kimberley Airport