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DRW Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Darwin International Airport
  2. RAAF Base Darwin
Location: Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
GPS Coordinates: 12°24'52"S by 130°52'36"E
Area Served: Darwin, Northern Territory
Operator/Owner: Darwin International Airport Pty Ltd (DIA) / RAAF Darwin
Airport Type: Military/Public
Elevation: 103 feet (31 meters)
# of Runways: 2
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Facts about Darwin International Airport (DRW):

  • In addition to being known as "Darwin International Airport", another name for DRW is "RAAF Base Darwin".
  • Between 1950 and 1974 Darwin Airport acted as the primary domestic and international airport for the Northern Territory and a very important stop for airlines flying between Australia, Asia and onwards to Europe.
  • In 2008 the Australian Infrastructure Fund, which holds 28.2% of Northern Territory Airports, announced that the airport would undergo a $60 million expansion to cater for growing passenger numbers.
  • The closest airport to Darwin International Airport (DRW) is Bathurst Island Airport (BRT), which is located 48 miles (77 kilometers) NNW of DRW.
  • Darwin International Airport (DRW) has 2 runways.
  • Because of Darwin International Airport's relatively low elevation of 103 feet, planes can take off or land at Darwin International Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • During the 2009–10 financial year there was a total of 1,569,007 passengers which consisted of 207,825 international passengers and 1,361,182 domestic passengers, up 2.0%.
  • Darwin International Airport handled 1,743,734 passengers last year.
  • In 2011 the airport served 26,036 flights and 1,743,734 passengers.
  • The furthest airport from Darwin International Airport (DRW) is Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport (CAY), which is located 11,867 miles (19,099 kilometers) away in Cayenne, French Guiana.

Map of Nearest Airports from Darwin International Airport:

List of Nearest Airports from Darwin International Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
147.86 miles (77.03 km) NNWBathurst Island Airport (BRT)Bathurst Island, Northern Territory, AustraliaView Bathurst Island Airport on a map Set BRT as destination Airport Get more information about Bathurst Island Airport
270.18 miles (112.94 km) NNWSnake Bay Airport (SNB)Milikapiti, Melville Island, Northern Territory, AustraliaView Snake Bay Airport on a map Set SNB as destination Airport Get more information about Snake Bay Airport
376.52 miles (123.14 km) NNWGarden Point Airport (GPN)Pirlangimpi, Northern Territory, AustraliaView Garden Point Airport on a map Set GPN as destination Airport Get more information about Garden Point Airport
4137.05 miles (220.56 km) EJabiru Airport (JAB)Jabiru, Northern Territory, AustraliaView Jabiru Airport on a map Set JAB as destination Airport Get more information about Jabiru Airport
5138.79 miles (223.37 km) NECroker Island Airport (CKI)Croker Island, Northern Territory, AustraliaView Croker Island Airport on a map Set CKI as destination Airport Get more information about Croker Island Airport
6155.78 miles (250.70 km) SWPort Keats Airfield (PKT)Wadeye, Northern Territory, AustraliaView Port Keats Airfield on a map Set PKT as destination Airport Get more information about Port Keats Airfield
7228.06 miles (367.03 km) EManingrida Airport (MNG)Maningrida, Northern Territory, AustraliaView Maningrida Airport on a map Set MNG as destination Airport Get more information about Maningrida Airport
8272.12 miles (437.93 km) EMilingimbi Airport (MGT)Milingimbi Island, Northern Territory, AustraliaView Milingimbi Airport on a map Set MGT as destination Airport Get more information about Milingimbi Airport
9274.09 miles (441.10 km) SSWEast Kimberley Regional Airport (KNX)Kununurra, Western Australia, AustraliaView East Kimberley Regional Airport on a map Set KNX as destination Airport Get more information about East Kimberley Regional Airport
10306.89 miles (493.89 km) SSWArgyle Downs Airport (AGY)Argyle Downs, Western Australia, AustraliaView Argyle Downs Airport on a map Set AGY as destination Airport Get more information about Argyle Downs Airport
11318.10 miles (511.93 km) EElcho Island Airport (ELC)Elcho Island, Northern Territory, AustraliaView Elcho Island Airport on a map Set ELC as destination Airport Get more information about Elcho Island Airport
12332.54 miles (535.18 km) ELake Evella Airport (LEL)Gapuwiyak (Lake Evella), Northern Territory, AustraliaView Lake Evella Airport on a map Set LEL as destination Airport Get more information about Lake Evella Airport
13333.77 miles (537.15 km) SSWArgyle Airport (GYL)Argyle, Western Australia, AustraliaView Argyle Airport on a map Set GYL as destination Airport Get more information about Argyle Airport
14346.69 miles (557.94 km) SKalkgurung Airport (KFG)Daguragu / Kalkaringi, Northern Territory, AustraliaView Kalkgurung Airport on a map Set KFG as destination Airport Get more information about Kalkgurung Airport
15390.73 miles (628.82 km) ESEGroote Eylandt Airport (GTE)Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory, AustraliaView Groote Eylandt Airport on a map Set GTE as destination Airport Get more information about Groote Eylandt Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Darwin International Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Darwin International Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,867.37 miles (19,098.64 km) NNECayenne – Félix Eboué Airport (CAY)Cayenne, French GuianaView Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport on a map Set CAY as destination Airport Get more information about Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport
211,853.67 miles (19,076.58 km) NEAlbina Airstrip (ABN)Albina, SurinameView Albina Airstrip on a map Set ABN as destination Airport Get more information about Albina Airstrip
311,820.97 miles (19,023.96 km) NEZorg en Hoop Airport (ORG)Paramaribo, SurinameView Zorg en Hoop Airport on a map Set ORG as destination Airport Get more information about Zorg en Hoop Airport
411,802.38 miles (18,994.04 km) NEJohan Adolf Pengel International Airport (PBM)Zanderij (near Paramaribo), SurinameView Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport on a map Set PBM as destination Airport Get more information about Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport
511,772.59 miles (18,946.09 km) NNEStoelmans Eiland Airstrip (SMZ)Stoelmans Eiland, SurinameView Stoelmans Eiland Airstrip on a map Set SMZ as destination Airport Get more information about Stoelmans Eiland Airstrip
611,768.99 miles (18,940.31 km) NETotness Airstrip (TOT)Totness, Coronie, SurinameView Totness Airstrip on a map Set TOT as destination Airport Get more information about Totness Airstrip
711,767.79 miles (18,938.37 km) NNESaül Airport (XAU)Saül, French GuianaView Saül Airport on a map Set XAU as destination Airport Get more information about Saül Airport
811,749.69 miles (18,909.25 km) NEDrietabbetje Airstrip (DRJ)Drietabbetje, SurinameView Drietabbetje Airstrip on a map Set DRJ as destination Airport Get more information about Drietabbetje Airstrip
911,748.91 miles (18,907.99 km) NEWageningen Airstrip (AGI)Wageningen, SurinameView Wageningen Airstrip on a map Set AGI as destination Airport Get more information about Wageningen Airstrip
1011,744.78 miles (18,901.35 km) NNEMaripasoula Airport (MPY)Maripasoula, French GuianaView Maripasoula Airport on a map Set MPY as destination Airport Get more information about Maripasoula Airport
1111,736.57 miles (18,888.14 km) EGrantley Adams International Airport (BGI)Bridgetown, BarbadosView Grantley Adams International Airport on a map Set BGI as destination Airport Get more information about Grantley Adams International Airport
1211,736.54 miles (18,888.09 km) NEMajoor Henry Fernandes Airport (ICK)Nieuw-Nickerie, SurinameView Majoor Henry Fernandes Airport on a map Set ICK as destination Airport Get more information about Majoor Henry Fernandes Airport
1311,734.86 miles (18,885.38 km) NELaduani Airstrip (LDO)Ladouanie, SurinameView Laduani Airstrip on a map Set LDO as destination Airport Get more information about Laduani Airstrip
1411,724.37 miles (18,868.49 km) NEBotopasi Airstrip (BTO)Botopasi, SurinameView Botopasi Airstrip on a map Set BTO as destination Airport Get more information about Botopasi Airstrip
1511,712.77 miles (18,849.84 km) ENEOgle Airport (OGL)Georgetown, GuyanaView Ogle Airport on a map Set OGL as destination Airport Get more information about Ogle Airport