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UZU Airport Information:

Airport Name: Curuzú Cuatiá Airport
Location: Curuzú Cuatiá, Corrientes, Argentina
GPS Coordinates: 29°46'14"S by 57°58'44"W
Area Served: Curuzú Cuatiá
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 229 feet (70 meters)
# of Runways: 1
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Facts about Curuzú Cuatiá Airport (UZU):

  • The furthest airport from Curuzú Cuatiá Airport (UZU) is Zhoushan Putuoshan Airport (HSN), which is nearly antipodal to Curuzú Cuatiá Airport (meaning Curuzú Cuatiá Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Zhoushan Putuoshan Airport), and is located 12,413 miles (19,977 kilometers) away in Zhoushan, Zhejiang, China.
  • The closest airport to Curuzú Cuatiá Airport (UZU) is Mercedes Airport (MDX), which is located 39 miles (62 kilometers) N of UZU.
  • Because of Curuzú Cuatiá Airport's relatively low elevation of 229 feet, planes can take off or land at Curuzú Cuatiá Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Curuzú Cuatiá Airport (UZU) currently has only 1 runway.

Map of Nearest Airports from Curuzú Cuatiá Airport:

List of Nearest Airports from Curuzú Cuatiá Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
138.66 miles (62.22 km) NMercedes Airport (MDX)Mercedes, Corrientes, ArgentinaView Mercedes Airport on a map Set MDX as destination Airport Get more information about Mercedes Airport
240.13 miles (64.58 km) SSEMonte Caseros Airport (MCS)Monte Caseros, Corrientes, ArgentinaView Monte Caseros Airport on a map Set MCS as destination Airport Get more information about Monte Caseros Airport
349.91 miles (80.33 km) EPaso de los Libres Airport (AOL)Paso de los Libres, Corrientes, ArgentinaView Paso de los Libres Airport on a map Set AOL as destination Airport Get more information about Paso de los Libres Airport
456.41 miles (90.79 km) ERuben Berta International Airport (URG)Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilView Ruben Berta International Airport on a map Set URG as destination Airport Get more information about Ruben Berta International Airport
598.14 miles (157.94 km) ESEArtigas International Airport (ATI)Artigas, Artigas, UruguayView Artigas International Airport on a map Set ATI as destination Airport Get more information about Artigas International Airport
6105.47 miles (169.73 km) SComodoro Pierrestegui Airport (COC)Concordia, Entre Ríos, ArgentinaView Comodoro Pierrestegui Airport on a map Set COC as destination Airport Get more information about Comodoro Pierrestegui Airport
7109.38 miles (176.04 km) WNWReconquista Airport (RCQ)Reconquista, Santa Fe, ArgentinaView Reconquista Airport on a map Set RCQ as destination Airport Get more information about Reconquista Airport
8115.25 miles (185.48 km) SNueva Hespérides International Airport (STY)Salto, Salto, UruguayView Nueva Hespérides International Airport on a map Set STY as destination Airport Get more information about Nueva Hespérides International Airport
9125.15 miles (201.41 km) EGaudêncio Machado Ramos Airport (ALQ)Alegrete, Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilView Gaudêncio Machado Ramos Airport on a map Set ALQ as destination Airport Get more information about Gaudêncio Machado Ramos Airport
10167.22 miles (269.11 km) NNWDoctor Fernando Piragine Niveyro International Airport (CNQ)Corrientes, Corrientes, ArgentinaView Doctor Fernando Piragine Niveyro International Airport on a map Set CNQ as destination Airport Get more information about Doctor Fernando Piragine Niveyro International Airport
11170.81 miles (274.89 km) ESEPres. Gral. Óscar D. Gestido International Airport (RVY)Rivera, Rivera, UruguayView Pres. Gral. Óscar D. Gestido International Airport on a map Set RVY as destination Airport Get more information about Pres. Gral. Óscar D. Gestido International Airport
12173.15 miles (278.66 km) NNWResistencia International Airport (RES)Resistencia, Chaco, ArgentinaView Resistencia International Airport on a map Set RES as destination Airport Get more information about Resistencia International Airport
13179.21 miles (288.41 km) STydeo Larre Borges International Airport (PDU)Paysandú, Paysandú, UruguayView Tydeo Larre Borges International Airport on a map Set PDU as destination Airport Get more information about Tydeo Larre Borges International Airport
14183.15 miles (294.75 km) SETacuarembó Airport (TAW)Tacuarembó, Tacuarembó, UruguayView Tacuarembó Airport on a map Set TAW as destination Airport Get more information about Tacuarembó Airport
15200.68 miles (322.97 km) NCarlos Miguel Jiménez Airport (PIL)Pilar, ParaguayView Carlos Miguel Jiménez Airport on a map Set PIL as destination Airport Get more information about Carlos Miguel Jiménez Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Curuzú Cuatiá Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Curuzú Cuatiá Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,413.44 miles (19,977.44 km) WNWZhoushan Putuoshan Airport (HSN)Zhoushan, Zhejiang, ChinaView Zhoushan Putuoshan Airport on a map Set HSN as destination Airport Get more information about Zhoushan Putuoshan Airport
212,403.05 miles (19,960.72 km) ENingbo Lishe International Airport (NGB)Ningbo, Zhejiang, ChinaView Ningbo Lishe International Airport on a map Set NGB as destination Airport Get more information about Ningbo Lishe International Airport
312,345.98 miles (19,868.88 km) NNETaizhou Luqiao Airport (HYN)Taizhou, Zhejiang, ChinaView Taizhou Luqiao Airport on a map Set HYN as destination Airport Get more information about Taizhou Luqiao Airport
412,341.08 miles (19,861.00 km) NShanghai Pudong International Airport (PVG)Shanghai, People's Republic of ChinaView Shanghai Pudong International Airport on a map Set PVG as destination Airport Get more information about Shanghai Pudong International Airport
512,336.70 miles (19,853.95 km) ENEHangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport (HGH)Hangzhou, ChinaView Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport on a map Set HGH as destination Airport Get more information about Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport
612,330.07 miles (19,843.28 km) NNEShanghai Hongqiao International Airport (SHA)Shanghai, ChinaView Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport on a map Set SHA as destination Airport Get more information about Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport
712,313.70 miles (19,816.93 km) ENEYiwu Airport (YIW)Yiwu, Zhejiang, ChinaView Yiwu Airport on a map Set YIW as destination Airport Get more information about Yiwu Airport
812,295.60 miles (19,787.80 km) NESuzhou Guangfu Airport (SZV)Suzhou, Jiangsu, ChinaView Suzhou Guangfu Airport on a map Set SZV as destination Airport Get more information about Suzhou Guangfu Airport
912,290.18 miles (19,779.07 km) NNEWenzhou Longwan International Airport (WNZ)Wenzhou, Zhejiang, ChinaView Wenzhou Longwan International Airport on a map Set WNZ as destination Airport Get more information about Wenzhou Longwan International Airport
1012,284.68 miles (19,770.23 km) NESunan Shuofang International Airport (WUX)Wuxi/Suzhou, Jiangsu, ChinaView Sunan Shuofang International Airport on a map Set WUX as destination Airport Get more information about Sunan Shuofang International Airport
1112,240.79 miles (19,699.59 km) ENEQuzhou Airport (JUZ)Quzhou, Zhejiang, ChinaView Quzhou Airport on a map Set JUZ as destination Airport Get more information about Quzhou Airport
1212,238.45 miles (19,695.83 km) NEChangzhou Benniu Airport (CZX)Changzhou, Jiangsu, ChinaView Changzhou Benniu Airport on a map Set CZX as destination Airport Get more information about Changzhou Benniu Airport
1312,204.99 miles (19,641.98 km) NENanjing Lukou International Airport (NKG)Nanjing, ChinaView Nanjing Lukou International Airport on a map Set NKG as destination Airport Get more information about Nanjing Lukou International Airport
1412,200.64 miles (19,634.98 km) NEYangzhou Taizhou Airport (YTY)Yangzhou and Taizhou, Jiangsu, ChinaView Yangzhou Taizhou Airport on a map Set YTY as destination Airport Get more information about Yangzhou Taizhou Airport
1512,169.60 miles (19,585.02 km) ENEChizhou Jiuhuashan Airport (JUH)Chizhou and Tongling, Anhui, ChinaView Chizhou Jiuhuashan Airport on a map Set JUH as destination Airport Get more information about Chizhou Jiuhuashan Airport