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DPS Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Ngurah Rai International Airport (NRIA)
  2. Bandar Udara Internasional Ngurah Rai (NRIA)
  3. WADD formerly WRRR
Location: Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
GPS Coordinates: 8°44'53"S by 115°10'3"E
Area Served: Denpasar
Operator/Owner: Government of Indonesia
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 14 feet (4 meters)
# of Runways: 1
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Facts about Ngurah Rai International Airport (NRIA) (DPS):

  • The closest airport to Ngurah Rai International Airport (NRIA) (DPS) is Blimbingsari Airport (BWX), which is located 64 miles (103 kilometers) WNW of DPS.
  • The project planned to expand the international terminal to 120,000 m2 and the domestic terminal to 65,000 m2.
  • In 1949 a Terminal building and other aviation facilities were constructed and a simple wooden flight control tower was erected.
  • The Pelabuhan Udara Tuban, or Tuban airfield, was established in 1931 at the narrowest point on the southern coast of Bali.
  • Because of Ngurah Rai International Airport (NRIA)'s relatively low elevation of 14 feet, planes can take off or land at Ngurah Rai International Airport (NRIA) at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The current airport is named after I Gusti Ngurah Rai, an Indonesian National Hero an Indonesian republican who died on 20 November 1946 in a puputan against the Dutch at Marga in Tabanan where the Dutch defeated them with the aid of aircraft, killing Rai and 95 others during the Indonesian Revolution in 1946.
  • Ngurah Rai International Airport (NRIA) handled 12,780,563 passengers last year.
  • Plans to expand the international and domestic terminals at Ngurah Rai International Airport were announced in September 2008 with estimated costs of up to Rp 1 trillion and a 2011 planned completion date.
  • Ngurah Rai International Airport (NRIA) (DPS) currently has only 1 runway.
  • In addition to being known as "Ngurah Rai International Airport (NRIA)", other names for DPS include "Bandar Udara Internasional Ngurah Rai (NRIA)" and "WADD formerly WRRR".
  • The International Terminal is located in the newer L shaped terminal whilst the Domestic Terminal is located in the older adjacent building a short distance to the south east of the international terminal.
  • The furthest airport from Ngurah Rai International Airport (NRIA) (DPS) is El Tigre Airport (ELX), which is nearly antipodal to Ngurah Rai International Airport (NRIA) (meaning Ngurah Rai International Airport (NRIA) is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from El Tigre Airport), and is located 12,394 miles (19,946 kilometers) away in El Tigre, Venezuela.
  • The master plan was originally proposed prior to the tourism downturn in Bali following the two bombing incidents.

Map of Nearest Airports from Ngurah Rai International Airport (NRIA):

List of Nearest Airports from Ngurah Rai International Airport (NRIA):

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
164.12 miles (103.19 km) WNWBlimbingsari Airport (BWX)Banyuwangi Regency, East Java, Java Island, IndonesiaView Blimbingsari Airport on a map Set BWX as destination Airport Get more information about Blimbingsari Airport
264.61 miles (103.98 km) ENESelaparang Airport (AMI)Mataram, IndonesiaView Selaparang Airport on a map Set AMI as destination Airport Get more information about Selaparang Airport
375.73 miles (121.87 km) ELombok International Airport (LOP)Mataram (near Praya), Lombok, IndonesiaView Lombok International Airport on a map Set LOP as destination Airport Get more information about Lombok International Airport
4177.05 miles (284.93 km) WNWAbdul Rachman Saleh Airport (MLG)Malang, East Java, IndonesiaView Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport on a map Set MLG as destination Airport Get more information about Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport
5188.30 miles (303.05 km) WNWJuanda International Airport (SUB)Surabaya, IndonesiaView Juanda International Airport on a map Set SUB as destination Airport Get more information about Juanda International Airport
6240.86 miles (387.62 km) ESultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport (BMU)Bima, IndonesiaView Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport on a map Set BMU as destination Airport Get more information about Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport
7269.91 miles (434.38 km) WNWNgloram Airport (CPF)Cepu, IndonesiaView Ngloram Airport on a map Set CPF as destination Airport Get more information about Ngloram Airport
8323.06 miles (519.91 km) EKomodo Airport (LBJ)Labuan Bajo, Flores Island, IndonesiaView Komodo Airport on a map Set LBJ as destination Airport Get more information about Komodo Airport
9330.53 miles (531.94 km) WAdisucipto International Airport (JOG)Yogyakarta, IndonesiaView Adisucipto International Airport on a map Set JOG as destination Airport Get more information about Adisucipto International Airport
10350.27 miles (563.71 km) WNWAchmad Yani International Airport (AYIA) (SRG)Semarang, IndonesiaView Achmad Yani International Airport (AYIA) on a map Set SRG as destination Airport Get more information about Achmad Yani International Airport (AYIA)
11355.91 miles (572.78 km) EUmbu Mehang Kunda Airport (WGP)Waingapu, Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, IndonesiaView Umbu Mehang Kunda Airport on a map Set WGP as destination Airport Get more information about Umbu Mehang Kunda Airport
12367.65 miles (591.68 km) NSyamsudin Noor International Airport (SNA) (BDJ)Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, IndonesiaView Syamsudin Noor International Airport (SNA) on a map Set BDJ as destination Airport Get more information about Syamsudin Noor International Airport (SNA)
13370.50 miles (596.26 km) NBatu Licin Airport (BTW)Batu Licin, Kalimantan, IndonesiaView Batu Licin Airport on a map Set BTW as destination Airport Get more information about Batu Licin Airport
14382.88 miles (616.19 km) NGusti Syamsir Alam Airport (KBU)Kotabaru, Kalimantan, IndonesiaView Gusti Syamsir Alam Airport on a map Set KBU as destination Airport Get more information about Gusti Syamsir Alam Airport
15394.18 miles (634.37 km) NESultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM) (UPG)Makassar, IndonesiaView Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM) on a map Set UPG as destination Airport Get more information about Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM)

Map of Furthest Airports from Ngurah Rai International Airport (NRIA):

List of Furthest Airports from Ngurah Rai International Airport (NRIA):

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,393.93 miles (19,946.05 km) WEl Tigre Airport (ELX)El Tigre, VenezuelaView El Tigre Airport on a map Set ELX as destination Airport Get more information about El Tigre Airport
212,388.32 miles (19,937.03 km) WNWSan Tomé Airport (SOM)San Tomé, VenezuelaView San Tomé Airport on a map Set SOM as destination Airport Get more information about San Tomé Airport
312,383.59 miles (19,929.41 km) NNWAnaco Airport (AAO)Anaco, VenezuelaView Anaco Airport on a map Set AAO as destination Airport Get more information about Anaco Airport
412,351.08 miles (19,877.08 km) ENEValle de la Pascua Airport (VDP)Valle de la Pascua, Guárico, VenezuelaView Valle de la Pascua Airport on a map Set VDP as destination Airport Get more information about Valle de la Pascua Airport
512,342.38 miles (19,863.09 km) NGeneral José Antonio Anzoátegui International Airport (BLA)Barcelona, Anzoátegui, VenezuelaView General José Antonio Anzoátegui International Airport on a map Set BLA as destination Airport Get more information about General José Antonio Anzoátegui International Airport
612,338.21 miles (19,856.37 km) WNWTomás de Heres Airport (CBL)Ciudad Bolívar, VenezuelaView Tomás de Heres Airport on a map Set CBL as destination Airport Get more information about Tomás de Heres Airport
712,309.84 miles (19,810.71 km) NNWAntonio José de Sucre Airport (CUM)Cumaná, VenezuelaView Antonio José de Sucre Airport on a map Set CUM as destination Airport Get more information about Antonio José de Sucre Airport
812,303.02 miles (19,799.74 km) WNWJosé Tadeo Monagas International Airport (MUN)Maturín, VenezuelaView José Tadeo Monagas International Airport on a map Set MUN as destination Airport Get more information about José Tadeo Monagas International Airport
912,291.69 miles (19,781.50 km) WNWManuel Carlos Piar Guayana International Airport (PZO)Ciudad Guayana, VenezuelaView Manuel Carlos Piar Guayana International Airport on a map Set PZO as destination Airport Get more information about Manuel Carlos Piar Guayana International Airport
1012,291.69 miles (19,781.50 km) WNWManuel Carlos Piar Guayana International Airport (CGU)Ciudad Guayana, VenezuelaView Manuel Carlos Piar Guayana International Airport on a map Set CGU as destination Airport Get more information about Manuel Carlos Piar Guayana International Airport
1112,276.04 miles (19,756.32 km) NNWSantiago Mariño Caribbean International Airport (PMV)Porlamar, VenezuelaView Santiago Mariño Caribbean International Airport on a map Set PMV as destination Airport Get more information about Santiago Mariño Caribbean International Airport
1212,266.81 miles (19,741.47 km) NWGeneral José Francisco Bermúdez Airport (CUP)Carúpano, VenezuelaView General José Francisco Bermúdez Airport on a map Set CUP as destination Airport Get more information about General José Francisco Bermúdez Airport
1312,259.93 miles (19,730.40 km) ECalabozo Airport (CLZ)Calabozo, VenezuelaView Calabozo Airport on a map Set CLZ as destination Airport Get more information about Calabozo Airport
1412,248.53 miles (19,712.05 km) ENELas Flecheras Airport (SFD)San Fernando de Apure, VenezuelaView Las Flecheras Airport on a map Set SFD as destination Airport Get more information about Las Flecheras Airport
1512,241.79 miles (19,701.20 km) NEMaiquetía Simón Bolívar International Airport (CCS)Maiquetía (near Caracas), VenezuelaView Maiquetía Simón Bolívar International Airport on a map Set CCS as destination Airport Get more information about Maiquetía Simón Bolívar International Airport