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YPS Airport Information:

Airport Name: Port Hawkesbury Airport
Location: Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia, Canada
GPS Coordinates: 45°39'23"N by 61°22'5"W
Operator/Owner: Municipality of Port Hawkesbury
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 373 feet (114 meters)
# of Runways: 1
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Facts about Port Hawkesbury Airport (YPS):

  • The closest airport to Port Hawkesbury Airport (YPS) is Sydney/J.A. Douglas McCurdy Airport (YQY), which is located 72 miles (117 kilometers) ENE of YPS.
  • Because of Port Hawkesbury Airport's relatively low elevation of 373 feet, planes can take off or land at Port Hawkesbury Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The furthest airport from Port Hawkesbury Airport (YPS) is Albany Airport (ALH), which is located 11,695 miles (18,822 kilometers) away in Albany, Western Australia, Australia.
  • Port Hawkesbury Airport (YPS) currently has only 1 runway.

Map of Nearest Airports from Port Hawkesbury Airport:

List of Nearest Airports from Port Hawkesbury Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
172.43 miles (116.56 km) ENESydney/J.A. Douglas McCurdy Airport (YQY)Sydney, Nova Scotia, CanadaView Sydney/J.A. Douglas McCurdy Airport on a map Set YQY as destination Airport Get more information about Sydney/J.A. Douglas McCurdy Airport
294.76 miles (152.50 km) WNWCharlottetown Airport (YYG)Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, CanadaView Charlottetown Airport on a map Set YYG as destination Airport Get more information about Charlottetown Airport
3117.16 miles (188.55 km) WSWHalifax Stanfield International Airport (YHZ)Enfield, Nova Scotia, CanadaView Halifax Stanfield International Airport on a map Set YHZ as destination Airport Get more information about Halifax Stanfield International Airport
4123.74 miles (199.14 km) NÎles-de-la-Madeleine Airport (YGR)Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec, CanadaView Îles-de-la-Madeleine Airport on a map Set YGR as destination Airport Get more information about Îles-de-la-Madeleine Airport
5125.58 miles (202.10 km) WSWShearwater Heliport (YAW)Shearwater, Nova Scotia, CanadaView Shearwater Heliport on a map Set YAW as destination Airport Get more information about Shearwater Heliport
6130.04 miles (209.27 km) WNWSummerside Airport (YSU)Summerside, Prince Edward Island, CanadaView Summerside Airport on a map Set YSU as destination Airport Get more information about Summerside Airport
7162.33 miles (261.25 km) WNWGreater Moncton International Airport (YQM)Moncton, New Brunswick, CanadaView Greater Moncton International Airport on a map Set YQM as destination Airport Get more information about Greater Moncton International Airport
8178.52 miles (287.31 km) WSWCFB Greenwood (YZX)Greenwood, Nova Scotia, CanadaView CFB Greenwood on a map Set YZX as destination Airport Get more information about CFB Greenwood
9216.16 miles (347.88 km) WNWMiramichi Airport (YCH)Miramichi, New Brunswick, CanadaView Miramichi Airport on a map Set YCH as destination Airport Get more information about Miramichi Airport
10220.26 miles (354.47 km) WSaint John Airport (YSJ)Saint John, New Brunswick, CanadaView Saint John Airport on a map Set YSJ as destination Airport Get more information about Saint John Airport
11228.66 miles (367.99 km) WSWDigby/Annapolis Regional Airport (YDG)Digby, Nova Scotia, CanadaView Digby/Annapolis Regional Airport on a map Set YDG as destination Airport Get more information about Digby/Annapolis Regional Airport
12239.35 miles (385.19 km) NNEStephenville Airport (YJT)Stephenville, Newfoundland and Labrador, CanadaView Stephenville Airport on a map Set YJT as destination Airport Get more information about Stephenville Airport
13244.65 miles (393.73 km) W5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown, (YCX)Gagetown, New Brunswick, CanadaView 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown, on a map Set YCX as destination Airport Get more information about 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown,
14248.08 miles (399.24 km) NWBathurst Airport (ZBF)Bathurst, New Brunswick, CanadaView Bathurst Airport on a map Set ZBF as destination Airport Get more information about Bathurst Airport
15249.54 miles (401.59 km) WFredericton International Airport (YFC)Fredericton, New Brunswick, CanadaView Fredericton International Airport on a map Set YFC as destination Airport Get more information about Fredericton International Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Port Hawkesbury Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Port Hawkesbury Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,695.34 miles (18,821.78 km) SAlbany Airport (ALH)Albany, Western Australia, AustraliaView Albany Airport on a map Set ALH as destination Airport Get more information about Albany Airport
211,638.88 miles (18,730.91 km) SManjimup Airport (MJP)Manjimup, Western Australia, AustraliaView Manjimup Airport on a map Set MJP as destination Airport Get more information about Manjimup Airport
311,609.04 miles (18,682.89 km) SKatanning Airport (KNI)Katanning, Western Australia, AustraliaView Katanning Airport on a map Set KNI as destination Airport Get more information about Katanning Airport
411,605.40 miles (18,677.04 km) SSEMargaret River Airport (MGV)Margaret River, Western Australia, AustraliaView Margaret River Airport on a map Set MGV as destination Airport Get more information about Margaret River Airport
511,592.58 miles (18,656.40 km) SSWEsperance Airport (EPR)Esperance, AustraliaView Esperance Airport on a map Set EPR as destination Airport Get more information about Esperance Airport
611,592.34 miles (18,656.01 km) SSEBusselton Regional Airport (BQB)Busselton, Western Australia, AustraliaView Busselton Regional Airport on a map Set BQB as destination Airport Get more information about Busselton Regional Airport
711,574.12 miles (18,626.70 km) SSEBunbury Airport (BUY)Bunbury, Western Australia, AustraliaView Bunbury Airport on a map Set BUY as destination Airport Get more information about Bunbury Airport
811,488.52 miles (18,488.93 km) SJandakot Airport (JAD)Jandakot, Western Australia, AustraliaView Jandakot Airport on a map Set JAD as destination Airport Get more information about Jandakot Airport
911,479.33 miles (18,474.14 km) SRottnest Airport (RTS)Rottnest Island, Western Australia, AustraliaView Rottnest Airport on a map Set RTS as destination Airport Get more information about Rottnest Airport
1011,478.46 miles (18,472.74 km) SPerth Airport (PER)Perth, Western Australia, AustraliaView Perth Airport on a map Set PER as destination Airport Get more information about Perth Airport
1111,424.65 miles (18,386.14 km) SKambalda Airport (KDB)Kambalda, Western Australia, AustraliaView Kambalda Airport on a map Set KDB as destination Airport Get more information about Kambalda Airport
1211,398.35 miles (18,343.83 km) SKalgoorlie-Boulder Airport (KGI)Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, AustraliaView Kalgoorlie-Boulder Airport on a map Set KGI as destination Airport Get more information about Kalgoorlie-Boulder Airport
1311,358.57 miles (18,279.80 km) SSEJurien Bay Airport (JUR)Jurien Bay, Western Australia, AustraliaView Jurien Bay Airport on a map Set JUR as destination Airport Get more information about Jurien Bay Airport
1411,356.46 miles (18,276.40 km) SWindarling Airport (WRN)Windarling, AustraliaView Windarling Airport on a map Set WRN as destination Airport Get more information about Windarling Airport
1511,292.88 miles (18,174.08 km) SSWForrest Airport (FOS)Forrest, Western Australia, AustraliaView Forrest Airport on a map Set FOS as destination Airport Get more information about Forrest Airport