About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Boundji Airport (BOE), Boundji, Republic of the Congo and Tasiusaq Heliport (XEQ), Tasiusaq, Kujalleq, Greenland would travel a Great Circle distance of 5,294 miles (or 8,520 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Boundji Airport and Tasiusaq Heliport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Boundji Airport and Tasiusaq Heliport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Boundji Airport
Location: Boundji, Republic of the Congo
GPS Coordinates: 1°1'58"S by 15°22'58"E
Area Served: Boundji, Republic of the Congo
Elevation: 1247 feet (380 meters)
View all routes: Routes from BOE
More Information: BOE Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Name: Tasiusaq Heliport
Location: Tasiusaq, Kujalleq, Greenland
GPS Coordinates: 60°11'36"N by 44°48'41"W
Area Served: Tasiusaq, Greenland
Operator/Owner: Mittarfeqarfiit
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 21 feet (6 meters)
View all routes: Routes from XEQ
More Information: XEQ Maps & Info

Facts about Boundji Airport (BOE):

  • The furthest airport from Boundji Airport (BOE) is Cassidy International Airport (CXI), which is located 11,931 miles (19,200 kilometers) away in Christmas Island, Kiribati.
  • The closest airport to Boundji Airport (BOE) is Oyo Ollombo Airport (OLL), which is located 39 miles (63 kilometers) ESE of BOE.

Facts about Tasiusaq Heliport (XEQ):

  • Because of Tasiusaq Heliport's relatively low elevation of 21 feet, planes can take off or land at Tasiusaq Heliport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The closest airport to Tasiusaq Heliport (XEQ) is Narsaq Kujalleq Heliport (QFN), which is located only 14 miles (23 kilometers) SSE of XEQ.
  • The furthest airport from Tasiusaq Heliport (XEQ) is Hobart International Airport (HBA), which is located 11,131 miles (17,913 kilometers) away in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

Map of Nearest Airports to Boundji Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Boundji Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
138.87 miles (62.55 km) ESEOyo Ollombo Airport (OLL)Oyo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the CongoView Oyo Ollombo Airport on a map Set OLL as origin Airport Set OLL as destination Airport Get more information about Oyo Ollombo Airport
241.59 miles (66.93 km) WNWEwo Airport (EWO)Ewo, Republic of CongoView Ewo Airport on a map Set EWO as origin Airport Set EWO as destination Airport Get more information about Ewo Airport
352.30 miles (84.17 km) NEOwando Airport (FTX)Owando, Republic of the CongoView Owando Airport on a map Set FTX as origin Airport Set FTX as destination Airport Get more information about Owando Airport
466.62 miles (107.21 km) SSEGamboma Airport (GMM)Gamboma, Republic of the CongoView Gamboma Airport on a map Set GMM as origin Airport Set GMM as destination Airport Get more information about Gamboma Airport
571.55 miles (115.14 km) NMakoua Airport (MKJ)Makoua, Republic of the CongoView Makoua Airport on a map Set MKJ as origin Airport Set MKJ as destination Airport Get more information about Makoua Airport
688.07 miles (141.74 km) NWKelle Airport (KEE)Kelle, Republic of the CongoView Kelle Airport on a map Set KEE as origin Airport Set KEE as destination Airport Get more information about Kelle Airport
7102.48 miles (164.93 km) WAkieni Airport (AKE)Akieni, GabonView Akieni Airport on a map Set AKE as origin Airport Set AKE as destination Airport Get more information about Akieni Airport
8112.48 miles (181.02 km) SSWDjambala Airport (DJM)Djambala, Republic of CongoView Djambala Airport on a map Set DJM as origin Airport Set DJM as destination Airport Get more information about Djambala Airport
9114.15 miles (183.71 km) SSWLague Airport (LCO)Lague, Republic of CongoView Lague Airport on a map Set LCO as origin Airport Set LCO as destination Airport Get more information about Lague Airport
10141.07 miles (227.04 km) WSWM'Vengue El Hadj Omar Bongo Ondimba International Airport (MVB)Franceville / Mvengue, GabonView M'Vengue El Hadj Omar Bongo Ondimba International Airport on a map Set MVB as origin Airport Set MVB as destination Airport Get more information about M'Vengue El Hadj Omar Bongo Ondimba International Airport
11150.10 miles (241.57 km) WSWMoanda Airport (MFF)Moanda, GabonView Moanda Airport on a map Set MFF as origin Airport Set MFF as destination Airport Get more information about Moanda Airport
12165.69 miles (266.65 km) SWZanaga Airport (ANJ)Zanaga, Republic of the CongoView Zanaga Airport on a map Set ANJ as origin Airport Set ANJ as destination Airport Get more information about Zanaga Airport
13197.00 miles (317.04 km) SENioki Airport (NIO)Nioki, Democratic Republic of the CongoView Nioki Airport on a map Set NIO as origin Airport Set NIO as destination Airport Get more information about Nioki Airport
14203.50 miles (327.49 km) WKoulamoutou Airport (Koula Moutou Airport) (KOU)Koulamoutou, GabonView Koulamoutou Airport (Koula Moutou Airport) on a map Set KOU as origin Airport Set KOU as destination Airport Get more information about Koulamoutou Airport (Koula Moutou Airport)
15205.07 miles (330.03 km) WNWMakokou Airport (MKU)Makokou, GabonView Makokou Airport on a map Set MKU as origin Airport Set MKU as destination Airport Get more information about Makokou Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Boundji Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Boundji Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,930.56 miles (19,200.32 km) WCassidy International Airport (CXI)Christmas Island, KiribatiView Cassidy International Airport on a map Set CXI as origin Airport Set CXI as destination Airport Get more information about Cassidy International Airport
211,881.17 miles (19,120.83 km) ESECanton Island Airport (CIS)Canton Island, KiribatiView Canton Island Airport on a map Set CIS as origin Airport Set CIS as destination Airport Get more information about Canton Island Airport
311,609.92 miles (18,684.30 km) SSWManihiki Island Airport (MHX)Manihiki Island, Cook IslandsView Manihiki Island Airport on a map Set MHX as origin Airport Set MHX as destination Airport Get more information about Manihiki Island Airport
411,333.05 miles (18,238.73 km) SSEFitiuta Airport (FTI)Fiti‘uta, American Samoa, United StatesView Fitiuta Airport on a map Set FTI as origin Airport Set FTI as destination Airport Get more information about Fitiuta Airport
511,330.39 miles (18,234.45 km) SSETau Airport (TAV)Tau, American SamoaView Tau Airport on a map Set TAV as origin Airport Set TAV as destination Airport Get more information about Tau Airport
611,329.98 miles (18,233.79 km) SSEOfu Airport (OFU)Ofu, American SamoaView Ofu Airport on a map Set OFU as origin Airport Set OFU as destination Airport Get more information about Ofu Airport
711,301.91 miles (18,188.61 km) NNEJohnston Atoll Airport (JON)Johnston Atoll, U.S. Minor Outlying IslandsView Johnston Atoll Airport on a map Set JON as origin Airport Set JON as destination Airport Get more information about Johnston Atoll Airport
811,299.88 miles (18,185.35 km) SSEPago Pago International Airport (PPG)Pago Pago, American SamoaView Pago Pago International Airport on a map Set PPG as origin Airport Set PPG as destination Airport Get more information about Pago Pago International Airport
911,298.77 miles (18,183.57 km) SSEFagali'i Airport (FGI)Apia, SamoaView Fagali'i Airport on a map Set FGI as origin Airport Set FGI as destination Airport Get more information about Fagali'i Airport
1011,292.24 miles (18,173.05 km) SSEAsau Airport (AAU)Asau, SamoaView Asau Airport on a map Set AAU as origin Airport Set AAU as destination Airport Get more information about Asau Airport
1111,291.98 miles (18,172.63 km) SSEFaleolo International Airport (APW)Apia, Upolu Island, SamoaView Faleolo International Airport on a map Set APW as origin Airport Set APW as destination Airport Get more information about Faleolo International Airport
1211,289.66 miles (18,168.91 km) SSEMaota (Salelologa) Airport (MXS)Maota, SamoaView Maota (Salelologa) Airport on a map Set MXS as origin Airport Set MXS as destination Airport Get more information about Maota (Salelologa) Airport
1311,169.52 miles (17,975.55 km) SEWallis Island (WLS)Wallis and Futuna IslandsView Wallis Island on a map Set WLS as origin Airport Set WLS as destination Airport Get more information about Wallis Island
1411,141.19 miles (17,929.96 km) ESEFunafuti International Airport (FUN)Funafuti, TuvaluView Funafuti International Airport on a map Set FUN as origin Airport Set FUN as destination Airport Get more information about Funafuti International Airport
1511,128.79 miles (17,910.01 km) EArorae Island Airport (AIS)Arorae Island, KiribatiView Arorae Island Airport on a map Set AIS as origin Airport Set AIS as destination Airport Get more information about Arorae Island Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Tasiusaq Heliport:

List of Nearest Airports to Tasiusaq Heliport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
114.21 miles (22.87 km) SSENarsaq Kujalleq Heliport (QFN)Narsaq Kujalleq, GreenlandView Narsaq Kujalleq Heliport on a map Set QFN as destination Airport Set QFN as destination Airport Get more information about Narsaq Kujalleq Heliport
214.91 miles (24.00 km) WSWNanortalik Heliport (JNN)Nanortalik, GreenlandView Nanortalik Heliport on a map Set JNN as destination Airport Set JNN as destination Airport Get more information about Nanortalik Heliport
318.21 miles (29.31 km) EAappilattoq Heliport (QUV)Aappilattoq, Kujalleq, GreenlandView Aappilattoq Heliport on a map Set QUV as destination Airport Set QUV as destination Airport Get more information about Aappilattoq Heliport
431.97 miles (51.45 km) NWAlluitsup Paa Heliport (LLU)Alluitsup Paa, GreenlandView Alluitsup Paa Heliport on a map Set LLU as destination Airport Set LLU as destination Airport Get more information about Alluitsup Paa Heliport
534.04 miles (54.78 km) NWAmmassivik Heliport (QUW)Ammassivik, GreenlandView Ammassivik Heliport on a map Set QUW as destination Airport Set QUW as destination Airport Get more information about Ammassivik Heliport
647.79 miles (76.91 km) WNWSaarloq Heliport (QOQ)Saarloq, GreenlandView Saarloq Heliport on a map Set QOQ as destination Airport Set QOQ as destination Airport Get more information about Saarloq Heliport
747.96 miles (77.19 km) NWEqalugaarsuit Heliport (QFG)Eqalugaarsuit, GreenlandView Eqalugaarsuit Heliport on a map Set QFG as destination Airport Set QFG as destination Airport Get more information about Eqalugaarsuit Heliport
854.99 miles (88.50 km) NWQaqortoq Heliport (JJU)Qaqortoq, GreenlandView Qaqortoq Heliport on a map Set JJU as destination Airport Set JJU as destination Airport Get more information about Qaqortoq Heliport
958.85 miles (94.71 km) NNWIgaliku Heliport (QFX)Igaliku, GreenlandView Igaliku Heliport on a map Set QFX as destination Airport Set QFX as destination Airport Get more information about Igaliku Heliport
1065.50 miles (105.41 km) NWNarsaq Heliport (JNS)Narsaq, GreenlandView Narsaq Heliport on a map Set JNS as destination Airport Set JNS as destination Airport Get more information about Narsaq Heliport
1169.97 miles (112.60 km) NNWNarsarsuaq Airport (UAK)Narsarsuaq, GreenlandView Narsarsuaq Airport on a map Set UAK as destination Airport Set UAK as destination Airport Get more information about Narsarsuaq Airport
1289.36 miles (143.81 km) WNWQassimiut Heliport (QJH)Qassimiut, GreenlandView Qassimiut Heliport on a map Set QJH as destination Airport Set QJH as destination Airport Get more information about Qassimiut Heliport
13205.23 miles (330.28 km) NWPaamiut Airport (JFR)Paamiut, GreenlandView Paamiut Airport on a map Set JFR as destination Airport Set JFR as destination Airport Get more information about Paamiut Airport
14353.53 miles (568.95 km) NWNuuk Airport (GOH)Nuuk, GreenlandView Nuuk Airport on a map Set GOH as destination Airport Set GOH as destination Airport Get more information about Nuuk Airport
15412.36 miles (663.62 km) NNEIsortoq Heliport (IOQ)Isortoq, GreenlandView Isortoq Heliport on a map Set IOQ as destination Airport Set IOQ as destination Airport Get more information about Isortoq Heliport

Map of Furthest Airports from Tasiusaq Heliport:

List of Furthest Airports from Tasiusaq Heliport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,130.73 miles (17,913.13 km) SSWHobart International Airport (HBA)Hobart, Tasmania, AustraliaView Hobart International Airport on a map Set HBA as destination Airport Set HBA as destination Airport Get more information about Hobart International Airport
211,050.77 miles (17,784.44 km) SSWLaunceston Airport (LST)Launceston, Tasmania, AustraliaView Launceston Airport on a map Set LST as destination Airport Set LST as destination Airport Get more information about Launceston Airport
311,037.80 miles (17,763.57 km) SSWDevonport Airport (DPO)Devonport, Tasmania, AustraliaView Devonport Airport on a map Set DPO as destination Airport Set DPO as destination Airport Get more information about Devonport Airport
411,036.32 miles (17,761.19 km) SSWBurnie Airport (BWT)Burnie, Tasmania, AustraliaView Burnie Airport on a map Set BWT as destination Airport Set BWT as destination Airport Get more information about Burnie Airport
511,033.97 miles (17,757.41 km) SSWSmithton Airport (SIO)Smithton, Tasmania, AustraliaView Smithton Airport on a map Set SIO as destination Airport Set SIO as destination Airport Get more information about Smithton Airport
611,025.80 miles (17,744.26 km) SSWGeorge Town Aerodrome (GEE)George Town, Tasmania, AustraliaView George Town Aerodrome on a map Set GEE as destination Airport Set GEE as destination Airport Get more information about George Town Aerodrome
711,019.86 miles (17,734.71 km) SSWSt Helens Airport (HLS)St. Helens, Tasmania, AustraliaView St Helens Airport on a map Set HLS as destination Airport Set HLS as destination Airport Get more information about St Helens Airport
810,983.99 miles (17,676.97 km) SSWKing Island Airport (KNS)Currie, Tasmania, AustraliaView King Island Airport on a map Set KNS as destination Airport Set KNS as destination Airport Get more information about King Island Airport
910,942.75 miles (17,610.61 km) SSWFlinders Island Airport (FLS)Flinders Island, Tasmania, AustraliaView Flinders Island Airport on a map Set FLS as destination Airport Set FLS as destination Airport Get more information about Flinders Island Airport
1010,900.65 miles (17,542.85 km) SSWPortland Airport (PTJ)Portland, Victoria, AustraliaView Portland Airport on a map Set PTJ as destination Airport Set PTJ as destination Airport Get more information about Portland Airport
1110,890.93 miles (17,527.21 km) SSWWarrnambool Airport (WMB)Warrnambool, Victoria, AustraliaView Warrnambool Airport on a map Set WMB as destination Airport Set WMB as destination Airport Get more information about Warrnambool Airport
1210,867.25 miles (17,489.10 km) SSWGeelong Airport (GEX)Grovedale, Victoria, AustraliaView Geelong Airport on a map Set GEX as destination Airport Set GEX as destination Airport Get more information about Geelong Airport
1310,866.48 miles (17,487.86 km) SSWMount Gambier Airport (MGB)Mount Gambier, AustraliaView Mount Gambier Airport on a map Set MGB as destination Airport Set MGB as destination Airport Get more information about Mount Gambier Airport
1410,856.44 miles (17,471.70 km) SSWAvalon Airport (AVV)Avalon, Victoria, AustraliaView Avalon Airport on a map Set AVV as destination Airport Set AVV as destination Airport Get more information about Avalon Airport
1510,850.09 miles (17,461.49 km) SSWHamilton Airport (HLT)Hamilton, Victoria, AustraliaView Hamilton Airport on a map Set HLT as destination Airport Set HLT as destination Airport Get more information about Hamilton Airport