About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport (TNM), Villa Las Estrellas, Antarctica and Vilyuisk Airport (VYI), Vilyuysk, Sakha Republic, Russia would travel a Great Circle distance of 12,327 miles (or 19,838 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport and Vilyuisk Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport and Vilyuisk Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

The distance between TNM and VYI makes them almost exactly antipodal (the exact opposite side of the world) to each other. Nonstop flights between Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport and Vilyuisk Airport would be very impractical for the airlines, because only a lightly loaded Boeing 777-200LR would be able to make the trip. Since airlines need to be able to take as many people and cargo as possible in order to make a profit, the odds of ever seeing a nonstop flight between TNM and VYI are slim to none. However, you'll still be able to get from Villa Las Estrellas, Antarctica and Vilyuysk, Sakha Republic, Russia by taking some connecting flights!

Did you know that one full circling of the Earth (measuring from the equator) is about 24,901.5 miles (or 40,075 kilometers), which means if you were 12,450 miles from any given point on the planet, the distance back to your starting point would be about the same -- in any direction! The same can be said for a nonstop flight between TNM and VYI!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport
  2. Villa Las Estrellas Airport
  3. Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Aeropuerto
  4. Villa Las Estrellas Aeropuerto
Location: Villa Las Estrellas, Antarctica
GPS Coordinates: 62°11'27"S by 58°59'10"W
Area Served: Villa Las Estrellas and Teniente R. Marsh Martin Base
Operator/Owner: Aeropuertos Chile
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 147 feet (45 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from TNM
More Information: TNM Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Vilyuisk Airport
  2. Аэропорт Вилюйск
Location: Vilyuysk, Sakha Republic, Russia
GPS Coordinates: 63°45'21"N by 121°41'39"E
Area Served: Vilyuysk, Vilyuysky District, Sakha Republic, Russia
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 361 feet (110 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from VYI
More Information: VYI Maps & Info

Facts about Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport (TNM):

  • In addition to being known as "Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport", other names for TNM include "Villa Las Estrellas Airport", "Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Aeropuerto" and "Villa Las Estrellas Aeropuerto".
  • Because of Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport's relatively low elevation of 147 feet, planes can take off or land at Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport (TNM) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The furthest airport from Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport (TNM) is Verkhnevilyuysk Airport (VHV), which is nearly antipodal to Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport (meaning Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Verkhnevilyuysk Airport), and is located 12,346 miles (19,869 kilometers) away in Verkhnevilyuysk, Woehee Bueluue District, Sakha Republic, Russia.
  • The closest airport to Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport (TNM) is Ushuaia International Airport (USH), which is located 607 miles (978 kilometers) NW of TNM.

Facts about Vilyuisk Airport (VYI):

  • The furthest airport from Vilyuisk Airport (VYI) is Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport (TNM), which is nearly antipodal to Vilyuisk Airport (meaning Vilyuisk Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport), and is located 12,327 miles (19,838 kilometers) away in Villa Las Estrellas, Antarctica.
  • The closest airport to Vilyuisk Airport (VYI) is Verkhnevilyuysk Airport (VHV), which is located 48 miles (77 kilometers) WSW of VYI.
  • Because of Vilyuisk Airport's relatively low elevation of 361 feet, planes can take off or land at Vilyuisk Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • In addition to being known as "Vilyuisk Airport", another name for VYI is "Аэропорт Вилюйск".
  • Vilyuisk Airport (VYI) currently has only 1 runway.

Map of Nearest Airports to Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
1607.46 miles (977.60 km) NWUshuaia International Airport (USH)Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, ArgentinaView Ushuaia International Airport on a map Set USH as origin Airport Set USH as destination Airport Get more information about Ushuaia International Airport
2662.59 miles (1,066.33 km) NNWHermes Quijada International Airport (RGA)Río Grande, Tierra del Fuego, ArgentinaView Hermes Quijada International Airport on a map Set RGA as origin Airport Set RGA as destination Airport Get more information about Hermes Quijada International Airport
3716.66 miles (1,153.35 km) NRAF Mount Pleasant (MPN)Falkland IslandsView RAF Mount Pleasant on a map Set MPN as origin Airport Set MPN as destination Airport Get more information about RAF Mount Pleasant
4727.25 miles (1,170.39 km) NPort Stanley Airport (PSY)Stanley, Falkland Islands, United KingdomView Port Stanley Airport on a map Set PSY as origin Airport Set PSY as destination Airport Get more information about Port Stanley Airport
5769.52 miles (1,238.42 km) NWPresidente Carlos Ibáñez International Airport (PUQ)Punta Arenas, ChileView Presidente Carlos Ibáñez International Airport on a map Set PUQ as origin Airport Set PUQ as destination Airport Get more information about Presidente Carlos Ibáñez International Airport
6826.23 miles (1,329.69 km) NNWPiloto Civil Norberto Fernández International Airport (RGL)Río Gallegos, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Piloto Civil Norberto Fernández International Airport on a map Set RGL as origin Airport Set RGL as destination Airport Get more information about Piloto Civil Norberto Fernández International Airport
7884.45 miles (1,423.38 km) NWTeniente Julio Gallardo Airfield (PNT)Puerto Natales, ChileView Teniente Julio Gallardo Airfield on a map Set PNT as origin Airport Set PNT as destination Airport Get more information about Teniente Julio Gallardo Airfield
8959.84 miles (1,544.70 km) NWComandante Armando Tola International Airport (FTE)El Calafate, Santa Cruz Province, ArgentinaView Comandante Armando Tola International Airport on a map Set FTE as origin Airport Set FTE as destination Airport Get more information about Comandante Armando Tola International Airport
9961.37 miles (1,547.18 km) NWLago Argentino Airport (ING)El Calafate, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Lago Argentino Airport on a map Set ING as origin Airport Set ING as destination Airport Get more information about Lago Argentino Airport
101,020.98 miles (1,643.11 km) NNWGobernador Gregores Airport (GGS)Gobernador Gregores, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Gobernador Gregores Airport on a map Set GGS as origin Airport Set GGS as destination Airport Get more information about Gobernador Gregores Airport
111,034.38 miles (1,664.68 km) NNWPuerto Deseado Airport (PUD)Puerto Deseado, Santa Cruz Province, ArgentinaView Puerto Deseado Airport on a map Set PUD as origin Airport Set PUD as destination Airport Get more information about Puerto Deseado Airport
121,161.29 miles (1,868.92 km) NNWCochrane Airfield (LGR)Cochrane, ChileView Cochrane Airfield on a map Set LGR as origin Airport Set LGR as destination Airport Get more information about Cochrane Airfield
131,179.93 miles (1,898.90 km) NNWPerito Moreno Airport (PMQ)Perito Moreno, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Perito Moreno Airport on a map Set PMQ as origin Airport Set PMQ as destination Airport Get more information about Perito Moreno Airport
141,182.35 miles (1,902.81 km) NNWGeneral Enrique Mosconi International Airport (CRD)Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut, ArgentinaView General Enrique Mosconi International Airport on a map Set CRD as origin Airport Set CRD as destination Airport Get more information about General Enrique Mosconi International Airport
151,188.41 miles (1,912.55 km) NNWChile Chico Airfield (CCH)Chile Chico, Aisén Region, ChileView Chile Chico Airfield on a map Set CCH as origin Airport Set CCH as destination Airport Get more information about Chile Chico Airfield

Map of Furthest Airports from Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,346.15 miles (19,869.15 km) NNEVerkhnevilyuysk Airport (VHV)Verkhnevilyuysk, Woehee Bueluue District, Sakha Republic, RussiaView Verkhnevilyuysk Airport on a map Set VHV as origin Airport Set VHV as destination Airport Get more information about Verkhnevilyuysk Airport
212,326.58 miles (19,837.65 km) NVilyuisk Airport (VYI)Vilyuysk, Sakha Republic, RussiaView Vilyuisk Airport on a map Set VYI as origin Airport Set VYI as destination Airport Get more information about Vilyuisk Airport
312,322.97 miles (19,831.84 km) NENyurba Airport (NYR)Nyurba, Sakha Republic, RussiaView Nyurba Airport on a map Set NYR as origin Airport Set NYR as destination Airport Get more information about Nyurba Airport
412,311.65 miles (19,813.64 km) NOlyokminsk Airport (OLZ)Olyokminsk, Sakha Republic, RussiaView Olyokminsk Airport on a map Set OLZ as origin Airport Set OLZ as destination Airport Get more information about Olyokminsk Airport
512,211.58 miles (19,652.58 km) EMirny Airport (MJZ)Mirny, Sakha Republic, RussiaView Mirny Airport on a map Set MJZ as origin Airport Set MJZ as destination Airport Get more information about Mirny Airport
612,161.61 miles (19,572.17 km) WMagan Airport (GYG)Magan, Russia, Sakha Republic, RussiaView Magan Airport on a map Set GYG as origin Airport Set GYG as destination Airport Get more information about Magan Airport
712,154.21 miles (19,560.26 km) WYakutsk Airport (YKS)Yakutsk, Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, RussiaView Yakutsk Airport on a map Set YKS as origin Airport Set YKS as destination Airport Get more information about Yakutsk Airport
812,147.21 miles (19,548.99 km) NNWAldan Airport (ADH)Aldan, RussiaView Aldan Airport on a map Set ADH as origin Airport Set ADH as destination Airport Get more information about Aldan Airport
912,047.61 miles (19,388.70 km) NNWChulman Neryungri Airport (NER)Chulman, RussiaView Chulman Neryungri Airport on a map Set NER as origin Airport Set NER as destination Airport Get more information about Chulman Neryungri Airport
1012,040.85 miles (19,377.81 km) NEPolyarny Airport (PYJ)Polyarny, Yakutia, RussiaView Polyarny Airport on a map Set PYJ as origin Airport Set PYJ as destination Airport Get more information about Polyarny Airport
1112,008.02 miles (19,324.98 km) EErbogachon Airport Аэропорт Ербогачен (ERG)Yerbogachen, Katangsky District, Irkutsk Oblast, RussiaView Erbogachon Airport Аэропорт Ербогачен on a map Set ERG as origin Airport Set ERG as destination Airport Get more information about Erbogachon Airport Аэропорт Ербогачен
1211,974.13 miles (19,270.45 km) WBelaya Gora Airport (UMS)Ust-Maya, Ust-Maysky District, Sakha Republic, RussiaView Belaya Gora Airport on a map Set UMS as origin Airport Set UMS as destination Airport Get more information about Belaya Gora Airport
1311,963.77 miles (19,253.77 km) NNWSakkyryr Airport (SUK)Batagay-Alyta, Sakha Republic, RussiaView Sakkyryr Airport on a map Set SUK as origin Airport Set SUK as destination Airport Get more information about Sakkyryr Airport
1411,941.00 miles (19,217.14 km) NNWTynda Sigikta (TYD)Tynda, Amur Oblast, RussiaView Tynda Sigikta on a map Set TYD as origin Airport Set TYD as destination Airport Get more information about Tynda Sigikta
1511,936.41 miles (19,209.74 km) NNEOlenyok Airport (ONK)Olenyok, Sakha Republic, RussiaView Olenyok Airport on a map Set ONK as origin Airport Set ONK as destination Airport Get more information about Olenyok Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Vilyuisk Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Vilyuisk Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
148.13 miles (77.46 km) WSWVerkhnevilyuysk Airport (VHV)Verkhnevilyuysk, Woehee Bueluue District, Sakha Republic, RussiaView Verkhnevilyuysk Airport on a map Set VHV as destination Airport Set VHV as destination Airport Get more information about Verkhnevilyuysk Airport
2107.85 miles (173.56 km) WSWNyurba Airport (NYR)Nyurba, Sakha Republic, RussiaView Nyurba Airport on a map Set NYR as destination Airport Set NYR as destination Airport Get more information about Nyurba Airport
3235.32 miles (378.71 km) SOlyokminsk Airport (OLZ)Olyokminsk, Sakha Republic, RussiaView Olyokminsk Airport on a map Set OLZ as destination Airport Set OLZ as destination Airport Get more information about Olyokminsk Airport
4253.71 miles (408.30 km) WSWMirny Airport (MJZ)Mirny, Sakha Republic, RussiaView Mirny Airport on a map Set MJZ as destination Airport Set MJZ as destination Airport Get more information about Mirny Airport
5271.58 miles (437.06 km) ESEMagan Airport (GYG)Magan, Russia, Sakha Republic, RussiaView Magan Airport on a map Set GYG as destination Airport Set GYG as destination Airport Get more information about Magan Airport
6278.51 miles (448.22 km) ESEYakutsk Airport (YKS)Yakutsk, Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, RussiaView Yakutsk Airport on a map Set YKS as destination Airport Set YKS as destination Airport Get more information about Yakutsk Airport
7334.99 miles (539.12 km) NWPolyarny Airport (PYJ)Polyarny, Yakutia, RussiaView Polyarny Airport on a map Set PYJ as destination Airport Set PYJ as destination Airport Get more information about Polyarny Airport
8371.56 miles (597.96 km) NESakkyryr Airport (SUK)Batagay-Alyta, Sakha Republic, RussiaView Sakkyryr Airport on a map Set SUK as destination Airport Set SUK as destination Airport Get more information about Sakkyryr Airport
9376.75 miles (606.33 km) SSEAldan Airport (ADH)Aldan, RussiaView Aldan Airport on a map Set ADH as destination Airport Set ADH as destination Airport Get more information about Aldan Airport
10416.83 miles (670.82 km) NWOlenyok Airport (ONK)Olenyok, Sakha Republic, RussiaView Olenyok Airport on a map Set ONK as destination Airport Set ONK as destination Airport Get more information about Olenyok Airport
11455.68 miles (733.35 km) NEBatagay Airport (BQJ)Batagay, Sakha Republic, RussiaView Batagay Airport on a map Set BQJ as destination Airport Set BQJ as destination Airport Get more information about Batagay Airport
12467.08 miles (751.69 km) WSWErbogachon Airport Аэропорт Ербогачен (ERG)Yerbogachen, Katangsky District, Irkutsk Oblast, RussiaView Erbogachon Airport Аэропорт Ербогачен on a map Set ERG as destination Airport Set ERG as destination Airport Get more information about Erbogachon Airport Аэропорт Ербогачен
13473.61 miles (762.19 km) ESEBelaya Gora Airport (UMS)Ust-Maya, Ust-Maysky District, Sakha Republic, RussiaView Belaya Gora Airport on a map Set UMS as destination Airport Set UMS as destination Airport Get more information about Belaya Gora Airport
14474.33 miles (763.36 km) ETeply Klyuch Airport (KDY)Khadynga, Sakha Republic, RussiaView Teply Klyuch Airport on a map Set KDY as destination Airport Set KDY as destination Airport Get more information about Teply Klyuch Airport
15485.27 miles (780.96 km) SSEChulman Neryungri Airport (NER)Chulman, RussiaView Chulman Neryungri Airport on a map Set NER as destination Airport Set NER as destination Airport Get more information about Chulman Neryungri Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Vilyuisk Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Vilyuisk Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,326.58 miles (19,837.65 km) SSETeniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport (TNM)Villa Las Estrellas, AntarcticaView Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport on a map Set TNM as destination Airport Set TNM as destination Airport Get more information about Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Airport
211,729.13 miles (18,876.16 km) SEUshuaia International Airport (USH)Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, ArgentinaView Ushuaia International Airport on a map Set USH as destination Airport Set USH as destination Airport Get more information about Ushuaia International Airport
311,670.82 miles (18,782.31 km) SSEHermes Quijada International Airport (RGA)Río Grande, Tierra del Fuego, ArgentinaView Hermes Quijada International Airport on a map Set RGA as destination Airport Set RGA as destination Airport Get more information about Hermes Quijada International Airport
411,612.27 miles (18,688.09 km) SRAF Mount Pleasant (MPN)Falkland IslandsView RAF Mount Pleasant on a map Set MPN as destination Airport Set MPN as destination Airport Get more information about RAF Mount Pleasant
511,602.59 miles (18,672.51 km) SPort Stanley Airport (PSY)Stanley, Falkland Islands, United KingdomView Port Stanley Airport on a map Set PSY as destination Airport Set PSY as destination Airport Get more information about Port Stanley Airport
611,569.23 miles (18,618.82 km) SEPresidente Carlos Ibáñez International Airport (PUQ)Punta Arenas, ChileView Presidente Carlos Ibáñez International Airport on a map Set PUQ as destination Airport Set PUQ as destination Airport Get more information about Presidente Carlos Ibáñez International Airport
711,507.23 miles (18,519.04 km) SSEPiloto Civil Norberto Fernández International Airport (RGL)Río Gallegos, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Piloto Civil Norberto Fernández International Airport on a map Set RGL as destination Airport Set RGL as destination Airport Get more information about Piloto Civil Norberto Fernández International Airport
811,455.44 miles (18,435.70 km) SETeniente Julio Gallardo Airfield (PNT)Puerto Natales, ChileView Teniente Julio Gallardo Airfield on a map Set PNT as destination Airport Set PNT as destination Airport Get more information about Teniente Julio Gallardo Airfield
911,376.91 miles (18,309.32 km) SEComandante Armando Tola International Airport (FTE)El Calafate, Santa Cruz Province, ArgentinaView Comandante Armando Tola International Airport on a map Set FTE as destination Airport Set FTE as destination Airport Get more information about Comandante Armando Tola International Airport
1011,375.91 miles (18,307.71 km) SELago Argentino Airport (ING)El Calafate, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Lago Argentino Airport on a map Set ING as destination Airport Set ING as destination Airport Get more information about Lago Argentino Airport
1111,311.12 miles (18,203.44 km) SSEGobernador Gregores Airport (GGS)Gobernador Gregores, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Gobernador Gregores Airport on a map Set GGS as destination Airport Set GGS as destination Airport Get more information about Gobernador Gregores Airport
1211,293.02 miles (18,174.32 km) SSEPuerto Deseado Airport (PUD)Puerto Deseado, Santa Cruz Province, ArgentinaView Puerto Deseado Airport on a map Set PUD as destination Airport Set PUD as destination Airport Get more information about Puerto Deseado Airport
1311,173.08 miles (17,981.29 km) SSECochrane Airfield (LGR)Cochrane, ChileView Cochrane Airfield on a map Set LGR as destination Airport Set LGR as destination Airport Get more information about Cochrane Airfield
1411,151.75 miles (17,946.95 km) SSEPerito Moreno Airport (PMQ)Perito Moreno, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaView Perito Moreno Airport on a map Set PMQ as destination Airport Set PMQ as destination Airport Get more information about Perito Moreno Airport
1511,145.63 miles (17,937.11 km) SSEGeneral Enrique Mosconi International Airport (CRD)Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut, ArgentinaView General Enrique Mosconi International Airport on a map Set CRD as destination Airport Set CRD as destination Airport Get more information about General Enrique Mosconi International Airport