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LMO Airport Information:

Airport Name: RAF Lossiemouth
Location: Lossiemouth, Scotland, United Kingdom
GPS Coordinates: 57°42'19"N by 3°20'21"W
Operator/Owner: Ministry of Defence
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Facts about RAF Lossiemouth (LMO):

  • At the end of the hostilities the station became a satellite unit of Milltown in RAF Coastal Command, before being handed over to the Fleet Air Arm in 1946 and becoming RNAS Lossiemouth.
  • The furthest airport from RAF Lossiemouth (LMO) is Ryan's Creek Aerodrome (SZS), which is located 11,609 miles (18,682 kilometers) away in Stewart Island, New Zealand.
  • The closest airport to RAF Lossiemouth (LMO) is Kinloss Barracks (FSS), which is located only 9 miles (15 kilometers) WSW of LMO.
  • On 1 July 1991, the Shackletons of 8 Squadron retired from service and on 1 October 1991 237 Operational Conversion Unit was disbanded.
  • The Fleet Air Arm handed the station back to the Royal Air Force on 28 September 1972 and 'D' Flight, 202 Squadron, the Helicopter Search and Rescue Flight, was the first RAF unit to return.
  • In April 1994, 208 Squadron was disbanded and was replaced by 617 Squadron, which transferred with their Tornados from RAF Marham in Norfolk.

Map of Nearest Airports from RAF Lossiemouth:

List of Nearest Airports from RAF Lossiemouth:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
19.04 miles (14.55 km) WSWKinloss Barracks (FSS)Forres, Scotland, United KingdomView Kinloss Barracks on a map Set FSS as destination Airport Get more information about Kinloss Barracks
228.52 miles (45.90 km) WSWInverness Airport (INV)Inverness, Scotland, United KingdomView Inverness Airport on a map Set INV as destination Airport Get more information about Inverness Airport
352.84 miles (85.04 km) NWick Airport (WIC)Wick, Scotland, United KingdomView Wick Airport on a map Set WIC as destination Airport Get more information about Wick Airport
454.82 miles (88.23 km) SEAberdeen International Airport (ABZ)Aberdeen, Scotland, United KingdomView Aberdeen International Airport on a map Set ABZ as destination Airport Get more information about Aberdeen International Airport
587.35 miles (140.58 km) SDundee Airport (DND)Dundee, Scotland, United KingdomView Dundee Airport on a map Set DND as destination Airport Get more information about Dundee Airport
687.36 miles (140.58 km) SPerth Airport (PSL)Perth, Scotland, United KingdomView Perth Airport on a map Set PSL as destination Airport Get more information about Perth Airport
788.01 miles (141.64 km) NKirkwall Airport (KOI)Kirkwall, Orkney Islands, United KingdomView Kirkwall Airport on a map Set KOI as destination Airport Get more information about Kirkwall Airport
893.73 miles (150.85 km) SRAF Leuchars (ADX)St Andrews, Scotland, United KingdomView RAF Leuchars on a map Set ADX as destination Airport Get more information about RAF Leuchars
9103.31 miles (166.27 km) NNEStronsay Airport (SOY)Stronsay, Scotland, United KingdomView Stronsay Airport on a map Set SOY as destination Airport Get more information about Stronsay Airport
10104.65 miles (168.42 km) NEday Airport (EOI)Eday, Scotland, United KingdomView Eday Airport on a map Set EOI as destination Airport Get more information about Eday Airport
11110.24 miles (177.42 km) NNESanday Airport (NDY)Sanday, Scotland, United KingdomView Sanday Airport on a map Set NDY as destination Airport Get more information about Sanday Airport
12115.18 miles (185.37 km) WNWStornoway Airport (SYY)Stornoway, Scotland, United KingdomView Stornoway Airport on a map Set SYY as destination Airport Get more information about Stornoway Airport
13121.28 miles (195.19 km) SEdinburgh Airport (EDI)Edinburgh, United KingdomView Edinburgh Airport on a map Set EDI as destination Airport Get more information about Edinburgh Airport
14133.26 miles (214.46 km) SSWGlasgow International Airport (GLA)Glasgow, Scotland, United KingdomView Glasgow International Airport on a map Set GLA as destination Airport Get more information about Glasgow International Airport
15140.58 miles (226.24 km) NNEFair Isle Airport (FIE)Fair Isle, Scotland, United KingdomView Fair Isle Airport on a map Set FIE as destination Airport Get more information about Fair Isle Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from RAF Lossiemouth:

List of Furthest Airports from RAF Lossiemouth:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,608.74 miles (18,682.41 km) SSERyan's Creek Aerodrome (SZS)Stewart Island, New ZealandView Ryan's Creek Aerodrome on a map Set SZS as destination Airport Get more information about Ryan's Creek Aerodrome
211,581.20 miles (18,638.10 km) SSEInvercargill Airport (IVC)Invercargill, New ZealandView Invercargill Airport on a map Set IVC as destination Airport Get more information about Invercargill Airport
311,578.47 miles (18,633.70 km) SSEDunedin International Airport (DUD)Dunedin, Otago, New ZealandView Dunedin International Airport on a map Set DUD as destination Airport Get more information about Dunedin International Airport
411,525.28 miles (18,548.09 km) SSEOamaru Airport (OAM)Oamaru, North Otago, New ZealandView Oamaru Airport on a map Set OAM as destination Airport Get more information about Oamaru Airport
511,519.59 miles (18,538.94 km) SSEAlexandra Aerodrome (ALR)Alexandra, New ZealandView Alexandra Aerodrome on a map Set ALR as destination Airport Get more information about Alexandra Aerodrome
611,497.64 miles (18,503.62 km) SSEQueenstown Airport (ZQN)Queenstown, New ZealandView Queenstown Airport on a map Set ZQN as destination Airport Get more information about Queenstown Airport
711,485.45 miles (18,483.99 km) SSEWanaka Airport (WKA)Wanaka, New ZealandView Wanaka Airport on a map Set WKA as destination Airport Get more information about Wanaka Airport
811,481.85 miles (18,478.21 km) SSERichard Pearse Airport (Timaru Airport) (TIU)Timaru, New ZealandView Richard Pearse Airport (Timaru Airport) on a map Set TIU as destination Airport Get more information about Richard Pearse Airport (Timaru Airport)
911,461.98 miles (18,446.23 km) SSEMilford Sound Airport (MFN)Milford Sound, New ZealandView Milford Sound Airport on a map Set MFN as destination Airport Get more information about Milford Sound Airport
1011,460.44 miles (18,443.74 km) SSEAshburton Aerodrome (ASG)Ashburton, New ZealandView Ashburton Aerodrome on a map Set ASG as destination Airport Get more information about Ashburton Aerodrome
1111,442.77 miles (18,415.31 km) SSEGlentanner Aerodrome (GTN)Mount Cook, New ZealandView Glentanner Aerodrome on a map Set GTN as destination Airport Get more information about Glentanner Aerodrome
1211,438.49 miles (18,408.42 km) SSEChristchurch International Airport (CHC)Christchurch, New ZealandView Christchurch International Airport on a map Set CHC as destination Airport Get more information about Christchurch International Airport
1311,433.49 miles (18,400.38 km) SSEMount Cook Airport (MON)Mount Cook, New ZealandView Mount Cook Airport on a map Set MON as destination Airport Get more information about Mount Cook Airport
1411,431.96 miles (18,397.91 km) SSWChatham Islands (CHT)Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New ZealandView Chatham Islands on a map Set CHT as destination Airport Get more information about Chatham Islands
1511,411.66 miles (18,365.24 km) SSEFox Glacier Aerodrome (FGL)Fox Glacier, New ZealandView Fox Glacier Aerodrome on a map Set FGL as destination Airport Get more information about Fox Glacier Aerodrome