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XDK Airport Information:

Airport Name: Dunkerque – Les Moëres Airfield
Location: Dunkerque, France
GPS Coordinates: 51°2'31"N by 2°33'11"E
Operator/Owner: Syndicat Intercommunal des Dunes de Flandre
Airport Type: Restricted use
# of Runways: 1
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Facts about Dunkerque – Les Moëres Airfield (XDK):

  • Dunkerque – Les Moëres Airfield (XDK) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The closest airport to Dunkerque – Les Moëres Airfield (XDK) is Ostend-Bruges International Airport (OST), which is located only 17 miles (28 kilometers) NE of XDK.
  • Because of Dunkerque – Les Moëres Airfield's relatively low elevation of -3 feet, planes can take off or land at Dunkerque – Les Moëres Airfield at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The furthest airport from Dunkerque – Les Moëres Airfield (XDK) is Chatham Islands (CHT), which is located 11,935 miles (19,207 kilometers) away in Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New Zealand.

Map of Nearest Airports from Dunkerque – Les Moëres Airfield:

List of Nearest Airports from Dunkerque – Les Moëres Airfield:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
117.32 miles (27.87 km) NEOstend-Bruges International Airport (OST)Flanders, BelgiumView Ostend-Bruges International Airport on a map Set OST as destination Airport Get more information about Ostend-Bruges International Airport
226.76 miles (43.06 km) WSWCalais–Dunkerque Airport (CQF)Calais / Dunkerque, FranceView Calais–Dunkerque Airport on a map Set CQF as destination Airport Get more information about Calais–Dunkerque Airport
329.65 miles (47.71 km) SMerville - Calonne Airport (HZB)Merville / Calonne, FranceView Merville - Calonne Airport on a map Set HZB as destination Airport Get more information about Merville - Calonne Airport
432.36 miles (52.07 km) ESEKortrijk-Wevelgem International Airport (KJK)Wevelgem, BelgiumView Kortrijk-Wevelgem International Airport on a map Set KJK as destination Airport Get more information about Kortrijk-Wevelgem International Airport
540.48 miles (65.14 km) SELille Airport (LIL)Lille, FranceView Lille Airport on a map Set LIL as destination Airport Get more information about Lille Airport
650.82 miles (81.79 km) SSEArras - Roclincourt Airport (QRV)Arras / Roclincourt, FranceView Arras - Roclincourt Airport on a map Set QRV as destination Airport Get more information about Arras - Roclincourt Airport
754.44 miles (87.61 km) SWLe Touquet - Côte d'Opale Airport (LTQ)Le Touquet-Paris-Plage, FranceView Le Touquet - Côte d'Opale Airport on a map Set LTQ as destination Airport Get more information about Le Touquet - Côte d'Opale Airport
856.22 miles (90.48 km) WNWManston Airport (MSE)Manston, Kent, England, United KingdomView Manston Airport on a map Set MSE as destination Airport Get more information about Manston Airport
963.50 miles (102.19 km) SEValenciennes-Denain Airport (XVS)Valenciennes, FranceView Valenciennes-Denain Airport on a map Set XVS as destination Airport Get more information about Valenciennes-Denain Airport
1066.76 miles (107.44 km) WLympne Airport (LYM)Lympne, Kent, England, United KingdomView Lympne Airport on a map Set LYM as destination Airport Get more information about Lympne Airport
1169.70 miles (112.17 km) SSWAerodrome Abbeville (XAB)Abbeville, FranceView Aerodrome Abbeville on a map Set XAB as destination Airport Get more information about Aerodrome Abbeville
1270.43 miles (113.34 km) WLydd International Airport (LYX)Lydd, England, United KingdomView Lydd International Airport on a map Set LYX as destination Airport Get more information about Lydd International Airport
1381.11 miles (130.54 km) SAmiens - Glisy Aerodrome (QAM)Amiens, FranceView Amiens - Glisy Aerodrome on a map Set QAM as destination Airport Get more information about Amiens - Glisy Aerodrome
1482.30 miles (132.45 km) ENEWoensdrecht Air Base (WOE)Woensdrecht, NetherlandsView Woensdrecht Air Base on a map Set WOE as destination Airport Get more information about Woensdrecht Air Base
1583.34 miles (134.13 km) EAntwerp International Airport (ANR)Antwerp, BelgiumView Antwerp International Airport on a map Set ANR as destination Airport Get more information about Antwerp International Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Dunkerque – Les Moëres Airfield:

List of Furthest Airports from Dunkerque – Les Moëres Airfield:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,934.98 miles (19,207.43 km) SChatham Islands (CHT)Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New ZealandView Chatham Islands on a map Set CHT as destination Airport Get more information about Chatham Islands
211,771.02 miles (18,943.57 km) ESEDunedin International Airport (DUD)Dunedin, Otago, New ZealandView Dunedin International Airport on a map Set DUD as destination Airport Get more information about Dunedin International Airport
311,761.91 miles (18,928.92 km) SEOamaru Airport (OAM)Oamaru, North Otago, New ZealandView Oamaru Airport on a map Set OAM as destination Airport Get more information about Oamaru Airport
411,735.85 miles (18,886.97 km) SEChristchurch International Airport (CHC)Christchurch, New ZealandView Christchurch International Airport on a map Set CHC as destination Airport Get more information about Christchurch International Airport
511,734.93 miles (18,885.50 km) SERichard Pearse Airport (Timaru Airport) (TIU)Timaru, New ZealandView Richard Pearse Airport (Timaru Airport) on a map Set TIU as destination Airport Get more information about Richard Pearse Airport (Timaru Airport)
611,734.12 miles (18,884.18 km) SEAshburton Aerodrome (ASG)Ashburton, New ZealandView Ashburton Aerodrome on a map Set ASG as destination Airport Get more information about Ashburton Aerodrome
711,723.14 miles (18,866.51 km) ESERyan's Creek Aerodrome (SZS)Stewart Island, New ZealandView Ryan's Creek Aerodrome on a map Set SZS as destination Airport Get more information about Ryan's Creek Aerodrome
811,714.84 miles (18,853.15 km) ESEInvercargill Airport (IVC)Invercargill, New ZealandView Invercargill Airport on a map Set IVC as destination Airport Get more information about Invercargill Airport
911,709.24 miles (18,844.16 km) ESEAlexandra Aerodrome (ALR)Alexandra, New ZealandView Alexandra Aerodrome on a map Set ALR as destination Airport Get more information about Alexandra Aerodrome
1011,707.09 miles (18,840.68 km) SEKaikoura Aerodrome (KBZ)Kaikoura, New ZealandView Kaikoura Aerodrome on a map Set KBZ as destination Airport Get more information about Kaikoura Aerodrome
1111,683.04 miles (18,801.98 km) ESEWanaka Airport (WKA)Wanaka, New ZealandView Wanaka Airport on a map Set WKA as destination Airport Get more information about Wanaka Airport
1211,677.16 miles (18,792.51 km) SEGlentanner Aerodrome (GTN)Mount Cook, New ZealandView Glentanner Aerodrome on a map Set GTN as destination Airport Get more information about Glentanner Aerodrome
1311,676.81 miles (18,791.95 km) ESEQueenstown Airport (ZQN)Queenstown, New ZealandView Queenstown Airport on a map Set ZQN as destination Airport Get more information about Queenstown Airport
1411,671.02 miles (18,782.64 km) SSEWellington International Airport (WLG)Wellington, New ZealandView Wellington International Airport on a map Set WLG as destination Airport Get more information about Wellington International Airport
1511,670.58 miles (18,781.93 km) SEMount Cook Airport (MON)Mount Cook, New ZealandView Mount Cook Airport on a map Set MON as destination Airport Get more information about Mount Cook Airport