About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Baidoa Airport (BIB), Baidoa, Somalia and Tunica Municipal Airport (UTM), Tunica, Mississippi, United States would travel a Great Circle distance of 8,473 miles (or 13,637 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Baidoa Airport and Tunica Municipal Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Baidoa Airport and Tunica Municipal Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Baidoa Airport
Location: Baidoa, Somalia
GPS Coordinates: 3°5'33"N by 43°37'4"E
Area Served: Baidoa
Elevation: 1520 feet (463 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from BIB
More Information: BIB Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Tunica Municipal Airport
  2. UTA
Location: Tunica, Mississippi, United States
GPS Coordinates: 34°41'6"N by 90°20'52"W
Area Served: Tunica, Mississippi
Operator/Owner: Tunica County Airport Commission
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 194 feet (59 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from UTM
More Information: UTM Maps & Info

Facts about Baidoa Airport (BIB):

  • The furthest airport from Baidoa Airport (BIB) is Atuona Airport (AUQ), which is located 11,941 miles (19,218 kilometers) away in Atuona, Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia.
  • The closest airport to Baidoa Airport (BIB) is Bardera Airport (BSY), which is located 104 miles (168 kilometers) WSW of BIB.
  • Baidoa Airport (BIB) currently has only 1 runway.

Facts about Tunica Municipal Airport (UTM):

  • Because of Tunica Municipal Airport's relatively low elevation of 194 feet, planes can take off or land at Tunica Municipal Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The airport opened in 2003 with a 5,500-foot runway.
  • Tunica Municipal Airport (UTM) currently has only 1 runway.
  • In addition to being known as "Tunica Municipal Airport", another name for UTM is "UTA".
  • The closest airport to Tunica Municipal Airport (UTM) is Thompson-Robbins AirportThompson-Robbins Army Airfield (HEE), which is located 20 miles (32 kilometers) WSW of UTM.
  • The furthest airport from Tunica Municipal Airport (UTM) is Margaret River Airport (MGV), which is located 10,987 miles (17,682 kilometers) away in Margaret River, Western Australia, Australia.

Map of Nearest Airports to Baidoa Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Baidoa Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
1104.42 miles (168.05 km) WSWBardera Airport (BSY)Bardera, SomaliaView Bardera Airport on a map Set BSY as origin Airport Set BSY as destination Airport Get more information about Bardera Airport
2138.26 miles (222.51 km) ESEAden Adde International Airport (MGQ)Mogadishu, SomaliaView Aden Adde International Airport on a map Set MGQ as origin Airport Set MGQ as destination Airport Get more information about Aden Adde International Airport
3196.42 miles (316.11 km) NGode Airport (GDE)Gode, EthiopiaView Gode Airport on a map Set GDE as origin Airport Set GDE as destination Airport Get more information about Gode Airport
4253.80 miles (408.45 km) SSWKismayo Airport (KMU)Kisimayu, SomaliaView Kismayo Airport on a map Set KMU as origin Airport Set KMU as destination Airport Get more information about Kismayo Airport
5255.15 miles (410.62 km) NKabri Dar Airport (ABK)Kabri Dar (Kabre Dare), EthiopiaView Kabri Dar Airport on a map Set ABK as origin Airport Set ABK as destination Airport Get more information about Kabri Dar Airport
6306.48 miles (493.23 km) WNWNeghelle Airport (EGL)Negele Boran, EthiopiaView Neghelle Airport on a map Set EGL as origin Airport Set EGL as destination Airport Get more information about Neghelle Airport
7312.36 miles (502.69 km) WMoyale Airport (MYS)Moyale, EthiopiaView Moyale Airport on a map Set MYS as origin Airport Set MYS as destination Airport Get more information about Moyale Airport
8344.12 miles (553.81 km) NWGhinnir Airport (GNN)Ghinnir, EthiopiaView Ghinnir Airport on a map Set GNN as origin Airport Set GNN as destination Airport Get more information about Ghinnir Airport
9366.96 miles (590.57 km) NEAbdullahi Yusuf International Airport (GLK)Galcaio, SomaliaView Abdullahi Yusuf International Airport on a map Set GLK as origin Airport Set GLK as destination Airport Get more information about Abdullahi Yusuf International Airport
10368.32 miles (592.76 km) SWGarissa Airport (GAS)Garissa, KenyaView Garissa Airport on a map Set GAS as origin Airport Set GAS as destination Airport Get more information about Garissa Airport
11371.24 miles (597.45 km) NWRobe Airport (GOB)Goba, EthiopiaView Robe Airport on a map Set GOB as origin Airport Set GOB as destination Airport Get more information about Robe Airport
12372.42 miles (599.36 km) ENEObbia Airport (CMO)Obbia, SomaliaView Obbia Airport on a map Set CMO as origin Airport Set CMO as destination Airport Get more information about Obbia Airport
13384.17 miles (618.26 km) SSWKiwayu Airport (KWY)Kiwayu, KenyaView Kiwayu Airport on a map Set KWY as origin Airport Set KWY as destination Airport Get more information about Kiwayu Airport
14404.82 miles (651.49 km) SWHola Airport (HOA)Hola, KenyaView Hola Airport on a map Set HOA as origin Airport Set HOA as destination Airport Get more information about Hola Airport
15413.58 miles (665.58 km) SSWManda Airport (LAU)Lamu, KenyaView Manda Airport on a map Set LAU as origin Airport Set LAU as destination Airport Get more information about Manda Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Baidoa Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Baidoa Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,941.47 miles (19,217.88 km) SSEAtuona Airport (AUQ)Atuona, Marquesas Islands, French PolynesiaView Atuona Airport on a map Set AUQ as origin Airport Set AUQ as destination Airport Get more information about Atuona Airport
211,505.61 miles (18,516.45 km) SSEFangatau Airport (FGU)Fangatau, French PolynesiaView Fangatau Airport on a map Set FGU as origin Airport Set FGU as destination Airport Get more information about Fangatau Airport
311,450.52 miles (18,427.78 km) SSERaroia Airport (RRR)Raroia, French PolynesiaView Raroia Airport on a map Set RRR as origin Airport Set RRR as destination Airport Get more information about Raroia Airport
411,411.82 miles (18,365.49 km) SEManihi Airport (XMH)Manihi, French PolynesiaView Manihi Airport on a map Set XMH as origin Airport Set XMH as destination Airport Get more information about Manihi Airport
511,404.09 miles (18,353.05 km) SEAhe Airport (AHE)Ahe, French PolynesiaView Ahe Airport on a map Set AHE as origin Airport Set AHE as destination Airport Get more information about Ahe Airport
611,385.50 miles (18,323.14 km) SPukarua Airport (PUK)Pukarua, Tuamotus, French PolynesiaView Pukarua Airport on a map Set PUK as origin Airport Set PUK as destination Airport Get more information about Pukarua Airport
711,381.67 miles (18,316.97 km) SSEMakemo Airport (MKP)Makemo, French PolynesiaView Makemo Airport on a map Set MKP as origin Airport Set MKP as destination Airport Get more information about Makemo Airport
811,356.51 miles (18,276.49 km) SSEHao Airport (HOI)Hao, Tuamotu Island, French PolynesiaView Hao Airport on a map Set HOI as origin Airport Set HOI as destination Airport Get more information about Hao Airport
911,345.54 miles (18,258.83 km) SEArutua Airport (AXR)Arutua, Tuamotus, French PolynesiaView Arutua Airport on a map Set AXR as origin Airport Set AXR as destination Airport Get more information about Arutua Airport
1011,341.61 miles (18,252.51 km) SEFakarava Airport (FAV)Fakarava, Society Islands, French PolynesiaView Fakarava Airport on a map Set FAV as origin Airport Set FAV as destination Airport Get more information about Fakarava Airport
1111,337.12 miles (18,245.28 km) SEApataki Airport (APK)Apataki, French PolynesiaView Apataki Airport on a map Set APK as origin Airport Set APK as destination Airport Get more information about Apataki Airport
1211,306.44 miles (18,195.90 km) SNukutavake Airport (NUK)Nukutavake, Tuamotus, French PolynesiaView Nukutavake Airport on a map Set NUK as origin Airport Set NUK as destination Airport Get more information about Nukutavake Airport
1311,273.42 miles (18,142.77 km) SSEAnaa Airport (AAA)Anaa, Tuamotus, French PolynesiaView Anaa Airport on a map Set AAA as origin Airport Set AAA as destination Airport Get more information about Anaa Airport
1411,267.45 miles (18,133.15 km) SEMataiva Airport (MVT)Mataiva, French PolynesiaView Mataiva Airport on a map Set MVT as origin Airport Set MVT as destination Airport Get more information about Mataiva Airport
1511,206.53 miles (18,035.11 km) STureira Airport (ZTA)Tureia, Tuamotus, French PolynesiaView Tureira Airport on a map Set ZTA as origin Airport Set ZTA as destination Airport Get more information about Tureira Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Tunica Municipal Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Tunica Municipal Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
120.10 miles (32.35 km) WSWThompson-Robbins AirportThompson-Robbins Army Airfield (HEE)Helena / West Helena, Arkansas, United StatesView Thompson-Robbins AirportThompson-Robbins Army Airfield on a map Set HEE as destination Airport Set HEE as destination Airport Get more information about Thompson-Robbins AirportThompson-Robbins Army Airfield
228.22 miles (45.41 km) SSWFletcher Field (CKM)Clarksdale, Mississippi, United StatesView Fletcher Field on a map Set CKM as destination Airport Set CKM as destination Airport Get more information about Fletcher Field
330.04 miles (48.35 km) NWForrest City Municipal Airport (FCY)Forrest City, Arkansas, United StatesView Forrest City Municipal Airport on a map Set FCY as destination Airport Set FCY as destination Airport Get more information about Forrest City Municipal Airport
431.75 miles (51.09 km) NNEWest Memphis Municipal Airport (AWM)West Memphis, Arkansas, United StatesView West Memphis Municipal Airport on a map Set AWM as destination Airport Set AWM as destination Airport Get more information about West Memphis Municipal Airport
532.45 miles (52.22 km) NEMemphis International Airport (MEM)Memphis, Tennessee, United StatesView Memphis International Airport on a map Set MEM as destination Airport Set MEM as destination Airport Get more information about Memphis International Airport
637.74 miles (60.73 km) ENEOlive Branch Airport (OLV)Olive Branch, Mississippi, United StatesView Olive Branch Airport on a map Set OLV as destination Airport Set OLV as destination Airport Get more information about Olive Branch Airport
750.62 miles (81.47 km) ESEUniversity-Oxford Airport (UOX)Oxford, Mississippi, United StatesView University-Oxford Airport on a map Set UOX as destination Airport Set UOX as destination Airport Get more information about University-Oxford Airport
853.70 miles (86.42 km) NNEMillington Regional Jetport (NQA)Millington, Tennessee, United StatesView Millington Regional Jetport on a map Set NQA as destination Airport Set NQA as destination Airport Get more information about Millington Regional Jetport
970.01 miles (112.67 km) WStuttgart Municipal Airport (SGT)Stuttgart, Arkansas, United StatesView Stuttgart Municipal Airport on a map Set SGT as destination Airport Set SGT as destination Airport Get more information about Stuttgart Municipal Airport
1081.00 miles (130.35 km) NNWJonesboro Municipal Airport (JBR)Jonesboro, Arkansas, United StatesView Jonesboro Municipal Airport on a map Set JBR as destination Airport Set JBR as destination Airport Get more information about Jonesboro Municipal Airport
1183.64 miles (134.61 km) SGreenwood-Leflore Airport (GWO)Greenwood, Mississippi, United StatesView Greenwood-Leflore Airport on a map Set GWO as destination Airport Set GWO as destination Airport Get more information about Greenwood-Leflore Airport
1284.27 miles (135.62 km) NManila Municipal Airport (MXA)Manila, Arkansas, United StatesView Manila Municipal Airport on a map Set MXA as destination Airport Set MXA as destination Airport Get more information about Manila Municipal Airport
1386.68 miles (139.49 km) WNWSearcy Municipal Airport (SRC)Searcy, Arkansas, United StatesView Searcy Municipal Airport on a map Set SRC as destination Airport Set SRC as destination Airport Get more information about Searcy Municipal Airport
1490.73 miles (146.01 km) SSWMid-Delta Regional Airport (GLH)Greenville, Mississippi, United StatesView Mid-Delta Regional Airport on a map Set GLH as destination Airport Set GLH as destination Airport Get more information about Mid-Delta Regional Airport
1591.29 miles (146.91 km) NNEArkansas International Airport (BYH)Blytheville, Arkansas, United StatesView Arkansas International Airport on a map Set BYH as destination Airport Set BYH as destination Airport Get more information about Arkansas International Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Tunica Municipal Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Tunica Municipal Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
110,987.35 miles (17,682.38 km) WMargaret River Airport (MGV)Margaret River, Western Australia, AustraliaView Margaret River Airport on a map Set MGV as destination Airport Set MGV as destination Airport Get more information about Margaret River Airport
210,967.55 miles (17,650.52 km) WBusselton Regional Airport (BQB)Busselton, Western Australia, AustraliaView Busselton Regional Airport on a map Set BQB as destination Airport Set BQB as destination Airport Get more information about Busselton Regional Airport
310,948.03 miles (17,619.11 km) WBunbury Airport (BUY)Bunbury, Western Australia, AustraliaView Bunbury Airport on a map Set BUY as destination Airport Set BUY as destination Airport Get more information about Bunbury Airport
410,935.37 miles (17,598.73 km) WRottnest Airport (RTS)Rottnest Island, Western Australia, AustraliaView Rottnest Airport on a map Set RTS as destination Airport Set RTS as destination Airport Get more information about Rottnest Airport
510,932.17 miles (17,593.58 km) WManjimup Airport (MJP)Manjimup, Western Australia, AustraliaView Manjimup Airport on a map Set MJP as destination Airport Set MJP as destination Airport Get more information about Manjimup Airport
610,930.04 miles (17,590.14 km) WJurien Bay Airport (JUR)Jurien Bay, Western Australia, AustraliaView Jurien Bay Airport on a map Set JUR as destination Airport Set JUR as destination Airport Get more information about Jurien Bay Airport
710,917.50 miles (17,569.97 km) WJandakot Airport (JAD)Jandakot, Western Australia, AustraliaView Jandakot Airport on a map Set JAD as destination Airport Set JAD as destination Airport Get more information about Jandakot Airport
810,913.89 miles (17,564.16 km) WGeraldton Airport (GET)Geraldton, Western Australia, AustraliaView Geraldton Airport on a map Set GET as destination Airport Set GET as destination Airport Get more information about Geraldton Airport
910,909.97 miles (17,557.86 km) WPerth Airport (PER)Perth, Western Australia, AustraliaView Perth Airport on a map Set PER as destination Airport Set PER as destination Airport Get more information about Perth Airport
1010,908.83 miles (17,556.02 km) WSWKalbarri Airport (KAX)Kalbarri, Western Australia, AustraliaView Kalbarri Airport on a map Set KAX as destination Airport Set KAX as destination Airport Get more information about Kalbarri Airport
1110,890.63 miles (17,526.73 km) WSWShark Bay Airport (MJK)Monkey Mia, Western Australia, AustraliaView Shark Bay Airport on a map Set MJK as destination Airport Set MJK as destination Airport Get more information about Shark Bay Airport
1210,859.98 miles (17,477.41 km) WMullewa Airport (MXU)Mullewa, Western Australia, AustraliaView Mullewa Airport on a map Set MXU as destination Airport Set MXU as destination Airport Get more information about Mullewa Airport
1310,850.60 miles (17,462.31 km) WSWCarnarvon Airport (CVQ)Carnarvon, Western Australia, AustraliaView Carnarvon Airport on a map Set CVQ as destination Airport Set CVQ as destination Airport Get more information about Carnarvon Airport
1410,849.99 miles (17,461.32 km) WMorawa Airport (MWB)Morawa, Western Australia, AustraliaView Morawa Airport on a map Set MWB as destination Airport Set MWB as destination Airport Get more information about Morawa Airport
1510,844.80 miles (17,452.97 km) WAlbany Airport (ALH)Albany, Western Australia, AustraliaView Albany Airport on a map Set ALH as destination Airport Set ALH as destination Airport Get more information about Albany Airport