About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Cortes Island Aerodrome (YCF), Cortes Island, British Columbia, Canada and Sheghnan Airport (SGA), Sheghnan, Afghanistan would travel a Great Circle distance of 6,302 miles (or 10,142 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Cortes Island Aerodrome and Sheghnan Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Cortes Island Aerodrome and Sheghnan Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

IATA / ICAO Codes: YCF /
Airport Names:
  1. Cortes Island Aerodrome
  2. CCI9
Location: Cortes Island, British Columbia, Canada
GPS Coordinates: 50°1'24"N by 124°59'3"W
Area Served: Cortes Island
Operator/Owner: M. Ching
Airport Type: Private
Elevation: 164 feet (50 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from YCF
More Information: YCF Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Sheghnan Airport
  2. Sheghnan Airport (Sheghnan)
Location: Sheghnan, Afghanistan
GPS Coordinates: 37°34'0"N by 71°30'0"E
Area Served: Sheghnan, Afghanistan
Elevation: 6700 feet (2,042 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from SGA
More Information: SGA Maps & Info

Facts about Cortes Island Aerodrome (YCF):

  • Because of Cortes Island Aerodrome's relatively low elevation of 164 feet, planes can take off or land at Cortes Island Aerodrome at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Cortes Island Aerodrome (YCF) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The closest airport to Cortes Island Aerodrome (YCF) is Campbell River Water Aerodrome (YHH), which is located only 12 miles (19 kilometers) W of YCF.
  • In addition to being known as "Cortes Island Aerodrome", another name for YCF is "CCI9".
  • The furthest airport from Cortes Island Aerodrome (YCF) is Tôlanaro Airport (FTU), which is located 10,657 miles (17,151 kilometers) away in Tôlanaro, Madagascar.

Facts about Sheghnan Airport (SGA):

  • Sheghnan Airport (SGA) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The furthest airport from Sheghnan Airport (SGA) is Mataveri International Airport (IPC), which is located 11,716 miles (18,855 kilometers) away in Easter Island, Chile.
  • Because of Sheghnan Airport's high elevation of 6,700 feet, planes must typically fly at a faster airspeed in order to takeoff or land at SGA. Combined with a high temperature, this could make SGA a "Hot & High" airport, where the air density is lower than it would otherwise be at sea level.
  • The closest airport to Sheghnan Airport (SGA) is Fayzabad Airport د فیض اباد هوائی ډګر (FBD), which is located 62 miles (100 kilometers) WSW of SGA.
  • In addition to being known as "Sheghnan Airport", another name for SGA is "Sheghnan Airport (Sheghnan)".

Map of Nearest Airports to Cortes Island Aerodrome:

List of Nearest Airports to Cortes Island Aerodrome:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111.94 miles (19.21 km) WCampbell River Water Aerodrome (YHH)Campbell River, British Columbia, CanadaView Campbell River Water Aerodrome on a map Set YHH as origin Airport Set YHH as destination Airport Get more information about Campbell River Water Aerodrome
213.76 miles (22.14 km) WSWCampbell River Airport (YBL)Campbell River, British Columbia, CanadaView Campbell River Airport on a map Set YBL as origin Airport Set YBL as destination Airport Get more information about Campbell River Airport
322.04 miles (35.47 km) SSECFB Comox (YQQ)Comox, British Columbia, CanadaView CFB Comox on a map Set YQQ as origin Airport Set YQQ as destination Airport Get more information about CFB Comox
423.78 miles (38.27 km) SCourtenay Airpark (YCA)Courtenay, British Columbia, CanadaView Courtenay Airpark on a map Set YCA as origin Airport Set YCA as destination Airport Get more information about Courtenay Airpark
525.19 miles (40.54 km) ESEPowell River Airport (YPW)Powell River, British Columbia, CanadaView Powell River Airport on a map Set YPW as origin Airport Set YPW as destination Airport Get more information about Powell River Airport
626.83 miles (43.17 km) NNWBig Bay Water Aerodrome (YRR)Stuart Island, British Columbia, CanadaView Big Bay Water Aerodrome on a map Set YRR as origin Airport Set YRR as destination Airport Get more information about Big Bay Water Aerodrome
730.82 miles (49.59 km) SETexada/Gillies Bay Airport (YGB)Texada Island, British Columbia, CanadaView Texada/Gillies Bay Airport on a map Set YGB as origin Airport Set YGB as destination Airport Get more information about Texada/Gillies Bay Airport
848.54 miles (78.12 km) SAlberni Valley Regional Airport (YPB)Port Alberni, British Columbia, CanadaView Alberni Valley Regional Airport on a map Set YPB as origin Airport Set YPB as destination Airport Get more information about Alberni Valley Regional Airport
951.46 miles (82.82 km) ESEPender Harbour Water Aerodrome (YPT)Pender Harbour, British Columbia, CanadaView Pender Harbour Water Aerodrome on a map Set YPT as origin Airport Set YPT as destination Airport Get more information about Pender Harbour Water Aerodrome
1054.27 miles (87.34 km) SSEQualicum Beach Airport (XQU)Qualicum Beach, British Columbia, CanadaView Qualicum Beach Airport on a map Set XQU as origin Airport Set XQU as destination Airport Get more information about Qualicum Beach Airport
1168.60 miles (110.40 km) SESechelt Aerodrome (YHS)Sechelt, British Columbia, CanadaView Sechelt Aerodrome on a map Set YHS as origin Airport Set YHS as destination Airport Get more information about Sechelt Aerodrome
1272.94 miles (117.38 km) SWTofino Harbour Water Aerodrome (YTP)Tofino, British Columbia, CanadaView Tofino Harbour Water Aerodrome on a map Set YTP as origin Airport Set YTP as destination Airport Get more information about Tofino Harbour Water Aerodrome
1374.02 miles (119.13 km) SSWTofino/Long Beach Airport (YAZ)Tofino, British Columbia, CanadaView Tofino/Long Beach Airport on a map Set YAZ as origin Airport Set YAZ as destination Airport Get more information about Tofino/Long Beach Airport
1474.56 miles (119.98 km) WTahsis Water Aerodrome (ZTS)Tahsis, British Columbia, CanadaView Tahsis Water Aerodrome on a map Set ZTS as origin Airport Set ZTS as destination Airport Get more information about Tahsis Water Aerodrome
1575.44 miles (121.41 km) SENanaimo Harbour Water Airport (ZNA)Nanaimo, British Columbia, CanadaView Nanaimo Harbour Water Airport on a map Set ZNA as origin Airport Set ZNA as destination Airport Get more information about Nanaimo Harbour Water Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Cortes Island Aerodrome:

List of Furthest Airports from Cortes Island Aerodrome:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
110,657.34 miles (17,151.28 km) SSETôlanaro Airport (FTU)Tôlanaro, MadagascarView Tôlanaro Airport on a map Set FTU as origin Airport Set FTU as destination Airport Get more information about Tôlanaro Airport
210,622.68 miles (17,095.50 km) ESEEast London Airport (ELS)East London, South AfricaView East London Airport on a map Set ELS as origin Airport Set ELS as destination Airport Get more information about East London Airport
310,612.64 miles (17,079.35 km) ESEPort Alfred Airport (AFD)Port Alfred, South AfricaView Port Alfred Airport on a map Set AFD as origin Airport Set AFD as destination Airport Get more information about Port Alfred Airport
410,602.23 miles (17,062.59 km) SSEAmpanihy Airport (AMP)Ampanihy, MadagascarView Ampanihy Airport on a map Set AMP as origin Airport Set AMP as destination Airport Get more information about Ampanihy Airport
510,599.60 miles (17,058.37 km) SEMargate Airport (MGH)Margate, KwaZulu-Natal, South AfricaView Margate Airport on a map Set MGH as origin Airport Set MGH as destination Airport Get more information about Margate Airport
610,583.83 miles (17,032.97 km) ESEPort Elizabeth International Airport (PLZ)Port Elizabeth, South AfricaView Port Elizabeth International Airport on a map Set PLZ as origin Airport Set PLZ as destination Airport Get more information about Port Elizabeth International Airport
710,576.47 miles (17,021.14 km) ESEMthatha Airport (UTT)Mthatha, South AfricaView Mthatha Airport on a map Set UTT as origin Airport Set UTT as destination Airport Get more information about Mthatha Airport
810,556.61 miles (16,989.17 km) SEKing Shaka International (DUR)Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South AfricaView King Shaka International on a map Set DUR as origin Airport Set DUR as destination Airport Get more information about King Shaka International
910,539.31 miles (16,961.33 km) SERichards Bay Airport (RCB)Richards Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, South AfricaView Richards Bay Airport on a map Set RCB as origin Airport Set RCB as destination Airport Get more information about Richards Bay Airport
1010,533.83 miles (16,952.51 km) SEPietermaritzburg Airport (PZB)Pietermaritzburg, South AfricaView Pietermaritzburg Airport on a map Set PZB as origin Airport Set PZB as destination Airport Get more information about Pietermaritzburg Airport
1110,502.54 miles (16,902.15 km) SEHluhluwe Airport (HLW)Hluhluwe, South AfricaView Hluhluwe Airport on a map Set HLW as origin Airport Set HLW as destination Airport Get more information about Hluhluwe Airport
1210,485.66 miles (16,874.99 km) SELebakeng Airport (LEF)Lebakeng, LesothoView Lebakeng Airport on a map Set LEF as origin Airport Set LEF as destination Airport Get more information about Lebakeng Airport
1310,467.40 miles (16,845.61 km) SELesobeng Airport (LES)Lesobeng, LesothoView Lesobeng Airport on a map Set LES as origin Airport Set LES as destination Airport Get more information about Lesobeng Airport
1410,466.79 miles (16,844.63 km) SEMokhotlong Airport (MKH)Mokhotlong, LesothoView Mokhotlong Airport on a map Set MKH as origin Airport Set MKH as destination Airport Get more information about Mokhotlong Airport
1510,461.15 miles (16,835.55 km) SESemonkong Airport (SOK)Semonkong, LesothoView Semonkong Airport on a map Set SOK as origin Airport Set SOK as destination Airport Get more information about Semonkong Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Sheghnan Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Sheghnan Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
162.08 miles (99.91 km) WSWFayzabad Airport د فیض اباد هوائی ډګر (FBD)Fayzabad, Badakhshan, AfghanistanView Fayzabad Airport د فیض اباد هوائی ډګر on a map Set FBD as destination Airport Set FBD as destination Airport Get more information about Fayzabad Airport د فیض اباد هوائی ډګر
270.40 miles (113.30 km) NNWDarwaz Airport (DAZ)Darwaz, Badakhshan, AfghanistanView Darwaz Airport on a map Set DAZ as destination Airport Set DAZ as destination Airport Get more information about Darwaz Airport
374.27 miles (119.53 km) WNWKhwahan Airport (KWH)Khwahan, AfghanistanView Khwahan Airport on a map Set KWH as destination Airport Set KWH as destination Airport Get more information about Khwahan Airport
4114.60 miles (184.43 km) SSWRazer Airport (KUR)Kron Monjan (Karanomunjan), AfghanistanView Razer Airport on a map Set KUR as destination Airport Set KUR as destination Airport Get more information about Razer Airport
5117.59 miles (189.24 km) SChitral Airport (CJL)Chitral, PakistanView Chitral Airport on a map Set CJL as destination Airport Set CJL as destination Airport Get more information about Chitral Airport
6121.49 miles (195.51 km) WSWTaloqan Airport (TQN)Taloqan, AfghanistanView Taloqan Airport on a map Set TQN as destination Airport Set TQN as destination Airport Get more information about Taloqan Airport
7155.67 miles (250.52 km) WSWKunduz Airport (UND)Kunduz, AfghanistanView Kunduz Airport on a map Set UND as destination Airport Set UND as destination Airport Get more information about Kunduz Airport
8160.52 miles (258.33 km) WNWDushanbe International Airport (DYU)Dushanbe, TajikistanView Dushanbe International Airport on a map Set DYU as destination Airport Set DYU as destination Airport Get more information about Dushanbe International Airport
9193.37 miles (311.20 km) NFergana International Airport (FEG)Fergana, UzbekistanView Fergana International Airport on a map Set FEG as destination Airport Set FEG as destination Airport Get more information about Fergana International Airport
10193.84 miles (311.95 km) SEGilgit Airport (GIL)Gilgit, PakistanView Gilgit Airport on a map Set GIL as destination Airport Set GIL as destination Airport Get more information about Gilgit Airport
11206.07 miles (331.64 km) SEChilas Airport (CHB)Chilas, PakistanView Chilas Airport on a map Set CHB as destination Airport Set CHB as destination Airport Get more information about Chilas Airport
12207.15 miles (333.37 km) NNWKhujand International Airport (LBD)Khujand, TajikistanView Khujand International Airport on a map Set LBD as destination Airport Set LBD as destination Airport Get more information about Khujand International Airport
13219.74 miles (353.63 km) SWBagram Airfield (OAI)Bagram, AfghanistanView Bagram Airfield on a map Set OAI as destination Airport Set OAI as destination Airport Get more information about Bagram Airfield
14221.33 miles (356.20 km) NNEOsh International Airport (OSS)Osh, KyrgyzstanView Osh International Airport on a map Set OSS as destination Airport Set OSS as destination Airport Get more information about Osh International Airport
15222.51 miles (358.10 km) NAndizhan International Airport (AZN)Andizhan, UzbekistanView Andizhan International Airport on a map Set AZN as destination Airport Set AZN as destination Airport Get more information about Andizhan International Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Sheghnan Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Sheghnan Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,716.10 miles (18,855.18 km) SMataveri International Airport (IPC)Easter Island, ChileView Mataveri International Airport on a map Set IPC as destination Airport Set IPC as destination Airport Get more information about Mataveri International Airport
210,582.27 miles (17,030.48 km) ESETotegegie Airport (GMR)Mangareva, Gambier Islands, French PolynesiaView Totegegie Airport on a map Set GMR as destination Airport Set GMR as destination Airport Get more information about Totegegie Airport
310,581.80 miles (17,029.71 km) WSWGamboa Airport (WCA)Castro, ChileView Gamboa Airport on a map Set WCA as destination Airport Set WCA as destination Airport Get more information about Gamboa Airport
410,581.64 miles (17,029.46 km) WSWPupelde Airfield (ZUD)Ancud, Los Lagos Region, ChileView Pupelde Airfield on a map Set ZUD as destination Airport Set ZUD as destination Airport Get more information about Pupelde Airfield
510,578.52 miles (17,024.44 km) WSWMocopulli Airport (MHC)Castro, Los Lagos, ChileView Mocopulli Airport on a map Set MHC as destination Airport Set MHC as destination Airport Get more information about Mocopulli Airport
610,543.74 miles (16,968.46 km) WSWEl Tepual International Airport (PMC)Puerto Montt, ChileView El Tepual International Airport on a map Set PMC as destination Airport Set PMC as destination Airport Get more information about El Tepual International Airport
710,540.74 miles (16,963.64 km) WSWFrutillar Airport (FRT)Frutillar, ChileView Frutillar Airport on a map Set FRT as destination Airport Set FRT as destination Airport Get more information about Frutillar Airport
810,537.54 miles (16,958.49 km) WSWCañal Bajo Carlos Hott Siebert Airport (ZOS)Osorno, ChileView Cañal Bajo Carlos Hott Siebert Airport on a map Set ZOS as destination Airport Set ZOS as destination Airport Get more information about Cañal Bajo Carlos Hott Siebert Airport
910,531.72 miles (16,949.11 km) WSWPichoy Airport (ZAL)Valdivia, ChileView Pichoy Airport on a map Set ZAL as destination Airport Set ZAL as destination Airport Get more information about Pichoy Airport
1010,527.81 miles (16,942.82 km) WSWChaitén Airfield (WCH)Chaitén, Los Lagos, ChileView Chaitén Airfield on a map Set WCH as destination Airport Set WCH as destination Airport Get more information about Chaitén Airfield
1110,506.72 miles (16,908.88 km) WSWCochrane Airfield (LGR)Cochrane, ChileView Cochrane Airfield on a map Set LGR as destination Airport Set LGR as destination Airport Get more information about Cochrane Airfield
1210,499.40 miles (16,897.10 km) WSWMaquehue Airport (ZCO)Temuco, Araucanía, ChileView Maquehue Airport on a map Set ZCO as destination Airport Set ZCO as destination Airport Get more information about Maquehue Airport
1310,496.62 miles (16,892.63 km) WCarriel Sur International Airport (CCP)Concepción, Bío Bío Region, ChileView Carriel Sur International Airport on a map Set CCP as destination Airport Set CCP as destination Airport Get more information about Carriel Sur International Airport
1410,494.41 miles (16,889.08 km) WSWTeniente Vidal Airfield (GXQ)Coyhaique, ChileView Teniente Vidal Airfield on a map Set GXQ as destination Airport Set GXQ as destination Airport Get more information about Teniente Vidal Airfield
1510,478.07 miles (16,862.78 km) WSWVictoria Airport (ZIC)Victoria, Araucanía, ChileView Victoria Airport on a map Set ZIC as destination Airport Set ZIC as destination Airport Get more information about Victoria Airport