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CHG Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Chaoyang Airport
  2. 朝阳机场
  3. Chāoyáng Jīchǎng
Location: Chaoyang, Liaoning, China
GPS Coordinates: 41°32'17"N by 120°26'6"E
Operator/Owner: Liaoning Airport Management Group Co.
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 568 feet (173 meters)
# of Runways: 1
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Facts about Chaoyang Airport (CHG):

  • The furthest airport from Chaoyang Airport (CHG) is Gobernador Edgardo Castello Airport (VDM), which is nearly antipodal to Chaoyang Airport (meaning Chaoyang Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Gobernador Edgardo Castello Airport), and is located 12,252 miles (19,718 kilometers) away in Viedma, Argentina.
  • The closest airport to Chaoyang Airport (CHG) is Jinzhou Xiaolingzi Airport (JNZ), which is located 44 miles (71 kilometers) SE of CHG.
  • Because of Chaoyang Airport's relatively low elevation of 568 feet, planes can take off or land at Chaoyang Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Chaoyang Airport (CHG) currently has only 1 runway.
  • In addition to being known as "Chaoyang Airport", other names for CHG include "朝阳机场" and "Chāoyáng Jīchǎng".

Map of Nearest Airports from Chaoyang Airport:

List of Nearest Airports from Chaoyang Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
144.36 miles (71.39 km) SEJinzhou Xiaolingzi Airport (JNZ)Jinzhou, Liaoning, ChinaView Jinzhou Xiaolingzi Airport on a map Set JNZ as destination Airport Get more information about Jinzhou Xiaolingzi Airport
292.11 miles (148.24 km) WNWChifeng Airport (CIF)Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Chifeng Airport on a map Set CIF as destination Airport Get more information about Chifeng Airport
3114.56 miles (184.37 km) SSWQinhuangdao Shanhaiguan Airport (SHP)Qinhuangdao, Hebei, ChinaView Qinhuangdao Shanhaiguan Airport on a map Set SHP as destination Airport Get more information about Qinhuangdao Shanhaiguan Airport
4129.13 miles (207.82 km) ESEAnshan Teng'ao Airport (AOG)Anshan, Liaoning, ChinaView Anshan Teng'ao Airport on a map Set AOG as destination Airport Get more information about Anshan Teng'ao Airport
5157.69 miles (253.78 km) EShenyang Taoxian International Airport (SHE)Shenyang, ChinaView Shenyang Taoxian International Airport on a map Set SHE as destination Airport Get more information about Shenyang Taoxian International Airport
6179.09 miles (288.22 km) SWTangshan Sannühe Airport (TVS)Tangshan, Hebei, ChinaView Tangshan Sannühe Airport on a map Set TVS as destination Airport Get more information about Tangshan Sannühe Airport
7187.02 miles (300.98 km) SSEDalian Zhoushuizi International Airport (DLC)Dalian, Liaoning, ChinaView Dalian Zhoushuizi International Airport on a map Set DLC as destination Airport Get more information about Dalian Zhoushuizi International Airport
8196.01 miles (315.45 km) SEChanghai Airport (CNI)Changhai, ChinaView Changhai Airport on a map Set CNI as destination Airport Get more information about Changhai Airport
9225.13 miles (362.32 km) WSWBeijing Capital International Airport (PEK)Beijing, People's Republic of ChinaView Beijing Capital International Airport on a map Set PEK as destination Airport Get more information about Beijing Capital International Airport
10232.95 miles (374.89 km) SWTianjin Binhai International Airport (TSN)Tianjin, ChinaView Tianjin Binhai International Airport on a map Set TSN as destination Airport Get more information about Tianjin Binhai International Airport
11244.32 miles (393.19 km) WSWBeijing Nanyuan Airport (NAY)Beijing, ChinaView Beijing Nanyuan Airport on a map Set NAY as destination Airport Get more information about Beijing Nanyuan Airport
12275.41 miles (443.23 km) ENETonghua Sanyuanpu Airport (TNH)Tonghua, Jilin, ChinaView Tonghua Sanyuanpu Airport on a map Set TNH as destination Airport Get more information about Tonghua Sanyuanpu Airport
13280.12 miles (450.82 km) NWXilinhot Airport (XIL)Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Xilinhot Airport on a map Set XIL as destination Airport Get more information about Xilinhot Airport
14290.12 miles (466.91 km) SYantai Laishan International Airport (YNT)Yantai, Shandong, ChinaView Yantai Laishan International Airport on a map Set YNT as destination Airport Get more information about Yantai Laishan International Airport
15291.67 miles (469.39 km) WZhangjiakou Ningyuan Airport (ZQZ)Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, ChinaView Zhangjiakou Ningyuan Airport on a map Set ZQZ as destination Airport Get more information about Zhangjiakou Ningyuan Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Chaoyang Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Chaoyang Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,252.35 miles (19,718.19 km) ESEGobernador Edgardo Castello Airport (VDM)Viedma, ArgentinaView Gobernador Edgardo Castello Airport on a map Set VDM as destination Airport Get more information about Gobernador Edgardo Castello Airport
212,222.04 miles (19,669.42 km) SNecochea Airport (NEC)Necochea, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaView Necochea Airport on a map Set NEC as destination Airport Get more information about Necochea Airport
312,215.35 miles (19,658.64 km) STres Arroyos Airport (OYO)Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires Province, ArgentinaView Tres Arroyos Airport on a map Set OYO as destination Airport Get more information about Tres Arroyos Airport
412,198.69 miles (19,631.84 km) SEComandante Espora Airport (BHI)Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, ArgentinaView Comandante Espora Airport on a map Set BHI as destination Airport Get more information about Comandante Espora Airport
512,190.97 miles (19,619.41 km) SSWMiramar Airport (MJR)Miramar, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaView Miramar Airport on a map Set MJR as destination Airport Get more information about Miramar Airport
612,166.26 miles (19,579.65 km) SSWAstor Piazzolla International Airport (MDQ)Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires Province, ArgentinaView Astor Piazzolla International Airport on a map Set MDQ as destination Airport Get more information about Astor Piazzolla International Airport
712,147.13 miles (19,548.86 km) EAntoine de Saint Exupéry Airport (OES)San Antonio Oeste, ArgentinaView Antoine de Saint Exupéry Airport on a map Set OES as destination Airport Get more information about Antoine de Saint Exupéry Airport
812,140.98 miles (19,538.97 km) ESEEl Tehuelche Airport (PMY)Puerto Madryn, ArgentinaView El Tehuelche Airport on a map Set PMY as destination Airport Get more information about El Tehuelche Airport
912,138.27 miles (19,534.61 km) STandil Airport (TDL)Tandil, ArgentinaView Tandil Airport on a map Set TDL as destination Airport Get more information about Tandil Airport
1012,128.14 miles (19,518.30 km) SSEBrigadier Hector Eduardo Ruiz Airport (CSZ)Coronel Suárez, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaView Brigadier Hector Eduardo Ruiz Airport on a map Set CSZ as destination Airport Get more information about Brigadier Hector Eduardo Ruiz Airport
1112,122.95 miles (19,509.95 km) ESEAlmirante Marcos A. Zar Airport (REL)Trelew, Chubut, ArgentinaView Almirante Marcos A. Zar Airport on a map Set REL as destination Airport Get more information about Almirante Marcos A. Zar Airport
1212,113.76 miles (19,495.16 km) SOlavarría Airport (OVR)Olavarría, ArgentinaView Olavarría Airport on a map Set OVR as destination Airport Get more information about Olavarría Airport
1312,110.16 miles (19,489.36 km) SSWVilla Gesell Airport (VLG)Villa Gesell, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaView Villa Gesell Airport on a map Set VLG as destination Airport Get more information about Villa Gesell Airport
1412,057.98 miles (19,405.39 km) SLas Flores Airport (ELB)El Banco, ColombiaView Las Flores Airport on a map Set ELB as destination Airport Get more information about Las Flores Airport
1512,024.50 miles (19,351.51 km) SSEComodoro Pedro Zanni Airport (PEH)Pehuajó, ArgentinaView Comodoro Pedro Zanni Airport on a map Set PEH as destination Airport Get more information about Comodoro Pedro Zanni Airport