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PMY Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. El Tehuelche Airport
  2. Aeropuerto El Tehuelche
Location: Puerto Madryn, Argentina
GPS Coordinates: 42°45'30"S by 65°6'5"W
Area Served: Puerto Madryn
Operator/Owner: Argentine Government (Ministry of Planning and Public Services)
Airport Type: Public
# of Runways: 1
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Facts about El Tehuelche Airport (PMY):

  • El Tehuelche Airport (PMY) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The furthest airport from El Tehuelche Airport (PMY) is Xilinhot Airport (XIL), which is nearly antipodal to El Tehuelche Airport (meaning El Tehuelche Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Xilinhot Airport), and is located 12,341 miles (19,860 kilometers) away in Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia, China.
  • In addition to being known as "El Tehuelche Airport", another name for PMY is "Aeropuerto El Tehuelche".
  • The closest airport to El Tehuelche Airport (PMY) is Almirante Marcos A. Zar Airport (REL), which is located 33 miles (52 kilometers) SSW of PMY.

Map of Nearest Airports from El Tehuelche Airport:

List of Nearest Airports from El Tehuelche Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
132.51 miles (52.32 km) SSWAlmirante Marcos A. Zar Airport (REL)Trelew, Chubut, ArgentinaView Almirante Marcos A. Zar Airport on a map Set REL as destination Airport Get more information about Almirante Marcos A. Zar Airport
2138.72 miles (223.25 km) NAntoine de Saint Exupéry Airport (OES)San Antonio Oeste, ArgentinaView Antoine de Saint Exupéry Airport on a map Set OES as destination Airport Get more information about Antoine de Saint Exupéry Airport
3169.52 miles (272.82 km) NEGobernador Edgardo Castello Airport (VDM)Viedma, ArgentinaView Gobernador Edgardo Castello Airport on a map Set VDM as destination Airport Get more information about Gobernador Edgardo Castello Airport
4212.50 miles (341.99 km) WNWMaquinchao Airport (MQD)Maquinchao, Río Negro Province, ArgentinaView Maquinchao Airport on a map Set MQD as destination Airport Get more information about Maquinchao Airport
5239.59 miles (385.58 km) SSWGeneral Enrique Mosconi International Airport (CRD)Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut, ArgentinaView General Enrique Mosconi International Airport on a map Set CRD as destination Airport Get more information about General Enrique Mosconi International Airport
6250.09 miles (402.48 km) WNWIngeniero Jacobacci Airport (IGB)Ingeniero Jacobacci, Río Negro, ArgentinaView Ingeniero Jacobacci Airport on a map Set IGB as destination Airport Get more information about Ingeniero Jacobacci Airport
7291.04 miles (468.39 km) NNWDr. Arturo Umberto Illia Airport (GNR)General Roca, Río Negro, ArgentinaView Dr. Arturo Umberto Illia Airport on a map Set GNR as destination Airport Get more information about Dr. Arturo Umberto Illia Airport
8306.41 miles (493.12 km) WEsquel Airport (EQS)Esquel, Chubut Province, ArgentinaView Esquel Airport on a map Set EQS as destination Airport Get more information about Esquel Airport
9307.79 miles (495.33 km) NNWPresidente Perón Internacional Airport (NQN)Neuquen, ArgentinaView Presidente Perón Internacional Airport on a map Set NQN as destination Airport Get more information about Presidente Perón Internacional Airport
10313.69 miles (504.83 km) WEl Maitén Airport (EMX)El Maitén, Neuquén, ArgentinaView El Maitén Airport on a map Set EMX as destination Airport Get more information about El Maitén Airport
11318.13 miles (511.98 km) NNEComandante Espora Airport (BHI)Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, ArgentinaView Comandante Espora Airport on a map Set BHI as destination Airport Get more information about Comandante Espora Airport
12324.18 miles (521.72 km) WSWAlto Río Senguer Airport (ARR)Alto Río Senguer, Chubut, ArgentinaView Alto Río Senguer Airport on a map Set ARR as destination Airport Get more information about Alto Río Senguer Airport
13330.31 miles (531.58 km) WNWSan Carlos de Bariloche Airport (BRC)San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro Province, ArgentinaView San Carlos de Bariloche Airport on a map Set BRC as destination Airport Get more information about San Carlos de Bariloche Airport
14333.08 miles (536.04 km) WEl Bolsón Airport (EHL)El Bolsón, Río Negro, ArgentinaView El Bolsón Airport on a map Set EHL as destination Airport Get more information about El Bolsón Airport
15341.91 miles (550.25 km) NWCutral Có Airport (CUT)Cutral Có, Neuquén, ArgentinaView Cutral Có Airport on a map Set CUT as destination Airport Get more information about Cutral Có Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from El Tehuelche Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from El Tehuelche Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,340.52 miles (19,860.10 km) NNWXilinhot Airport (XIL)Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Xilinhot Airport on a map Set XIL as destination Airport Get more information about Xilinhot Airport
212,297.23 miles (19,790.42 km) NZhangjiakou Ningyuan Airport (ZQZ)Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, ChinaView Zhangjiakou Ningyuan Airport on a map Set ZQZ as destination Airport Get more information about Zhangjiakou Ningyuan Airport
312,288.17 miles (19,775.84 km) ENEErenhot Saiwusu International Airport (ERL)Erenhot, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Erenhot Saiwusu International Airport on a map Set ERL as destination Airport Get more information about Erenhot Saiwusu International Airport
412,236.44 miles (19,692.60 km) NNEDatong Yungang Airport (DAT)Datong, Shanxi, ChinaView Datong Yungang Airport on a map Set DAT as destination Airport Get more information about Datong Yungang Airport
512,232.16 miles (19,685.71 km) NNWBeijing Capital International Airport (PEK)Beijing, People's Republic of ChinaView Beijing Capital International Airport on a map Set PEK as destination Airport Get more information about Beijing Capital International Airport
612,230.82 miles (19,683.55 km) NEHohhot Baita International Airport (HET)Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Hohhot Baita International Airport on a map Set HET as destination Airport Get more information about Hohhot Baita International Airport
712,229.37 miles (19,681.22 km) WChifeng Airport (CIF)Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Chifeng Airport on a map Set CIF as destination Airport Get more information about Chifeng Airport
812,217.12 miles (19,661.51 km) NNWBeijing Nanyuan Airport (NAY)Beijing, ChinaView Beijing Nanyuan Airport on a map Set NAY as destination Airport Get more information about Beijing Nanyuan Airport
912,172.69 miles (19,590.00 km) NWTangshan Sannühe Airport (TVS)Tangshan, Hebei, ChinaView Tangshan Sannühe Airport on a map Set TVS as destination Airport Get more information about Tangshan Sannühe Airport
1012,155.12 miles (19,561.71 km) NNWTianjin Binhai International Airport (TSN)Tianjin, ChinaView Tianjin Binhai International Airport on a map Set TSN as destination Airport Get more information about Tianjin Binhai International Airport
1112,141.73 miles (19,540.17 km) ENEBaotou Airport (BAV)Baotou, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Baotou Airport on a map Set BAV as destination Airport Get more information about Baotou Airport
1212,140.98 miles (19,538.97 km) WNWChaoyang Airport (CHG)Chaoyang, Liaoning, ChinaView Chaoyang Airport on a map Set CHG as destination Airport Get more information about Chaoyang Airport
1312,127.24 miles (19,516.85 km) NShijiazhuang Zhengding International Airport (SJW)Shijiazhuang, ChinaView Shijiazhuang Zhengding International Airport on a map Set SJW as destination Airport Get more information about Shijiazhuang Zhengding International Airport
1412,120.71 miles (19,506.34 km) NWQinhuangdao Shanhaiguan Airport (SHP)Qinhuangdao, Hebei, ChinaView Qinhuangdao Shanhaiguan Airport on a map Set SHP as destination Airport Get more information about Qinhuangdao Shanhaiguan Airport
1512,100.04 miles (19,473.08 km) WNWJinzhou Xiaolingzi Airport (JNZ)Jinzhou, Liaoning, ChinaView Jinzhou Xiaolingzi Airport on a map Set JNZ as destination Airport Get more information about Jinzhou Xiaolingzi Airport