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JPA Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Presidente Castro Pinto International Airport
  2. Aeroporto Internacional Presidente Castro Pinto
Location: João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil
GPS Coordinates: 7°8'44"S by 34°56'54"W
Area Served: João Pessoa
Operator/Owner: Infraero
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 215 feet (66 meters)
# of Runways: 1
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Facts about Presidente Castro Pinto International Airport (JPA):

  • In addition to being known as "Presidente Castro Pinto International Airport", another name for JPA is "Aeroporto Internacional Presidente Castro Pinto".
  • The airport was officially opened on August 20, 1957 and since February 1, 1979 it is administrated by Infraero.
  • The furthest airport from Presidente Castro Pinto International Airport (JPA) is Falalop Airfield (ULI), which is nearly antipodal to Presidente Castro Pinto International Airport (meaning Presidente Castro Pinto International Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Falalop Airfield), and is located 12,026 miles (19,354 kilometers) away in Falalop Island, Yap, Federated States of Micronesia.
  • Presidente Castro Pinto International Airport handled 1,230,230 passengers last year.
  • Because of Presidente Castro Pinto International Airport's relatively low elevation of 215 feet, planes can take off or land at Presidente Castro Pinto International Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Presidente Castro Pinto International Airport (JPA) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The closest airport to Presidente Castro Pinto International Airport (JPA) is Presidente João Suassuna Airport (CPV), which is located 65 miles (105 kilometers) W of JPA.

Map of Nearest Airports from Presidente Castro Pinto International Airport:

List of Nearest Airports from Presidente Castro Pinto International Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
165.43 miles (105.30 km) WPresidente João Suassuna Airport (CPV)Campina Grande, Paraíba, BrazilView Presidente João Suassuna Airport on a map Set CPV as destination Airport Get more information about Presidente João Suassuna Airport
267.77 miles (109.07 km) SRecife/Guararapes–Gilberto Freyre International Airport (REC)Recife, BrazilView Recife/Guararapes–Gilberto Freyre International Airport on a map Set REC as destination Airport Get more information about Recife/Guararapes–Gilberto Freyre International Airport
387.96 miles (141.55 km) NNWAugusto Severo International Airport (NAT)Natal, BrazilView Augusto Severo International Airport on a map Set NAT as destination Airport Get more information about Augusto Severo International Airport
4173.51 miles (279.23 km) SSWMaceió/Zumbi dos Palmares International Airport (MCZ)Maceió, BrazilView Maceió/Zumbi dos Palmares International Airport on a map Set MCZ as destination Airport Get more information about Maceió/Zumbi dos Palmares International Airport
5213.60 miles (343.76 km) NWGov. Dix-Sept Rosado Airport (MVF)Mossoro, Rio Grande do Norte, BrazilView Gov. Dix-Sept Rosado Airport on a map Set MVF as destination Airport Get more information about Gov. Dix-Sept Rosado Airport
6285.91 miles (460.12 km) NEGovernador Carlos Wilson Airport (FEN)Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco, BrazilView Governador Carlos Wilson Airport on a map Set FEN as destination Airport Get more information about Governador Carlos Wilson Airport
7302.29 miles (486.49 km) SSWAracaju–Santa Maria Airport (AJU)Aracaju, Sergipe, BrazilView Aracaju–Santa Maria Airport on a map Set AJU as destination Airport Get more information about Aracaju–Santa Maria Airport
8339.04 miles (545.64 km) NWPinto Martins – Fortaleza International Airport (FOR)Fortaleza, Ceará, BrazilView Pinto Martins – Fortaleza International Airport on a map Set FOR as destination Airport Get more information about Pinto Martins – Fortaleza International Airport
9415.58 miles (668.80 km) WSWPetrolina–Senador Nilo Coelho Airport (PNZ)Petrolina, Pernambuco, BrazilView Petrolina–Senador Nilo Coelho Airport on a map Set PNZ as destination Airport Get more information about Petrolina–Senador Nilo Coelho Airport
10459.55 miles (739.57 km) SSWSalvador-Deputado Luís Eduardo Magalhães International Airport (2 de Julho) (SSA)Salvador, Bahia, BrazilView Salvador-Deputado Luís Eduardo Magalhães International Airport (2 de Julho) on a map Set SSA as destination Airport Get more information about Salvador-Deputado Luís Eduardo Magalhães International Airport (2 de Julho)
11551.43 miles (887.44 km) WNWParnaíba–Prefeito Dr. João Silva Filho International Airport (PHB)Parnaiba, Piaui, BrazilView Parnaíba–Prefeito Dr. João Silva Filho International Airport on a map Set PHB as destination Airport Get more information about Parnaíba–Prefeito Dr. João Silva Filho International Airport
12559.90 miles (901.07 km) WNWTeresina–Senador Petrônio Portella Airport (THE)Teresina, Piauí, BrazilView Teresina–Senador Petrônio Portella Airport on a map Set THE as destination Airport Get more information about Teresina–Senador Petrônio Portella Airport
13566.79 miles (912.16 km) SWCoronel Horácio de Mattos Airport (LEC)Lençõis, Bahia, BrazilView Coronel Horácio de Mattos Airport on a map Set LEC as destination Airport Get more information about Coronel Horácio de Mattos Airport
14597.84 miles (962.13 km) SSWIlhéus/Bahia-Jorge Amado Airport (IOS)Ilhéus, Bahia, BrazilView Ilhéus/Bahia-Jorge Amado Airport on a map Set IOS as destination Airport Get more information about Ilhéus/Bahia-Jorge Amado Airport
15619.96 miles (997.73 km) WNWBarreirinhas Airport (BRB)Barreirinhas, Maranhão, BrazilView Barreirinhas Airport on a map Set BRB as destination Airport Get more information about Barreirinhas Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Presidente Castro Pinto International Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Presidente Castro Pinto International Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,026.14 miles (19,354.14 km) ENEFalalop Airfield (ULI)Falalop Island, Yap, Federated States of MicronesiaView Falalop Airfield on a map Set ULI as destination Airport Get more information about Falalop Airfield
211,998.54 miles (19,309.73 km) NGuam International Airport (GUM)Hagåtña, GuamView Guam International Airport on a map Set GUM as destination Airport Get more information about Guam International Airport
311,992.08 miles (19,299.33 km) NAndersen Air Force Base (UAM)Agana, GuamView Andersen Air Force Base on a map Set UAM as destination Airport Get more information about Andersen Air Force Base
411,970.84 miles (19,265.15 km) WChuuk International Airport (TKK)Weno, Federated States of MicronesiaView Chuuk International Airport on a map Set TKK as destination Airport Get more information about Chuuk International Airport
511,951.00 miles (19,233.21 km) NRota International Airport (ROP)Rota Island, Northern Mariana IslandsView Rota International Airport on a map Set ROP as destination Airport Get more information about Rota International Airport
611,933.43 miles (19,204.94 km) ENEYap International Airport (YAP)Yap, Federated States of MicronesiaView Yap International Airport on a map Set YAP as destination Airport Get more information about Yap International Airport
711,892.82 miles (19,139.59 km) NTinian International Airport (TIQ)Tinian Island, Northern Mariana IslandsView Tinian International Airport on a map Set TIQ as destination Airport Get more information about Tinian International Airport
811,884.00 miles (19,125.40 km) NSaipan International Airport (SPN)Saipan Island, Northern Mariana IslandsView Saipan International Airport on a map Set SPN as destination Airport Get more information about Saipan International Airport
911,779.90 miles (18,957.87 km) NNWMomote Airport (MAS)Los Negros Island, Admiralty Islands, Papua New GuineaView Momote Airport on a map Set MAS as destination Airport Get more information about Momote Airport
1011,741.19 miles (18,895.56 km) NNWEmirau Airport (EMI)Emirau, Papua New GuineaView Emirau Airport on a map Set EMI as destination Airport Get more information about Emirau Airport
1111,716.49 miles (18,855.81 km) ERoman Tmetuchl International Airport (ROR)Koror, PalauView Roman Tmetuchl International Airport on a map Set ROR as destination Airport Get more information about Roman Tmetuchl International Airport
1211,699.51 miles (18,828.48 km) NNETadji Airport (TAJ)Aitape, Papua New GuineaView Tadji Airport on a map Set TAJ as destination Airport Get more information about Tadji Airport
1311,695.79 miles (18,822.51 km) NNESentani Airport (SNA) (DJJ)Jayapura, IndonesiaView Sentani Airport (SNA) on a map Set DJJ as destination Airport Get more information about Sentani Airport (SNA)
1411,684.67 miles (18,804.60 km) NNEBatom Airport (BXM)Batom, IndonesiaView Batom Airport on a map Set BXM as destination Airport Get more information about Batom Airport
1511,656.38 miles (18,759.08 km) NNWKavieng Airport (KVG)Kavieng, New Ireland Province, Papua New GuineaView Kavieng Airport on a map Set KVG as destination Airport Get more information about Kavieng Airport