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MFJ Airport Information:

Airport Name: Moala Airport
Location: Moala, Moala Islands, Fiji
GPS Coordinates: 18°34'0"S by 179°57'3"E
Area Served: Moala Island, Fiji
Operator/Owner: Airports Fiji Limited
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 13 feet (4 meters)
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Facts about Moala Airport (MFJ):

  • The closest airport to Moala Airport (MFJ) is Cicia Airport (ICI), which is located 73 miles (118 kilometers) NE of MFJ.
  • Because of Moala Airport's relatively low elevation of 13 feet, planes can take off or land at Moala Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The furthest airport from Moala Airport (MFJ) is Gao International Airport (GAQ), which is nearly antipodal to Moala Airport (meaning Moala Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Gao International Airport), and is located 12,277 miles (19,757 kilometers) away in Gao, Mali.

Map of Nearest Airports from Moala Airport:

List of Nearest Airports from Moala Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
173.45 miles (118.20 km) NECicia Airport (ICI)Cicia, FijiView Cicia Airport on a map Set ICI as destination Airport Get more information about Cicia Airport
291.26 miles (146.87 km) NNWKoro Airport (KXF)Koro Island, FijiView Koro Airport on a map Set KXF as destination Airport Get more information about Koro Airport
398.12 miles (157.91 km) NWLevuka Airfield (LEV)Bureta, Ovalau Island, FijiView Levuka Airfield on a map Set LEV as destination Airport Get more information about Levuka Airfield
498.21 miles (158.06 km) WNWSuva International Airport (SUV)Suva / Nausori, Viti Levu, FijiView Suva International Airport on a map Set SUV as destination Airport Get more information about Suva International Airport
5122.15 miles (196.58 km) WSWVunisea Airport (KDV)Vunisea, Kadavu Island, FijiView Vunisea Airport on a map Set KDV as destination Airport Get more information about Vunisea Airport
6150.60 miles (242.37 km) NNWLabasa Airport (LBS)Labasa, FijiView Labasa Airport on a map Set LBS as destination Airport Get more information about Labasa Airport
7173.93 miles (279.91 km) WNWNadi International Airport (NAN)Nadi, FijiView Nadi International Airport on a map Set NAN as destination Airport Get more information about Nadi International Airport
8197.25 miles (317.44 km) WNWMana Island Airport (MNF)Mana Island, FijiView Mana Island Airport on a map Set MNF as destination Airport Get more information about Mana Island Airport
9201.70 miles (324.61 km) NWYasawa Island Airport (YAS)Yasawa Island, FijiView Yasawa Island Airport on a map Set YAS as destination Airport Get more information about Yasawa Island Airport
10322.04 miles (518.27 km) NNEAéroport de Futuna - Pointe-Vele Pointe Vele Airport (FUT)Futuna Island, Wallis and Futuna IslandsView Aéroport de Futuna - Pointe-Vele Pointe Vele Airport on a map Set FUT as destination Airport Get more information about Aéroport de Futuna - Pointe-Vele Pointe Vele Airport
11357.73 miles (575.71 km) NEMata'aho Airport (NFO)Niuafo'ou, TongaView Mata'aho Airport on a map Set NFO as destination Airport Get more information about Mata'aho Airport
12367.99 miles (592.23 km) ESEFuaʻamotu International Airport (TBU)Nukuʻalofa, Tongatapu, TongaView Fuaʻamotu International Airport on a map Set TBU as destination Airport Get more information about Fuaʻamotu International Airport
13381.73 miles (614.34 km) ESELifuka Island Airport (HPA)Lifuka, Ha'apai, TongaView Lifuka Island Airport on a map Set HPA as destination Airport Get more information about Lifuka Island Airport
14446.58 miles (718.70 km) NEWallis Island (WLS)Wallis and Futuna IslandsView Wallis Island on a map Set WLS as destination Airport Get more information about Wallis Island
15604.11 miles (972.22 km) NEAsau Airport (AAU)Asau, SamoaView Asau Airport on a map Set AAU as destination Airport Get more information about Asau Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Moala Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Moala Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,276.56 miles (19,757.16 km) NGao International Airport (GAQ)Gao, MaliView Gao International Airport on a map Set GAQ as destination Airport Get more information about Gao International Airport
212,232.51 miles (19,686.27 km) NNWBordj Mokhtar Airport (BMW)Bordj Badji Mokhtar, AlgeriaView Bordj Mokhtar Airport on a map Set BMW as destination Airport Get more information about Bordj Mokhtar Airport
312,204.33 miles (19,640.92 km) ENETimbuktu Airport (TOM)Timbuktu, MaliView Timbuktu Airport on a map Set TOM as destination Airport Get more information about Timbuktu Airport
412,175.83 miles (19,595.04 km) NTambao Airport (TMQ)Tambao, Burkina FasoView Tambao Airport on a map Set TMQ as destination Airport Get more information about Tambao Airport
512,157.55 miles (19,565.63 km) ENEGoundam Airport (GUD)Goundam, MaliView Goundam Airport on a map Set GUD as destination Airport Get more information about Goundam Airport
612,152.50 miles (19,557.50 km) NGorom Gorom Airport (XGG)Gorom Gorom, Burkina FasoView Gorom Gorom Airport on a map Set XGG as destination Airport Get more information about Gorom Gorom Airport
712,130.94 miles (19,522.80 km) NAribinda Airport (XAR)Aribinda, Burkina FasoView Aribinda Airport on a map Set XAR as destination Airport Get more information about Aribinda Airport
812,122.95 miles (19,509.94 km) NDori Airport (DOR)Dori, Burkina FasoView Dori Airport on a map Set DOR as destination Airport Get more information about Dori Airport
912,112.60 miles (19,493.30 km) NNEDjibo Airport (XDJ)Djibo, Burkina FasoView Djibo Airport on a map Set XDJ as destination Airport Get more information about Djibo Airport
1012,081.81 miles (19,443.75 km) NSebba Airport (XSE)Sebba, Burkina FasoView Sebba Airport on a map Set XSE as destination Airport Get more information about Sebba Airport
1112,056.84 miles (19,403.56 km) NNEOuahigouya Airport (OUG)Ouahigouya, Burkina FasoView Ouahigouya Airport on a map Set OUG as destination Airport Get more information about Ouahigouya Airport
1212,055.81 miles (19,401.90 km) NNWDiori Hamani International Airport (NIM)Niamey, NigerView Diori Hamani International Airport on a map Set NIM as destination Airport Get more information about Diori Hamani International Airport
1312,051.98 miles (19,395.74 km) WIn Guezzam Airport (INF)In Guezzam, AlgeriaView In Guezzam Airport on a map Set INF as destination Airport Get more information about In Guezzam Airport
1412,051.13 miles (19,394.36 km) NKaya Airport (XKY)Kaya, Burkina FasoView Kaya Airport on a map Set XKY as destination Airport Get more information about Kaya Airport
1512,050.80 miles (19,393.83 km) NBogandé Airport (XBG)Bogande, Burkina FasoView Bogandé Airport on a map Set XBG as destination Airport Get more information about Bogandé Airport