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LPC Airport Information:

Airport Name: Lompoc Airport
Location: Lompoc, California, United States
GPS Coordinates: 34°39'56"N by 120°28'3"W
Operator/Owner: City of Lompoc
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 88 feet (27 meters)
# of Runways: 1
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Facts about Lompoc Airport (LPC):

  • The closest airport to Lompoc Airport (LPC) is Vandenberg Air Force Base (VBG), which is located only 7 miles (12 kilometers) NW of LPC.
  • The furthest airport from Lompoc Airport (LPC) is Pierrefonds Airport (ZSE), which is located 11,482 miles (18,478 kilometers) away in Saint-Pierre, Réunion.
  • Lompoc Airport (LPC) currently has only 1 runway.
  • Because of Lompoc Airport's relatively low elevation of 88 feet, planes can take off or land at Lompoc Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.

Map of Nearest Airports from Lompoc Airport:

List of Nearest Airports from Lompoc Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
17.35 miles (11.82 km) NWVandenberg Air Force Base (VBG)Lompoc, California, United StatesView Vandenberg Air Force Base on a map Set VBG as destination Airport Get more information about Vandenberg Air Force Base
216.13 miles (25.95 km) NSanta Maria Public Airport (SMX)Santa Maria, California, United StatesView Santa Maria Public Airport on a map Set SMX as destination Airport Get more information about Santa Maria Public Airport
322.65 miles (36.45 km) ESanta Ynez Airport (SQA)Santa Ynez, California, United StatesView Santa Ynez Airport on a map Set SQA as destination Airport Get more information about Santa Ynez Airport
439.34 miles (63.32 km) ESESanta Barbara Airport (SBA)Santa Barbara, California, United StatesView Santa Barbara Airport on a map Set SBA as destination Airport Get more information about Santa Barbara Airport
540.69 miles (65.49 km) NNWSan Luis Obispo County Regional Airport (SBP)San Luis Obispo, California, United StatesView San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport on a map Set SBP as destination Airport Get more information about San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport
648.23 miles (77.61 km) NNWO'Sullivan Army Heliport (CSL)Camp San Luis Obispo, California, United StatesView O'Sullivan Army Heliport on a map Set CSL as destination Airport Get more information about O'Sullivan Army Heliport
752.35 miles (84.25 km) SESanta Cruz Island Airport (SZN)Santa Barbara, California, United StatesView Santa Cruz Island Airport on a map Set SZN as destination Airport Get more information about Santa Cruz Island Airport
870.17 miles (112.92 km) NPaso Robles Municipal AirportEstrella Army Airfield (PRB)Paso Robles, California, United StatesView Paso Robles Municipal AirportEstrella Army Airfield on a map Set PRB as destination Airport Get more information about Paso Robles Municipal AirportEstrella Army Airfield
978.67 miles (126.61 km) ESEOxnard Airport (OXR)Oxnard, California, United StatesView Oxnard Airport on a map Set OXR as destination Airport Get more information about Oxnard Airport
1080.93 miles (130.25 km) NRoberts Army Heliport (SYL)Camp Roberts, San Luis Obispo County, California, United StatesView Roberts Army Heliport on a map Set SYL as destination Airport Get more information about Roberts Army Heliport
1183.02 miles (133.60 km) ESESanta Paula Airport (SZP)Santa Paula, California, United StatesView Santa Paula Airport on a map Set SZP as destination Airport Get more information about Santa Paula Airport
1285.51 miles (137.62 km) ESENaval Air Station Point Mugu (NTD)Point Mugu, California, United StatesView Naval Air Station Point Mugu on a map Set NTD as destination Airport Get more information about Naval Air Station Point Mugu
1392.59 miles (149.01 km) NEShafter Airport (MIT)Shafter, California, United StatesView Shafter Airport on a map Set MIT as destination Airport Get more information about Shafter Airport
1495.79 miles (154.16 km) NEMeadows Field (BFL)Bakersfield, California, United StatesView Meadows Field on a map Set BFL as destination Airport Get more information about Meadows Field
15103.92 miles (167.25 km) NNew Coalinga Municipal Airport (CLG)Coalinga, California, United StatesView New Coalinga Municipal Airport on a map Set CLG as destination Airport Get more information about New Coalinga Municipal Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Lompoc Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Lompoc Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,481.66 miles (18,477.89 km) SSEPierrefonds Airport (ZSE)Saint-Pierre, RéunionView Pierrefonds Airport on a map Set ZSE as destination Airport Get more information about Pierrefonds Airport
211,454.12 miles (18,433.57 km) SSERoland Garros Airport (RUN)St Denis, Réunion, FranceView Roland Garros Airport on a map Set RUN as destination Airport Get more information about Roland Garros Airport
311,446.77 miles (18,421.75 km) SSir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport (MRU)Plaisance, MauritiusView Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport on a map Set MRU as destination Airport Get more information about Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport
411,433.17 miles (18,399.86 km) SETôlanaro Airport (FTU)Tôlanaro, MadagascarView Tôlanaro Airport on a map Set FTU as destination Airport Get more information about Tôlanaro Airport
511,380.50 miles (18,315.09 km) SSWSir Gaëtan Duval Airport (RRG)Rodrigues Island, MauritiusView Sir Gaëtan Duval Airport on a map Set RRG as destination Airport Get more information about Sir Gaëtan Duval Airport
611,315.05 miles (18,209.77 km) SEAmpanihy Airport (AMP)Ampanihy, MadagascarView Ampanihy Airport on a map Set AMP as destination Airport Get more information about Ampanihy Airport
711,285.12 miles (18,161.59 km) SEMananjary Airport (MNJ)Mananjary, MadagascarView Mananjary Airport on a map Set MNJ as destination Airport Get more information about Mananjary Airport
811,252.23 miles (18,108.67 km) SEFianarantsoa Airport (WFI)Fianarantsoa, MadagascarView Fianarantsoa Airport on a map Set WFI as destination Airport Get more information about Fianarantsoa Airport
911,136.52 miles (17,922.45 km) SEManja Airport (MJA)Manja, Menabe, MadagascarView Manja Airport on a map Set MJA as destination Airport Get more information about Manja Airport
1011,133.94 miles (17,918.29 km) SSEToamasino Airport (TMM)Toamasina, MadagascarView Toamasino Airport on a map Set TMM as destination Airport Get more information about Toamasino Airport
1111,125.06 miles (17,904.00 km) SEAndavadoaka Airport (DVD)Andavadoaka, Toliara province, Atsimo-Andrefana region, MadagascarView Andavadoaka Airport on a map Set DVD as destination Airport Get more information about Andavadoaka Airport
1211,114.40 miles (17,886.85 km) SEIvato International Airport (TNR)Antananarivo, MadagascarView Ivato International Airport on a map Set TNR as destination Airport Get more information about Ivato International Airport
1311,112.22 miles (17,883.33 km) SEMorombe Airport (MXM)Morombe, MadagascarView Morombe Airport on a map Set MXM as destination Airport Get more information about Morombe Airport
1411,083.91 miles (17,837.77 km) SEMiandrivazo Airport (ZVA)Miandrivazo, MadagascarView Miandrivazo Airport on a map Set ZVA as destination Airport Get more information about Miandrivazo Airport
1511,082.62 miles (17,835.71 km) SSESainte Marie Airport (SMS)Île Sainte-Marie, MadagascarView Sainte Marie Airport on a map Set SMS as destination Airport Get more information about Sainte Marie Airport