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PTP Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Pointe-à-Pitre Le Raizet Airport
  2. Aérodrome de Pointe-à-Pitre Le Raizet
  3. Aéroport Guadeloupe Pôle Caraïbes
Location: Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe
GPS Coordinates: 16°15'51"N by 61°31'32"W
Area Served: Pointe-à-Pitre, Grande-Terre, Guadeloupe
Operator/Owner: CCI de Pointe à Pitre
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 35 feet (11 meters)
# of Runways: 1
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Facts about Pointe-à-Pitre Le Raizet Airport (PTP):

  • In addition to being known as "Pointe-à-Pitre Le Raizet Airport", other names for PTP include "Aérodrome de Pointe-à-Pitre Le Raizet" and "Aéroport Guadeloupe Pôle Caraïbes".
  • The closest airport to Pointe-à-Pitre Le Raizet Airport (PTP) is Les Saintes Airport (LSS), which is located 28 miles (45 kilometers) S of PTP.
  • Pointe-à-Pitre Le Raizet Airport (PTP) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The former Air Guadeloupe had its head office on the airport property.
  • The furthest airport from Pointe-à-Pitre Le Raizet Airport (PTP) is Broome International Airport (BME), which is nearly antipodal to Pointe-à-Pitre Le Raizet Airport (meaning Pointe-à-Pitre Le Raizet Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Broome International Airport), and is located 12,163 miles (19,574 kilometers) away in Broome, Western Australia, Australia.
  • Because of Pointe-à-Pitre Le Raizet Airport's relatively low elevation of 35 feet, planes can take off or land at Pointe-à-Pitre Le Raizet Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.

Map of Nearest Airports from Pointe-à-Pitre Le Raizet Airport:

List of Nearest Airports from Pointe-à-Pitre Le Raizet Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
127.86 miles (44.83 km) SLes Saintes Airport (LSS)Terre-de-Haut Island, Les Saintes, GuadeloupeView Les Saintes Airport on a map Set LSS as destination Airport Get more information about Les Saintes Airport
251.78 miles (83.33 km) SSEMelville Hall Airport (DOM)Melville Hall (near Roseau), DominicaView Melville Hall Airport on a map Set DOM as destination Airport Get more information about Melville Hall Airport
357.29 miles (92.19 km) NWJohn A. Osborne Airport (MNI)Montserrat, British Overseas Territories, United KingdomView John A. Osborne Airport on a map Set MNI as destination Airport Get more information about John A. Osborne Airport
462.82 miles (101.11 km) NNWV. C. Bird International Airport (ANU)St. John's, Antigua, Antigua and BarbudaView V. C. Bird International Airport on a map Set ANU as destination Airport Get more information about V. C. Bird International Airport
564.70 miles (104.12 km) SCanefield Airport (DCF)Canefield, DominicaView Canefield Airport on a map Set DCF as destination Airport Get more information about Canefield Airport
695.86 miles (154.27 km) NWVance W. Amory International Airport (NEV)Nevis, Federation of Saint Kitts and NevisView Vance W. Amory International Airport on a map Set NEV as destination Airport Get more information about Vance W. Amory International Airport
796.84 miles (155.85 km) NNWBarbuda Codrington Airport (BBQ)Codrington, Barbuda, Antigua and BarbudaView Barbuda Codrington Airport on a map Set BBQ as destination Airport Get more information about Barbuda Codrington Airport
8107.05 miles (172.29 km) NWRobert L. Bradshaw International Airport (SKB)Basseterre, Saint Kitts and NevisView Robert L. Bradshaw International Airport on a map Set SKB as destination Airport Get more information about Robert L. Bradshaw International Airport
9120.78 miles (194.38 km) SSEAimé Césaire Airport (FDF)Le Lamentin / Fort de France, MartiniqueView Aimé Césaire Airport on a map Set FDF as destination Airport Get more information about Aimé Césaire Airport
10128.39 miles (206.63 km) NWF.D. Roosevelt Airport (EUX)Sint Eustatius, Caribbean NetherlandsView F.D. Roosevelt Airport on a map Set EUX as destination Airport Get more information about F.D. Roosevelt Airport
11142.90 miles (229.98 km) NWGustaf III Airport Saint Barthélemy Airport St. Jean Airport (SBH)Gustavia, Saint Barthélemy, Saint BarthélemyView Gustaf III Airport Saint Barthélemy Airport St. Jean Airport on a map Set SBH as destination Airport Get more information about Gustaf III Airport Saint Barthélemy Airport St. Jean Airport
12147.15 miles (236.82 km) NWJuancho E. Yrausquin Airport (SAB)Saba, Caribbean NetherlandsView Juancho E. Yrausquin Airport on a map Set SAB as destination Airport Get more information about Juancho E. Yrausquin Airport
13159.06 miles (255.98 km) SSEGeorge F. L. Charles Airport (SLU)Castries, Saint LuciaView George F. L. Charles Airport on a map Set SLU as destination Airport Get more information about George F. L. Charles Airport
14161.24 miles (259.49 km) NWPrincess Juliana International Airport (SXM)Philipsburg, Sint Maarten, Kingdom of the NetherlandsView Princess Juliana International Airport on a map Set SXM as destination Airport Get more information about Princess Juliana International Airport
15161.88 miles (260.52 km) NWL'Espérance Airport Grand Case Airport (CCE)Saint Martin, GuadeloupeView L'Espérance Airport Grand Case Airport on a map Set CCE as destination Airport Get more information about L'Espérance Airport Grand Case Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Pointe-à-Pitre Le Raizet Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Pointe-à-Pitre Le Raizet Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,162.94 miles (19,574.31 km) WSWBroome International Airport (BME)Broome, Western Australia, AustraliaView Broome International Airport on a map Set BME as destination Airport Get more information about Broome International Airport
212,152.40 miles (19,557.34 km) SPort Hedland International Airport (PHE)Port Hedland, Western Australia, AustraliaView Port Hedland International Airport on a map Set PHE as destination Airport Get more information about Port Hedland International Airport
312,109.90 miles (19,488.94 km) SSEKarratha Airport (KTA)Karratha / Dampier, Western Australia, AustraliaView Karratha Airport on a map Set KTA as destination Airport Get more information about Karratha Airport
412,085.39 miles (19,449.50 km) WSWDerby Airport (DRB)Derby, Western Australia, AustraliaView Derby Airport on a map Set DRB as destination Airport Get more information about Derby Airport
512,060.66 miles (19,409.71 km) SSEBarrow Island Airport (BWB)Barrow Island, Western Australia, AustraliaView Barrow Island Airport on a map Set BWB as destination Airport Get more information about Barrow Island Airport
612,051.87 miles (19,395.56 km) SCoolawanyah Station Airport (COY)Coolawanyah Station, Western Australia, AustraliaView Coolawanyah Station Airport on a map Set COY as destination Airport Get more information about Coolawanyah Station Airport
712,020.26 miles (19,344.68 km) SSolomon Airport (SLJ)Karijini National Park, Western Australia, AustraliaView Solomon Airport on a map Set SLJ as destination Airport Get more information about Solomon Airport
811,991.64 miles (19,298.63 km) SBarimunya Airport (BYP)Barimunya, Western Australia, AustraliaView Barimunya Airport on a map Set BYP as destination Airport Get more information about Barimunya Airport
911,987.21 miles (19,291.50 km) STom Price Airport (TPR)Tom Price, Western Australia, AustraliaView Tom Price Airport on a map Set TPR as destination Airport Get more information about Tom Price Airport
1011,973.21 miles (19,268.96 km) SCoondewanna Airport (CJF)Coondewanna, Western Australia, AustraliaView Coondewanna Airport on a map Set CJF as destination Airport Get more information about Coondewanna Airport
1111,972.54 miles (19,267.89 km) SSWTardamu Airport (SAU)Savu Island, East Nusa Tenggara, IndonesiaView Tardamu Airport on a map Set SAU as destination Airport Get more information about Tardamu Airport
1211,964.82 miles (19,255.47 km) SSWUmbu Mehang Kunda Airport (WGP)Waingapu, Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, IndonesiaView Umbu Mehang Kunda Airport on a map Set WGP as destination Airport Get more information about Umbu Mehang Kunda Airport
1311,957.21 miles (19,243.22 km) SParaburdoo Airport (PBO)Paraburdoo, Western Australia, AustraliaView Paraburdoo Airport on a map Set PBO as destination Airport Get more information about Paraburdoo Airport
1411,950.90 miles (19,233.06 km) WSWFitzroy Crossing Airport (FIZ)Fitzroy Crossing, Western Australia, AustraliaView Fitzroy Crossing Airport on a map Set FIZ as destination Airport Get more information about Fitzroy Crossing Airport
1511,935.06 miles (19,207.57 km) SNewman Airport (ZNE)Newman, Western Australia, AustraliaView Newman Airport on a map Set ZNE as destination Airport Get more information about Newman Airport