About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Jessore Airport (JSR), Jessore, Bangladesh and Tureira Airport (ZTA), Tureia, Tuamotus, French Polynesia would travel a Great Circle distance of 9,388 miles (or 15,108 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Jessore Airport and Tureira Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Jessore Airport and Tureira Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Jessore Airport
Location: Jessore, Bangladesh
GPS Coordinates: 23°11'0"N by 89°9'38"E
Operator/Owner: Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh
Airport Type: Military/Public
Elevation: 12 feet (4 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from JSR
More Information: JSR Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Name: Tureira Airport
Location: Tureia, Tuamotus, French Polynesia
GPS Coordinates: 20°46'16"S by 138°33'53"W
Elevation: 0 feet (0 meters)
View all routes: Routes from ZTA
More Information: ZTA Maps & Info

Facts about Jessore Airport (JSR):

  • Jessore Airport (JSR) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The closest airport to Jessore Airport (JSR) is Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport (CCU), which is located 58 miles (94 kilometers) SW of JSR.
  • Because of Jessore Airport's relatively low elevation of 12 feet, planes can take off or land at Jessore Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The furthest airport from Jessore Airport (JSR) is Capitán FAP Renán Elías Olivera International Airport (PIO), which is located 11,279 miles (18,152 kilometers) away in Pisco, Peru.

Facts about Tureira Airport (ZTA):

  • The closest airport to Tureira Airport (ZTA) is Nukutavake Airport (NUK), which is located 104 miles (167 kilometers) N of ZTA.
  • Because of Tureira Airport's relatively low elevation of 0 feet, planes can take off or land at Tureira Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Tureia is an atoll in the Tuamotu Archipelago in French Polynesia.
  • Administratively Tureia Atoll is the capital of the commune of Tureia, which includes the atolls of Fangataufa, Moruroa, Tematangi and Vanavana.
  • The first recorded European to arrive to Tureia was Captain Edward Edwards in 1791, during his search for the Bounty mutineers.
  • From 1966 to 1999, Tureia hosted an outpost of the Centre d'Expérimentation du Pacifique, the French authority supervising nuclear tests on the nearby atolls of Moruroa and Fangataufa, which lie about 70 miles/115 kilometres south of Tureia.
  • The furthest airport from Tureira Airport (ZTA) is Al-Baha Domestic Airport (ABT), which is nearly antipodal to Tureira Airport (meaning Tureira Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Al-Baha Domestic Airport), and is located 12,402 miles (19,958 kilometers) away in Al-Baha, Saudi Arabia.

Map of Nearest Airports to Jessore Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Jessore Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
158.32 miles (93.85 km) SWNetaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport (CCU)Dum Dum (near Kolkata), IndiaView Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport on a map Set CCU as origin Airport Set CCU as destination Airport Get more information about Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport
277.20 miles (124.24 km) ESEBarisal Airport (BZL)Barisal, BangladeshView Barisal Airport on a map Set BZL as origin Airport Set BZL as destination Airport Get more information about Barisal Airport
390.79 miles (146.12 km) ENEHazrat Shahjalal International Airport (DAC)Dhaka, BangladeshView Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport on a map Set DAC as origin Airport Set DAC as destination Airport Get more information about Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport
493.18 miles (149.97 km) NNWShah Makhdum Airport (RJH)Rajshahi, BangladeshView Shah Makhdum Airport on a map Set RJH as origin Airport Set RJH as destination Airport Get more information about Shah Makhdum Airport
5138.02 miles (222.13 km) NNWMalda Airport (LDA)Malda, IndiaView Malda Airport on a map Set LDA as origin Airport Set LDA as destination Airport Get more information about Malda Airport
6140.59 miles (226.25 km) ENEAgartala Airport (IXA)Agartala, IndiaView Agartala Airport on a map Set IXA as origin Airport Set IXA as destination Airport Get more information about Agartala Airport
7166.12 miles (267.35 km) ENEKhowai Airport (IXN)Khowai, IndiaView Khowai Airport on a map Set IXN as origin Airport Set IXN as destination Airport Get more information about Khowai Airport
8178.66 miles (287.52 km) NSaidpur Airport (SPD)Saidpur, BangladeshView Saidpur Airport on a map Set SPD as origin Airport Set SPD as destination Airport Get more information about Saidpur Airport
9179.05 miles (288.14 km) WNWDhanbad Airport (DBD)Dhanbad, IndiaView Dhanbad Airport on a map Set DBD as origin Airport Set DBD as destination Airport Get more information about Dhanbad Airport
10180.24 miles (290.07 km) ENEKamalpur Airport (IXQ)Kamalpur, IndiaView Kamalpur Airport on a map Set IXQ as origin Airport Set IXQ as destination Airport Get more information about Kamalpur Airport
11180.94 miles (291.20 km) ESEShah Amanat International Airport (CGP)Chittagong, BangladeshView Shah Amanat International Airport on a map Set CGP as origin Airport Set CGP as destination Airport Get more information about Shah Amanat International Airport
12187.60 miles (301.92 km) NLalmonirhat Airport (LLJ)Lalmonirhat, BangladeshView Lalmonirhat Airport on a map Set LLJ as origin Airport Set LLJ as destination Airport Get more information about Lalmonirhat Airport
13192.05 miles (309.07 km) WSonari Airport (IXW)Jamshedpur, IndiaView Sonari Airport on a map Set IXW as origin Airport Set IXW as destination Airport Get more information about Sonari Airport
14196.06 miles (315.53 km) ENEKailashahar Airport (IXH)Kailashahar, IndiaView Kailashahar Airport on a map Set IXH as origin Airport Set IXH as destination Airport Get more information about Kailashahar Airport
15209.64 miles (337.38 km) NNERupsi Airport (RUP)Rupsi, Meghalaya, IndiaView Rupsi Airport on a map Set RUP as origin Airport Set RUP as destination Airport Get more information about Rupsi Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Jessore Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Jessore Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,279.25 miles (18,152.15 km) WSWCapitán FAP Renán Elías Olivera International Airport (PIO)Pisco, PeruView Capitán FAP Renán Elías Olivera International Airport on a map Set PIO as origin Airport Set PIO as destination Airport Get more information about Capitán FAP Renán Elías Olivera International Airport
211,252.04 miles (18,108.37 km) WSWMaria Reiche Neuman Airport (NZC)Nazca, Ica Region, PeruView Maria Reiche Neuman Airport on a map Set NZC as origin Airport Set NZC as destination Airport Get more information about Maria Reiche Neuman Airport
311,250.20 miles (18,105.39 km) SWJorge Chávez International Airport (LIM)Callao (near Lima), PeruView Jorge Chávez International Airport on a map Set LIM as origin Airport Set LIM as destination Airport Get more information about Jorge Chávez International Airport
411,243.99 miles (18,095.40 km) ESEMataveri International Airport (IPC)Easter Island, ChileView Mataveri International Airport on a map Set IPC as origin Airport Set IPC as destination Airport Get more information about Mataveri International Airport
511,170.41 miles (17,976.99 km) SWTeniente FAP Jaime Montreuil Morales Airport (CHM)Chimbote, Ancash Region, PeruView Teniente FAP Jaime Montreuil Morales Airport on a map Set CHM as origin Airport Set CHM as destination Airport Get more information about Teniente FAP Jaime Montreuil Morales Airport
611,155.81 miles (17,953.49 km) SWJauja AirportFrancisco Carle Airport (JAU)Jauja, PeruView Jauja AirportFrancisco Carle Airport on a map Set JAU as origin Airport Set JAU as destination Airport Get more information about Jauja AirportFrancisco Carle Airport
711,150.31 miles (17,944.63 km) WSWChañaral Airport (CNR)Chañaral, Atacama Region, ChileView Chañaral Airport on a map Set CNR as origin Airport Set CNR as destination Airport Get more information about Chañaral Airport
811,145.33 miles (17,936.63 km) WSWCoronel FAP Alfredo Mendívil Duarte Airport (AYP)Ayacucho, PeruView Coronel FAP Alfredo Mendívil Duarte Airport on a map Set AYP as origin Airport Set AYP as destination Airport Get more information about Coronel FAP Alfredo Mendívil Duarte Airport
911,145.33 miles (17,936.63 km) WSWCoronel FAP Alfredo Mendívil Duarte Airport (AYC)Ayacucho, PeruView Coronel FAP Alfredo Mendívil Duarte Airport on a map Set AYC as origin Airport Set AYC as destination Airport Get more information about Coronel FAP Alfredo Mendívil Duarte Airport
1011,143.71 miles (17,934.02 km) WAndrés Sabella Gálvez International Airport (former Cerro Moreno International Airport) (ANF)Antofagasta, ChileView Andrés Sabella Gálvez International Airport (former Cerro Moreno International Airport) on a map Set ANF as origin Airport Set ANF as destination Airport Get more information about Andrés Sabella Gálvez International Airport (former Cerro Moreno International Airport)
1111,140.55 miles (17,928.94 km) SWComandante FAP Germán Arias Graziani Airport (ATA)Huaraz, PeruView Comandante FAP Germán Arias Graziani Airport on a map Set ATA as origin Airport Set ATA as destination Airport Get more information about Comandante FAP Germán Arias Graziani Airport
1211,139.11 miles (17,926.61 km) WSWLa Florida Airport (LSC)La Serena, ChileView La Florida Airport on a map Set LSC as origin Airport Set LSC as destination Airport Get more information about La Florida Airport
1311,135.45 miles (17,920.73 km) SWCapitán FAP Carlos Martínez de Pinillos International Airport (TRU)Trujillo, PeruView Capitán FAP Carlos Martínez de Pinillos International Airport on a map Set TRU as origin Airport Set TRU as destination Airport Get more information about Capitán FAP Carlos Martínez de Pinillos International Airport
1411,130.70 miles (17,913.08 km) WSWChamonate Airfield (CPO)Copiapó, Atacama Region, ChileView Chamonate Airfield on a map Set CPO as origin Airport Set CPO as destination Airport Get more information about Chamonate Airfield
1511,129.37 miles (17,910.93 km) WCarolina Airport (CLN)Carolina, Maranhão, BrazilView Carolina Airport on a map Set CLN as origin Airport Set CLN as destination Airport Get more information about Carolina Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Tureira Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Tureira Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
1103.56 miles (166.67 km) NNukutavake Airport (NUK)Nukutavake, Tuamotus, French PolynesiaView Nukutavake Airport on a map Set NUK as destination Airport Set NUK as destination Airport Get more information about Nukutavake Airport
2198.53 miles (319.51 km) NNEPukarua Airport (PUK)Pukarua, Tuamotus, French PolynesiaView Pukarua Airport on a map Set PUK as destination Airport Set PUK as destination Airport Get more information about Pukarua Airport
3242.44 miles (390.17 km) NWHao Airport (HOI)Hao, Tuamotu Island, French PolynesiaView Hao Airport on a map Set HOI as destination Airport Set HOI as destination Airport Get more information about Hao Airport
4284.87 miles (458.45 km) SETotegegie Airport (GMR)Mangareva, Gambier Islands, French PolynesiaView Totegegie Airport on a map Set GMR as destination Airport Set GMR as destination Airport Get more information about Totegegie Airport
5374.47 miles (602.65 km) NNWFangatau Airport (FGU)Fangatau, French PolynesiaView Fangatau Airport on a map Set FGU as destination Airport Set FGU as destination Airport Get more information about Fangatau Airport
6415.06 miles (667.97 km) NWRaroia Airport (RRR)Raroia, French PolynesiaView Raroia Airport on a map Set RRR as destination Airport Set RRR as destination Airport Get more information about Raroia Airport
7440.97 miles (709.67 km) NWMakemo Airport (MKP)Makemo, French PolynesiaView Makemo Airport on a map Set MKP as destination Airport Set MKP as destination Airport Get more information about Makemo Airport
8511.52 miles (823.20 km) WNWAnaa Airport (AAA)Anaa, Tuamotus, French PolynesiaView Anaa Airport on a map Set AAA as destination Airport Set AAA as destination Airport Get more information about Anaa Airport
9567.62 miles (913.49 km) NWFakarava Airport (FAV)Fakarava, Society Islands, French PolynesiaView Fakarava Airport on a map Set FAV as destination Airport Set FAV as destination Airport Get more information about Fakarava Airport
10627.89 miles (1,010.49 km) WNWApataki Airport (APK)Apataki, French PolynesiaView Apataki Airport on a map Set APK as destination Airport Set APK as destination Airport Get more information about Apataki Airport
11652.35 miles (1,049.85 km) NWArutua Airport (AXR)Arutua, Tuamotus, French PolynesiaView Arutua Airport on a map Set AXR as destination Airport Set AXR as destination Airport Get more information about Arutua Airport
12659.93 miles (1,062.06 km) NWManihi Airport (XMH)Manihi, French PolynesiaView Manihi Airport on a map Set XMH as destination Airport Set XMH as destination Airport Get more information about Manihi Airport
13669.59 miles (1,077.59 km) NWAhe Airport (AHE)Ahe, French PolynesiaView Ahe Airport on a map Set AHE as destination Airport Set AHE as destination Airport Get more information about Ahe Airport
14754.15 miles (1,213.68 km) WNWFa'a'ā International Airport (PPT)Papeete, Tahiti, French PolynesiaView Fa'a'ā International Airport on a map Set PPT as destination Airport Set PPT as destination Airport Get more information about Fa'a'ā International Airport
15760.79 miles (1,224.37 km) NAtuona Airport (AUQ)Atuona, Marquesas Islands, French PolynesiaView Atuona Airport on a map Set AUQ as destination Airport Set AUQ as destination Airport Get more information about Atuona Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Tureira Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Tureira Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,401.54 miles (19,958.29 km) NNWAl-Baha Domestic Airport (ABT)Al-Baha, Saudi ArabiaView Al-Baha Domestic Airport on a map Set ABT as destination Airport Set ABT as destination Airport Get more information about Al-Baha Domestic Airport
212,361.05 miles (19,893.13 km) NETa'if Regional Airport (TIF)Ta'if, Saudi ArabiaView Ta'if Regional Airport on a map Set TIF as destination Airport Set TIF as destination Airport Get more information about Ta'if Regional Airport
312,342.70 miles (19,863.60 km) NWBisha Domestic Airport (BHH)Bisha, Saudi ArabiaView Bisha Domestic Airport on a map Set BHH as destination Airport Set BHH as destination Airport Get more information about Bisha Domestic Airport
412,277.20 miles (19,758.19 km) ENEKing Abdulaziz International Airport (JED)Jeddah, Saudi ArabiaView King Abdulaziz International Airport on a map Set JED as destination Airport Set JED as destination Airport Get more information about King Abdulaziz International Airport
512,244.69 miles (19,705.86 km) NNWAbha Regional Airport (AHB)Abha / Khamis Mushait, Saudi ArabiaView Abha Regional Airport on a map Set AHB as destination Airport Set AHB as destination Airport Get more information about Abha Regional Airport
612,153.16 miles (19,558.57 km) NNEPrince Mohammad bin Abdulaziz International Airport (MED)Medina, Saudi ArabiaView Prince Mohammad bin Abdulaziz International Airport on a map Set MED as destination Airport Set MED as destination Airport Get more information about Prince Mohammad bin Abdulaziz International Airport
712,148.99 miles (19,551.86 km) ENEPort Sudan New International Airport (PZU)Port Sudan, SudanView Port Sudan New International Airport on a map Set PZU as destination Airport Set PZU as destination Airport Get more information about Port Sudan New International Airport
812,144.28 miles (19,544.28 km) NWNajran Domestic Airport (EAM)Najran (Nejran), Saudi ArabiaView Najran Domestic Airport on a map Set EAM as destination Airport Set EAM as destination Airport Get more information about Najran Domestic Airport
912,130.32 miles (19,521.81 km) NNWDawadmi Domestic Airport (DWD)Dawadmi, Saudi ArabiaView Dawadmi Domestic Airport on a map Set DWD as destination Airport Set DWD as destination Airport Get more information about Dawadmi Domestic Airport
1012,119.55 miles (19,504.48 km) NEYanbu International Airport (YNB)Yanbu (Yenbo), Al Madinah, Saudi ArabiaView Yanbu International Airport on a map Set YNB as destination Airport Set YNB as destination Airport Get more information about Yanbu International Airport
1112,060.01 miles (19,408.66 km) NNEMassawa International Airport (MSW)Massawa, EritreaView Massawa International Airport on a map Set MSW as destination Airport Set MSW as destination Airport Get more information about Massawa International Airport
1212,027.85 miles (19,356.90 km) NNWEl Rahaba Airport (Sana'a International) (SAH)Sana'a, YemenView El Rahaba Airport (Sana'a International) on a map Set SAH as destination Airport Set SAH as destination Airport Get more information about El Rahaba Airport (Sana'a International)
1312,026.93 miles (19,355.42 km) NNWPrince Nayef bin Abdulaziz Regional Airport (ELQ)Buraidah, Saudi ArabiaView Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz Regional Airport on a map Set ELQ as destination Airport Set ELQ as destination Airport Get more information about Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz Regional Airport
1412,023.51 miles (19,349.91 km) NNEAsmara International Airport (ASM)Asmara, EritreaView Asmara International Airport on a map Set ASM as destination Airport Set ASM as destination Airport Get more information about Asmara International Airport
1512,008.81 miles (19,326.25 km) NNWHodeida International Airport (HOD)Al Hudaydah (Hodeida), YemenView Hodeida International Airport on a map Set HOD as destination Airport Set HOD as destination Airport Get more information about Hodeida International Airport