About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between London Biggin Hill Airport (BQH), Biggin Hill / London, England, United Kingdom and Gatwick Airport (LGW), London, England, United Kingdom would travel a Great Circle distance of 16 miles (or 26 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the relatively short distance between London Biggin Hill Airport and Gatwick Airport, the route shown on this map most likely still appears to be a straight line.

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. London Biggin Hill Airport
  2. Biggin Hill Airport
Location: Biggin Hill / London, England, United Kingdom
GPS Coordinates: 51°19'50"N by 0°1'57"E
Operator/Owner: Regional Airports Ltd.
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 599 feet (183 meters)
# of Runways: 2
View all routes: Routes from BQH
More Information: BQH Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Name: Gatwick Airport
Location: London, England, United Kingdom
GPS Coordinates: 51°8'53"N by 0°11'25"W
Area Served: London, United Kingdom
Operator/Owner: Global Infrastructure Partners
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 203 feet (62 meters)
# of Runways: 2
View all routes: Routes from LGW
More Information: LGW Maps & Info

Facts about London Biggin Hill Airport (BQH):

  • Today the airport has a CAA Ordinary Licence that allows flights for the public transport of passengers or for flying instruction as authorised by the licensee.
  • The furthest airport from London Biggin Hill Airport (BQH) is Chatham Islands (CHT), which is located 11,892 miles (19,139 kilometers) away in Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New Zealand.
  • Construction on a new state-of-the-art hangar alongside the Passenger Terminal commenced in October 2010.
  • The airport is located on a hill top, just to the east of the Bromley to Westerham road and about 1 mile to the north of the town of Biggin Hill.
  • In addition to being known as "London Biggin Hill Airport", another name for BQH is "Biggin Hill Airport".
  • Because of London Biggin Hill Airport's relatively low elevation of 599 feet, planes can take off or land at London Biggin Hill Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Three model aircraft clubs operate within a three mile radius of Biggin Hill Airport.
  • The closest airport to London Biggin Hill Airport (BQH) is Redhill Aerodrome (KRH), which is located only 11 miles (18 kilometers) SW of BQH.
  • Between the wars, the airfield was used by a number of experimental units, working on instrument design, ground based anti-aircraft defences, and night flying.
  • London Biggin Hill Airport (BQH) has 2 runways.

Facts about Gatwick Airport (LGW):

  • Despite the rapid expansion of BUA's scheduled activities at Gatwick, the airport was dominated by non-scheduled services into the 1980s.
  • On 27 May 1958, the original Gatwick railway station reopened as the Gatwick Airport station, and the Tinsley Green station was closed.
  • Because of Gatwick Airport's relatively low elevation of 203 feet, planes can take off or land at Gatwick Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Gatwick Airport (LGW) has 2 runways.
  • Gatwick Airport handled 35,444,206 passengers last year.
  • Pope John Paul II arrived at the airport on 28 May 1982 on an Alitalia Boeing 727-200 Advanced, beginning the first papal visit to the United Kingdom.
  • The furthest airport from Gatwick Airport (LGW) is Chatham Islands (CHT), which is located 11,901 miles (19,152 kilometers) away in Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New Zealand.
  • The Redwing Aircraft Company bought the aerodrome in 1932, and operated a flying school.
  • A second 875-foot extension of Gatwick's runway was completed in 1970, bringing it to 9,075 ft and permitting non-stop jet flights to the US east coast with a full payload and full range and payload operations by British United Airways and Caledonian Airways BAC One-Eleven 500s.BEA Airtours made Gatwick their base.
  • Gatwick Airport is located 2.7 nautical miles north of the centre of Crawley,West Sussex, and 29.5 miles south of Central London.
  • The closest airport to Gatwick Airport (LGW) is Redhill Aerodrome (KRH), which is located only 5 miles (8 kilometers) NNE of LGW.

Map of Nearest Airports to London Biggin Hill Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to London Biggin Hill Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
110.97 miles (17.65 km) SWRedhill Aerodrome (KRH)Redhill, Surrey, England, United KingdomView Redhill Aerodrome on a map Set KRH as origin Airport Set KRH as destination Airport Get more information about Redhill Aerodrome
212.09 miles (19.46 km) NLondon City Airport (LCY)London, England, United KingdomView London City Airport on a map Set LCY as origin Airport Set LCY as destination Airport Get more information about London City Airport
315.89 miles (25.56 km) SWGatwick Airport (LGW)London, England, United KingdomView Gatwick Airport on a map Set LGW as origin Airport Set LGW as destination Airport Get more information about Gatwick Airport
420.35 miles (32.75 km) ERochester Airport (RCS)Rochester, Kent, England, United KingdomView Rochester Airport on a map Set RCS as origin Airport Set RCS as destination Airport Get more information about Rochester Airport
523.58 miles (37.94 km) WNWLondon Heathrow Airport (LHR)London, England, United KingdomView London Heathrow Airport on a map Set LHR as origin Airport Set LHR as destination Airport Get more information about London Heathrow Airport
624.75 miles (39.84 km) NWRAF Northolt (NHT)Ruislip, England, United KingdomView RAF Northolt on a map Set NHT as origin Airport Set NHT as destination Airport Get more information about RAF Northolt
732.43 miles (52.19 km) NNWHatfield Aerodrome (HTF)Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England, United KingdomView Hatfield Aerodrome on a map Set HTF as origin Airport Set HTF as destination Airport Get more information about Hatfield Aerodrome
832.91 miles (52.97 km) ENELondon Southend Airport (SEN)Southend, Essex (near London) United KingdomView London Southend Airport on a map Set SEN as origin Airport Set SEN as destination Airport Get more information about London Southend Airport
935.20 miles (56.65 km) WFarnborough Airport (FAB)Farnborough, United KingdomView Farnborough Airport on a map Set FAB as origin Airport Set FAB as destination Airport Get more information about Farnborough Airport
1037.09 miles (59.69 km) SSWShoreham Airport (ESH)Lancing, West Sussex, United KingdomView Shoreham Airport on a map Set ESH as origin Airport Set ESH as destination Airport Get more information about Shoreham Airport
1138.00 miles (61.15 km) WBlackbushe Airport (BBS)Yateley, Hampshire, England, United KingdomView Blackbushe Airport on a map Set BBS as origin Airport Set BBS as destination Airport Get more information about Blackbushe Airport
1239.26 miles (63.19 km) NNELondon Stansted Airport (STN)Essex (near London), England, United KingdomView London Stansted Airport on a map Set STN as origin Airport Set STN as destination Airport Get more information about London Stansted Airport
1341.33 miles (66.51 km) NNWLondon Luton Airport (LTN)Luton (near London), England, United KingdomView London Luton Airport on a map Set LTN as origin Airport Set LTN as destination Airport Get more information about London Luton Airport
1442.67 miles (68.68 km) WRAF Odiham (ODH)Odiham, United KingdomView RAF Odiham on a map Set ODH as origin Airport Set ODH as destination Airport Get more information about RAF Odiham
1543.29 miles (69.68 km) NWRAF High Wycombe (HYC)High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England, United KingdomView RAF High Wycombe on a map Set HYC as origin Airport Set HYC as destination Airport Get more information about RAF High Wycombe

Map of Furthest Airports from London Biggin Hill Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from London Biggin Hill Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,892.17 miles (19,138.54 km) SSWChatham Islands (CHT)Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New ZealandView Chatham Islands on a map Set CHT as origin Airport Set CHT as destination Airport Get more information about Chatham Islands
211,853.69 miles (19,076.61 km) SEDunedin International Airport (DUD)Dunedin, Otago, New ZealandView Dunedin International Airport on a map Set DUD as origin Airport Set DUD as destination Airport Get more information about Dunedin International Airport
311,834.82 miles (19,046.25 km) SEOamaru Airport (OAM)Oamaru, North Otago, New ZealandView Oamaru Airport on a map Set OAM as origin Airport Set OAM as destination Airport Get more information about Oamaru Airport
411,817.50 miles (19,018.37 km) ESERyan's Creek Aerodrome (SZS)Stewart Island, New ZealandView Ryan's Creek Aerodrome on a map Set SZS as origin Airport Set SZS as destination Airport Get more information about Ryan's Creek Aerodrome
511,806.12 miles (19,000.07 km) ESEInvercargill Airport (IVC)Invercargill, New ZealandView Invercargill Airport on a map Set IVC as origin Airport Set IVC as destination Airport Get more information about Invercargill Airport
611,803.07 miles (18,995.15 km) SERichard Pearse Airport (Timaru Airport) (TIU)Timaru, New ZealandView Richard Pearse Airport (Timaru Airport) on a map Set TIU as origin Airport Set TIU as destination Airport Get more information about Richard Pearse Airport (Timaru Airport)
711,796.95 miles (18,985.30 km) SEAshburton Aerodrome (ASG)Ashburton, New ZealandView Ashburton Aerodrome on a map Set ASG as origin Airport Set ASG as destination Airport Get more information about Ashburton Aerodrome
811,792.16 miles (18,977.60 km) SEChristchurch International Airport (CHC)Christchurch, New ZealandView Christchurch International Airport on a map Set CHC as origin Airport Set CHC as destination Airport Get more information about Christchurch International Airport
911,790.60 miles (18,975.08 km) SEAlexandra Aerodrome (ALR)Alexandra, New ZealandView Alexandra Aerodrome on a map Set ALR as origin Airport Set ALR as destination Airport Get more information about Alexandra Aerodrome
1011,762.10 miles (18,929.23 km) SEWanaka Airport (WKA)Wanaka, New ZealandView Wanaka Airport on a map Set WKA as origin Airport Set WKA as destination Airport Get more information about Wanaka Airport
1111,759.29 miles (18,924.69 km) SEQueenstown Airport (ZQN)Queenstown, New ZealandView Queenstown Airport on a map Set ZQN as origin Airport Set ZQN as destination Airport Get more information about Queenstown Airport
1211,751.24 miles (18,911.74 km) SSEKaikoura Aerodrome (KBZ)Kaikoura, New ZealandView Kaikoura Aerodrome on a map Set KBZ as origin Airport Set KBZ as destination Airport Get more information about Kaikoura Aerodrome
1311,748.15 miles (18,906.77 km) SEGlentanner Aerodrome (GTN)Mount Cook, New ZealandView Glentanner Aerodrome on a map Set GTN as origin Airport Set GTN as destination Airport Get more information about Glentanner Aerodrome
1411,740.78 miles (18,894.91 km) SEMount Cook Airport (MON)Mount Cook, New ZealandView Mount Cook Airport on a map Set MON as origin Airport Set MON as destination Airport Get more information about Mount Cook Airport
1511,720.55 miles (18,862.35 km) SEFox Glacier Aerodrome (FGL)Fox Glacier, New ZealandView Fox Glacier Aerodrome on a map Set FGL as origin Airport Set FGL as destination Airport Get more information about Fox Glacier Aerodrome

Map of Nearest Airports to Gatwick Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Gatwick Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
15.05 miles (8.13 km) NNERedhill Aerodrome (KRH)Redhill, Surrey, England, United KingdomView Redhill Aerodrome on a map Set KRH as destination Airport Set KRH as destination Airport Get more information about Redhill Aerodrome
215.89 miles (25.56 km) NELondon Biggin Hill Airport (BQH)Biggin Hill / London, England, United KingdomView London Biggin Hill Airport on a map Set BQH as destination Airport Set BQH as destination Airport Get more information about London Biggin Hill Airport
322.09 miles (35.55 km) SSWShoreham Airport (ESH)Lancing, West Sussex, United KingdomView Shoreham Airport on a map Set ESH as destination Airport Set ESH as destination Airport Get more information about Shoreham Airport
425.60 miles (41.19 km) NNWLondon Heathrow Airport (LHR)London, England, United KingdomView London Heathrow Airport on a map Set LHR as destination Airport Set LHR as destination Airport Get more information about London Heathrow Airport
526.86 miles (43.23 km) NNELondon City Airport (LCY)London, England, United KingdomView London City Airport on a map Set LCY as destination Airport Set LCY as destination Airport Get more information about London City Airport
626.89 miles (43.28 km) WNWFarnborough Airport (FAB)Farnborough, United KingdomView Farnborough Airport on a map Set FAB as destination Airport Set FAB as destination Airport Get more information about Farnborough Airport
729.66 miles (47.74 km) NNWRAF Northolt (NHT)Ruislip, England, United KingdomView RAF Northolt on a map Set NHT as destination Airport Set NHT as destination Airport Get more information about RAF Northolt
830.92 miles (49.76 km) WNWBlackbushe Airport (BBS)Yateley, Hampshire, England, United KingdomView Blackbushe Airport on a map Set BBS as destination Airport Set BBS as destination Airport Get more information about Blackbushe Airport
931.77 miles (51.13 km) SWChichester/Goodwood Airport (QUG)Chichester, England, United KingdomView Chichester/Goodwood Airport on a map Set QUG as destination Airport Set QUG as destination Airport Get more information about Chichester/Goodwood Airport
1033.12 miles (53.30 km) ENERochester Airport (RCS)Rochester, Kent, England, United KingdomView Rochester Airport on a map Set RCS as destination Airport Set RCS as destination Airport Get more information about Rochester Airport
1133.12 miles (53.31 km) WRAF Odiham (ODH)Odiham, United KingdomView RAF Odiham on a map Set ODH as destination Airport Set ODH as destination Airport Get more information about RAF Odiham
1236.64 miles (58.96 km) WLasham Airfield (QLA)Lasham, England, United KingdomView Lasham Airfield on a map Set QLA as destination Airport Set QLA as destination Airport Get more information about Lasham Airfield
1342.76 miles (68.82 km) NHatfield Aerodrome (HTF)Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England, United KingdomView Hatfield Aerodrome on a map Set HTF as destination Airport Set HTF as destination Airport Get more information about Hatfield Aerodrome
1445.31 miles (72.91 km) NWRAF High Wycombe (HYC)High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England, United KingdomView RAF High Wycombe on a map Set HYC as destination Airport Set HYC as destination Airport Get more information about RAF High Wycombe
1548.00 miles (77.25 km) NELondon Southend Airport (SEN)Southend, Essex (near London) United KingdomView London Southend Airport on a map Set SEN as destination Airport Set SEN as destination Airport Get more information about London Southend Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Gatwick Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Gatwick Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
111,900.84 miles (19,152.49 km) SSWChatham Islands (CHT)Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New ZealandView Chatham Islands on a map Set CHT as destination Airport Set CHT as destination Airport Get more information about Chatham Islands
211,868.89 miles (19,101.08 km) SEDunedin International Airport (DUD)Dunedin, Otago, New ZealandView Dunedin International Airport on a map Set DUD as destination Airport Set DUD as destination Airport Get more information about Dunedin International Airport
311,850.50 miles (19,071.48 km) SEOamaru Airport (OAM)Oamaru, North Otago, New ZealandView Oamaru Airport on a map Set OAM as destination Airport Set OAM as destination Airport Get more information about Oamaru Airport
411,831.53 miles (19,040.95 km) ESERyan's Creek Aerodrome (SZS)Stewart Island, New ZealandView Ryan's Creek Aerodrome on a map Set SZS as destination Airport Set SZS as destination Airport Get more information about Ryan's Creek Aerodrome
511,820.54 miles (19,023.26 km) ESEInvercargill Airport (IVC)Invercargill, New ZealandView Invercargill Airport on a map Set IVC as destination Airport Set IVC as destination Airport Get more information about Invercargill Airport
611,818.86 miles (19,020.57 km) SERichard Pearse Airport (Timaru Airport) (TIU)Timaru, New ZealandView Richard Pearse Airport (Timaru Airport) on a map Set TIU as destination Airport Set TIU as destination Airport Get more information about Richard Pearse Airport (Timaru Airport)
711,812.82 miles (19,010.84 km) SEAshburton Aerodrome (ASG)Ashburton, New ZealandView Ashburton Aerodrome on a map Set ASG as destination Airport Set ASG as destination Airport Get more information about Ashburton Aerodrome
811,808.04 miles (19,003.15 km) SEChristchurch International Airport (CHC)Christchurch, New ZealandView Christchurch International Airport on a map Set CHC as destination Airport Set CHC as destination Airport Get more information about Christchurch International Airport
911,805.86 miles (18,999.65 km) SEAlexandra Aerodrome (ALR)Alexandra, New ZealandView Alexandra Aerodrome on a map Set ALR as destination Airport Set ALR as destination Airport Get more information about Alexandra Aerodrome
1011,777.49 miles (18,953.99 km) SEWanaka Airport (WKA)Wanaka, New ZealandView Wanaka Airport on a map Set WKA as destination Airport Set WKA as destination Airport Get more information about Wanaka Airport
1111,774.47 miles (18,949.12 km) SEQueenstown Airport (ZQN)Queenstown, New ZealandView Queenstown Airport on a map Set ZQN as destination Airport Set ZQN as destination Airport Get more information about Queenstown Airport
1211,766.93 miles (18,937.00 km) SSEKaikoura Aerodrome (KBZ)Kaikoura, New ZealandView Kaikoura Aerodrome on a map Set KBZ as destination Airport Set KBZ as destination Airport Get more information about Kaikoura Aerodrome
1311,763.87 miles (18,932.06 km) SEGlentanner Aerodrome (GTN)Mount Cook, New ZealandView Glentanner Aerodrome on a map Set GTN as destination Airport Set GTN as destination Airport Get more information about Glentanner Aerodrome
1411,756.52 miles (18,920.23 km) SEMount Cook Airport (MON)Mount Cook, New ZealandView Mount Cook Airport on a map Set MON as destination Airport Set MON as destination Airport Get more information about Mount Cook Airport
1511,736.31 miles (18,887.71 km) SEFox Glacier Aerodrome (FGL)Fox Glacier, New ZealandView Fox Glacier Aerodrome on a map Set FGL as destination Airport Set FGL as destination Airport Get more information about Fox Glacier Aerodrome