About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Pichoy Airport (ZAL), Valdivia, Chile and Pucón Airport (ZPC), Pucón, Chile would travel a Great Circle distance of 67 miles (or 108 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the relatively short distance between Pichoy Airport and Pucón Airport, the route shown on this map most likely still appears to be a straight line.

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Pichoy Airport
  2. Aeródromo Pichoy
Location: Valdivia, Chile
GPS Coordinates: 39°38'58"S by 73°5'9"W
Area Served: Valdivia, Chile
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 59 feet (18 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from ZAL
More Information: ZAL Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Pucón Airport
  2. Aeropuerto Pucón
Location: Pucón, Chile
GPS Coordinates: 39°17'29"S by 71°55'14"W
Area Served: Pucón, Chile
Operator/Owner: Chilean State
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 879 feet (268 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from ZPC
More Information: ZPC Maps & Info

Facts about Pichoy Airport (ZAL):

  • The furthest airport from Pichoy Airport (ZAL) is Wuhai Airport (WUA), which is nearly antipodal to Pichoy Airport (meaning Pichoy Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Wuhai Airport), and is located 12,425 miles (19,997 kilometers) away in Wuhai, Inner Mongolia, China.
  • Pichoy Airport (ZAL) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The closest airport to Pichoy Airport (ZAL) is Maquehue Airport (ZCO), which is located 66 miles (106 kilometers) NNE of ZAL.
  • In addition to being known as "Pichoy Airport", another name for ZAL is "Aeródromo Pichoy".
  • Because of Pichoy Airport's relatively low elevation of 59 feet, planes can take off or land at Pichoy Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.

Facts about Pucón Airport (ZPC):

  • Pucón Airport (ZPC) currently has only 1 runway.
  • Because of Pucón Airport's relatively low elevation of 879 feet, planes can take off or land at Pucón Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • In addition to being known as "Pucón Airport", another name for ZPC is "Aeropuerto Pucón".
  • The closest airport to Pucón Airport (ZPC) is Maquehue Airport (ZCO), which is located 53 miles (85 kilometers) NW of ZPC.
  • The furthest airport from Pucón Airport (ZPC) is Wuhai Airport (WUA), which is nearly antipodal to Pucón Airport (meaning Pucón Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Wuhai Airport), and is located 12,361 miles (19,892 kilometers) away in Wuhai, Inner Mongolia, China.

Map of Nearest Airports to Pichoy Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Pichoy Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
165.56 miles (105.50 km) NNEMaquehue Airport (ZCO)Temuco, Araucanía, ChileView Maquehue Airport on a map Set ZCO as origin Airport Set ZCO as destination Airport Get more information about Maquehue Airport
266.46 miles (106.95 km) SCañal Bajo Carlos Hott Siebert Airport (ZOS)Osorno, ChileView Cañal Bajo Carlos Hott Siebert Airport on a map Set ZOS as origin Airport Set ZOS as destination Airport Get more information about Cañal Bajo Carlos Hott Siebert Airport
366.90 miles (107.67 km) ENEPucón Airport (ZPC)Pucón, ChileView Pucón Airport on a map Set ZPC as origin Airport Set ZPC as destination Airport Get more information about Pucón Airport
4102.34 miles (164.70 km) SFrutillar Airport (FRT)Frutillar, ChileView Frutillar Airport on a map Set FRT as origin Airport Set FRT as destination Airport Get more information about Frutillar Airport
5104.80 miles (168.66 km) NNEVictoria Airport (ZIC)Victoria, Araucanía, ChileView Victoria Airport on a map Set ZIC as origin Airport Set ZIC as destination Airport Get more information about Victoria Airport
6107.46 miles (172.94 km) ESEAviador Carlos Campos Airport (CPC)San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén, ArgentinaView Aviador Carlos Campos Airport on a map Set CPC as origin Airport Set CPC as destination Airport Get more information about Aviador Carlos Campos Airport
7123.60 miles (198.92 km) SEl Tepual International Airport (PMC)Puerto Montt, ChileView El Tepual International Airport on a map Set PMC as origin Airport Set PMC as destination Airport Get more information about El Tepual International Airport
8145.11 miles (233.53 km) SESan Carlos de Bariloche Airport (BRC)San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro Province, ArgentinaView San Carlos de Bariloche Airport on a map Set BRC as origin Airport Set BRC as destination Airport Get more information about San Carlos de Bariloche Airport
9160.09 miles (257.64 km) SSWPupelde Airfield (ZUD)Ancud, Los Lagos Region, ChileView Pupelde Airfield on a map Set ZUD as origin Airport Set ZUD as destination Airport Get more information about Pupelde Airfield
10165.58 miles (266.47 km) ENEZapala Airport (APZ)Zapala, Neuquén, ArgentinaView Zapala Airport on a map Set APZ as origin Airport Set APZ as destination Airport Get more information about Zapala Airport
11167.21 miles (269.09 km) NECaviahue Airport (CVH)Caviahue, Neuquén, ArgentinaView Caviahue Airport on a map Set CVH as origin Airport Set CVH as destination Airport Get more information about Caviahue Airport
12178.09 miles (286.61 km) SSEEl Bolsón Airport (EHL)El Bolsón, Río Negro, ArgentinaView El Bolsón Airport on a map Set EHL as origin Airport Set EHL as destination Airport Get more information about El Bolsón Airport
13188.78 miles (303.81 km) SMocopulli Airport (MHC)Castro, Los Lagos, ChileView Mocopulli Airport on a map Set MHC as origin Airport Set MHC as destination Airport Get more information about Mocopulli Airport
14192.54 miles (309.86 km) SSEEl Maitén Airport (EMX)El Maitén, Neuquén, ArgentinaView El Maitén Airport on a map Set EMX as origin Airport Set EMX as destination Airport Get more information about El Maitén Airport
15198.79 miles (319.93 km) NCarriel Sur International Airport (CCP)Concepción, Bío Bío Region, ChileView Carriel Sur International Airport on a map Set CCP as origin Airport Set CCP as destination Airport Get more information about Carriel Sur International Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Pichoy Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Pichoy Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,425.35 miles (19,996.61 km) NNEWuhai Airport (WUA)Wuhai, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Wuhai Airport on a map Set WUA as origin Airport Set WUA as destination Airport Get more information about Wuhai Airport
212,347.50 miles (19,871.32 km) NEAlxa Left Banner Bayanhot Airport (AXF)Alxa Left Banner, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Alxa Left Banner Bayanhot Airport on a map Set AXF as origin Airport Set AXF as destination Airport Get more information about Alxa Left Banner Bayanhot Airport
312,340.86 miles (19,860.64 km) NNEYinchuan Hedong International Airport (INC)Yinchuan, Ningxia, ChinaView Yinchuan Hedong International Airport on a map Set INC as origin Airport Set INC as destination Airport Get more information about Yinchuan Hedong International Airport
412,279.41 miles (19,761.75 km) WOrdos Ejin Horo Airport (DSN)Ordos, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Ordos Ejin Horo Airport on a map Set DSN as origin Airport Set DSN as destination Airport Get more information about Ordos Ejin Horo Airport
512,264.71 miles (19,738.09 km) NEZhongwei Shapotou Airport (ZHY)Zhongwei, Ningxia, ChinaView Zhongwei Shapotou Airport on a map Set ZHY as origin Airport Set ZHY as destination Airport Get more information about Zhongwei Shapotou Airport
612,262.18 miles (19,734.02 km) WNWBaotou Airport (BAV)Baotou, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Baotou Airport on a map Set BAV as origin Airport Set BAV as destination Airport Get more information about Baotou Airport
712,184.02 miles (19,608.23 km) NWYan'an Airport (ENY)Yan'an, Shaanxi, ChinaView Yan'an Airport on a map Set ENY as origin Airport Set ENY as destination Airport Get more information about Yan'an Airport
812,180.30 miles (19,602.25 km) ENEJinchang Jinchuan Airport (JIC)Jinchang, Gansu, ChinaView Jinchang Jinchuan Airport on a map Set JIC as origin Airport Set JIC as destination Airport Get more information about Jinchang Jinchuan Airport
912,171.31 miles (19,587.78 km) WNWLüliang Airport (LLV)Lüliang, Shanxi, ChinaView Lüliang Airport on a map Set LLV as origin Airport Set LLV as destination Airport Get more information about Lüliang Airport
1012,168.14 miles (19,582.68 km) NQingyang Airport (IQN)Qingyang, Gansu, ChinaView Qingyang Airport on a map Set IQN as origin Airport Set IQN as destination Airport Get more information about Qingyang Airport
1112,164.92 miles (19,577.50 km) WNWHohhot Baita International Airport (HET)Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Hohhot Baita International Airport on a map Set HET as origin Airport Set HET as destination Airport Get more information about Hohhot Baita International Airport
1212,155.77 miles (19,562.77 km) NELanzhou Zhongchuan Airport (ZGC)Lanzhou, Gansu, ChinaView Lanzhou Zhongchuan Airport on a map Set ZGC as origin Airport Set ZGC as destination Airport Get more information about Lanzhou Zhongchuan Airport
1312,155.77 miles (19,562.77 km) NELanzhou Zhongchuan Airport (LHW)Lanzhou, Gansu, ChinaView Lanzhou Zhongchuan Airport on a map Set LHW as origin Airport Set LHW as destination Airport Get more information about Lanzhou Zhongchuan Airport
1412,154.00 miles (19,559.92 km) EAlxa Right Banner Badanjilin Airport (RHT)Alxa Right Banner, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Alxa Right Banner Badanjilin Airport on a map Set RHT as origin Airport Set RHT as destination Airport Get more information about Alxa Right Banner Badanjilin Airport
1512,101.86 miles (19,476.01 km) WNWTaiyuan Wuxu International Airport (TYN)Taiyuan, Shanxi, ChinaView Taiyuan Wuxu International Airport on a map Set TYN as origin Airport Set TYN as destination Airport Get more information about Taiyuan Wuxu International Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Pucón Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Pucón Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
152.83 miles (85.03 km) NWMaquehue Airport (ZCO)Temuco, Araucanía, ChileView Maquehue Airport on a map Set ZCO as destination Airport Set ZCO as destination Airport Get more information about Maquehue Airport
266.90 miles (107.67 km) WSWPichoy Airport (ZAL)Valdivia, ChileView Pichoy Airport on a map Set ZAL as destination Airport Set ZAL as destination Airport Get more information about Pichoy Airport
368.33 miles (109.97 km) SEAviador Carlos Campos Airport (CPC)San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén, ArgentinaView Aviador Carlos Campos Airport on a map Set CPC as destination Airport Set CPC as destination Airport Get more information about Aviador Carlos Campos Airport
475.85 miles (122.06 km) NNWVictoria Airport (ZIC)Victoria, Araucanía, ChileView Victoria Airport on a map Set ZIC as destination Airport Set ZIC as destination Airport Get more information about Victoria Airport
599.28 miles (159.78 km) ENEZapala Airport (APZ)Zapala, Neuquén, ArgentinaView Zapala Airport on a map Set APZ as destination Airport Set APZ as destination Airport Get more information about Zapala Airport
6109.37 miles (176.01 km) SSWCañal Bajo Carlos Hott Siebert Airport (ZOS)Osorno, ChileView Cañal Bajo Carlos Hott Siebert Airport on a map Set ZOS as destination Airport Set ZOS as destination Airport Get more information about Cañal Bajo Carlos Hott Siebert Airport
7111.01 miles (178.66 km) NNECaviahue Airport (CVH)Caviahue, Neuquén, ArgentinaView Caviahue Airport on a map Set CVH as destination Airport Set CVH as destination Airport Get more information about Caviahue Airport
8134.66 miles (216.71 km) SSESan Carlos de Bariloche Airport (BRC)San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro Province, ArgentinaView San Carlos de Bariloche Airport on a map Set BRC as destination Airport Set BRC as destination Airport Get more information about San Carlos de Bariloche Airport
9140.69 miles (226.42 km) SSWFrutillar Airport (FRT)Frutillar, ChileView Frutillar Airport on a map Set FRT as destination Airport Set FRT as destination Airport Get more information about Frutillar Airport
10144.44 miles (232.45 km) ECutral Có Airport (CUT)Cutral Có, Neuquén, ArgentinaView Cutral Có Airport on a map Set CUT as destination Airport Set CUT as destination Airport Get more information about Cutral Có Airport
11157.31 miles (253.16 km) NEChos Malal Airport (HOS)Chos Malal, Neuquén, ArgentinaView Chos Malal Airport on a map Set HOS as destination Airport Set HOS as destination Airport Get more information about Chos Malal Airport
12160.69 miles (258.61 km) SSWEl Tepual International Airport (PMC)Puerto Montt, ChileView El Tepual International Airport on a map Set PMC as destination Airport Set PMC as destination Airport Get more information about El Tepual International Airport
13184.36 miles (296.70 km) SEl Bolsón Airport (EHL)El Bolsón, Río Negro, ArgentinaView El Bolsón Airport on a map Set EHL as destination Airport Set EHL as destination Airport Get more information about El Bolsón Airport
14184.79 miles (297.40 km) NNWCarriel Sur International Airport (CCP)Concepción, Bío Bío Region, ChileView Carriel Sur International Airport on a map Set CCP as destination Airport Set CCP as destination Airport Get more information about Carriel Sur International Airport
15186.91 miles (300.79 km) SEIngeniero Jacobacci Airport (IGB)Ingeniero Jacobacci, Río Negro, ArgentinaView Ingeniero Jacobacci Airport on a map Set IGB as destination Airport Set IGB as destination Airport Get more information about Ingeniero Jacobacci Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Pucón Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Pucón Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,360.53 miles (19,892.29 km) ENEWuhai Airport (WUA)Wuhai, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Wuhai Airport on a map Set WUA as destination Airport Set WUA as destination Airport Get more information about Wuhai Airport
212,340.57 miles (19,860.17 km) WOrdos Ejin Horo Airport (DSN)Ordos, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Ordos Ejin Horo Airport on a map Set DSN as destination Airport Set DSN as destination Airport Get more information about Ordos Ejin Horo Airport
312,323.95 miles (19,833.42 km) NEYinchuan Hedong International Airport (INC)Yinchuan, Ningxia, ChinaView Yinchuan Hedong International Airport on a map Set INC as destination Airport Set INC as destination Airport Get more information about Yinchuan Hedong International Airport
412,302.63 miles (19,799.12 km) NWBaotou Airport (BAV)Baotou, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Baotou Airport on a map Set BAV as destination Airport Set BAV as destination Airport Get more information about Baotou Airport
512,301.52 miles (19,797.33 km) ENEAlxa Left Banner Bayanhot Airport (AXF)Alxa Left Banner, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Alxa Left Banner Bayanhot Airport on a map Set AXF as destination Airport Set AXF as destination Airport Get more information about Alxa Left Banner Bayanhot Airport
612,238.93 miles (19,696.60 km) NEZhongwei Shapotou Airport (ZHY)Zhongwei, Ningxia, ChinaView Zhongwei Shapotou Airport on a map Set ZHY as destination Airport Set ZHY as destination Airport Get more information about Zhongwei Shapotou Airport
712,237.33 miles (19,694.02 km) WNWLüliang Airport (LLV)Lüliang, Shanxi, ChinaView Lüliang Airport on a map Set LLV as destination Airport Set LLV as destination Airport Get more information about Lüliang Airport
812,236.58 miles (19,692.82 km) NNWYan'an Airport (ENY)Yan'an, Shaanxi, ChinaView Yan'an Airport on a map Set ENY as destination Airport Set ENY as destination Airport Get more information about Yan'an Airport
912,211.38 miles (19,652.27 km) WNWHohhot Baita International Airport (HET)Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, ChinaView Hohhot Baita International Airport on a map Set HET as destination Airport Set HET as destination Airport Get more information about Hohhot Baita International Airport
1012,194.14 miles (19,624.52 km) NQingyang Airport (IQN)Qingyang, Gansu, ChinaView Qingyang Airport on a map Set IQN as destination Airport Set IQN as destination Airport Get more information about Qingyang Airport
1112,168.77 miles (19,583.68 km) WNWTaiyuan Wuxu International Airport (TYN)Taiyuan, Shanxi, ChinaView Taiyuan Wuxu International Airport on a map Set TYN as destination Airport Set TYN as destination Airport Get more information about Taiyuan Wuxu International Airport
1212,144.66 miles (19,544.89 km) WNWDatong Yungang Airport (DAT)Datong, Shanxi, ChinaView Datong Yungang Airport on a map Set DAT as destination Airport Set DAT as destination Airport Get more information about Datong Yungang Airport
1312,127.19 miles (19,516.78 km) NELanzhou Zhongchuan Airport (ZGC)Lanzhou, Gansu, ChinaView Lanzhou Zhongchuan Airport on a map Set ZGC as destination Airport Set ZGC as destination Airport Get more information about Lanzhou Zhongchuan Airport
1412,127.19 miles (19,516.78 km) NELanzhou Zhongchuan Airport (LHW)Lanzhou, Gansu, ChinaView Lanzhou Zhongchuan Airport on a map Set LHW as destination Airport Set LHW as destination Airport Get more information about Lanzhou Zhongchuan Airport
1512,124.42 miles (19,512.32 km) EJinchang Jinchuan Airport (JIC)Jinchang, Gansu, ChinaView Jinchang Jinchuan Airport on a map Set JIC as destination Airport Set JIC as destination Airport Get more information about Jinchang Jinchuan Airport