About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Casablanca–Anfa Airport (CAS), Casablanca, Morocco and Kenitra Air Base (NNA), Kenitra, Morocco would travel a Great Circle distance of 80 miles (or 128 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the relatively short distance between Casablanca–Anfa Airport and Kenitra Air Base, the route shown on this map most likely still appears to be a straight line.

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Casablanca–Anfa Airport
  2. Anfa Airport (Casablanca)
Location: Casablanca, Morocco
GPS Coordinates: 33°33'24"N by 7°39'38"W
Area Served: Casablanca, Morocco
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 203 feet (62 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from CAS
More Information: CAS Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Kenitra Air Base
  2. [مطار القنيطرة
  3. Third Royal Air Force Base
  4. Kenitra Airport
Location: Kenitra, Morocco
GPS Coordinates: 34°17'56"N by 6°35'44"W
Operator/Owner: Royal Moroccan Army and Navy
Airport Type: Military
Elevation: 16 feet (5 meters)
# of Runways: 2
View all routes: Routes from NNA
More Information: NNA Maps & Info

Facts about Casablanca–Anfa Airport (CAS):

  • Because of Casablanca–Anfa Airport's relatively low elevation of 203 feet, planes can take off or land at Casablanca–Anfa Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Built in the 1920s by the French colonial government, Anfa Airport was the primary airport for Casablanca until the United States Air Force closed its base at Nouasseur in 1959.
  • The furthest airport from Casablanca–Anfa Airport (CAS) is Kaitaia Airport (KAT), which is nearly antipodal to Casablanca–Anfa Airport (meaning Casablanca–Anfa Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Kaitaia Airport), and is located 12,319 miles (19,826 kilometers) away in Kaitaia, New Zealand.
  • In addition to being known as "Casablanca–Anfa Airport", another name for CAS is "Anfa Airport (Casablanca)".
  • Anfa Airport was one of the primary Allied objectives during Operation Torch, the invasion of North Africa, and was seized in the initial landings in the Casablanca area.
  • The closest airport to Casablanca–Anfa Airport (CAS) is Mohammed V International Airport (CMN), which is located only 14 miles (22 kilometers) SSE of CAS.
  • Casablanca–Anfa Airport (CAS) currently has only 1 runway.
  • During World War II, Anfa Airport was taken over by the Vichy French government and used as an airport as well as an air base for the Vichy French Air Force with its limited aircraft allowed by the armistice with Nazi Germany.

Facts about Kenitra Air Base (NNA):

  • The closest airport to Kenitra Air Base (NNA) is Rabat–Salé Airport (RBA), which is located only 19 miles (31 kilometers) SSW of NNA.
  • The airport resides at an elevation of 16 feet above mean sea level.
  • The furthest airport from Kenitra Air Base (NNA) is Kaitaia Airport (KAT), which is nearly antipodal to Kenitra Air Base (meaning Kenitra Air Base is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Kaitaia Airport), and is located 12,383 miles (19,929 kilometers) away in Kaitaia, New Zealand.
  • The air base at Port Lyautey served as a staging area for many Allied operations in North Africa and the Mediterranean Theater of Operations during WWII.
  • Kenitra Air Base (NNA) has 2 runways.
  • In addition to being known as "Kenitra Air Base", other names for NNA include "[مطار القنيطرة", "Third Royal Air Force Base" and "Kenitra Airport".
  • Because of Kenitra Air Base's relatively low elevation of 16 feet, planes can take off or land at Kenitra Air Base at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.

Map of Nearest Airports to Casablanca–Anfa Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Casablanca–Anfa Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
113.73 miles (22.10 km) SSEMohammed V International Airport (CMN)Casablanca, MoroccoView Mohammed V International Airport on a map Set CMN as origin Airport Set CMN as destination Airport Get more information about Mohammed V International Airport
262.38 miles (100.40 km) ENERabat–Salé Airport (RBA)Rabat, MoroccoView Rabat–Salé Airport on a map Set RBA as origin Airport Set RBA as destination Airport Get more information about Rabat–Salé Airport
379.71 miles (128.28 km) NEKenitra Air Base (NNA)Kenitra, MoroccoView Kenitra Air Base on a map Set NNA as origin Airport Set NNA as destination Airport Get more information about Kenitra Air Base
4136.50 miles (219.67 km) SMarrakesh Menara Airport (RAK)Marrakech, MoroccoView Marrakesh Menara Airport on a map Set RAK as origin Airport Set RAK as destination Airport Get more information about Marrakesh Menara Airport
5156.23 miles (251.42 km) ESaïss Airport (FEZ)Fes, MoroccoView Saïss Airport on a map Set FEZ as origin Airport Set FEZ as destination Airport Get more information about Saïss Airport
6179.72 miles (289.24 km) NNETangier Ibn Battouta Airport (TNG)Tangier, MoroccoView Tangier Ibn Battouta Airport on a map Set TNG as origin Airport Set TNG as destination Airport Get more information about Tangier Ibn Battouta Airport
7186.12 miles (299.53 km) SSEOuarzazate Airport (OZZ)Ouarzazate, MoroccoView Ouarzazate Airport on a map Set OZZ as origin Airport Set OZZ as destination Airport Get more information about Ouarzazate Airport
8190.09 miles (305.93 km) SWEssaouira-Mogador Airport (ESU)Essaouira, MoroccoView Essaouira-Mogador Airport on a map Set ESU as origin Airport Set ESU as destination Airport Get more information about Essaouira-Mogador Airport
9193.76 miles (311.83 km) NESania Ramel Airport (SII)Sidi Ifni, MoroccoView Sania Ramel Airport on a map Set SII as origin Airport Set SII as destination Airport Get more information about Sania Ramel Airport
10193.76 miles (311.83 km) NESania Ramel Airport (TTU)Tétouan, MoroccoView Sania Ramel Airport on a map Set TTU as origin Airport Set TTU as destination Airport Get more information about Sania Ramel Airport
11209.56 miles (337.25 km) NECeuta Heliport (JCU)Ceuta, SpainView Ceuta Heliport on a map Set JCU as origin Airport Set JCU as destination Airport Get more information about Ceuta Heliport
12219.75 miles (353.66 km) ESEMoulay Ali Cherif Airport (ERH)Er-Rachidia (Errachidia), MoroccoView Moulay Ali Cherif Airport on a map Set ERH as origin Airport Set ERH as destination Airport Get more information about Moulay Ali Cherif Airport
13222.00 miles (357.28 km) NEGibraltar International Airport (GIB)GibraltarView Gibraltar International Airport on a map Set GIB as origin Airport Set GIB as destination Airport Get more information about Gibraltar International Airport
14238.08 miles (383.15 km) NNEJerez Airport (XRY)Jerez de la Frontera, SpainView Jerez Airport on a map Set XRY as origin Airport Set XRY as destination Airport Get more information about Jerez Airport
15239.51 miles (385.45 km) NFaro International Airport (FAO)Faro, PortugalView Faro International Airport on a map Set FAO as origin Airport Set FAO as destination Airport Get more information about Faro International Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Casablanca–Anfa Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Casablanca–Anfa Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,319.15 miles (19,825.69 km) SSWKaitaia Airport (KAT)Kaitaia, New ZealandView Kaitaia Airport on a map Set KAT as origin Airport Set KAT as destination Airport Get more information about Kaitaia Airport
212,288.73 miles (19,776.74 km) SWKerikeri Airport (KKE)Kerikeri, New ZealandView Kerikeri Airport on a map Set KKE as origin Airport Set KKE as destination Airport Get more information about Kerikeri Airport
312,281.13 miles (19,764.51 km) SSWKaikohe Aerodrome (KKO)Kaikohe, New ZealandView Kaikohe Aerodrome on a map Set KKO as origin Airport Set KKO as destination Airport Get more information about Kaikohe Aerodrome
412,250.02 miles (19,714.45 km) SSWDargaville Aerodrome (DGR)Dargaville, New ZealandView Dargaville Aerodrome on a map Set DGR as origin Airport Set DGR as destination Airport Get more information about Dargaville Aerodrome
512,245.51 miles (19,707.19 km) SWWhangarei Airport (WRE)Whangarei, New ZealandView Whangarei Airport on a map Set WRE as origin Airport Set WRE as destination Airport Get more information about Whangarei Airport
612,180.10 miles (19,601.92 km) SWGreat Barrier Aerodrome (GBZ)Great Barrier Island, New ZealandView Great Barrier Aerodrome on a map Set GBZ as origin Airport Set GBZ as destination Airport Get more information about Great Barrier Aerodrome
712,161.17 miles (19,571.45 km) SSWAuckland Airport (AKL)Mangere, New ZealandView Auckland Airport on a map Set AKL as origin Airport Set AKL as destination Airport Get more information about Auckland Airport
812,154.63 miles (19,560.93 km) SSWArdmore Airport (AMZ)Ardmore, New ZealandView Ardmore Airport on a map Set AMZ as origin Airport Set AMZ as destination Airport Get more information about Ardmore Airport
912,150.51 miles (19,554.30 km) SWCoromandel Aerodrome (CMV)Coromandel, New ZealandView Coromandel Aerodrome on a map Set CMV as origin Airport Set CMV as destination Airport Get more information about Coromandel Aerodrome
1012,129.13 miles (19,519.89 km) SWThames Aerodrome (TMZ)Thames, New ZealandView Thames Aerodrome on a map Set TMZ as origin Airport Set TMZ as destination Airport Get more information about Thames Aerodrome
1112,095.01 miles (19,464.99 km) SSWHamilton International Airport (HLZ)Hamilton, New ZealandView Hamilton International Airport on a map Set HLZ as origin Airport Set HLZ as destination Airport Get more information about Hamilton International Airport
1212,090.79 miles (19,458.19 km) SSWMatamata Airport (MTA)Matamata, New ZealandView Matamata Airport on a map Set MTA as origin Airport Set MTA as destination Airport Get more information about Matamata Airport
1312,079.32 miles (19,439.74 km) SWTauranga Airport (TRG)Tauranga, New ZealandView Tauranga Airport on a map Set TRG as origin Airport Set TRG as destination Airport Get more information about Tauranga Airport
1412,051.44 miles (19,394.86 km) SWRotorua International Airport (ROT)Rotorua, New ZealandView Rotorua International Airport on a map Set ROT as origin Airport Set ROT as destination Airport Get more information about Rotorua International Airport
1512,046.46 miles (19,386.85 km) SSWNew Plymouth Airport (NPL)New Plymouth, New ZealandView New Plymouth Airport on a map Set NPL as origin Airport Set NPL as destination Airport Get more information about New Plymouth Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Kenitra Air Base:

List of Nearest Airports to Kenitra Air Base:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
119.27 miles (31.02 km) SSWRabat–Salé Airport (RBA)Rabat, MoroccoView Rabat–Salé Airport on a map Set RBA as destination Airport Set RBA as destination Airport Get more information about Rabat–Salé Airport
279.71 miles (128.28 km) SWCasablanca–Anfa Airport (CAS)Casablanca, MoroccoView Casablanca–Anfa Airport on a map Set CAS as destination Airport Set CAS as destination Airport Get more information about Casablanca–Anfa Airport
386.01 miles (138.42 km) SWMohammed V International Airport (CMN)Casablanca, MoroccoView Mohammed V International Airport on a map Set CMN as destination Airport Set CMN as destination Airport Get more information about Mohammed V International Airport
496.04 miles (154.56 km) ESESaïss Airport (FEZ)Fes, MoroccoView Saïss Airport on a map Set FEZ as destination Airport Set FEZ as destination Airport Get more information about Saïss Airport
5105.88 miles (170.40 km) NNETangier Ibn Battouta Airport (TNG)Tangier, MoroccoView Tangier Ibn Battouta Airport on a map Set TNG as destination Airport Set TNG as destination Airport Get more information about Tangier Ibn Battouta Airport
6115.04 miles (185.13 km) NESania Ramel Airport (SII)Sidi Ifni, MoroccoView Sania Ramel Airport on a map Set SII as destination Airport Set SII as destination Airport Get more information about Sania Ramel Airport
7115.04 miles (185.13 km) NESania Ramel Airport (TTU)Tétouan, MoroccoView Sania Ramel Airport on a map Set TTU as destination Airport Set TTU as destination Airport Get more information about Sania Ramel Airport
8132.06 miles (212.54 km) NNECeuta Heliport (JCU)Ceuta, SpainView Ceuta Heliport on a map Set JCU as destination Airport Set JCU as destination Airport Get more information about Ceuta Heliport
9146.03 miles (235.00 km) NNEGibraltar International Airport (GIB)GibraltarView Gibraltar International Airport on a map Set GIB as destination Airport Set GIB as destination Airport Get more information about Gibraltar International Airport
10167.84 miles (270.12 km) ENECherif Al Idrissi Airport (AHU)Al Hoceima, MoroccoView Cherif Al Idrissi Airport on a map Set AHU as destination Airport Set AHU as destination Airport Get more information about Cherif Al Idrissi Airport
11171.65 miles (276.25 km) NJerez Airport (XRY)Jerez de la Frontera, SpainView Jerez Airport on a map Set XRY as destination Airport Set XRY as destination Airport Get more information about Jerez Airport
12202.14 miles (325.31 km) NEMálaga Airport (AGP)Málaga, SpainView Málaga Airport on a map Set AGP as destination Airport Set AGP as destination Airport Get more information about Málaga Airport
13202.77 miles (326.33 km) NNWFaro International Airport (FAO)Faro, PortugalView Faro International Airport on a map Set FAO as destination Airport Set FAO as destination Airport Get more information about Faro International Airport
14203.88 miles (328.11 km) SSWMarrakesh Menara Airport (RAK)Marrakech, MoroccoView Marrakesh Menara Airport on a map Set RAK as destination Airport Set RAK as destination Airport Get more information about Marrakesh Menara Airport
15206.30 miles (332.00 km) SEMoulay Ali Cherif Airport (ERH)Er-Rachidia (Errachidia), MoroccoView Moulay Ali Cherif Airport on a map Set ERH as destination Airport Set ERH as destination Airport Get more information about Moulay Ali Cherif Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Kenitra Air Base:

List of Furthest Airports from Kenitra Air Base:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,383.09 miles (19,928.61 km) SKaitaia Airport (KAT)Kaitaia, New ZealandView Kaitaia Airport on a map Set KAT as destination Airport Set KAT as destination Airport Get more information about Kaitaia Airport
212,364.23 miles (19,898.26 km) SSWKerikeri Airport (KKE)Kerikeri, New ZealandView Kerikeri Airport on a map Set KKE as destination Airport Set KKE as destination Airport Get more information about Kerikeri Airport
312,353.71 miles (19,881.32 km) SSWKaikohe Aerodrome (KKO)Kaikohe, New ZealandView Kaikohe Aerodrome on a map Set KKO as destination Airport Set KKO as destination Airport Get more information about Kaikohe Aerodrome
412,321.64 miles (19,829.70 km) SSWWhangarei Airport (WRE)Whangarei, New ZealandView Whangarei Airport on a map Set WRE as destination Airport Set WRE as destination Airport Get more information about Whangarei Airport
512,320.10 miles (19,827.23 km) SSWDargaville Aerodrome (DGR)Dargaville, New ZealandView Dargaville Aerodrome on a map Set DGR as destination Airport Set DGR as destination Airport Get more information about Dargaville Aerodrome
612,258.99 miles (19,728.88 km) SWGreat Barrier Aerodrome (GBZ)Great Barrier Island, New ZealandView Great Barrier Aerodrome on a map Set GBZ as destination Airport Set GBZ as destination Airport Get more information about Great Barrier Aerodrome
712,234.06 miles (19,688.76 km) SSWAuckland Airport (AKL)Mangere, New ZealandView Auckland Airport on a map Set AKL as destination Airport Set AKL as destination Airport Get more information about Auckland Airport
812,228.58 miles (19,679.94 km) SSWArdmore Airport (AMZ)Ardmore, New ZealandView Ardmore Airport on a map Set AMZ as destination Airport Set AMZ as destination Airport Get more information about Ardmore Airport
912,227.86 miles (19,678.78 km) SWCoromandel Aerodrome (CMV)Coromandel, New ZealandView Coromandel Aerodrome on a map Set CMV as destination Airport Set CMV as destination Airport Get more information about Coromandel Aerodrome
1012,205.39 miles (19,642.63 km) SSWThames Aerodrome (TMZ)Thames, New ZealandView Thames Aerodrome on a map Set TMZ as destination Airport Set TMZ as destination Airport Get more information about Thames Aerodrome
1112,167.83 miles (19,582.17 km) SSWHamilton International Airport (HLZ)Hamilton, New ZealandView Hamilton International Airport on a map Set HLZ as destination Airport Set HLZ as destination Airport Get more information about Hamilton International Airport
1212,165.92 miles (19,579.11 km) SSWMatamata Airport (MTA)Matamata, New ZealandView Matamata Airport on a map Set MTA as destination Airport Set MTA as destination Airport Get more information about Matamata Airport
1312,156.22 miles (19,563.49 km) SSWTauranga Airport (TRG)Tauranga, New ZealandView Tauranga Airport on a map Set TRG as destination Airport Set TRG as destination Airport Get more information about Tauranga Airport
1412,127.51 miles (19,517.29 km) SSWRotorua International Airport (ROT)Rotorua, New ZealandView Rotorua International Airport on a map Set ROT as destination Airport Set ROT as destination Airport Get more information about Rotorua International Airport
1512,119.05 miles (19,503.66 km) SWWhakatane Airport (WHK)Whakatane, New ZealandView Whakatane Airport on a map Set WHK as destination Airport Set WHK as destination Airport Get more information about Whakatane Airport