About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Impfondo Airport (ION), Impfondo, Republic of the Congo and Mulatupo Airport (MPP), Mulatupo, Panamá would travel a Great Circle distance of 6,595 miles (or 10,614 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Impfondo Airport and Mulatupo Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Impfondo Airport and Mulatupo Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Impfondo Airport
Location: Impfondo, Republic of the Congo
GPS Coordinates: 1°35'21"N by 18°2'42"E
Area Served: Impfondo, Republic of the Congo
Elevation: 1099 feet (335 meters)
View all routes: Routes from ION
More Information: ION Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

IATA / ICAO Codes: MPP /
Airport Name: Mulatupo Airport
Location: Mulatupo, Panamá
GPS Coordinates: 8°56'43"N by 77°43'59"W
Area Served: Mulatupo, Guna Yala, Panama
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 105 feet (32 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from MPP
More Information: MPP Maps & Info

Facts about Impfondo Airport (ION):

  • The closest airport to Impfondo Airport (ION) is Bétou Airport (BTB), which is located 106 miles (170 kilometers) NNE of ION.
  • The furthest airport from Impfondo Airport (ION) is Cassidy International Airport (CXI), which is nearly antipodal to Impfondo Airport (meaning Impfondo Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Cassidy International Airport), and is located 12,034 miles (19,367 kilometers) away in Christmas Island, Kiribati.

Facts about Mulatupo Airport (MPP):

  • Because of Mulatupo Airport's relatively low elevation of 105 feet, planes can take off or land at Mulatupo Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Mulatupo Airport (MPP) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The closest airport to Mulatupo Airport (MPP) is Achutupo Airport (ACU), which is located 25 miles (41 kilometers) NW of MPP.
  • The furthest airport from Mulatupo Airport (MPP) is Christmas Island Airport (XCH), which is nearly antipodal to Mulatupo Airport (meaning Mulatupo Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Christmas Island Airport), and is located 12,182 miles (19,604 kilometers) away in Christmas Island, Australia.

Map of Nearest Airports to Impfondo Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Impfondo Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
1105.69 miles (170.09 km) NNEBétou Airport (BTB)Betou, Republic of the CongoView Bétou Airport on a map Set BTB as origin Airport Set BTB as destination Airport Get more information about Bétou Airport
2109.57 miles (176.33 km) SMbandaka Airport (MDK)Mbandaka, Democratic Republic of the CongoView Mbandaka Airport on a map Set MDK as origin Airport Set MDK as destination Airport Get more information about Mbandaka Airport
3123.06 miles (198.05 km) ESEBasankusu Airport (BSU)Basankusu, Democratic Republic of the CongoView Basankusu Airport on a map Set BSU as origin Airport Set BSU as destination Airport Get more information about Basankusu Airport
4196.82 miles (316.75 km) NBangui M'Poko International Airport (BGF)Bangui, Central African RepublicView Bangui M'Poko International Airport on a map Set BGF as origin Airport Set BGF as destination Airport Get more information about Bangui M'Poko International Airport
5203.10 miles (326.85 km) WSWMakoua Airport (MKJ)Makoua, Republic of the CongoView Makoua Airport on a map Set MKJ as origin Airport Set MKJ as destination Airport Get more information about Makoua Airport
6205.96 miles (331.47 km) SWOwando Airport (FTX)Owando, Republic of the CongoView Owando Airport on a map Set FTX as origin Airport Set FTX as destination Airport Get more information about Owando Airport
7220.12 miles (354.26 km) SSEBasango Mboliasa Airport (KRZ)Kiri, Democratic Republic of the CongoView Basango Mboliasa Airport on a map Set KRZ as origin Airport Set KRZ as destination Airport Get more information about Basango Mboliasa Airport
8234.90 miles (378.04 km) ESEBoende Airport (BNB)Boende, Democratic Republic of the CongoView Boende Airport on a map Set BNB as origin Airport Set BNB as destination Airport Get more information about Boende Airport
9239.38 miles (385.24 km) NWBerbérati Airport (BBT)Berbérati, Central African RepublicView Berbérati Airport on a map Set BBT as origin Airport Set BBT as destination Airport Get more information about Berbérati Airport
10241.72 miles (389.00 km) ELisala Airport (LIQ)Lisala, Democratic Republic of the CongoView Lisala Airport on a map Set LIQ as origin Airport Set LIQ as destination Airport Get more information about Lisala Airport
11243.54 miles (391.95 km) SWOyo Ollombo Airport (OLL)Oyo, Republic of the Congo, Republic of the CongoView Oyo Ollombo Airport on a map Set OLL as origin Airport Set OLL as destination Airport Get more information about Oyo Ollombo Airport
12244.93 miles (394.17 km) SInongo Airport (INO)Inongo, Democratic Republic of the CongoView Inongo Airport on a map Set INO as origin Airport Set INO as destination Airport Get more information about Inongo Airport
13255.67 miles (411.47 km) NBossembélé Airport (BEM)Bossembélé, Central African RepublicView Bossembélé Airport on a map Set BEM as origin Airport Set BEM as destination Airport Get more information about Bossembélé Airport
14258.17 miles (415.49 km) SWBoundji Airport (BOE)Boundji, Republic of the CongoView Boundji Airport on a map Set BOE as origin Airport Set BOE as destination Airport Get more information about Boundji Airport
15268.74 miles (432.49 km) WSWKelle Airport (KEE)Kelle, Republic of the CongoView Kelle Airport on a map Set KEE as origin Airport Set KEE as destination Airport Get more information about Kelle Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Impfondo Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Impfondo Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,034.00 miles (19,366.80 km) NWCassidy International Airport (CXI)Christmas Island, KiribatiView Cassidy International Airport on a map Set CXI as origin Airport Set CXI as destination Airport Get more information about Cassidy International Airport
211,825.86 miles (19,031.83 km) SManihiki Island Airport (MHX)Manihiki Island, Cook IslandsView Manihiki Island Airport on a map Set MHX as origin Airport Set MHX as destination Airport Get more information about Manihiki Island Airport
311,758.70 miles (18,923.75 km) ECanton Island Airport (CIS)Canton Island, KiribatiView Canton Island Airport on a map Set CIS as origin Airport Set CIS as destination Airport Get more information about Canton Island Airport
411,426.23 miles (18,388.69 km) SSEFitiuta Airport (FTI)Fiti‘uta, American Samoa, United StatesView Fitiuta Airport on a map Set FTI as origin Airport Set FTI as destination Airport Get more information about Fitiuta Airport
511,422.43 miles (18,382.58 km) SSETau Airport (TAV)Tau, American SamoaView Tau Airport on a map Set TAV as origin Airport Set TAV as destination Airport Get more information about Tau Airport
611,419.50 miles (18,377.85 km) SSEOfu Airport (OFU)Ofu, American SamoaView Ofu Airport on a map Set OFU as origin Airport Set OFU as destination Airport Get more information about Ofu Airport
711,375.96 miles (18,307.79 km) SEPago Pago International Airport (PPG)Pago Pago, American SamoaView Pago Pago International Airport on a map Set PPG as origin Airport Set PPG as destination Airport Get more information about Pago Pago International Airport
811,357.64 miles (18,278.31 km) SEFagali'i Airport (FGI)Apia, SamoaView Fagali'i Airport on a map Set FGI as origin Airport Set FGI as destination Airport Get more information about Fagali'i Airport
911,347.24 miles (18,261.57 km) SEFaleolo International Airport (APW)Apia, Upolu Island, SamoaView Faleolo International Airport on a map Set APW as origin Airport Set APW as destination Airport Get more information about Faleolo International Airport
1011,340.97 miles (18,251.48 km) SEMaota (Salelologa) Airport (MXS)Maota, SamoaView Maota (Salelologa) Airport on a map Set MXS as origin Airport Set MXS as destination Airport Get more information about Maota (Salelologa) Airport
1111,336.73 miles (18,244.66 km) SEAsau Airport (AAU)Asau, SamoaView Asau Airport on a map Set AAU as origin Airport Set AAU as destination Airport Get more information about Asau Airport
1211,217.19 miles (18,052.27 km) SSWMaupiti Airport (MAU)Maupiti, Leeward Islands, French PolynesiaView Maupiti Airport on a map Set MAU as origin Airport Set MAU as destination Airport Get more information about Maupiti Airport
1311,197.81 miles (18,021.08 km) SSWBora Bora Airport (BOB)Bora Bora, French PolynesiaView Bora Bora Airport on a map Set BOB as origin Airport Set BOB as destination Airport Get more information about Bora Bora Airport
1411,171.90 miles (17,979.39 km) SEWallis Island (WLS)Wallis and Futuna IslandsView Wallis Island on a map Set WLS as origin Airport Set WLS as destination Airport Get more information about Wallis Island
1511,155.81 miles (17,953.50 km) SWHuahine – Fare Airport (HUH)Huahine, Society Islands, French PolynesiaView Huahine – Fare Airport on a map Set HUH as origin Airport Set HUH as destination Airport Get more information about Huahine – Fare Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Mulatupo Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Mulatupo Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
125.40 miles (40.88 km) NWAchutupo Airport (ACU)Achutupo, PanamaView Achutupo Airport on a map Set ACU as destination Airport Set ACU as destination Airport Get more information about Achutupo Airport
241.85 miles (67.36 km) SEAlcides Fernández Airport (ACD)Acandí, ColombiaView Alcides Fernández Airport on a map Set ACD as destination Airport Set ACD as destination Airport Get more information about Alcides Fernández Airport
342.49 miles (68.38 km) NWPlayón Chico Airport (PYC)Ukupseni, Guna Yala, PanamaView Playón Chico Airport on a map Set PYC as destination Airport Set PYC as destination Airport Get more information about Playón Chico Airport
474.67 miles (120.17 km) SWGarachiné Airport (GHE)Garachiné, PanamaView Garachiné Airport on a map Set GHE as destination Airport Set GHE as destination Airport Get more information about Garachiné Airport
591.52 miles (147.28 km) WSWContadora Airport (OTD)Contadora Island, PanamaView Contadora Airport on a map Set OTD as destination Airport Set OTD as destination Airport Get more information about Contadora Airport
6104.69 miles (168.49 km) SEAntonio Roldán Betancourt Airport (APO)Apartadó, ColombiaView Antonio Roldán Betancourt Airport on a map Set APO as destination Airport Set APO as destination Airport Get more information about Antonio Roldán Betancourt Airport
7112.97 miles (181.81 km) WTocumen International Airport (PTY)Panama City, PanamaView Tocumen International Airport on a map Set PTY as destination Airport Set PTY as destination Airport Get more information about Tocumen International Airport
8124.40 miles (200.20 km) WAlbrook "Marcos A. Gelabert" International Airport (PAC)Panama City, PanamaView Albrook Marcos A. Gelabert International Airport on a map Set PAC as destination Airport Set PAC as destination Airport Get more information about Albrook Marcos A. Gelabert International Airport
9130.47 miles (209.97 km) ELos Garzones Airport (MTR)Montería, Córdoba, ColombiaView Los Garzones Airport on a map Set MTR as destination Airport Set MTR as destination Airport Get more information about Los Garzones Airport
10148.35 miles (238.74 km) WEnrique Adolfo Jiménez Airport (ONX)Colón, PanamaView Enrique Adolfo Jiménez Airport on a map Set ONX as destination Airport Set ONX as destination Airport Get more information about Enrique Adolfo Jiménez Airport
11168.24 miles (270.75 km) WSWRío Hato / Scarlett Martinez Airport (RIH)Cocle, PanamaView Río Hato / Scarlett Martinez Airport on a map Set RIH as destination Airport Set RIH as destination Airport Get more information about Río Hato / Scarlett Martinez Airport
12169.09 miles (272.13 km) ELas Brujas Airport (CZU)Corozal, ColombiaView Las Brujas Airport on a map Set CZU as destination Airport Set CZU as destination Airport Get more information about Las Brujas Airport
13181.90 miles (292.74 km) ESEAyapel Airport (AYA)Ayapel, ColombiaView Ayapel Airport on a map Set AYA as destination Airport Set AYA as destination Airport Get more information about Ayapel Airport
14183.20 miles (294.82 km) NERafael Núñez International Airport (CTG)Cartagena, ColombiaView Rafael Núñez International Airport on a map Set CTG as destination Airport Set CTG as destination Airport Get more information about Rafael Núñez International Airport
15185.91 miles (299.20 km) ESECaucasia Airport Juan H. White Airport (CAQ)Caucasia, Antioquia, ColombiaView Caucasia Airport Juan H. White Airport on a map Set CAQ as destination Airport Set CAQ as destination Airport Get more information about Caucasia Airport Juan H. White Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Mulatupo Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Mulatupo Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,181.51 miles (19,604.19 km) WSWChristmas Island Airport (XCH)Christmas Island, AustraliaView Christmas Island Airport on a map Set XCH as destination Airport Set XCH as destination Airport Get more information about Christmas Island Airport
212,112.30 miles (19,492.81 km) SWRadin Inten II Airport (RIA II) (TKG)Bandar Lampung, Sumatra, IndonesiaView Radin Inten II Airport (RIA II) on a map Set TKG as destination Airport Set TKG as destination Airport Get more information about Radin Inten II Airport (RIA II)
312,085.54 miles (19,449.74 km) SFatmawati Soekarno Airport (BKS)Bengkulu, IndonesiaView Fatmawati Soekarno Airport on a map Set BKS as destination Airport Set BKS as destination Airport Get more information about Fatmawati Soekarno Airport
412,078.59 miles (19,438.56 km) WSWSoekarno–Hatta International Airport (CGK)Jakarta, IndonesiaView Soekarno–Hatta International Airport on a map Set CGK as destination Airport Set CGK as destination Airport Get more information about Soekarno–Hatta International Airport
512,075.07 miles (19,432.89 km) SWGunung Batin Airport (AKQ)Astraksetra, IndonesiaView Gunung Batin Airport on a map Set AKQ as destination Airport Set AKQ as destination Airport Get more information about Gunung Batin Airport
612,070.01 miles (19,424.76 km) WSWHalim Perdanakusuma Airport (HLP)Jakarta, IndonesiaView Halim Perdanakusuma Airport on a map Set HLP as destination Airport Set HLP as destination Airport Get more information about Halim Perdanakusuma Airport
712,046.97 miles (19,387.68 km) WSWHusein Sastranegara International Airport (HSA) (BDO)Bandung, IndonesiaView Husein Sastranegara International Airport (HSA) on a map Set BDO as destination Airport Set BDO as destination Airport Get more information about Husein Sastranegara International Airport (HSA)
812,013.21 miles (19,333.34 km) WSWCibeureum Airfield (TSY)Tasikmalaya, West Java, IndonesiaView Cibeureum Airfield on a map Set TSY as destination Airport Set TSY as destination Airport Get more information about Cibeureum Airfield
912,004.92 miles (19,320.00 km) ESECocos (Keeling) Island Airport (CCK)Cocos Islands, AustraliaView Cocos (Keeling) Island Airport on a map Set CCK as destination Airport Set CCK as destination Airport Get more information about Cocos (Keeling) Island Airport
1011,986.93 miles (19,291.05 km) SSWSultan Mahmud Badaruddin II International Airport (SMB II) (PLM)Palembang, Sumatra, IndonesiaView Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II International Airport (SMB II) on a map Set PLM as destination Airport Set PLM as destination Airport Get more information about Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II International Airport (SMB II)
1111,981.62 miles (19,282.50 km) WSWPenggung Airport/Chakrabhuwana Airport (CBN)Cirebon, Java, IndonesiaView Penggung Airport/Chakrabhuwana Airport on a map Set CBN as destination Airport Set CBN as destination Airport Get more information about Penggung Airport/Chakrabhuwana Airport
1211,964.27 miles (19,254.58 km) WTunggul Wulung Airport (CXP)Cilacap, Java Island, IndonesiaView Tunggul Wulung Airport on a map Set CXP as destination Airport Set CXP as destination Airport Get more information about Tunggul Wulung Airport
1311,960.01 miles (19,247.72 km) SDepati Parbo Airport (KRC)Kerinci, IndonesiaView Depati Parbo Airport on a map Set KRC as destination Airport Set KRC as destination Airport Get more information about Depati Parbo Airport
1411,937.25 miles (19,211.09 km) WSWPurwokerto / Wirasaba Airport (PWL)Wirasaba, Central Java, IndonesiaView Purwokerto / Wirasaba Airport on a map Set PWL as destination Airport Set PWL as destination Airport Get more information about Purwokerto / Wirasaba Airport
1511,932.11 miles (19,202.83 km) SSERokot Airport (RKI)Sipura, IndonesiaView Rokot Airport on a map Set RKI as destination Airport Set RKI as destination Airport Get more information about Rokot Airport