About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Tidjikja Airport (TIY), Tidjikja, Mauritania and Lonorore Airport (LNE), Lonorore, Pentecost Island, Pénama Province, Vanuatu would travel a Great Circle distance of 12,248 miles (or 19,711 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Tidjikja Airport and Lonorore Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Tidjikja Airport and Lonorore Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

The distance between TIY and LNE makes them almost exactly antipodal (the exact opposite side of the world) to each other. Nonstop flights between Tidjikja Airport and Lonorore Airport would be very impractical for the airlines, because only a lightly loaded Boeing 777-200LR would be able to make the trip. Since airlines need to be able to take as many people and cargo as possible in order to make a profit, the odds of ever seeing a nonstop flight between TIY and LNE are slim to none. However, you'll still be able to get from Tidjikja, Mauritania and Lonorore, Pentecost Island, Pénama Province, Vanuatu by taking some connecting flights!

Did you know that one full circling of the Earth (measuring from the equator) is about 24,901.5 miles (or 40,075 kilometers), which means if you were 12,450 miles from any given point on the planet, the distance back to your starting point would be about the same -- in any direction! The same can be said for a nonstop flight between TIY and LNE!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Tidjikja Airport
Location: Tidjikja, Mauritania
GPS Coordinates: 18°34'12"N by 11°25'23"W
Area Served: Tidjikja, Mauritania
Operator/Owner: Government
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 1316 feet (401 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from TIY
More Information: TIY Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Name: Lonorore Airport
Location: Lonorore, Pentecost Island, Pénama Province, Vanuatu
GPS Coordinates: 15°51'56"S by 168°10'18"E
Area Served: Lonorore, Pentecost Island, Vanuatu
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 43 feet (13 meters)
View all routes: Routes from LNE
More Information: LNE Maps & Info

Facts about Tidjikja Airport (TIY):

  • The furthest airport from Tidjikja Airport (TIY) is Dillon's Bay Airport (DLY), which is nearly antipodal to Tidjikja Airport (meaning Tidjikja Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Dillon's Bay Airport), and is located 12,406 miles (19,965 kilometers) away in Dillon's Bay, Erromango, Taféa, Vanuatu.
  • The closest airport to Tidjikja Airport (TIY) is Letfotar Airport (MOM), which is located 91 miles (146 kilometers) SW of TIY.
  • Tidjikja Airport (TIY) currently has only 1 runway.

Facts about Lonorore Airport (LNE):

  • Lonorore is used for Air Vanuatu domestic flights to Port Vila and Luganville, sometimes via Ambae.
  • The furthest airport from Lonorore Airport (LNE) is Sélibaby Airport (SEY), which is nearly antipodal to Lonorore Airport (meaning Lonorore Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Sélibaby Airport), and is located 12,383 miles (19,929 kilometers) away in Sélibaby, Mauritania.
  • Because of Lonorore Airport's relatively low elevation of 43 feet, planes can take off or land at Lonorore Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The closest airport to Lonorore Airport (LNE) is Sara Airport (SSR), which is located 27 miles (44 kilometers) N of LNE.
  • Lonorore began as a grass airstrip, capable of accommodating 20-seater Twin Otter aircraft in good conditions, although it was frequently unusable due to waterlogging in wet weather.

Map of Nearest Airports to Tidjikja Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Tidjikja Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
190.59 miles (145.79 km) SWLetfotar Airport (MOM)Moudjeria, MauritaniaView Letfotar Airport on a map Set MOM as origin Airport Set MOM as destination Airport Get more information about Letfotar Airport
2100.61 miles (161.92 km) SSETamchakett Airport (THT)Tamchakett, MauritaniaView Tamchakett Airport on a map Set THT as origin Airport Set THT as destination Airport Get more information about Tamchakett Airport
3125.18 miles (201.45 km) ETichitt Airport (THI)Tichitt, MauritaniaView Tichitt Airport on a map Set THI as origin Airport Set THI as destination Airport Get more information about Tichitt Airport
4136.83 miles (220.20 km) SKiffa Airport (KFA)Kiffa, MauritaniaView Kiffa Airport on a map Set KFA as origin Airport Set KFA as destination Airport Get more information about Kiffa Airport
5170.37 miles (274.19 km) NWAtar Airport (ATR)Atar, MauritaniaView Atar Airport on a map Set ATR as origin Airport Set ATR as destination Airport Get more information about Atar Airport
6174.12 miles (280.21 km) SEAioun el Atrouss Airport (AEO)Aioun El Atrouss, MauritaniaView Aioun el Atrouss Airport on a map Set AEO as origin Airport Set AEO as destination Airport Get more information about Aioun el Atrouss Airport
7209.23 miles (336.72 km) WNWAkjoujt Airport (AJJ)Akjoujt, MauritaniaView Akjoujt Airport on a map Set AJJ as origin Airport Set AJJ as destination Airport Get more information about Akjoujt Airport
8215.93 miles (347.51 km) SWKaédi Airport (KED)Kaédi, MauritaniaView Kaédi Airport on a map Set KED as origin Airport Set KED as destination Airport Get more information about Kaédi Airport
9225.80 miles (363.39 km) WSWBoutilimit Airport (OTL)Boutilimit, MauritaniaView Boutilimit Airport on a map Set OTL as origin Airport Set OTL as destination Airport Get more information about Boutilimit Airport
10226.59 miles (364.65 km) SWAbbaye Airport (BGH)Boghe (Bogué), MauritaniaView Abbaye Airport on a map Set BGH as origin Airport Set BGH as destination Airport Get more information about Abbaye Airport
11239.93 miles (386.13 km) SSWSélibaby Airport (SEY)Sélibaby, MauritaniaView Sélibaby Airport on a map Set SEY as origin Airport Set SEY as destination Airport Get more information about Sélibaby Airport
12240.88 miles (387.66 km) SSWOuro Sogui Airport (MAX)Matam, SenegalView Ouro Sogui Airport on a map Set MAX as origin Airport Set MAX as destination Airport Get more information about Ouro Sogui Airport
13244.13 miles (392.89 km) SSEYélimané Airport (EYL)Yélimané, MaliView Yélimané Airport on a map Set EYL as origin Airport Set EYL as destination Airport Get more information about Yélimané Airport
14260.55 miles (419.32 km) SSENioro Airport (NIX)Nioro, MaliView Nioro Airport on a map Set NIX as origin Airport Set NIX as destination Airport Get more information about Nioro Airport
15266.35 miles (428.65 km) SSWBakel Airport (BXE)Bakel, SenegalView Bakel Airport on a map Set BXE as origin Airport Set BXE as destination Airport Get more information about Bakel Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Tidjikja Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Tidjikja Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,405.77 miles (19,965.10 km) WSWDillon's Bay Airport (DLY)Dillon's Bay, Erromango, Taféa, VanuatuView Dillon's Bay Airport on a map Set DLY as origin Airport Set DLY as destination Airport Get more information about Dillon's Bay Airport
212,386.50 miles (19,934.09 km) WSWIpota Airport (IPA)Ipota, Erromango, VanuatuView Ipota Airport on a map Set IPA as origin Airport Set IPA as destination Airport Get more information about Ipota Airport
312,374.31 miles (19,914.47 km) SSEBauerfield International Airport (VLI)Port Vila, VanuatuView Bauerfield International Airport on a map Set VLI as origin Airport Set VLI as destination Airport Get more information about Bauerfield International Airport
412,355.64 miles (19,884.42 km) SWAniwa Airport (AWD)Aniwa Island, Taféa, VanuatuView Aniwa Airport on a map Set AWD as origin Airport Set AWD as destination Airport Get more information about Aniwa Airport
512,333.41 miles (19,848.65 km) SSiwo Airport (EAE)Sangafa, Emae, Shéfa, VanuatuView Siwo Airport on a map Set EAE as origin Airport Set EAE as destination Airport Get more information about Siwo Airport
612,320.79 miles (19,828.33 km) STongoa Airport (TGH)Tongoa, Shefa Province, VanuatuView Tongoa Airport on a map Set TGH as origin Airport Set TGH as destination Airport Get more information about Tongoa Airport
712,310.45 miles (19,811.71 km) WSWFutuna Airport (FTA)Futuna Island, Taféa, VanuatuView Futuna Airport on a map Set FTA as origin Airport Set FTA as destination Airport Get more information about Futuna Airport
812,297.08 miles (19,790.18 km) SSWAnatom Airport Aneityum Airport (AUY)Anatom, Taféa, VanuatuView Anatom Airport Aneityum Airport on a map Set AUY as origin Airport Set AUY as destination Airport Get more information about Anatom Airport Aneityum Airport
912,296.86 miles (19,789.83 km) SSELamen Bay Airport (LNB)Lamen Bay, Epi Island, Shéfa Province, VanuatuView Lamen Bay Airport on a map Set LNB as origin Airport Set LNB as destination Airport Get more information about Lamen Bay Airport
1012,282.00 miles (19,765.92 km) SSEMalekoula Airport (LPM)Lamap, Malampa, VanuatuView Malekoula Airport on a map Set LPM as origin Airport Set LPM as destination Airport Get more information about Malekoula Airport
1112,271.84 miles (19,749.56 km) SSECraig Cove Airport (CCV)Craig Cove, Ambrym Island, Malampa, VanuatuView Craig Cove Airport on a map Set CCV as origin Airport Set CCV as destination Airport Get more information about Craig Cove Airport
1212,248.06 miles (19,711.29 km) SSENorsup Airport (NUS)Norsup, Malakula island, VanuatuView Norsup Airport on a map Set NUS as origin Airport Set NUS as destination Airport Get more information about Norsup Airport
1312,248.04 miles (19,711.26 km) SLonorore Airport (LNE)Lonorore, Pentecost Island, Pénama Province, VanuatuView Lonorore Airport on a map Set LNE as origin Airport Set LNE as destination Airport Get more information about Lonorore Airport
1412,232.62 miles (19,686.44 km) SMaré Airport (MEE)Maré, Loyalty Islands, New CaledoniaView Maré Airport on a map Set MEE as origin Airport Set MEE as destination Airport Get more information about Maré Airport
1512,220.84 miles (19,667.48 km) SSara Airport (SSR)Sara, VanuatuView Sara Airport on a map Set SSR as origin Airport Set SSR as destination Airport Get more information about Sara Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Lonorore Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Lonorore Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
127.30 miles (43.94 km) NSara Airport (SSR)Sara, VanuatuView Sara Airport on a map Set SSR as destination Airport Set SSR as destination Airport Get more information about Sara Airport
232.12 miles (51.69 km) SSWCraig Cove Airport (CCV)Craig Cove, Ambrym Island, Malampa, VanuatuView Craig Cove Airport on a map Set CCV as destination Airport Set CCV as destination Airport Get more information about Craig Cove Airport
340.95 miles (65.90 km) NNWLongana Airport (LOD)Longana, Ambae Island, Pénama Province, VanuatuView Longana Airport on a map Set LOD as destination Airport Set LOD as destination Airport Get more information about Longana Airport
446.75 miles (75.23 km) SSWMalekoula Airport (LPM)Lamap, Malampa, VanuatuView Malekoula Airport on a map Set LPM as destination Airport Set LPM as destination Airport Get more information about Malekoula Airport
549.66 miles (79.92 km) SLamen Bay Airport (LNB)Lamen Bay, Epi Island, Shéfa Province, VanuatuView Lamen Bay Airport on a map Set LNB as destination Airport Set LNB as destination Airport Get more information about Lamen Bay Airport
653.33 miles (85.83 km) WSWNorsup Airport (NUS)Norsup, Malakula island, VanuatuView Norsup Airport on a map Set NUS as destination Airport Set NUS as destination Airport Get more information about Norsup Airport
760.30 miles (97.04 km) NMaewo-Naone Airport (MWF)Maewo, VanuatuView Maewo-Naone Airport on a map Set MWF as destination Airport Set MWF as destination Airport Get more information about Maewo-Naone Airport
867.94 miles (109.34 km) WNWSanto-Pekoa International Airport (SON)Luganville, VanuatuView Santo-Pekoa International Airport on a map Set SON as destination Airport Set SON as destination Airport Get more information about Santo-Pekoa International Airport
975.18 miles (121.00 km) SSETongoa Airport (TGH)Tongoa, Shefa Province, VanuatuView Tongoa Airport on a map Set TGH as destination Airport Set TGH as destination Airport Get more information about Tongoa Airport
1085.37 miles (137.40 km) SSiwo Airport (EAE)Sangafa, Emae, Shéfa, VanuatuView Siwo Airport on a map Set EAE as destination Airport Set EAE as destination Airport Get more information about Siwo Airport
11120.33 miles (193.65 km) NNWGaua Airport (ZGU)Gaua, Torba, VanuatuView Gaua Airport on a map Set ZGU as destination Airport Set ZGU as destination Airport Get more information about Gaua Airport
12127.07 miles (204.49 km) SBauerfield International Airport (VLI)Port Vila, VanuatuView Bauerfield International Airport on a map Set VLI as destination Airport Set VLI as destination Airport Get more information about Bauerfield International Airport
13145.46 miles (234.10 km) NNWVanua Lava Airport (SLH)Sola, Vanua Lava, Torba Province, VanuatuView Vanua Lava Airport on a map Set SLH as destination Airport Set SLH as destination Airport Get more information about Vanua Lava Airport
14155.07 miles (249.57 km) NNWMota Lava Airport (MTV)Mota Lava, VanuatuView Mota Lava Airport on a map Set MTV as destination Airport Set MTV as destination Airport Get more information about Mota Lava Airport
15207.96 miles (334.68 km) SSEDillon's Bay Airport (DLY)Dillon's Bay, Erromango, Taféa, VanuatuView Dillon's Bay Airport on a map Set DLY as destination Airport Set DLY as destination Airport Get more information about Dillon's Bay Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Lonorore Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Lonorore Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,383.09 miles (19,928.60 km) NNESélibaby Airport (SEY)Sélibaby, MauritaniaView Sélibaby Airport on a map Set SEY as destination Airport Set SEY as destination Airport Get more information about Sélibaby Airport
212,379.47 miles (19,922.77 km) NNWKiffa Airport (KFA)Kiffa, MauritaniaView Kiffa Airport on a map Set KFA as destination Airport Set KFA as destination Airport Get more information about Kiffa Airport
312,354.52 miles (19,882.62 km) NNEBakel Airport (BXE)Bakel, SenegalView Bakel Airport on a map Set BXE as destination Airport Set BXE as destination Airport Get more information about Bakel Airport
412,338.76 miles (19,857.26 km) WNWYélimané Airport (EYL)Yélimané, MaliView Yélimané Airport on a map Set EYL as destination Airport Set EYL as destination Airport Get more information about Yélimané Airport
512,337.06 miles (19,854.52 km) NNWKayes Airport (KYS)Kayes, MaliView Kayes Airport on a map Set KYS as destination Airport Set KYS as destination Airport Get more information about Kayes Airport
612,335.63 miles (19,852.22 km) EOuro Sogui Airport (MAX)Matam, SenegalView Ouro Sogui Airport on a map Set MAX as destination Airport Set MAX as destination Airport Get more information about Ouro Sogui Airport
712,323.43 miles (19,832.59 km) EKaédi Airport (KED)Kaédi, MauritaniaView Kaédi Airport on a map Set KED as destination Airport Set KED as destination Airport Get more information about Kaédi Airport
812,320.99 miles (19,828.67 km) NWTamchakett Airport (THT)Tamchakett, MauritaniaView Tamchakett Airport on a map Set THT as destination Airport Set THT as destination Airport Get more information about Tamchakett Airport
912,299.22 miles (19,793.63 km) NNELetfotar Airport (MOM)Moudjeria, MauritaniaView Letfotar Airport on a map Set MOM as destination Airport Set MOM as destination Airport Get more information about Letfotar Airport
1012,280.74 miles (19,763.88 km) WNWNioro Airport (NIX)Nioro, MaliView Nioro Airport on a map Set NIX as destination Airport Set NIX as destination Airport Get more information about Nioro Airport
1112,280.23 miles (19,763.07 km) WNWAioun el Atrouss Airport (AEO)Aioun El Atrouss, MauritaniaView Aioun el Atrouss Airport on a map Set AEO as destination Airport Set AEO as destination Airport Get more information about Aioun el Atrouss Airport
1212,270.76 miles (19,747.83 km) ENEAbbaye Airport (BGH)Boghe (Bogué), MauritaniaView Abbaye Airport on a map Set BGH as destination Airport Set BGH as destination Airport Get more information about Abbaye Airport
1312,248.04 miles (19,711.26 km) NTidjikja Airport (TIY)Tidjikja, MauritaniaView Tidjikja Airport on a map Set TIY as destination Airport Set TIY as destination Airport Get more information about Tidjikja Airport
1412,245.76 miles (19,707.59 km) NETambacounda Airport (TUD)Tambacounda, SenegalView Tambacounda Airport on a map Set TUD as destination Airport Set TUD as destination Airport Get more information about Tambacounda Airport
1512,224.18 miles (19,672.86 km) NKéniéba Airport (KNZ)Kéniéba, MaliView Kéniéba Airport on a map Set KNZ as destination Airport Set KNZ as destination Airport Get more information about Kéniéba Airport