About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Xinguara Airport (XIG), Xinguara, Pará, Brazil and Allah Valley Airport (AAV), Surallah, South Cotabato, Philippines would travel a Great Circle distance of 12,072 miles (or 19,427 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Xinguara Airport and Allah Valley Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Xinguara Airport and Allah Valley Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

The distance between XIG and AAV makes them almost exactly antipodal (the exact opposite side of the world) to each other. Nonstop flights between Xinguara Airport and Allah Valley Airport would be very impractical for the airlines, because only a lightly loaded Boeing 777-200LR would be able to make the trip. Since airlines need to be able to take as many people and cargo as possible in order to make a profit, the odds of ever seeing a nonstop flight between XIG and AAV are slim to none. However, you'll still be able to get from Xinguara, Pará, Brazil and Surallah, South Cotabato, Philippines by taking some connecting flights!

Did you know that one full circling of the Earth (measuring from the equator) is about 24,901.5 miles (or 40,075 kilometers), which means if you were 12,450 miles from any given point on the planet, the distance back to your starting point would be about the same -- in any direction! The same can be said for a nonstop flight between XIG and AAV!

Departure Airport Information:

IATA / ICAO Codes: XIG /
Airport Names:
  1. Xinguara Airport
  2. Aeroporto de Xinguara
Location: Xinguara, Pará, Brazil
GPS Coordinates: 7°5'30"S by 49°58'30"W
Area Served: Xinguara, Pará, Brazil
Airport Type: Public
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from XIG
More Information: XIG Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Name: Allah Valley Airport
Location: Surallah, South Cotabato, Philippines
GPS Coordinates: 6°22'3"N by 124°45'9"E
Area Served: Surallah, South Cotabato
Operator/Owner: Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines
Airport Type: public
Elevation: 600 feet (183 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from AAV
More Information: AAV Maps & Info

Facts about Xinguara Airport (XIG):

  • The furthest airport from Xinguara Airport (XIG) is Mati Airport (MXI), which is nearly antipodal to Xinguara Airport (meaning Xinguara Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Mati Airport), and is located 12,179 miles (19,601 kilometers) away in Mati, Davao Oriental, Philippines.
  • In addition to being known as "Xinguara Airport", another name for XIG is "Aeroporto de Xinguara".
  • The closest airport to Xinguara Airport (XIG) is Carajás Airport (CKS), which is located 67 miles (109 kilometers) N of XIG.
  • Xinguara Airport (XIG) currently has only 1 runway.

Facts about Allah Valley Airport (AAV):

  • Allah Valley Airport (AAV) currently has only 1 runway.
  • The closest airport to Allah Valley Airport (AAV) is General Santos International Airport (GES), which is located 32 miles (51 kilometers) SE of AAV.
  • The furthest airport from Allah Valley Airport (AAV) is Itaituba Airport (ITB), which is nearly antipodal to Allah Valley Airport (meaning Allah Valley Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Itaituba Airport), and is located 12,281 miles (19,764 kilometers) away in Itaituba, Pará, Brazil.
  • Because of Allah Valley Airport's relatively low elevation of 600 feet, planes can take off or land at Allah Valley Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.

Map of Nearest Airports to Xinguara Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Xinguara Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
167.49 miles (108.61 km) NCarajás Airport (CKS)Carajás, Pará, BrazilView Carajás Airport on a map Set CKS as origin Airport Set CKS as destination Airport Get more information about Carajás Airport
298.28 miles (158.16 km) SSEConceição do Araguaia Airport (CDJ)Conceição do Araguaia, Pará, BrazilView Conceição do Araguaia Airport on a map Set CDJ as origin Airport Set CDJ as destination Airport Get more information about Conceição do Araguaia Airport
3119.26 miles (191.93 km) EAraguaína Airport (AUX)Araguaína, Tocantins, BrazilView Araguaína Airport on a map Set AUX as origin Airport Set AUX as destination Airport Get more information about Araguaína Airport
4132.25 miles (212.83 km) NNEJoão Correa da Rocha Airport (MAB)Marabá, Pará, BrazilView João Correa da Rocha Airport on a map Set MAB as origin Airport Set MAB as destination Airport Get more information about João Correa da Rocha Airport
5203.72 miles (327.86 km) ENEImperatriz-Prefeito Renato Moreira Airport (IMP)Imperatriz, Maranhão, BrazilView Imperatriz-Prefeito Renato Moreira Airport on a map Set IMP as origin Airport Set IMP as destination Airport Get more information about Imperatriz-Prefeito Renato Moreira Airport
6247.04 miles (397.58 km) SSEPalmas–Brigadeiro Lysias Rodrigues Airport (PMW)Palmas, Tocantins, BrazilView Palmas–Brigadeiro Lysias Rodrigues Airport on a map Set PMW as origin Airport Set PMW as destination Airport Get more information about Palmas–Brigadeiro Lysias Rodrigues Airport
7308.17 miles (495.95 km) NNWAltamira Airport (ATM)Altamira, Pará, BrazilView Altamira Airport on a map Set ATM as origin Airport Set ATM as destination Airport Get more information about Altamira Airport
8326.26 miles (525.07 km) SGurupi Airport (GRP)Gurupi, Goiás, BrazilView Gurupi Airport on a map Set GRP as origin Airport Set GRP as destination Airport Get more information about Gurupi Airport
9401.05 miles (645.42 km) WSWOrlando Villas-Bôas Regional Airport (MBK)Matupá, Mato Grosso, BrazilView Orlando Villas-Bôas Regional Airport on a map Set MBK as origin Airport Set MBK as destination Airport Get more information about Orlando Villas-Bôas Regional Airport
10407.55 miles (655.89 km) NNEBelém/Val de Cans–Júlio Cezar Ribeiro International Airport (BEL)Belém, Pará, BrazilView Belém/Val de Cans–Júlio Cezar Ribeiro International Airport on a map Set BEL as origin Airport Set BEL as destination Airport Get more information about Belém/Val de Cans–Júlio Cezar Ribeiro International Airport
11458.67 miles (738.15 km) WNWItaituba Airport (ITB)Itaituba, Pará, BrazilView Itaituba Airport on a map Set ITB as origin Airport Set ITB as destination Airport Get more information about Itaituba Airport
12460.58 miles (741.22 km) SSEArraias Airport (AAI)Arraias, Tocantins, BrazilView Arraias Airport on a map Set AAI as origin Airport Set AAI as destination Airport Get more information about Arraias Airport
13460.65 miles (741.35 km) WSWPiloto Osvaldo Marques Dias Airport (AFL)Alta Floresta, BrazilView Piloto Osvaldo Marques Dias Airport on a map Set AFL as origin Airport Set AFL as destination Airport Get more information about Piloto Osvaldo Marques Dias Airport
14462.21 miles (743.86 km) NWSantarém–Maestro Wilson Fonseca Airport (STM)Santarém, Pará, BrazilView Santarém–Maestro Wilson Fonseca Airport on a map Set STM as origin Airport Set STM as destination Airport Get more information about Santarém–Maestro Wilson Fonseca Airport
15462.26 miles (743.94 km) SSEMinaçu Airport (MQH)Minaçu, Goiás, BrazilView Minaçu Airport on a map Set MQH as origin Airport Set MQH as destination Airport Get more information about Minaçu Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Xinguara Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Xinguara Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,179.29 miles (19,600.61 km) EMati Airport (MXI)Mati, Davao Oriental, PhilippinesView Mati Airport on a map Set MXI as origin Airport Set MXI as destination Airport Get more information about Mati Airport
212,172.12 miles (19,589.08 km) ENEBislig Airport (BPH)Bislig City, Surigao del Sur, PhilippinesView Bislig Airport on a map Set BPH as origin Airport Set BPH as destination Airport Get more information about Bislig Airport
312,139.80 miles (19,537.07 km) ENETandag Airport (TDG)Tandag, Surigao del Sur, PhilippinesView Tandag Airport on a map Set TDG as origin Airport Set TDG as destination Airport Get more information about Tandag Airport
412,136.54 miles (19,531.83 km) EFrancisco Bangoy International Airport (DVO)Davao City, PhilippinesView Francisco Bangoy International Airport on a map Set DVO as origin Airport Set DVO as destination Airport Get more information about Francisco Bangoy International Airport
512,126.45 miles (19,515.59 km) WRoman Tmetuchl International Airport (ROR)Koror, PalauView Roman Tmetuchl International Airport on a map Set ROR as origin Airport Set ROR as destination Airport Get more information about Roman Tmetuchl International Airport
612,122.86 miles (19,509.80 km) NEMelangguane Airport (MNA)Melangguane, North Sulawesi, IndonesiaView Melangguane Airport on a map Set MNA as origin Airport Set MNA as destination Airport Get more information about Melangguane Airport
712,102.61 miles (19,477.22 km) NESayak Airport (SOS)Del Carmen, Surigao del Norte, PhilippinesView Sayak Airport on a map Set SOS as origin Airport Set SOS as destination Airport Get more information about Sayak Airport
812,100.23 miles (19,473.39 km) ENEButuan-Bancasi Airport (BXU)Butuan City, PhilippinesView Butuan-Bancasi Airport on a map Set BXU as origin Airport Set BXU as destination Airport Get more information about Butuan-Bancasi Airport
912,091.04 miles (19,458.59 km) ENEGeneral Santos International Airport (GES)General Santos City, PhilippinesView General Santos International Airport on a map Set GES as origin Airport Set GES as destination Airport Get more information about General Santos International Airport
1012,075.65 miles (19,433.83 km) ENESurigao Airport (SUG)Surigao City, Surigao del Norte, PhilippinesView Surigao Airport on a map Set SUG as origin Airport Set SUG as destination Airport Get more information about Surigao Airport
1112,071.58 miles (19,427.27 km) EAllah Valley Airport (AAV)Surallah, South Cotabato, PhilippinesView Allah Valley Airport on a map Set AAV as origin Airport Set AAV as destination Airport Get more information about Allah Valley Airport
1212,048.03 miles (19,389.38 km) NENaha Airport (NAH)Tahuna, IndonesiaView Naha Airport on a map Set NAH as origin Airport Set NAH as destination Airport Get more information about Naha Airport
1312,043.63 miles (19,382.30 km) ENECamiguin Airport (CGM)Mambajao, Camiguin, PhilippinesView Camiguin Airport on a map Set CGM as origin Airport Set CGM as destination Airport Get more information about Camiguin Airport
1412,041.50 miles (19,378.87 km) ENELaguindingan Airport (CGY)Cagayan de Oro City, PhilippinesView Laguindingan Airport on a map Set CGY as origin Airport Set CGY as destination Airport Get more information about Laguindingan Airport
1512,038.08 miles (19,373.36 km) EAwang Airport (CBO)Cotabato City, PhilippinesView Awang Airport on a map Set CBO as origin Airport Set CBO as destination Airport Get more information about Awang Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Allah Valley Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Allah Valley Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
131.86 miles (51.27 km) SEGeneral Santos International Airport (GES)General Santos City, PhilippinesView General Santos International Airport on a map Set GES as destination Airport Set GES as destination Airport Get more information about General Santos International Airport
266.51 miles (107.03 km) NWAwang Airport (CBO)Cotabato City, PhilippinesView Awang Airport on a map Set CBO as destination Airport Set CBO as destination Airport Get more information about Awang Airport
380.61 miles (129.73 km) NEFrancisco Bangoy International Airport (DVO)Davao City, PhilippinesView Francisco Bangoy International Airport on a map Set DVO as destination Airport Set DVO as destination Airport Get more information about Francisco Bangoy International Airport
498.58 miles (158.65 km) NNWMalabang Airport (MLP)Malabang, Lanao del Sur, PhilippinesView Malabang Airport on a map Set MLP as destination Airport Set MLP as destination Airport Get more information about Malabang Airport
5111.81 miles (179.93 km) ENEMati Airport (MXI)Mati, Davao Oriental, PhilippinesView Mati Airport on a map Set MXI as destination Airport Set MXI as destination Airport Get more information about Mati Airport
6127.25 miles (204.78 km) NNWMaria Cristina Airport (IGN)Baloi, Lanao del Norte, PhilippinesView Maria Cristina Airport on a map Set IGN as destination Airport Set IGN as destination Airport Get more information about Maria Cristina Airport
7134.32 miles (216.17 km) NWPagadian Airport (PAG)Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur, PhilippinesView Pagadian Airport on a map Set PAG as destination Airport Set PAG as destination Airport Get more information about Pagadian Airport
8139.83 miles (225.03 km) NNWLabo Airport (OZC)Ozamiz City, Misamis Occidental, PhilippinesView Labo Airport on a map Set OZC as destination Airport Set OZC as destination Airport Get more information about Labo Airport
9156.41 miles (251.72 km) NLaguindingan Airport (CGY)Cagayan de Oro City, PhilippinesView Laguindingan Airport on a map Set CGY as destination Airport Set CGY as destination Airport Get more information about Laguindingan Airport
10166.11 miles (267.33 km) NEBislig Airport (BPH)Bislig City, Surigao del Sur, PhilippinesView Bislig Airport on a map Set BPH as destination Airport Set BPH as destination Airport Get more information about Bislig Airport
11177.10 miles (285.01 km) WNWIpil Airport (IPE)Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay, PhilippinesView Ipil Airport on a map Set IPE as destination Airport Set IPE as destination Airport Get more information about Ipil Airport
12182.35 miles (293.47 km) NNWDipolog Airport (DPL)Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte, PhilippinesView Dipolog Airport on a map Set DPL as destination Airport Set DPL as destination Airport Get more information about Dipolog Airport
13185.29 miles (298.20 km) NNEButuan-Bancasi Airport (BXU)Butuan City, PhilippinesView Butuan-Bancasi Airport on a map Set BXU as destination Airport Set BXU as destination Airport Get more information about Butuan-Bancasi Airport
14188.74 miles (303.74 km) WNWZamboanga International Airport (ZAM)Zamboanga City, PhilippinesView Zamboanga International Airport on a map Set ZAM as destination Airport Set ZAM as destination Airport Get more information about Zamboanga International Airport
15193.02 miles (310.63 km) SSENaha Airport (NAH)Tahuna, IndonesiaView Naha Airport on a map Set NAH as destination Airport Set NAH as destination Airport Get more information about Naha Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Allah Valley Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Allah Valley Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,281.06 miles (19,764.40 km) SSEItaituba Airport (ITB)Itaituba, Pará, BrazilView Itaituba Airport on a map Set ITB as destination Airport Set ITB as destination Airport Get more information about Itaituba Airport
212,188.05 miles (19,614.72 km) SSEPiloto Osvaldo Marques Dias Airport (AFL)Alta Floresta, BrazilView Piloto Osvaldo Marques Dias Airport on a map Set AFL as destination Airport Set AFL as destination Airport Get more information about Piloto Osvaldo Marques Dias Airport
312,173.30 miles (19,590.98 km) SOrlando Villas-Bôas Regional Airport (MBK)Matupá, Mato Grosso, BrazilView Orlando Villas-Bôas Regional Airport on a map Set MBK as destination Airport Set MBK as destination Airport Get more information about Orlando Villas-Bôas Regional Airport
412,168.36 miles (19,583.02 km) SEMaués Airport (MBZ)Maués, Amazonas, BrazilView Maués Airport on a map Set MBZ as destination Airport Set MBZ as destination Airport Get more information about Maués Airport
512,162.51 miles (19,573.62 km) SSantarém–Maestro Wilson Fonseca Airport (STM)Santarém, Pará, BrazilView Santarém–Maestro Wilson Fonseca Airport on a map Set STM as destination Airport Set STM as destination Airport Get more information about Santarém–Maestro Wilson Fonseca Airport
612,160.56 miles (19,570.48 km) SSEJúlio Belém Airport (PIN)Parintins, Amazonas, BrazilView Júlio Belém Airport on a map Set PIN as destination Airport Set PIN as destination Airport Get more information about Júlio Belém Airport
712,138.64 miles (19,535.20 km) SWAltamira Airport (ATM)Altamira, Pará, BrazilView Altamira Airport on a map Set ATM as destination Airport Set ATM as destination Airport Get more information about Altamira Airport
812,090.18 miles (19,457.22 km) SSEPorto de Trombetas Airport (TMT)Porto Trombetas, Oriximiná, Pará, BrazilView Porto de Trombetas Airport on a map Set TMT as destination Airport Set TMT as destination Airport Get more information about Porto de Trombetas Airport
912,085.89 miles (19,450.31 km) SEJuruena Airport (JRN)Juruena, Mato Grosso, BrazilView Juruena Airport on a map Set JRN as destination Airport Set JRN as destination Airport Get more information about Juruena Airport
1012,076.06 miles (19,434.48 km) WCarajás Airport (CKS)Carajás, Pará, BrazilView Carajás Airport on a map Set CKS as destination Airport Set CKS as destination Airport Get more information about Carajás Airport
1112,071.58 miles (19,427.27 km) WXinguara Airport (XIG)Xinguara, Pará, BrazilView Xinguara Airport on a map Set XIG as destination Airport Set XIG as destination Airport Get more information about Xinguara Airport
1212,062.68 miles (19,412.95 km) SSEInácio Luís do Nascimento Airport (JUA)Juara, Mato Grosso, BrazilView Inácio Luís do Nascimento Airport on a map Set JUA as destination Airport Set JUA as destination Airport Get more information about Inácio Luís do Nascimento Airport
1312,046.66 miles (19,387.17 km) SEAripuanã Airport (AIR)Aripuanã, Mato Grosso, BrazilView Aripuanã Airport on a map Set AIR as destination Airport Set AIR as destination Airport Get more information about Aripuanã Airport
1412,041.84 miles (19,379.42 km) SEPonta Pelada Airport (PLL)Manaus, Amazonas, BrazilView Ponta Pelada Airport on a map Set PLL as destination Airport Set PLL as destination Airport Get more information about Ponta Pelada Airport
1512,034.07 miles (19,366.91 km) SEBrigadeiro Eduardo Gomes–Manaus International Airport (MAO)Manaus, Amazonas, BrazilView Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes–Manaus International Airport on a map Set MAO as destination Airport Set MAO as destination Airport Get more information about Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes–Manaus International Airport