About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Wausau Downtown Airport (AUW), Wausau, Wisconsin, United States and Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso Airport (VIG), El Vigía, Venezuela would travel a Great Circle distance of 2,728 miles (or 4,390 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Wausau Downtown Airport and Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Wausau Downtown Airport and Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: Wausau Downtown Airport
Location: Wausau, Wisconsin, United States
GPS Coordinates: 44°55'33"N by 89°37'36"W
Area Served: Wausau, Wisconsin
Operator/Owner: City of Wausau
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 1201 feet (366 meters)
# of Runways: 3
View all routes: Routes from AUW
More Information: AUW Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Name: Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso Airport
Location: El Vigía, Venezuela
GPS Coordinates: 8°37'27"N by 71°40'22"W
Airport Type: Civil
Elevation: 249 feet (76 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from VIG
More Information: VIG Maps & Info

Facts about Wausau Downtown Airport (AUW):

  • Wausau Downtown Airport (AUW) has 3 runways.
  • The closest airport to Wausau Downtown Airport (AUW) is Central Wisconsin Airport (CWA), which is located only 10 miles (17 kilometers) S of AUW.
  • The furthest airport from Wausau Downtown Airport (AUW) is Margaret River Airport (MGV), which is located 10,923 miles (17,579 kilometers) away in Margaret River, Western Australia, Australia.

Facts about Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso Airport (VIG):

  • Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso Airport (VIG) currently has only 1 runway.
  • Because of Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso Airport's relatively low elevation of 249 feet, planes can take off or land at Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The closest airport to Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso Airport (VIG) is Miguel Urdaneta Fernández Airport (STB), which is located 30 miles (49 kilometers) NW of VIG.
  • The furthest airport from Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso Airport (VIG) is Tunggul Wulung Airport (CXP), which is nearly antipodal to Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso Airport (meaning Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Tunggul Wulung Airport), and is located 12,352 miles (19,879 kilometers) away in Cilacap, Java Island, Indonesia.

Map of Nearest Airports to Wausau Downtown Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Wausau Downtown Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
110.45 miles (16.82 km) SCentral Wisconsin Airport (CWA)Mosinee, Wisconsin, United StatesView Central Wisconsin Airport on a map Set CWA as origin Airport Set CWA as destination Airport Get more information about Central Wisconsin Airport
219.31 miles (31.08 km) NNWMerrill Municipal Airport (RRL)Merrill, Wisconsin, United StatesView Merrill Municipal Airport on a map Set RRL as origin Airport Set RRL as destination Airport Get more information about Merrill Municipal Airport
326.75 miles (43.06 km) SStevens Point Municipal Airport (STE)Stevens Point, Wisconsin, United StatesView Stevens Point Municipal Airport on a map Set STE as origin Airport Set STE as destination Airport Get more information about Stevens Point Municipal Airport
434.07 miles (54.83 km) SWMarshfield Municipal Airport (MFI)Marshfield, Wisconsin, United StatesView Marshfield Municipal Airport on a map Set MFI as origin Airport Set MFI as destination Airport Get more information about Marshfield Municipal Airport
535.09 miles (56.46 km) WNWTaylor County Airport (MDF)Medford, Wisconsin, United StatesView Taylor County Airport on a map Set MDF as origin Airport Set MDF as destination Airport Get more information about Taylor County Airport
640.46 miles (65.12 km) SSWSouth Wood County Airport (ISW)Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, United StatesView South Wood County Airport on a map Set ISW as origin Airport Set ISW as destination Airport Get more information about South Wood County Airport
748.97 miles (78.81 km) ESEClintonville Municipal Airport (CLI)Clintonville, Wisconsin, United StatesView Clintonville Municipal Airport on a map Set CLI as origin Airport Set CLI as destination Airport Get more information about Clintonville Municipal Airport
849.31 miles (79.36 km) NRhinelander–Oneida County Airport (RHI)Rhinelander, Wisconsin, United StatesView Rhinelander–Oneida County Airport on a map Set RHI as origin Airport Set RHI as destination Airport Get more information about Rhinelander–Oneida County Airport
952.81 miles (84.99 km) NWPrentice Airport (PRW)Prentice, Wisconsin, United StatesView Prentice Airport on a map Set PRW as origin Airport Set PRW as destination Airport Get more information about Prentice Airport
1069.39 miles (111.68 km) NLakeland Airport (ARV)Minocqua/Woodruff, Wisconsin, United StatesView Lakeland Airport on a map Set ARV as origin Airport Set ARV as destination Airport Get more information about Lakeland Airport
1171.41 miles (114.93 km) SEOutagamie County Regional Airport (ATW)Greenville, Wisconsin, United StatesView Outagamie County Regional Airport on a map Set ATW as origin Airport Set ATW as destination Airport Get more information about Outagamie County Regional Airport
1271.65 miles (115.32 km) NNEEagle River Union Airport (EGV)Eagle River, Wisconsin, United StatesView Eagle River Union Airport on a map Set EGV as origin Airport Set EGV as destination Airport Get more information about Eagle River Union Airport
1374.90 miles (120.53 km) SSWVolk Field Air National Guard Base (VOK)Camp Douglas, Wisconsin, United StatesView Volk Field Air National Guard Base on a map Set VOK as origin Airport Set VOK as destination Airport Get more information about Volk Field Air National Guard Base
1479.58 miles (128.08 km) ESEAustin Straubel International Airport (GRB)Green Bay, Wisconsin, United StatesView Austin Straubel International Airport on a map Set GRB as origin Airport Set GRB as destination Airport Get more information about Austin Straubel International Airport
1580.93 miles (130.24 km) NNWPark Falls Municipal Airport (PKF)Park Falls, Wisconsin, United StatesView Park Falls Municipal Airport on a map Set PKF as origin Airport Set PKF as destination Airport Get more information about Park Falls Municipal Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Wausau Downtown Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Wausau Downtown Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
110,923.04 miles (17,578.88 km) WSWMargaret River Airport (MGV)Margaret River, Western Australia, AustraliaView Margaret River Airport on a map Set MGV as origin Airport Set MGV as destination Airport Get more information about Margaret River Airport
210,899.15 miles (17,540.43 km) WSWBusselton Regional Airport (BQB)Busselton, Western Australia, AustraliaView Busselton Regional Airport on a map Set BQB as origin Airport Set BQB as destination Airport Get more information about Busselton Regional Airport
310,889.25 miles (17,524.50 km) WSWManjimup Airport (MJP)Manjimup, Western Australia, AustraliaView Manjimup Airport on a map Set MJP as origin Airport Set MJP as destination Airport Get more information about Manjimup Airport
410,873.45 miles (17,499.07 km) WSWBunbury Airport (BUY)Bunbury, Western Australia, AustraliaView Bunbury Airport on a map Set BUY as origin Airport Set BUY as destination Airport Get more information about Bunbury Airport
510,838.36 miles (17,442.60 km) WSWAlbany Airport (ALH)Albany, Western Australia, AustraliaView Albany Airport on a map Set ALH as origin Airport Set ALH as destination Airport Get more information about Albany Airport
610,819.41 miles (17,412.12 km) WSWRottnest Airport (RTS)Rottnest Island, Western Australia, AustraliaView Rottnest Airport on a map Set RTS as origin Airport Set RTS as destination Airport Get more information about Rottnest Airport
710,808.29 miles (17,394.22 km) WSWJandakot Airport (JAD)Jandakot, Western Australia, AustraliaView Jandakot Airport on a map Set JAD as origin Airport Set JAD as destination Airport Get more information about Jandakot Airport
810,797.42 miles (17,376.72 km) WSWPerth Airport (PER)Perth, Western Australia, AustraliaView Perth Airport on a map Set PER as origin Airport Set PER as destination Airport Get more information about Perth Airport
910,796.13 miles (17,374.64 km) WSWKatanning Airport (KNI)Katanning, Western Australia, AustraliaView Katanning Airport on a map Set KNI as origin Airport Set KNI as destination Airport Get more information about Katanning Airport
1010,761.30 miles (17,318.59 km) WSWJurien Bay Airport (JUR)Jurien Bay, Western Australia, AustraliaView Jurien Bay Airport on a map Set JUR as origin Airport Set JUR as destination Airport Get more information about Jurien Bay Airport
1110,702.01 miles (17,223.17 km) WSWGeraldton Airport (GET)Geraldton, Western Australia, AustraliaView Geraldton Airport on a map Set GET as origin Airport Set GET as destination Airport Get more information about Geraldton Airport
1210,666.59 miles (17,166.16 km) WSWMorawa Airport (MWB)Morawa, Western Australia, AustraliaView Morawa Airport on a map Set MWB as origin Airport Set MWB as destination Airport Get more information about Morawa Airport
1310,664.08 miles (17,162.13 km) SWKalbarri Airport (KAX)Kalbarri, Western Australia, AustraliaView Kalbarri Airport on a map Set KAX as origin Airport Set KAX as destination Airport Get more information about Kalbarri Airport
1410,652.02 miles (17,142.72 km) WSWMullewa Airport (MXU)Mullewa, Western Australia, AustraliaView Mullewa Airport on a map Set MXU as origin Airport Set MXU as destination Airport Get more information about Mullewa Airport
1510,599.93 miles (17,058.89 km) WSWEsperance Airport (EPR)Esperance, AustraliaView Esperance Airport on a map Set EPR as origin Airport Set EPR as destination Airport Get more information about Esperance Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
130.41 miles (48.94 km) NWMiguel Urdaneta Fernández Airport (STB)Santa Bárbara del Zulia, VenezuelaView Miguel Urdaneta Fernández Airport on a map Set STB as destination Airport Set STB as destination Airport Get more information about Miguel Urdaneta Fernández Airport
235.08 miles (56.45 km) EAlberto Carnevalli Airport (MRD)Mérida, VenezuelaView Alberto Carnevalli Airport on a map Set MRD as destination Airport Set MRD as destination Airport Get more information about Alberto Carnevalli Airport
348.78 miles (78.51 km) WSWLa Fría Airport (LFR)La Fria, VenezuelaView La Fría Airport on a map Set LFR as destination Airport Set LFR as destination Airport Get more information about La Fría Airport
474.88 miles (120.51 km) SWCamilo Daza International Airport (CUC)Cúcuta, ColombiaView Camilo Daza International Airport on a map Set CUC as destination Airport Set CUC as destination Airport Get more information about Camilo Daza International Airport
575.36 miles (121.29 km) SWJuan Vicente Gómez International Airport (SVZ)San Antonio del Táchira, VenezuelaView Juan Vicente Gómez International Airport on a map Set SVZ as destination Airport Set SVZ as destination Airport Get more information about Juan Vicente Gómez International Airport
677.26 miles (124.34 km) SSWMayor Buenaventura Vivas Airport (STD)Santo Domingo (near San Cristóbal, Táchira), VenezuelaView Mayor Buenaventura Vivas Airport on a map Set STD as destination Airport Set STD as destination Airport Get more information about Mayor Buenaventura Vivas Airport
789.28 miles (143.69 km) NEDr. Antonio Nicolás Briceño Airport (VLV)Valera, VenezuelaView Dr. Antonio Nicolás Briceño Airport on a map Set VLV as destination Airport Set VLV as destination Airport Get more information about Dr. Antonio Nicolás Briceño Airport
899.19 miles (159.63 km) EBarinas Airport (BNS)Barinas, Barinas, VenezuelaView Barinas Airport on a map Set BNS as destination Airport Set BNS as destination Airport Get more information about Barinas Airport
9116.04 miles (186.75 km) SSEGuasdualito Airport (GDO)Guasdualito, VenezuelaView Guasdualito Airport on a map Set GDO as destination Airport Set GDO as destination Airport Get more information about Guasdualito Airport
10119.00 miles (191.51 km) SLos Colonizadores Airport (RVE)Saravena, ColombiaView Los Colonizadores Airport on a map Set RVE as destination Airport Set RVE as destination Airport Get more information about Los Colonizadores Airport
11120.25 miles (193.53 km) NNEOro Negro Airport (CBS)Cabimas, VenezuelaView Oro Negro Airport on a map Set CBS as destination Airport Set CBS as destination Airport Get more information about Oro Negro Airport
12125.10 miles (201.33 km) SSESantiago Pérez Quiroz Airport (AUC)Arauca, ColombiaView Santiago Pérez Quiroz Airport on a map Set AUC as destination Airport Set AUC as destination Airport Get more information about Santiago Pérez Quiroz Airport
13133.67 miles (215.12 km) NLa Chinita International Airport (MAR)Maracaibo, VenezuelaView La Chinita International Airport on a map Set MAR as destination Airport Set MAR as destination Airport Get more information about La Chinita International Airport
14133.91 miles (215.51 km) ENEGuanare Airport (GUQ)Guanare, VenezuelaView Guanare Airport on a map Set GUQ as destination Airport Set GUQ as destination Airport Get more information about Guanare Airport
15146.35 miles (235.52 km) SWPalonegro International Airport (BGA)Bucaramanga, ColombiaView Palonegro International Airport on a map Set BGA as destination Airport Set BGA as destination Airport Get more information about Palonegro International Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,352.35 miles (19,879.14 km) SWTunggul Wulung Airport (CXP)Cilacap, Java Island, IndonesiaView Tunggul Wulung Airport on a map Set CXP as destination Airport Set CXP as destination Airport Get more information about Tunggul Wulung Airport
212,348.35 miles (19,872.70 km) SCibeureum Airfield (TSY)Tasikmalaya, West Java, IndonesiaView Cibeureum Airfield on a map Set TSY as destination Airport Set TSY as destination Airport Get more information about Cibeureum Airfield
312,327.22 miles (19,838.70 km) SWPurwokerto / Wirasaba Airport (PWL)Wirasaba, Central Java, IndonesiaView Purwokerto / Wirasaba Airport on a map Set PWL as destination Airport Set PWL as destination Airport Get more information about Purwokerto / Wirasaba Airport
412,307.09 miles (19,806.29 km) SSEHusein Sastranegara International Airport (HSA) (BDO)Bandung, IndonesiaView Husein Sastranegara International Airport (HSA) on a map Set BDO as destination Airport Set BDO as destination Airport Get more information about Husein Sastranegara International Airport (HSA)
512,306.91 miles (19,806.01 km) SPenggung Airport/Chakrabhuwana Airport (CBN)Cirebon, Java, IndonesiaView Penggung Airport/Chakrabhuwana Airport on a map Set CBN as destination Airport Set CBN as destination Airport Get more information about Penggung Airport/Chakrabhuwana Airport
612,281.72 miles (19,765.47 km) WSWAdisucipto International Airport (JOG)Yogyakarta, IndonesiaView Adisucipto International Airport on a map Set JOG as destination Airport Set JOG as destination Airport Get more information about Adisucipto International Airport
712,256.04 miles (19,724.14 km) SWAchmad Yani International Airport (AYIA) (SRG)Semarang, IndonesiaView Achmad Yani International Airport (AYIA) on a map Set SRG as destination Airport Set SRG as destination Airport Get more information about Achmad Yani International Airport (AYIA)
812,246.49 miles (19,708.76 km) SSEHalim Perdanakusuma Airport (HLP)Jakarta, IndonesiaView Halim Perdanakusuma Airport on a map Set HLP as destination Airport Set HLP as destination Airport Get more information about Halim Perdanakusuma Airport
912,229.63 miles (19,681.64 km) SSESoekarno–Hatta International Airport (CGK)Jakarta, IndonesiaView Soekarno–Hatta International Airport on a map Set CGK as destination Airport Set CGK as destination Airport Get more information about Soekarno–Hatta International Airport
1012,217.24 miles (19,661.70 km) SEChristmas Island Airport (XCH)Christmas Island, AustraliaView Christmas Island Airport on a map Set XCH as destination Airport Set XCH as destination Airport Get more information about Christmas Island Airport
1112,195.27 miles (19,626.33 km) WSWNgloram Airport (CPF)Cepu, IndonesiaView Ngloram Airport on a map Set CPF as destination Airport Set CPF as destination Airport Get more information about Ngloram Airport
1212,132.98 miles (19,526.09 km) WAbdul Rachman Saleh Airport (MLG)Malang, East Java, IndonesiaView Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport on a map Set MLG as destination Airport Set MLG as destination Airport Get more information about Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport
1312,119.79 miles (19,504.86 km) WSWJuanda International Airport (SUB)Surabaya, IndonesiaView Juanda International Airport on a map Set SUB as destination Airport Set SUB as destination Airport Get more information about Juanda International Airport
1412,118.67 miles (19,503.06 km) SERadin Inten II Airport (RIA II) (TKG)Bandar Lampung, Sumatra, IndonesiaView Radin Inten II Airport (RIA II) on a map Set TKG as destination Airport Set TKG as destination Airport Get more information about Radin Inten II Airport (RIA II)
1512,087.89 miles (19,453.52 km) SEGunung Batin Airport (AKQ)Astraksetra, IndonesiaView Gunung Batin Airport on a map Set AKQ as destination Airport Set AKQ as destination Airport Get more information about Gunung Batin Airport