About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between Dabra Airport (DRH), Dabra, Indonesia and Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport (CAY), Cayenne, French Guiana would travel a Great Circle distance of 11,688 miles (or 18,809 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the large distance between Dabra Airport and Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport, the route shown on this map most likely appears curved because of this reason.

Try it at home! Get a globe and tightly lay a string between Dabra Airport and Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport. You'll see that it will travel the same route of the red line on this map!

Departure Airport Information:

IATA / ICAO Codes: DRH /
Airport Name: Dabra Airport
Location: Dabra, Indonesia
GPS Coordinates: 2°47'59"S by 138°19'0"E
View all routes: Routes from DRH
More Information: DRH Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Names:
  1. Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport
  2. Aéroport de Cayenne – Félix Eboué
Location: Cayenne, French Guiana
GPS Coordinates: 4°49'10"N by 52°21'42"W
Area Served: Cayenne
Operator/Owner: CCI Guyane
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 24 feet (7 meters)
# of Runways: 1
View all routes: Routes from CAY
More Information: CAY Maps & Info

Facts about Dabra Airport (DRH):

  • The furthest airport from Dabra Airport (DRH) is Barreirinhas Airport (BRB), which is nearly antipodal to Dabra Airport (meaning Dabra Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Barreirinhas Airport), and is located 12,045 miles (19,385 kilometers) away in Barreirinhas, Maranhão, Brazil.
  • The closest airport to Dabra Airport (DRH) is Bokondini Airport (BUI), which is located 67 miles (108 kilometers) SSE of DRH.

Facts about Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport (CAY):

  • The furthest airport from Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport (CAY) is Pattimura Airport (PTA) (AMQ), which is nearly antipodal to Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport (meaning Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Pattimura Airport (PTA)), and is located 12,354 miles (19,882 kilometers) away in Ambon, Indonesia.
  • The airfield of Cayenne was built in 1943 in 10 months by the American army who wanted to be able to reach Africa when flying there with its bombers.
  • In addition to being known as "Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport", another name for CAY is "Aéroport de Cayenne – Félix Eboué".
  • The closest airport to Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport (CAY) is Saül Airport (XAU), which is located 102 miles (163 kilometers) SW of CAY.
  • The airport has an elevation of 24 feet above mean sea level.
  • Because of Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport's relatively low elevation of 24 feet, planes can take off or land at Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport (CAY) currently has only 1 runway.

Map of Nearest Airports to Dabra Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Dabra Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
167.38 miles (108.44 km) SSEBokondini Airport (BUI)Bokondini, IndonesiaView Bokondini Airport on a map Set BUI as origin Airport Set BUI as destination Airport Get more information about Bokondini Airport
295.51 miles (153.71 km) ENEBatom Airport (BXM)Batom, IndonesiaView Batom Airport on a map Set BXM as origin Airport Set BXM as destination Airport Get more information about Batom Airport
3101.57 miles (163.46 km) SEApalapsili Airport (AAS)Apalapsili, IndonesiaView Apalapsili Airport on a map Set AAS as origin Airport Set AAS as destination Airport Get more information about Apalapsili Airport
4152.58 miles (245.55 km) ESentani Airport (SNA) (DJJ)Jayapura, IndonesiaView Sentani Airport (SNA) on a map Set DJJ as origin Airport Set DJJ as destination Airport Get more information about Sentani Airport (SNA)
5154.69 miles (248.95 km) WSWEnarotali Airport (EWI)Enarotali, IndonesiaView Enarotali Airport on a map Set EWI as origin Airport Set EWI as destination Airport Get more information about Enarotali Airport
6154.90 miles (249.29 km) SWMozes Kilangin Airport (TIM)Timika, Papua, IndonesiaView Mozes Kilangin Airport on a map Set TIM as origin Airport Set TIM as destination Airport Get more information about Mozes Kilangin Airport
7186.20 miles (299.66 km) SEwer Airport (EWE)Ewer, IndonesiaView Ewer Airport on a map Set EWE as origin Airport Set EWE as destination Airport Get more information about Ewer Airport
8188.79 miles (303.83 km) NWFrans Kaisiepo Airport (BIK)Biak, IndonesiaView Frans Kaisiepo Airport on a map Set BIK as origin Airport Set BIK as destination Airport Get more information about Frans Kaisiepo Airport
9270.49 miles (435.30 km) WNWKornasoren Airport (FOO)Noemfoor, Schouten Islands, IndonesiaView Kornasoren Airport on a map Set FOO as origin Airport Set FOO as destination Airport Get more information about Kornasoren Airport
10280.59 miles (451.57 km) ESEFrieda River Airport (FAQ)Frieda River, Papua New GuineaView Frieda River Airport on a map Set FAQ as origin Airport Set FAQ as destination Airport Get more information about Frieda River Airport
11285.03 miles (458.71 km) ETadji Airport (TAJ)Aitape, Papua New GuineaView Tadji Airport on a map Set TAJ as origin Airport Set TAJ as destination Airport Get more information about Tadji Airport
12296.13 miles (476.58 km) SEAtkamba Airport (ABP)Atkamba, Papua New GuineaView Atkamba Airport on a map Set ABP as origin Airport Set ABP as destination Airport Get more information about Atkamba Airport
13302.11 miles (486.20 km) SEBiangabip Airport (BPK)Biangabip, Papua New GuineaView Biangabip Airport on a map Set BPK as origin Airport Set BPK as destination Airport Get more information about Biangabip Airport
14314.05 miles (505.41 km) SSEBade Airport (BXD)Bade, IndonesiaView Bade Airport on a map Set BXD as origin Airport Set BXD as destination Airport Get more information about Bade Airport
15322.45 miles (518.94 km) WNWAnggi Airport (AGD)Anggi, IndonesiaView Anggi Airport on a map Set AGD as origin Airport Set AGD as destination Airport Get more information about Anggi Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from Dabra Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Dabra Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,045.14 miles (19,384.72 km) NNEBarreirinhas Airport (BRB)Barreirinhas, Maranhão, BrazilView Barreirinhas Airport on a map Set BRB as origin Airport Set BRB as destination Airport Get more information about Barreirinhas Airport
212,043.43 miles (19,381.98 km) SParnaíba–Prefeito Dr. João Silva Filho International Airport (PHB)Parnaiba, Piaui, BrazilView Parnaíba–Prefeito Dr. João Silva Filho International Airport on a map Set PHB as origin Airport Set PHB as destination Airport Get more information about Parnaíba–Prefeito Dr. João Silva Filho International Airport
312,024.95 miles (19,352.23 km) NNEMarechal Cunha Machado International Airport (Tirirical) (SLZ)São Luís, BrazilView Marechal Cunha Machado International Airport (Tirirical) on a map Set SLZ as origin Airport Set SLZ as destination Airport Get more information about Marechal Cunha Machado International Airport (Tirirical)
411,933.04 miles (19,204.31 km) SSWPinto Martins – Fortaleza International Airport (FOR)Fortaleza, Ceará, BrazilView Pinto Martins – Fortaleza International Airport on a map Set FOR as origin Airport Set FOR as destination Airport Get more information about Pinto Martins – Fortaleza International Airport
511,888.00 miles (19,131.84 km) STeresina–Senador Petrônio Portella Airport (THE)Teresina, Piauí, BrazilView Teresina–Senador Petrônio Portella Airport on a map Set THE as origin Airport Set THE as destination Airport Get more information about Teresina–Senador Petrônio Portella Airport
611,885.50 miles (19,127.82 km) ENEBelém/Val de Cans–Júlio Cezar Ribeiro International Airport (BEL)Belém, Pará, BrazilView Belém/Val de Cans–Júlio Cezar Ribeiro International Airport on a map Set BEL as origin Airport Set BEL as destination Airport Get more information about Belém/Val de Cans–Júlio Cezar Ribeiro International Airport
711,808.96 miles (19,004.62 km) SSWGov. Dix-Sept Rosado Airport (MVF)Mossoro, Rio Grande do Norte, BrazilView Gov. Dix-Sept Rosado Airport on a map Set MVF as origin Airport Set MVF as destination Airport Get more information about Gov. Dix-Sept Rosado Airport
811,761.23 miles (18,927.82 km) ENEMacapá-Alberto Alcolumbre International Airport (MCP)Macapá, Amapá, BrazilView Macapá-Alberto Alcolumbre International Airport on a map Set MCP as origin Airport Set MCP as destination Airport Get more information about Macapá-Alberto Alcolumbre International Airport
911,736.70 miles (18,888.34 km) SEImperatriz-Prefeito Renato Moreira Airport (IMP)Imperatriz, Maranhão, BrazilView Imperatriz-Prefeito Renato Moreira Airport on a map Set IMP as origin Airport Set IMP as destination Airport Get more information about Imperatriz-Prefeito Renato Moreira Airport
1011,689.05 miles (18,811.65 km) SWAugusto Severo International Airport (NAT)Natal, BrazilView Augusto Severo International Airport on a map Set NAT as origin Airport Set NAT as destination Airport Get more information about Augusto Severo International Airport
1111,687.54 miles (18,809.23 km) ECayenne – Félix Eboué Airport (CAY)Cayenne, French GuianaView Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport on a map Set CAY as origin Airport Set CAY as destination Airport Get more information about Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport
1211,673.11 miles (18,786.01 km) SEJoão Correa da Rocha Airport (MAB)Marabá, Pará, BrazilView João Correa da Rocha Airport on a map Set MAB as origin Airport Set MAB as destination Airport Get more information about João Correa da Rocha Airport
1311,649.51 miles (18,748.02 km) SWGovernador Carlos Wilson Airport (FEN)Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco, BrazilView Governador Carlos Wilson Airport on a map Set FEN as origin Airport Set FEN as destination Airport Get more information about Governador Carlos Wilson Airport
1411,640.69 miles (18,733.83 km) ENESerra do Areão Airport (MEU)Almeirim, Pará, BrazilView Serra do Areão Airport on a map Set MEU as origin Airport Set MEU as destination Airport Get more information about Serra do Areão Airport
1511,640.06 miles (18,732.81 km) ESaül Airport (XAU)Saül, French GuianaView Saül Airport on a map Set XAU as origin Airport Set XAU as destination Airport Get more information about Saül Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
1101.55 miles (163.43 km) SWSaül Airport (XAU)Saül, French GuianaView Saül Airport on a map Set XAU as destination Airport Set XAU as destination Airport Get more information about Saül Airport
2125.75 miles (202.38 km) WNWAlbina Airstrip (ABN)Albina, SurinameView Albina Airstrip on a map Set ABN as destination Airport Set ABN as destination Airport Get more information about Albina Airstrip
3140.62 miles (226.30 km) SWMaripasoula Airport (MPY)Maripasoula, French GuianaView Maripasoula Airport on a map Set MPY as destination Airport Set MPY as destination Airport Get more information about Maripasoula Airport
4145.19 miles (233.66 km) WSWStoelmans Eiland Airstrip (SMZ)Stoelmans Eiland, SurinameView Stoelmans Eiland Airstrip on a map Set SMZ as destination Airport Set SMZ as destination Airport Get more information about Stoelmans Eiland Airstrip
5166.02 miles (267.19 km) WSWDrietabbetje Airstrip (DRJ)Drietabbetje, SurinameView Drietabbetje Airstrip on a map Set DRJ as destination Airport Set DRJ as destination Airport Get more information about Drietabbetje Airstrip
6199.32 miles (320.78 km) WNWJohan Adolf Pengel International Airport (PBM)Zanderij (near Paramaribo), SurinameView Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport on a map Set PBM as destination Airport Set PBM as destination Airport Get more information about Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport
7206.28 miles (331.97 km) WNWZorg en Hoop Airport (ORG)Paramaribo, SurinameView Zorg en Hoop Airport on a map Set ORG as destination Airport Set ORG as destination Airport Get more information about Zorg en Hoop Airport
8211.98 miles (341.16 km) WLaduani Airstrip (LDO)Ladouanie, SurinameView Laduani Airstrip on a map Set LDO as destination Airport Set LDO as destination Airport Get more information about Laduani Airstrip
9216.74 miles (348.81 km) WBotopasi Airstrip (BTO)Botopasi, SurinameView Botopasi Airstrip on a map Set BTO as destination Airport Set BTO as destination Airport Get more information about Botopasi Airstrip
10222.15 miles (357.51 km) WSWDjoemoe Airstrip (DOE)Djumu (Djoemoe), SurinameView Djoemoe Airstrip on a map Set DOE as destination Airport Set DOE as destination Airport Get more information about Djoemoe Airstrip
11230.51 miles (370.97 km) WSWCayana Airstrip (AAJ)Awaradam, SurinameView Cayana Airstrip on a map Set AAJ as destination Airport Set AAJ as destination Airport Get more information about Cayana Airstrip
12235.40 miles (378.84 km) WSWVincent Fayks Airport (OEM)Paloemeu, SurinameView Vincent Fayks Airport on a map Set OEM as destination Airport Set OEM as destination Airport Get more information about Vincent Fayks Airport
13258.42 miles (415.89 km) WSWTepoe Airstrip (KCB)Kasikasima, SurinameView Tepoe Airstrip on a map Set KCB as destination Airport Set KCB as destination Airport Get more information about Tepoe Airstrip
14282.21 miles (454.17 km) WNWTotness Airstrip (TOT)Totness, Coronie, SurinameView Totness Airstrip on a map Set TOT as destination Airport Set TOT as destination Airport Get more information about Totness Airstrip
15301.06 miles (484.50 km) WNWWageningen Airstrip (AGI)Wageningen, SurinameView Wageningen Airstrip on a map Set AGI as destination Airport Set AGI as destination Airport Get more information about Wageningen Airstrip

Map of Furthest Airports from Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Cayenne – Félix Eboué Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,354.08 miles (19,881.92 km) SSWPattimura Airport (PTA) (AMQ)Ambon, IndonesiaView Pattimura Airport (PTA) on a map Set AMQ as destination Airport Set AMQ as destination Airport Get more information about Pattimura Airport (PTA)
212,343.98 miles (19,865.67 km) SENamrole Airport (NRE)Buru, IndonesiaView Namrole Airport on a map Set NRE as destination Airport Set NRE as destination Airport Get more information about Namrole Airport
312,301.48 miles (19,797.26 km) SWArso Airport (ARJ)Arso, IndonesiaView Arso Airport on a map Set ARJ as destination Airport Set ARJ as destination Airport Get more information about Arso Airport
412,301.48 miles (19,797.26 km) SWAmahai Airport (AHI)Amahai, IndonesiaView Amahai Airport on a map Set AHI as destination Airport Set AHI as destination Airport Get more information about Amahai Airport
512,169.65 miles (19,585.10 km) SSEBaucau Airport (BCH)Baucau, East TimorView Baucau Airport on a map Set BCH as destination Airport Set BCH as destination Airport Get more information about Baucau Airport
612,142.89 miles (19,542.04 km) SSEViqueque Airport (VIQ)Viqueque, East TimorView Viqueque Airport on a map Set VIQ as destination Airport Set VIQ as destination Airport Get more information about Viqueque Airport
712,141.28 miles (19,539.45 km) SSEPresidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport (DIL)Dili, East Timor (Timor-Leste)View Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport on a map Set DIL as destination Airport Set DIL as destination Airport Get more information about Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport
812,127.08 miles (19,516.60 km) SEAlor Island Airport (ARD)Alor Island, IndonesiaView Alor Island Airport on a map Set ARD as destination Airport Set ARD as destination Airport Get more information about Alor Island Airport
912,091.78 miles (19,459.78 km) WSWFakfak Airport (FKQ)Fak Fak, Irian Jaya, IndonesiaView Fakfak Airport on a map Set FKQ as destination Airport Set FKQ as destination Airport Get more information about Fakfak Airport
1012,084.89 miles (19,448.70 km) EBetoambari Airport (BUW)Bau-Bau, Buton, IndonesiaView Betoambari Airport on a map Set BUW as destination Airport Set BUW as destination Airport Get more information about Betoambari Airport
1112,081.57 miles (19,443.35 km) WDumatubun Airport (LUV)Langgur, Kai Islands, IndonesiaView Dumatubun Airport on a map Set LUV as destination Airport Set LUV as destination Airport Get more information about Dumatubun Airport
1212,073.64 miles (19,430.58 km) EHaluoleo Airport (WMA) (KDI)Kendari, IndonesiaView Haluoleo Airport (WMA) on a map Set KDI as destination Airport Set KDI as destination Airport Get more information about Haluoleo Airport (WMA)
1312,072.81 miles (19,429.26 km) SSEHaliwen Airport (ABU)Atambua, IndonesiaView Haliwen Airport on a map Set ABU as destination Airport Set ABU as destination Airport Get more information about Haliwen Airport
1412,018.41 miles (19,341.71 km) SWAyawasi Airport (AYW)Ayawasi, IndonesiaView Ayawasi Airport on a map Set AYW as destination Airport Set AYW as destination Airport Get more information about Ayawasi Airport
1512,011.61 miles (19,330.76 km) WKaimana Airport (KNG)Kaimana, Papua, IndonesiaView Kaimana Airport on a map Set KNG as destination Airport Set KNG as destination Airport Get more information about Kaimana Airport