About this route:

A direct, nonstop flight between El Dorado Airport (EOR), El Dorado, Venezuela and Lethem Airport (LTM), Lethem, Guyana would travel a Great Circle distance of 263 miles (or 423 kilometers).

A Great Circle is the shortest distance between 2 points on a sphere. Because most world maps are flat (but the Earth is round), the route of the shortest distance between 2 points on the Earth will often appear curved when viewed on a flat map, especially for long distances. If you were to simply draw a straight line on a flat map and measure a very long distance, it would likely be much further than if you were to lay a string between those two points on a globe. Because of the relatively short distance between El Dorado Airport and Lethem Airport, the route shown on this map most likely still appears to be a straight line.

Departure Airport Information:

Airport Name: El Dorado Airport
Location: El Dorado, Venezuela
GPS Coordinates: 6°43'0"N by 61°37'0"W
Elevation: 0 feet (0 meters)
View all routes: Routes from EOR
More Information: EOR Maps & Info

Arrival Airport Information:

Airport Name: Lethem Airport
Location: Lethem, Guyana
GPS Coordinates: 3°22'21"N by 59°47'21"W
Area Served: Lethem, Guyana, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo, Guyana
Operator/Owner: Government
Airport Type: Public
Elevation: 351 feet (107 meters)
View all routes: Routes from LTM
More Information: LTM Maps & Info

Facts about El Dorado Airport (EOR):

  • The closest airport to El Dorado Airport (EOR) is Canaima Airport (CAJ), which is located 91 miles (147 kilometers) WSW of EOR.
  • Because of El Dorado Airport's relatively low elevation of 0 feet, planes can take off or land at El Dorado Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.
  • The furthest airport from El Dorado Airport (EOR) is Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport (BMU), which is nearly antipodal to El Dorado Airport (meaning El Dorado Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport), and is located 12,309 miles (19,810 kilometers) away in Bima, Indonesia.

Facts about Lethem Airport (LTM):

  • The closest airport to Lethem Airport (LTM) is Boa Vista-Atlas Brasil Cantanhede International Airport (BVB), which is located 72 miles (116 kilometers) WSW of LTM.
  • The furthest airport from Lethem Airport (LTM) is Andi Jemma Airport (MXB), which is nearly antipodal to Lethem Airport (meaning Lethem Airport is almost on the exact opposite side of the Earth from Andi Jemma Airport), and is located 12,380 miles (19,924 kilometers) away in Masamba, Indonesia.
  • Because of Lethem Airport's relatively low elevation of 351 feet, planes can take off or land at Lethem Airport at a lower air speed than at airports located at a higher elevation. This is because the air density is higher closer to sea level than it would otherwise be at higher elevations.

Map of Nearest Airports to El Dorado Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to El Dorado Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
191.32 miles (146.97 km) WSWCanaima Airport (CAJ)Canaima, VenezuelaView Canaima Airport on a map Set CAJ as origin Airport Set CAJ as destination Airport Get more information about Canaima Airport
2133.91 miles (215.51 km) NWManuel Carlos Piar Guayana International Airport (CGU)Ciudad Guayana, VenezuelaView Manuel Carlos Piar Guayana International Airport on a map Set CGU as origin Airport Set CGU as destination Airport Get more information about Manuel Carlos Piar Guayana International Airport
3133.91 miles (215.51 km) NWManuel Carlos Piar Guayana International Airport (PZO)Ciudad Guayana, VenezuelaView Manuel Carlos Piar Guayana International Airport on a map Set PZO as origin Airport Set PZO as destination Airport Get more information about Manuel Carlos Piar Guayana International Airport
4163.48 miles (263.09 km) NWTomás de Heres Airport (CBL)Ciudad Bolívar, VenezuelaView Tomás de Heres Airport on a map Set CBL as origin Airport Set CBL as destination Airport Get more information about Tomás de Heres Airport
5230.01 miles (370.17 km) NWEl Tigre Airport (ELX)El Tigre, VenezuelaView El Tigre Airport on a map Set ELX as origin Airport Set ELX as destination Airport Get more information about El Tigre Airport
6231.29 miles (372.23 km) ECheddi Jagan International Airport (GEO)Georgetown, GuyanaView Cheddi Jagan International Airport on a map Set GEO as origin Airport Set GEO as destination Airport Get more information about Cheddi Jagan International Airport
7231.95 miles (373.29 km) NWSan Tomé Airport (SOM)San Tomé, VenezuelaView San Tomé Airport on a map Set SOM as origin Airport Set SOM as destination Airport Get more information about San Tomé Airport
8234.39 miles (377.22 km) NNWJosé Tadeo Monagas International Airport (MUN)Maturín, VenezuelaView José Tadeo Monagas International Airport on a map Set MUN as origin Airport Set MUN as destination Airport Get more information about José Tadeo Monagas International Airport
9240.97 miles (387.80 km) EOgle Airport (OGL)Georgetown, GuyanaView Ogle Airport on a map Set OGL as origin Airport Set OGL as destination Airport Get more information about Ogle Airport
10263.07 miles (423.36 km) SSELethem Airport (LTM)Lethem, GuyanaView Lethem Airport on a map Set LTM as origin Airport Set LTM as destination Airport Get more information about Lethem Airport
11268.66 miles (432.37 km) NPiarco International Airport (POS)Piarco (near Port of Spain), Trinidad and TobagoView Piarco International Airport on a map Set POS as origin Airport Set POS as destination Airport Get more information about Piarco International Airport
12270.68 miles (435.62 km) NWAnaco Airport (AAO)Anaco, VenezuelaView Anaco Airport on a map Set AAO as origin Airport Set AAO as destination Airport Get more information about Anaco Airport
13270.71 miles (435.67 km) NGüiria Airport (GUI)Guiria, VenezuelaView Güiria Airport on a map Set GUI as origin Airport Set GUI as destination Airport Get more information about Güiria Airport
14275.21 miles (442.91 km) SSEBoa Vista-Atlas Brasil Cantanhede International Airport (BVB)Boa Vista, Roraima, BrazilView Boa Vista-Atlas Brasil Cantanhede International Airport on a map Set BVB as origin Airport Set BVB as destination Airport Get more information about Boa Vista-Atlas Brasil Cantanhede International Airport
15294.71 miles (474.28 km) NNWGeneral José Francisco Bermúdez Airport (CUP)Carúpano, VenezuelaView General José Francisco Bermúdez Airport on a map Set CUP as origin Airport Set CUP as destination Airport Get more information about General José Francisco Bermúdez Airport

Map of Furthest Airports from El Dorado Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from El Dorado Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,309.13 miles (19,809.58 km) SSultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport (BMU)Bima, IndonesiaView Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport on a map Set BMU as origin Airport Set BMU as destination Airport Get more information about Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport
212,296.97 miles (19,790.01 km) SWSultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM) (UPG)Makassar, IndonesiaView Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM) on a map Set UPG as origin Airport Set UPG as destination Airport Get more information about Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM)
312,276.83 miles (19,757.59 km) SWKomodo Airport (LBJ)Labuan Bajo, Flores Island, IndonesiaView Komodo Airport on a map Set LBJ as origin Airport Set LBJ as destination Airport Get more information about Komodo Airport
412,235.06 miles (19,690.37 km) SELombok International Airport (LOP)Mataram (near Praya), Lombok, IndonesiaView Lombok International Airport on a map Set LOP as origin Airport Set LOP as destination Airport Get more information about Lombok International Airport
512,234.80 miles (19,689.95 km) SESelaparang Airport (AMI)Mataram, IndonesiaView Selaparang Airport on a map Set AMI as origin Airport Set AMI as destination Airport Get more information about Selaparang Airport
612,207.32 miles (19,645.72 km) SWBajawa Soa Airport (BJW)Bajawa, IndonesiaView Bajawa Soa Airport on a map Set BJW as origin Airport Set BJW as destination Airport Get more information about Bajawa Soa Airport
712,194.26 miles (19,624.70 km) SSWUmbu Mehang Kunda Airport (WGP)Waingapu, Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, IndonesiaView Umbu Mehang Kunda Airport on a map Set WGP as origin Airport Set WGP as destination Airport Get more information about Umbu Mehang Kunda Airport
812,175.70 miles (19,594.85 km) ESENgurah Rai International Airport (NRIA) (DPS)Denpasar, Bali, IndonesiaView Ngurah Rai International Airport (NRIA) on a map Set DPS as origin Airport Set DPS as destination Airport Get more information about Ngurah Rai International Airport (NRIA)
912,168.40 miles (19,583.10 km) WSWH. Hasan Aroeboesman Airport (ENE)Ende, Flores, IndonesiaView H. Hasan Aroeboesman Airport on a map Set ENE as origin Airport Set ENE as destination Airport Get more information about H. Hasan Aroeboesman Airport
1012,157.80 miles (19,566.04 km) SEBatu Licin Airport (BTW)Batu Licin, Kalimantan, IndonesiaView Batu Licin Airport on a map Set BTW as origin Airport Set BTW as destination Airport Get more information about Batu Licin Airport
1112,155.39 miles (19,562.16 km) SSEGusti Syamsir Alam Airport (KBU)Kotabaru, Kalimantan, IndonesiaView Gusti Syamsir Alam Airport on a map Set KBU as origin Airport Set KBU as destination Airport Get more information about Gusti Syamsir Alam Airport
1212,148.00 miles (19,550.26 km) STampa Padang Airport (MJU)Mamuju, West Sulawesi, IndonesiaView Tampa Padang Airport on a map Set MJU as origin Airport Set MJU as destination Airport Get more information about Tampa Padang Airport
1312,141.37 miles (19,539.58 km) WSWWonopito Airport (LWE)Lewoleba, IndonesiaView Wonopito Airport on a map Set LWE as origin Airport Set LWE as destination Airport Get more information about Wonopito Airport
1412,141.35 miles (19,539.56 km) WSWFrans Seda Airport (MOF)Maumere, IndonesiaView Frans Seda Airport on a map Set MOF as origin Airport Set MOF as destination Airport Get more information about Frans Seda Airport
1512,138.78 miles (19,535.42 km) ESEBlimbingsari Airport (BWX)Banyuwangi Regency, East Java, Java Island, IndonesiaView Blimbingsari Airport on a map Set BWX as origin Airport Set BWX as destination Airport Get more information about Blimbingsari Airport

Map of Nearest Airports to Lethem Airport:

List of Nearest Airports to Lethem Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
172.31 miles (116.37 km) WSWBoa Vista-Atlas Brasil Cantanhede International Airport (BVB)Boa Vista, Roraima, BrazilView Boa Vista-Atlas Brasil Cantanhede International Airport on a map Set BVB as destination Airport Set BVB as destination Airport Get more information about Boa Vista-Atlas Brasil Cantanhede International Airport
2222.03 miles (357.32 km) NEWashabo Airstrip (WSO)Washabo, SurinameView Washabo Airstrip on a map Set WSO as destination Airport Set WSO as destination Airport Get more information about Washabo Airstrip
3240.44 miles (386.95 km) NNECheddi Jagan International Airport (GEO)Georgetown, GuyanaView Cheddi Jagan International Airport on a map Set GEO as destination Airport Set GEO as destination Airport Get more information about Cheddi Jagan International Airport
4260.20 miles (418.75 km) NEMajoor Henry Fernandes Airport (ICK)Nieuw-Nickerie, SurinameView Majoor Henry Fernandes Airport on a map Set ICK as destination Airport Set ICK as destination Airport Get more information about Majoor Henry Fernandes Airport
5263.07 miles (423.36 km) NNWEl Dorado Airport (EOR)El Dorado, VenezuelaView El Dorado Airport on a map Set EOR as destination Airport Set EOR as destination Airport Get more information about El Dorado Airport
6264.08 miles (424.99 km) NNEOgle Airport (OGL)Georgetown, GuyanaView Ogle Airport on a map Set OGL as destination Airport Set OGL as destination Airport Get more information about Ogle Airport
7273.13 miles (439.56 km) NEWageningen Airstrip (AGI)Wageningen, SurinameView Wageningen Airstrip on a map Set AGI as destination Airport Set AGI as destination Airport Get more information about Wageningen Airstrip
8281.32 miles (452.75 km) ETepoe Airstrip (KCB)Kasikasima, SurinameView Tepoe Airstrip on a map Set KCB as destination Airport Set KCB as destination Airport Get more information about Tepoe Airstrip
9289.06 miles (465.20 km) NWCanaima Airport (CAJ)Canaima, VenezuelaView Canaima Airport on a map Set CAJ as destination Airport Set CAJ as destination Airport Get more information about Canaima Airport
10292.66 miles (470.99 km) ECayana Airstrip (AAJ)Awaradam, SurinameView Cayana Airstrip on a map Set AAJ as destination Airport Set AAJ as destination Airport Get more information about Cayana Airstrip
11294.12 miles (473.33 km) NETotness Airstrip (TOT)Totness, Coronie, SurinameView Totness Airstrip on a map Set TOT as destination Airport Set TOT as destination Airport Get more information about Totness Airstrip
12299.87 miles (482.60 km) EVincent Fayks Airport (OEM)Paloemeu, SurinameView Vincent Fayks Airport on a map Set OEM as destination Airport Set OEM as destination Airport Get more information about Vincent Fayks Airport
13300.21 miles (483.14 km) EDjoemoe Airstrip (DOE)Djumu (Djoemoe), SurinameView Djoemoe Airstrip on a map Set DOE as destination Airport Set DOE as destination Airport Get more information about Djoemoe Airstrip
14304.78 miles (490.50 km) EBotopasi Airstrip (BTO)Botopasi, SurinameView Botopasi Airstrip on a map Set BTO as destination Airport Set BTO as destination Airport Get more information about Botopasi Airstrip
15309.89 miles (498.73 km) ENELaduani Airstrip (LDO)Ladouanie, SurinameView Laduani Airstrip on a map Set LDO as destination Airport Set LDO as destination Airport Get more information about Laduani Airstrip

Map of Furthest Airports from Lethem Airport:

List of Furthest Airports from Lethem Airport:

RankDistance & DirectionAirport Name & IATA CodeAirport LocationFurther Actions
112,380.04 miles (19,923.69 km) SAndi Jemma Airport (MXB)Masamba, IndonesiaView Andi Jemma Airport on a map Set MXB as destination Airport Set MXB as destination Airport Get more information about Andi Jemma Airport
212,338.84 miles (19,857.39 km) ESETampa Padang Airport (MJU)Mamuju, West Sulawesi, IndonesiaView Tampa Padang Airport on a map Set MJU as destination Airport Set MJU as destination Airport Get more information about Tampa Padang Airport
312,338.61 miles (19,857.02 km) SWSoroako Airport (SQR)Soroako, IndonesiaView Soroako Airport on a map Set SQR as destination Airport Set SQR as destination Airport Get more information about Soroako Airport
412,311.62 miles (19,813.59 km) SSESultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM) (UPG)Makassar, IndonesiaView Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM) on a map Set UPG as destination Airport Set UPG as destination Airport Get more information about Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (SHIAM)
512,276.91 miles (19,757.73 km) WSWHaluoleo Airport (WMA) (KDI)Kendari, IndonesiaView Haluoleo Airport (WMA) on a map Set KDI as destination Airport Set KDI as destination Airport Get more information about Haluoleo Airport (WMA)
612,224.67 miles (19,673.65 km) SWBolaang Airport (BJG)Bolaang, IndonesiaView Bolaang Airport on a map Set BJG as destination Airport Set BJG as destination Airport Get more information about Bolaang Airport
712,218.32 miles (19,663.44 km) SWBetoambari Airport (BUW)Bau-Bau, Buton, IndonesiaView Betoambari Airport on a map Set BUW as destination Airport Set BUW as destination Airport Get more information about Betoambari Airport
812,197.54 miles (19,629.99 km) SWSyukuran Aminuddin Amir Airport (LUW)Luwuk, Central Sulawesi, IndonesiaView Syukuran Aminuddin Amir Airport on a map Set LUW as destination Airport Set LUW as destination Airport Get more information about Syukuran Aminuddin Amir Airport
912,165.60 miles (19,578.58 km) ESESultan Aji Muhamad Sulaiman Airport (BPN)Balikpapan, East KalimantanView Sultan Aji Muhamad Sulaiman Airport on a map Set BPN as destination Airport Set BPN as destination Airport Get more information about Sultan Aji Muhamad Sulaiman Airport
1012,157.62 miles (19,565.75 km) EGusti Syamsir Alam Airport (KBU)Kotabaru, Kalimantan, IndonesiaView Gusti Syamsir Alam Airport on a map Set KBU as destination Airport Set KBU as destination Airport Get more information about Gusti Syamsir Alam Airport
1112,146.32 miles (19,547.57 km) EBatu Licin Airport (BTW)Batu Licin, Kalimantan, IndonesiaView Batu Licin Airport on a map Set BTW as destination Airport Set BTW as destination Airport Get more information about Batu Licin Airport
1212,130.31 miles (19,521.79 km) SEBontang Airport (BXT)Bontang, IndonesiaView Bontang Airport on a map Set BXT as destination Airport Set BXT as destination Airport Get more information about Bontang Airport
1312,116.71 miles (19,499.90 km) SSWPogogul Airport (UOL)Buol, IndonesiaView Pogogul Airport on a map Set UOL as destination Airport Set UOL as destination Airport Get more information about Pogogul Airport
1412,105.18 miles (19,481.35 km) SSWJalaluddin Airport (GTO)Gorontalo, IndonesiaView Jalaluddin Airport on a map Set GTO as destination Airport Set GTO as destination Airport Get more information about Jalaluddin Airport
1512,082.75 miles (19,445.26 km) SKomodo Airport (LBJ)Labuan Bajo, Flores Island, IndonesiaView Komodo Airport on a map Set LBJ as destination Airport Set LBJ as destination Airport Get more information about Komodo Airport